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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 05:58 PM

posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

A willing participant.

posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: carewemust

That comes under the doctor's code "Smarter than me"!

posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex




posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: crankyoldman

My doctor classifies me as an Asshole who doesn't accept her vaccine advice. What code is that?

Unironically she diagnosed you as ass-hoe, then used a code to charge you for the diagnosis, then sent her kids a new iPad with money she got. Now you are on a list comrade.

posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 08:23 PM

Interesting piece on many of the topics discussed. Make your own way through it.

For me there are two interesting points. Notice how none of the people asked the questions KNOW right away the answers. Notice how they have to "think" about the answers. Notice how they do not agree and all and one can see how they were mis-educated.

THIS is the problem. As I have said countless times, the Constitution matters not if everyone fails to agree to follow it - government wise. So if everyone feels that feelz is the new way of having one's own view of these topics then his conclusion about our destiny or possible destiny is spot on.

The other interesting thing is notice how the Ten Commandments do not cover these topics, one would think the true god would know these.

If every human being on earth was given the "education" to REMEMBER this basic truths from day one, the planet would be unrecognizable, and, by definition, Heaven On Earth. The question is can folks REMEMBER this stuff soon enough and fast enough to avoid the AI doom machine of Meta etc?

posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 08:56 PM
O klahoma Guard goes rogue, rejects COVID vaccine mandate after sudden change of command

....“No Oklahoma Guardsman will be required to take the COVID-19 Vaccine,” Mancino says in the Thursday memo, which states that Stitt is the force’s “lawful Commander in Chief” when not mobilized by the federal government.......

Meanwhile .....

edit on 11132021 by MetalThunder because: carpe diem

posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow



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Star Trek Deep Space Nine The Best Is Yet to Come - Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang

posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 09:33 PM
Me after 2 years of flattening the curve:

You comply because you want it to end. But it never ends because you comply.
Perhaps we'll see a dramatic shift when the double-triple jabbed are treated like the unjabbed for refusing boosters. If my calculations are correct, that will be a hell of a lot of people. Perhaps THAT will be the catalyst and pushback that we have all been waiting on. Time will tell.

People are asking "where does all of this end." Isn't it clear by now? This ends with two entirely different societies being formed. Too much has been destroyed. The elite are NEVER going back. People have no other option but to create a new life far away from psychopaths.

Regardless of what may (or may not be) in the vaccines, and regardless of their piss poor efficacy, one thing is now clear: These experimental jabs have sure made it much easier to discern the mentally ill from the sane in society.

"Metaverse" is selling escapism to the naive and uninitiated so that only the elite will ultimately be able to consume and enjoy tangible life, while the "plebes" are addicted to an intangible life. They'll eventually take everything tangible that you own, and you'll be happy.

What's going on here?

Many of us know precisely what is going on.

posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 10:26 PM

Happy Halloween!!!

posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 10:50 PM
Britney Spears is Snow White
"Just hours before the police were summoned to her home, Britney Spears checked into the Beverly Hills Hotel, under the name “Snow White” yesterday afternoon."


posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 11:00 PM

originally posted by: BlissSeeker
Britney Spears is Snow White
"Just hours before the police were summoned to her home, Britney Spears checked into the Beverly Hills Hotel, under the name “Snow White” yesterday afternoon."



edit on 11132021 by MetalThunder because: TIME is what you make of IT

posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 11:03 PM
Boring but at 50-51 minute in dude mentioned the Washington Hotel and its significance of Godfather II. WIKI

Michael's mother Carmela dies, and Michael moves to wrap up loose ends. Roth is forced to return to the United States after being refused asylum and entry to Israel. Michael orders another capo, Rocco Lampone, to assassinate Roth; Lampone guns down Roth at Miami International Airport before being killed by return fire from federal agents. At Pentangeli's compound, consigliere Tom Hagen arrives and reminds the disgraced capo that failed plotters against the Roman emperor often committed suicide in return for clemency for their families, and assures him that his family will be cared for. Pentangeli then slits his wrists in his bathtub. Corleone enforcer Al Neri, acting on Michael's orders, shoots Fredo in the back of the head while the two men are fishing on the lake. Michael sits alone thinking at the family compound.
What if BO was a shorter version of Beau
Thinking we had discussed it before search Washington Hotel
Cherry Picked a few

Open-air testing takes research into deadly agents out of the laboratories in order to study their effectiveness, including their aerial dispersion patterns, and whether they actually infect and kill in field trials.

Weather Seeding
Was telling my MIL about watching a plane flying wierdly leaving little puffs that grew into clouds right in front of my very eyes earlier today. Coincidence?
Black Ops (MIB)

I was curious if anyone had heard of this "unit," supposedly, if they exist, are the real MiB

This is when I put the tin hat on
UN Passports?

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), were formed together at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States in July 1944, to foster global monetary cooperation and to fight poverty by financially assisting states in need.

Getting weirder Al Hambra

Is anyone familiar with the Catholic Order called "Al Hambra" ? It's apparently similar to the Masonic "Shriners" (even to the point of wearing fezzes) Many fraternal societies had "befezzed" groups back when the Masonic "Shriners" became popular...the Odd Felows has the Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans, the Knights of Pythias had the "Knights of Khorassan" etc. Apparently the Knights of Columbus came up with Al Hambra to compete with these groups. At one time a member was required to be a 3rd or 4th Degree Knight of Columbus (like a Shriner had to be a 32nd Degree Mason or a Masonic Knight Templar) but now a member only has to be a Catholic. Any other info would be appreciated.

Al Hambra is not only a small city near Los Angeles (the gateway to the San Gabriel Valley) it is also an Islamic style palace in Granada, Spain.

Reminding me of Joe's recent embracement (embarrassment) of Islam

Re the cu post of wired rooms.
We all know everything is recorded in these dealing for hlackmail purposes
First thought Washington Hotel wired
Then Searched Washington Hotel on the interwebs
Truly have it all?
Now remember Mcaffee's "gift"
Remember Djt past as a Playboy etc etc then started opening luxury resorts for the uber rich who trusted him as one of their own Grabb them by the ...

Wouldn't that be something MI in TI WW recorded everything

a reply to: carewemust

edit on 11/13/2021 by CrazyFox because: a reply to: guidedbyblake Was this better?

edit on 11/13/2021 by CrazyFox because: They Never Should Have Touched The cdn

posted on Nov, 13 2021 @ 11:49 PM

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 12:59 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

I can't believe the AF Times actually called that 'going rogue' in a headline. These idiots have no idea what 'going rogue' really is.

I wonder if the new adjutant general of the OK NG will be shortly relieved of his duties. The Woke-a-gon won't like this act of defiance.


posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 01:03 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: crankyoldman

My doctor classifies me as an Asshole who doesn't accept her vaccine advice. What code is that?

The code of a scruffy trade that voluntarily abandoned its ethics and status as a profession.


posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 01:12 AM
Based Putin

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 05:39 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2

Chatter on the t-gram chans that "Snow White" = Britney Spears.



Just saw something about Marilyn Monroe who is also Britney Spears.
edit on 14-11-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 05:58 AM
A couple things in the news.
PINGU 3000Km journey

An Adélie penguin has swum to the shores of New Zealand, at least 3,000 kilometres from its natural habitat of Antarctica.
"He has been rescued by the penguin rescue team," he added.

Video shows white car with PING0 (PING-ZERO) Gematria Ping Zero = YingYing, Zero Hero, Hyperion.

Queen Sprains Back

Queen Elizabeth II has sprained her back and will not attend the Remembrance Sunday service in central London to remember Britain’s war dead, Buckingham Palace has announced.
The monarch is "disappointed" to miss the event, officials said.

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 06:12 AM
An odd addition to the rumour mill from Military Events telegram, at 12:03 gmt today:

💢Kamala Harris: I can not disclose and provide information about what is happening. But all I can say is that I am very worried.

It's not clear whether the quote is about Kamala, or by Kamala...

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