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The goal of the COVID - unveiled!

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posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: Freenrgy2

Yah I do understand..... some people are spreading it and absolutely don't care they're doing the will of the CCP

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Very insightful post however.. I have to disagree with 1 thing. The population, you claim they don't want a majority dead. I disagree.

Here's my comments that you an look up at your own leisure.

With current technology everything from flipping burgers(miso robot). To car and driver automation is being developed. Most technology creates itself already. It's also been repeatedly said they want to reduce the labor force because of automation, ai etc.

This by default makes 70% of the worlds jobs obsolete. Now think about that for a minute. If you can automate 70% of the worlds job for pennies a day instead of demanded minimum wage increases why wouldn't you? Robots that perform these tasks have a 98% efficiency rate. (Look at miso for this example: and contain consistent quality.. aka no undercooked/over/dropped/spit on burgers etc)

In the early 2,000s they started online educational software to teach math, science, history all on 1 simple software. Remember that software had 20years to develope. In third world countries companies like coke cola actually used advertisement education. This replacing even teachers jobs.

With many many success now current on brain integration of AI user interfaces (that is an in and out procedure). This alone can get rid of many tech based and highly skilled jobs like engineering.

In reality the average person is a burden on society, they preform meaningless tasks that can be replaced by robots. Everything from Trucking (which has successfully done over 100,000 tests) to machine building. Has and can be automated.

A reduction in population allows for pollution and global warming to decrease. Selective breeding; may in fact enhance the average intelligence of the world which has been on a downward spiral for the last 100years.

At this point, the only people of value are critical thinkers and those that are NOT manufactured to follow everyone else. Because that mindset allows for further development. If your manufactured and following the status quo you offer no innovation to society; and all you do is consume and waste resources.

If you consider that onto of the food being reduced by half in the coming years due to the critical state (The entire reason we gave the Taliban back their land, as they own the remaining phosphorus available, as well as the reason why we haven't nuked them and been done with it.)of lack of phosphorus it makes sense that a manufactured virus would be released one way or another to cull the population. As in the end it's more merciful then having billions of people starve on the streets. Where in the end everyone will die fighting a war for the last slice of bread. Or causing fish/nature to become extinct by over hunting/gathering.

Mathmatically there is enough food on the planet to feed every person in the world for 2-3 days. It takes longer then that to produce food(which is why huge amounts of the global population starve).

When you look at the amount of farmland(example US), more then 2/3rds of the land is farmland.. and it still isn't enough to feed everyone. In order to feed the current population after the phosphorus extinction.. (which WILL; not if, not when, WILL cut the food supply in half). It would mean for the US to be sustainable with the current population the US will need at minimal another 2,050miles of farmable land.

If you look closely, there is NO MORE farmable land without upsetting the ecobalance. As it's been on a stretch already and wiped out thousands of species from existence.. to the point we have had to genetically modify creatures to survive in the world we created.

Cutting back the population by 70% means extra food, and we would be allowed to return 1/3rd of the worlds land back to nature in hopes of recovering critical wildlife that we depend on to survive.
edit on 10-9-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

If you think I am wrong, look t the world wide flooding and land erosion that has been increasing at a rapid rate. You will see that there is NO HOPE for a huge percent of the global population. The smartest have already started growing/supplementing their own food. That leaves the question.. where are you in that?
edit on 10-9-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

But inflation isn't low...its quite high. To quote a Bloomberg article about the matter from July...

Quoted Article

With inflation, from the Fed “we are told the story is transitory but the increases are going faster and for longer,” John Ryding, chief economic adviser at Brean Capital said on Bloomberg Television. “We just had a monthly increase that was about double what was expected.”

And we are about to vote on another 3.5 or 4.5T I forget which because the spending has gotten so ridiculous now its broken the scale to even imagine it. Its blatenly obvious the US is slated for sabotage.

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 11:32 PM
This is an interesting thread from twitter i read about how we have been in war with China for a while now.
a quote from the thread.
“China can pump propaganda into the American media while restricting American media’s access to the Chinese media landscape”

A non-military attack could “cause the enemy nation to fall into social panic, street riots, and a political crisis”


posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 11:36 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck

First and foremost, I am now convinced that the virus was intentionally developed in a Wuhan lab. It did not jump from a bat or a monkey or any other animal. It is a variant of a known virus (SARS) that was purposely modified to do exactly what it is doing: killing people, but only enough people to accomplish the goal. After all, it makes no sense that TPTB would want the bulk of the population dead... that would only decrease their power base. No, TPTB want as many people as possible alive, and those who are alive to work for them as literal slaves. That has always been the goal of the power-hungry, as far back as recorded history and perhaps farther. That's why rulers conquer other rulers instead of just slaughtering them all. Dead people cannot pledge allegiance to their rulers.

You still think it was the Wuhan lab? Or the wet market?

I think it was neither.

In a world government by the politics of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction), if you want to make a WMD level attack on another nation, you need plausible deniability.

That's the loophole in the plan. Your enemy can't retaliate if they can't be sure you attacked them.

If you had deliberately engineered a virus, or made a chimera of two viruses, etc. Where would you choose to release it?

I would choose a location that had at least one plausible alternative culprit to blame it on. Wouldn't you?

Or better yet: Choose a city that has two of them!!!

How many cities do you think have BOTH a wet market AND a Corona Virus lab? Probably not very many.

The fact it happened in just such a city suggests purposeful selection.

originally posted by: matafuchs
China had a boot on its neck with 45. You are very correct about SK and NK. I believe China was worried about manufacturing moving to NK and not being able to be controlled. Look at Chinas GDP Q1 2021. A rocket.

Where as the US used to be the model for success that was strived for it seems the model for control is what is being used now and China is a great country to emulate.

Mask mandates. Lockdowns. Vax mandates. Labeling its own citizens terrorists.

Is this China or the US? Hard to tell the different these days and it is only going to get worse. The money will dry up and government assistance will be needed. If you think you will get help without a vax you are incorrect.

The bet is when will the next lockdown be?

Control is the only thing that can compete with IQ.

As technology becomes a bigger part of our lives, IQ becomes the driver for success. Those who have it succeed with little effort. Those who don't can't succeed at all (or may barely break into a profession like engineering, but thereafter remain at the bottom of it, due to lack of talent.)

Switching to a command style of politics puts high EQ, but low IQ people at the top again. Any idiot who is cruel enough to kick others with their steel toed boots, can rise the the middle class of the regime. Maybe even one or two steps down from the ruler.

As long as low IQ people see no other path to success, there will be no end to the calls for cancel culture, virtue signaling, and all that. (Virtue signal becomes the pre cursor to the aforementioned "idealism enforcement" career path.)

People want to have some (greater than zero percent) chance of striking it rich. In an IQ dominated world, you know by about age 6 whether you have it or don't have it. In an IQ dominated world, if you don't have it, your odds of ever being rich are nearly zero percent.

How do you expect someone to be ok with that?

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 01:07 AM
Utter nonsense ... unveiled!!!!

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 01:23 AM
a reply to: Kreeate

Eh... you want all my posts?


posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 01:23 AM
a reply to: Moresby

You see intelligent people are speaking here...and regardless of how you feel about that, your should add to the discussion or shush up and watch. Making an asinine post like that just embarrasses you in our eyes. Further no one takes a comment like that seriously so don't expect the OP to even bother.

Basically go back think harder and try again...

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: BlackArrow

Some jobs can be replaced by automation... but many cannot. You mentioned truck drivers... OK, show me a machine that can navigate low overpasses (not always marked correctly and not always on the truck GPS), construction zones, natural road hazards (severe potholes, "gators" (pieces of tire left on the road, so called because they can and will jump up and bite a chunk out of your truck undercarriage), accidents, weather conditions... it can't be done. Those tests are on well-maintained roads under ideal conditions.

And even if you were to automate many of the jobs, machines break. They cannot heal themselves with current (or even foreseeable) technology. That means someone has to fix them... someone has to manufacture parts to fix them... someone has to manufacture them... and so on. In essence, you are not getting rid of the labor so much as you are trading 10,000 low-skill jobs for 100 highly-skilled jobs.

Now, think about something... the jobs you will be replacing will be those which most of the elite don't want anyway. Do you remember the constant beratement when it was discovered that Trump liked fast food? He was treated as a laughing stock! Why? Because people in those high positions typically eat steak... lobster... caviar. Not Big Macs! So you can't eliminate the private chefs, the chauffeurs, the butlers, the maids... those jobs may be mechanized for the average Joe, but mechanization is simply not capable of fulfilling the desires of the elite. They want and need humans to serve them.

And of course, there is my initial point on this: the entire purpose is to be worshiped. That's what the elite want. They want people grovelling at their feet, that they can order around to give them that feeling of power they crave so much. Less people mean less people to grovel. If the elite wanted any population reduction, they would want the troublemakers, the critical thinkers, gone. And that is the exact type of people who are more likely to survive, because they are the ones who will not listen blindly to and follow instructions that could lead to their harm. They are also the people who would be needed to maintain the machines that you think the elite will be satisfied with. So if the elite were to destroy the free thinkers that tend to oppose their agendas, the result would be that technological improvement would slow to a crawl, machinery would take longer to repair, and the elite would need the groomed masses even more than ever.

It just doesn't add up.


posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 02:06 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck Agree with much of what was hypothesized. Missing elements in the discussion are the following points. If accurate a whistle blower retired from CDC revealed a few details of the Plandemic.

USA worked with China to develop the virus in the previous 5 years, it should not be called the China virus. It was released Oct. 13, 2019 as 13 fave for the Cabal deliberately in China not USA because it had been acknowledged that due to the US influence on world economy it would collapse the economic scene too fast.

He said that it is a depopulation agenda and 'diabolical.' Also that 'they' had figured a nuclear holocaust would have occurred before then but since that did not happen Plan B went into effect. One point of confusion about which participants in the conversation where speaker used a voice disguise box was: something had gone awry. An emergency meeting mid-Feb. 2020 was postponed. If anyone can fill in the point of consternation I would like to hear it. After 3 conversations he did not call the group again. Perhaps it was the wrong 'virus' released or at the wrong time, place? He said the 'virus' so tiny it can get get through N95 masks.

Chinese Citizen Social Score in place in 2018, by year end 11 million Chinese not allowed to use planes or trains due to lowered scores; by late 2019 - 22 million; beginning of 2020 - 60-70 million mostly due to Covid. Practice makes perfect. LED lights in street lamps allow giving people jay walking tickets on cels by the time pedestrian gets home-facial recognition. The Cabal knew that Chinese authoritarianism would be able to contain the spread.

Wuhan was 1 of the first Smart Cities in China with 10,000 5G poles notably.

Whistleblower said not to believe anything CDC or WHO says early 2020. He advised not to take a vaccine since it takes 7-15+ years to develop one safe for a wider population. He said to head for the hills!

Also said 60-70% of people would get Covid. Gave tips on how to prevent even including baking soda in weekly baths, keeping Vitamin D level high, grapefruit seed extract and more. Looking forward to RFK Jr's upcoming book about the Real Fauci. his site and he has been fighting GM food, vaccines and more recently 5G for decades.

ps A friend married to a Chinese woman in China now. His daughter told me Delta not spreading there, everyone has to be vaccinated, don't know about med or religious exemptions. Delta twice as contagious as other variants but who knows if Mu may be the straw that breaks the camel's back-apparently in 25 US states now and is resistant to vaccines. Even those who recovered from Covid may not have immunity. Good time to build immune system and lose weight! Recalling tv news about 3 years ago said that influenza vaccines only about 50% effective.
edit on America/ChicagoamSat, 11 Sep 2021 02:12:06 -050030020602129America/Chicago by EarthShine because: clarity

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 02:07 AM
a reply to: RickyD

But inflation isn't low...its quite high. To quote a Bloomberg article about the matter from July...

Yes, inflation is up right now. On the last shipping trip, we had to skip any ground beef because the lowest price I saw was $3 a pound; it wasn't that long ago, one could buy steak for that price. Cooking oil has risen by over a dollar a quart. The laundry detergent we use (inferior brand) is over a dollar more. Crackers... what's up with that? They were around 80 cents (generic) a few months ago. They jumped to $1.23 and held there for a while, and now they're down to $0.77.

However, inflation can get worse. There have been cases where countries experienced inflation rates of several thousand percent literally overnight. That destroys currency. Just imagine waking up to a world where gasoline is $25 a gallon, a loaf of bread is $15, a soft drink is $20... that's the dangerous inflation I am talking about, and what China could conceivably do to us given the right opportunities.

The inflation we seem to be experiencing now is more attributable to supply chain disruptions. If a product becomes scarce for any reason, the price tends to rise. With not enough workers to fill the available jobs, it can be difficult to get products manufactured at the rate needed for a stable economy.

The extra income attached to unemployment was a test run to try and implement the $15 an hour minimum wage. It reduced the amount of labor by encouraging people to stay home. Labor is like any other commodity; it is subject to supply and demand. As the supply of labor decreased the cost of labor increased. However, those trying to implement this wage increase didn't fully grasp the consequences of what they were doing. The economy will not always shrink uniformly. This is what has caused the supply chain interruptions. As people stay home, businesses cannot produce as much product. When businesses cannot produce enough product, the price increases and shortages appear. When said businesses raise their rates, suddenly they attract workers and the supply chain is re-established. When that happens, prices drop again and businesses are forced to lay off workers. This again causes the supply chain to fail and prices rise.

Eventually, a medium will be reached where things are more or less stable. But not before there are several "bounces" in price. Very few products rely completely on a single industry, so multiple weaknesses exist in the full supply chain, leading to a more chaotic stabilization than if there were a single weakness.

Incidentally, everything in not undergoing inflation, at least not here. Fuel prices have been stable for months, and lumber is back to something sorta kinda akin to a normal price. It was only weeks ao that I was scavenging plywood from old structures because I just could not afford $100+ per sheet, or, for that matter, $8 for a crooked #2 pine 2x4.


posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 02:19 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

But its not transitional inflation ...which is what you speak of. Its is full on inflation I speak of. And if you think adding a few trillion to the books won't effect this monster idk what to say. We already printed our way out of the last decade if not much more can we handle...
edit on 11-9-2021 by RickyD because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 02:36 AM
Wuxi, (if I remember correctly) invested huge amounts of money in 23 and me company. Alphabet (Google) also an investor

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 02:44 AM
a reply to: EarthShine After the 'bio or chemical weapon' depending on whether you adhere to the graphene oxide theory of the vaccines, I ran across an older George Noory show a full 4 hours on Thanksgiving 2003 in which Steve Quayle discussed the +/-30 world class microbiologists 'cream of the cream of the crop' per Quayle whoo had died most under mysterious circumstances within a couple of months. DNA sequencing was a phrase I remembered that I did not about hear much until 2020-21 when the pandemic vocabulary unfolded.

Since 2003 I met an Army Ranger in the service about 30 years ago who told me in one sentence as if he should not be talking about it that the Guv was going to release a virus. This Plandemic may have been in the works for a long time. Maybe even since Frank Olsen was suicided for what he told his wife was A Terrible Mistake title of a book by that name by Frank Albarelli Jr. Olsen was disinterred 40 years after his death and blunt force trauma the death cause; apparently he was pushed out of the 10th floor of Stayton Hotel NY. has published about 130 books on topics some shunned by mainstream press worth attention.

Olsen had blurted out to his colleagues international biolab pros that the US Guv was trying to develop a biological or chemical weapon that could be released via aerosol. The book is enthralling. The story how USA released '___' into a small French town water supply should be taught in schools so that we become informed of our long history of perfidy and not blame guys hiding in caves or pontificating in the Orient as the only evil ones.

edit on America/ChicagoamSat, 11 Sep 2021 02:45:12 -050030021202459America/Chicago by EarthShine because: clarity

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

This all falls flat if you take one very important thing into account: Above all else, China seeks stability.

The Chinese people want stability more than they want freedom. The Chinese government wants stability more than it wants control.

Covid creates instability.

Saying that China released Covid deliberately is like accusing Israel of funding holocaust denial websites.

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: RickyD

Adding debt will increase inflation as a general rule. More money chasing the same number of goods. However, there are more nuances to that that just x*y=z.

Holding the IRC allows a country to have greater control over it's debt to GDP ratio. Steps can be taken to maintain the strength of the dollar (which is what inflation is: a drop in the value of the currency). One can look at it as the dollar being backed by International banking and energy needs instead of a concrete substance like gold. The issue I was addressing is that, should we lose our IRC status, we will then be unable to mitigate inflationary pressures from too much debt.

Some of our inflation may be due to the debt; I don't dispute that. But right now much of it is due to the pandemic and the actions taken by the various governments concerning it.


posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

China does not want stability. China has made no secret of the fact that they want to be an economic superpower. The entire country is expanding domestically as to production and export of goods worldwide, and they are actively taking steps when needed to increase their share of the world marketplace.

That's why pollution in China is so bad in areas: power plants to fuel more industry are popping up like daisies in a field of cowpies. They are working hard to expand their space program. They are launching satellites. That is not stability; it is expansion.

Also, notice how the pandemic, while it started in Wuhan, has not been as severe in China as in other countries (at least according to their numbers).

As for the virus being a destabilizing factor, that is true for Western countries. By destabilizing the West, China now has a new marketplace primed and ready for their vaccines and vaccine components. China's economy is bursting at the seams while ours is struggling over lockdowns and regulations.

No, China is not looking for stability; China is looking for growth.


posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 07:16 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: Kreeate

Eh... you want all my posts?


lol, no. Just the first two in this thread would do nicely thanks

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 07:47 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: AaarghZombies

China does not want stability. China has made no secret of the fact that they want to be an economic superpower. The entire country is expanding domestically as to production and export of goods worldwide, and they are actively taking steps when needed to increase their share of the world marketplace.

That's why pollution in China is so bad in areas: power plants to fuel more industry are popping up like daisies in a field of cowpies. They are working hard to expand their space program. They are launching satellites. That is not stability; it is expansion.

Also, notice how the pandemic, while it started in Wuhan, has not been as severe in China as in other countries (at least according to their numbers).

As for the virus being a destabilizing factor, that is true for Western countries. By destabilizing the West, China now has a new marketplace primed and ready for their vaccines and vaccine components. China's economy is bursting at the seams while ours is struggling over lockdowns and regulations.

No, China is not looking for stability; China is looking for growth.


China is already an economic super power, and it's achieved this by ensuring extended periods of stability. Both at home and abroad.

Stability doesn't mean nothing changes, it means that change is managed, and that it's predictable. This means that you can build new factories, so long as they don't incite people to protest against them. Protests represent instability, new factories don't unless they provoke protests.

Look at it this way, if Americans feel safe and happy they spend their money on consumer goods. If they fee threatened they save their money and spend it on essential products only.

The reason why China has fewer cases than the US is simple:

1) When people are infected they get taken to isolation facilities, in the US they get sent home to and will often infect their families

2) People in China do what they're told. They socially distance and wear masks, and they get vaxxed. In the US thousands of unmasked people get together in sports stadiums to hold anti-vax rallies.

Or, to put it another way. China locked down HARD, the US didn't.

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: Kreeate

Yeah, I suppose I could do that. Might take a couple days to get around to it.


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