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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 05:41 PM

edit on 23-10-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Thanks Rel appreciate it. While I can't read the original tweet as the poster has their settings locked, I can tell from the comments you may be right. I took a screenshot of a short video that was also added to my page. Couldnt add the video here hence ss. As you can see if you can read it, it is considered the largest caravan on its way now.

That would be quite plan to rush our borders. Unless we move more guard down there asap its going to get messy. The locals could only last so long. The fact they even have to put themselves into a harms way position is wrong on soooo many levels. Could maybe also fall under the header of, "The Shot Heard Around the World," if this does happen. I know good ol American Country folk won't just sit still and let themselves get run over. Add in the fact that its been mention many of these invaders are trained in Military skills will make it that much more ugly.

To save space:
I was asked by a friend if I still had some certain SES files. Said they are most likely on my website and that I would give a look. While searching I came across so much information I had forgotten I had. One return let me know I had almost 250 pdf files alone.
Long story short I decided to give a look at what my very first post was as it will be 4 years of collections on 12-27-17.
Imagine my surprise to see it was about one of Trumps first EO.
This one to be exact:
"Trump Executive Order targets Deep State & Opens Door to Full Disclosure" Link to article that broke it down

So much of that is coming up again now.
From the lead in Paragraph:

Something very profound happened in the U.S. on December 21 with the passage of President Donald Trump’s “Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption”. The order declared a state of national emergency concerning human rights and corruption, and named specific individuals and organizations that would have their bank accounts and assets frozen regardless of where in the world the abuses had occurred.

Also to mention,

This has been especially significant when it came to the Central Intelligence Agency which has long been the key U.S. institution in funding and enforcing the will of the Deep State. In particular, the CIA’s Clandestine Services and Counterintelligence divisions were instrumental in creating an unofficial “black budget” for funding highly classified projects and operations ever since the CIA’s creation in 1947. These two branches of the CIA have long been the secret enforcers of Deep State as best illustrated in the Kennedy Assassination. James Jesus Angleton, chief of the CIA’s Counterintelligence office, played a direct role, while Richard Helms (Deputy Director of Plans) provided covert support for the operation.

With this video that might interest Cranky since he was mentioning it earlier.

It really is worth the time to read the article. It is jam packed with names and situations at the time. Very good for a refresher.

Also a note of interest, if you scroll to the bottom where it says "Further Reading," you made notice a very familiar link if you are an old timer around here.

There is so much in that article it is bound to ring different bells with many of you.


posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 06:34 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

Cranky. Some folks play the long game. Some play the LONG GAME.

posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 07:05 PM

originally posted by: onehuman
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

It really is worth the time to read the article. It is jam packed with names and situations at the time. Very good for a refresher.

Also a note of interest, if you scroll to the bottom where it says "Further Reading," you made notice a very familiar link if you are an old timer around here.

There is so much in that article it is bound to ring different bells with many of you.


Funny you posted this. I just read this... NASA hopes UFOs are not adversaries from Earth

SR has a post cum rant on NASA and moon nonsense - Oct 18.

Per the video there, one point of curiosity is this. Why was it called the "space race?" As if it was a winner take all official race where the loser wouldn't bother to even try? So Apollo does the unthinkable, takes film through the van allen belt without destroying it and does a Doctor Who TARDIS impression on packing in the heaps of equipment, which is so scary it DISCOURAGES Russia? Huh? Why didn't Russia go too, and when we decided it was so stupid to keep going but to spend billions on fake Mars drones, why didn't Russia go in the 80's to show everyone up?

The other thing of note in the video not often explored is just how much of the Military Control system was set up by Harry
True - Man, pretty much right after Roswell. Kind of like, Tuesday life was normal, but by Saturday night Truman had set up a dozen agencies, subsets, contractor sets all with an eye to finding, and keeping secret anything not Mayberry friendly.

The Russian shuttle looks like the US one, hardly original.

I went to see the Shuttle when that drop was posted. That is a very odd angle to take a pic from.

posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi



2 Key points:

1) It links to #3858 the GREAT AWAKENING post with pic filename GA2.21.jpg,

2) It links a LOT of Posts with "END" in

See the TRUTHSOCIAL takeover as a MIRROR ACTION:

Lifelog (DARPA) >> F*cebook = BRAINWASHING


posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 08:15 PM
I fell down a rabbit hole, again...

Thomas Rona in 1987 said the Dept of Energy (DOE) should lead the Human Genome Project. Q clearance y’all!👀💥

Industrial Biotechnology Association President Richard Godown told a hearing of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee's research and development subcommittee Sept. 17.

In testimony to the subcommittee, J&J Director for Advanced Technology Jack McConnell asserted: "If we want the U.S. to maintain its position as a dominant force in the pharmaceutical industry in the world, I cannot imagine our letting this opportunity pass us by."

White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Deputy Director-designate Thomas Rona, citing the potential of genome mapping in identifying genes implicated in inherited diseases, said the map of the entire genome should be the highest priority among S 1480's three proposed initiatives. Rona also maintained that DOE should be the lead federal agency for the project.

Dr. McConnell co-invented the tine test, used for the detection of tuberculosis, and participated in the early stages of the development of the polio vaccine. He then joined McNeil Laboratories where he directed the development of Tylenol tablets. Subsequently, he moved to the headquarters of Johnson & Johnson as Corporate Director for Advanced Technology.

In 1987, Dr. McConnell helped Sen. Pete Domenici write the bill authorizing the Human Genome Project. He also worked closely with J. Craig Venter and the Institute for Genomic Research on the business and ethical issues associated with genomic study.
Dr. Jack Baylor McConnell (1925-2018)

While director at J&J Skunkworks division:

...Dr. McConnell formed a team that created the first commercial Magnetic Resonance Imaging system in the United States.

Creating a "spiritual base" for the clinic also was an important goal. One morning, after reading and meditating with his wife, McConnell came up with the clinic's vision statement, which is now prominently displayed on a wall in the examination area:

May we have eyes to see those rendered invisible and excluded, open arms and hearts to reach out and include them, healing hands to touch their lives with love, and in the process, heal ourselves.

Thomas P. Rona (1923–1997) was a 1980s era science advisor to the Defense Department and the White House under Presidents Reagan and Bush.

Dr. Rona is also credited by some with coining the term of Information War or warfare which he used in a report entitled "Weapon Systems and Information War" delivered to Boeing in 1976. He worked in Seattle, Washington for the Boeing Company from 1959 to 1984.

When Rona left government service, he did private consulting work in the general area of Information Warfare for companies such as Aegis Research Corporation then headquartered in Rosslyn, Virginia.

1976 (July) - "Weapon Systems and Information War" [PDF] by Thomas P. Rona : Career-defining research paper with Boeing, sponsored by Office of Net Assessment, Pentagon.
This document introduces the phrase "Information warfare."

"Information Operations, Information Warfare, and Computer Network Attack: Their Relationship to National Security in the Information Age" by Daniel T. Kuehl.

What is "information warfare"? Is it nothing more than a bumper sticker, used as a "quick fix" rescue for budgets and programs that find it useful to attach themselves to the hot new concept? Is it such a revolutionary new amalgam of technologies and concepts that old and traditional forms of warfare are soon slated to fall into the same receptacle in which outmoded military technologies such as the catapult and war galley slumber? Is warfare as we understand it, featuring "blast, heat, and fragmentation," about to become obsolete? [Author's note: "I am indebted to Lieutenant General Mike Hayden, Director of the National Security Agency-the DIRNSA-for this very descriptive phrase."]

A useful starting place is to trace the evolution of the term information warfare itself. The earliest use of the term in the United States probably originated in the Office of Net Assessment, where in the 1970s Dr. Tom Rona was investigating the relationships among control systems, a field known as cybernetics.

Circa 1974 to 1980 - "Ben Plymale, a vice president at Boeing and former defense official from the Nixon administration, was Thomas Rona’s friend and mentor."

"To understand all this, one needs to go down the Pacific coast from Tom Rona’s Seattle to Santa Monica, California, where the Air Force set up Project RAND in 1946 as one of the first not-for-profit think tanks."
Source 1: The New Face of War: How War Will Be Fought in the 21st Century - Chapter 4, THE ASYMMETRIC WARRIOR, October 26, 2007 by Bruce D Berkowitz.

A later report (1980) suggests that in 1977, Thomas Rona has Unpublished working paper at Boeing, prepared for Director Defense Nuclear Agency:

"RONA, Thomas P. 1977 "Strategic Deterrence in the Time/Frequency Domain" [PDF, page 120] Unpublished working paper, November 1977 (revised May 1978) Boeing Aerospace Company: Seattle, Wash. [Rona presents the concept of the need for ways to maintain deterrence over a broad spectrum of destabilizing Soviet initiatives, e.g. -- in order from those requiring only a slow response to those requiring response within minutes -- development of a particle-beam ABM, unveiling of a cruise missile defense, city evacuation, and ICBM preemption.

From abouts 1978 - 1984, Thomas Rona worked for 4 years with Andrew W. Marshall of the Office of Net Assessment project, while still officially with Boeing - Marshall "supported Rona's work on the theory and practice of information war." Source is from the book in 'Source 1' above. Tom Rona left Boeing on March 1984.


posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 08:16 PM
Thomas Rona continued from above + Epstein's...

1986 - 1988 : CILTS (Commission on Integrated Long-Term Strategy) : The CILTS Working Group on the Future Security Environment (PDF of book) "SIX DECADES OF GUIDED MUNITIONS AND BATTLE NETWORKS: PROGRESS AND PROSPECTS" (2007) by Barry D. Watts. Two members in the CILTS group were Thomas Rona & Dr. Joshua Lederberg > showed in 1951 that genetic material could be transferred from one strain of the bacterium Salmonella typhimurium to another using viral material as an intermediary step. This process is called transduction.

Another member was David Friedman Epstein, Deputy Director of Office of Net Assessment. Andrew Walter Marshall was his long-time boss in the Office of Net Assessment.
1984 Book: "The Political Theory of The Federalist"

Nov 30, 1987 - CSPAN recording - Federal Union: Division of Power - David Epstein a panelist. This panel, hosted by the American Enterprise Institute, discussed the institute’s findings of the research project into the Constitution that was commenced in honor of the bicentennial anniversary of the writing of the Constitution.

David F. Epstein was a contributor to the PNAC document Rebuilding America's Defenses compiled in 2000, which called for a "new Pearl Harbor" in article Zionists, Psychopaths and 9/11 or the 90 page document Rebuilding Americas Defenses

June 18, 2020 - US Senate Committee on Finance letter [PDF], from Chuck Grassley to James Baker regarding ONA Stefan Halper:

Included in these 143 pages of email communications are several heavily redacted communications between you and Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work and Deputy Director of ONA, David Epstein, which would presumably be about Ignatius given the subject matter of the Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act request. 6 Given the overlap in time between the majority of the emails and the leak of the call, your apparent close relationship with Mr. Ignatius, and your communications with Mr. Work and Mr. Epstein, please provide all 143 pages of email communications in unredacted form and all email communications among and between you, Mr. Work, Mr. Epstein, and Mr. Ignatius from July 1, 2016, to March 1, 2017, no later than July 2, 2020.

Also mentioned by Grassley in the video: A Case in Waste, Fraud and Abuse: The Office of Net Assessment

Children include Alex Epstein (American writer) | (Youtube channel) - grew up in Chevy Chase, Maryland and attended Montgomery County Public Schools (Wealthiest county in America!); energy theorist, and industrial policy pundit, favorite writers include Thomas Sowell (Go figure), former adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute and a former fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute.

David Epstein's father - Saul T. Epstein, a Theoretical physicist wrote a paper in 1969 titled, "The Variational Method III -- Steady State Time Dependent Perturbation Theory" [PDF] - I have no idea what this means much less able to interpret all the math.

Note: He worked with Joseph O. Hirschfelder, who was also with Manhattan Project.

1988 - Thomas P. Rona secret comms with CIA Dep Director Robert Gates on the "AIDS" problem...

October 8, 1990 - Interview w/Thomas Rona in "Defense News":

Link to full Defense News 1990-10-08: Vol 5 Iss 41 article. Note, at this time, Thomas Rona is working for ICF International


excerpt from PDF:

The Panel concluded that a Technical Architecture must be implemented and enforced if the Army is to achieve digitization and the evolution to Force XXI.

The basis of this Study was an examination of the Army's vision of the future, including combat doctrine, organization, materiel, and the growing need for information management to support the Army in the 21st Century. The concept of the digitized battlefield, embodied in Force XXI, is a vital element of this vision. The information management-related implications of the Army's vision are profound and far reaching. The "Third-Wave Army" will emphasize knowledge-based operations, including information warfare capabilities. This "Information Age Force" must, and will, be organized around the effective use of battlespace information that is prompt, reliable, and secure.

The evolution of the Army's vision is not merely a paper Study. The Force XXI vision, as articulated by General Gordon Sullivan, CSA, has caused the Army's technology, acquisition, and combat development communities to focus their many programs and initiatives on attempts to fulfill the vision.

posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 10:38 PM
OK so this was a weird turn of events?
From: KIRO 7

Approximately 40 shipping containers were lost off a ship 43 miles west of the Strait of Juan de Fuca on Thursday, according to the United States Coast Guard. The boat, which is anchored near Victoria, B.C., caught fire Saturday morning and may need to be evacuated, according to Global News.

So this was weird to begin with after the cargo load dumped their shipping containers. I know that, yes, sometimes that happens. In this instance though there may have been more to it than just that, maritime rumor going around says that more than a few on board got cold feet about something. Now that same ship is on fire. Could this be destruction of evidence?

I wonder if those "missiles-in-a-box" were some of the shipping containers dumped overboard?


I wonder if "Watch the Water" could be about one of these shipping containers showing up and getting new attention from having missiles in them? Or, and I hope not, people in them.
edit on 23-10-2021 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 10:57 PM

“Alex Wickham@alexwickham
Extremely normal for a former MI6 officer to give a TV interview in which he claims there’ll be “a queue” of people who want to play him in the movie of his life, and he’s hoping for Daniel Craig…”

This is a quote referring to Christopher Steele. So there’ll be a Q of people?

posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 11:37 PM
Getting riskier out there!

I've just had someone try to get me to circulate a video purporting to be a presentation by a canadian statistician with medical background to the "World Council for Health"... problem is the WCfH was only setup on Sept 23rd, 2021... and the presenter does not appear in the top 100 of canadians with that name/background on LinkedIn.

The video claimed to show causal links from covid vaccinations to Myocarditis/spontaneous abortions.

I'm wondering if some of us are actively being set up to discredit.... or I could just be paranoid.

posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 11:44 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
I'm glad you are being cautious Rel!

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 12:10 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: onehuman

onehuman, you lead could be linked to this tweet from Caesars CIA-Simulation Warlord:

The @INAMI_mx
in Mexico has fallen to a group of migrants heading for the US border.

There is a video in the tweet!

Per SCOTUS order, the Biden Administration is preparing to close the border, and tell wanna-be immigrants to remain in Mexico.


Naturally, a huge rush to get in before that date is underway, and will snowball.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 12:12 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I'm wondering if some of us are actively being set up to discredit.... or I could just be paranoid.

I'm leaning towards the former myself. Lets face it, "they" use that method on people all the time. If as we suspect things are starting up it would also be time for damage control. Getting ahead of things so to speak. Although it is annoying how much false news we need to take from the media without any of it detracting from their messages! Guess that it only matters if regular people get something wrong, then nothing else they say matters.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 01:04 AM
Looks like an important 3x ALL CAPS, 1 liners with !!!s from Il Donaldo Trumpo, at 23:37 GMT on 23rd:



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.335 📁
Oct 4 2018 16:27:07 (EST)
Israeli intelligence - stand down.
Media assets will be removed.


#682 We see you (live)
#4092 Can you see clearly?

Well established records of engaging in terrorism and political violence
The order of skull and bones meet every thursday and sunday of each week

b) WE ARE EVERYWHERE!!! = 186, 1116, 3179
#186 You are learning. You needed a push. Godspeed.
#1116 Thank you Xi. Good start. China/CQ cancel.

A Great Awakening worldwide
Do you want to know a secret?
You create your own reality
Music City israel
Time to take America back

c) AND WE'RE JUST GETTING STARTED!!! = 309, 1854, 2673
#309 Justice.
#1854 The choice to know will be yours.
#2673 FAKE NEWS control over those who do not think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH. [D] Party Con.

Love will win
I await the sound of the mighty shofar of hashem
Would you elect satan as president
The large hadron collider disaster
Dont worry about anything

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 01:19 AM
Re: Any "rush" against the southern USA border

Won't be just locals, LEOs, and National Guard.

Regular Army has III Corps headquartered in central Texas. Two of its subordinate divisions are in Texas well; both are armored divisions. Just these assets number around 40,000 troops.

Hopefully, Wokequarters in DC is still willing to defend the country against an outright invasion.


posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 01:31 AM
Colombia's most wanted drug lord 'Otoniel' captured in jungle raid.

As he defied authorities, his legend as a bandit grew alongside the horror stories told by Colombian authorities of the many underage girls he and his cohorts allegedly abused sexually.
In 2017, a video in which Otoniel announced his intent to submit to justice was published, but the plan never came to fruition.
edit on 24-10-2021 by YippiKyAA because: add text

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:04 AM
Interesting, most recent McAfee Telegram post with Q in the header like a real Q drop.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
Re: Any "rush" against the southern USA border

Won't be just locals, LEOs, and National Guard.

Regular Army has III Corps headquartered in central Texas. Two of its subordinate divisions are in Texas well; both are armored divisions. Just these assets number around 40,000 troops.

Hopefully, Wokequarters in DC is still willing to defend the country against an outright invasion.


Yeah, if there's any truth in that Telegram post about cartels actually invading the US, the military will have to get involved. I wonder if that's what Q meant about "at that point the military will be justified in using any force necessary."

It would be a martial law scenario.

ETA: and honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if it were true. 80,000 armed Haitians? I believe someone could muster such a force. Why? The Haitians are effing furious with us over what the Clintons have done to their country.
edit on 24-10-2021 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

Right now, everyone is allowed in from the south. That will change in the next 4 weeks. Word is spreading. Desperation and Determination creating a powder-keg down there. Border czar Kamala Harris says she's going to Europe next month.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, re the odd angle for the Space Shuttle picture in #1412, a couple of points:

1) The picture is focussing on the THRUSTERS and the MANOEUVRING JETS and I think the filename "X2.png" is being used to differentiate between the earth's atmosphere and space?

THRUSTERS = in ATMOSPHERE = give MOMENTUM to escape the atmosphere

MANOEUVRING JETS = in vacuum of space = provide DIRECTION

2) It's worth noting that #1412 is 3 posts before #1415 NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!

The capitals between the 2x @s are THEP, which is an acronym for:

Theoretical High Energy Physics

TOGA Heat Exchange Program
edit on 24-10-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

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