originally posted by: TheRedneck
First and foremost, I am now convinced that the virus was intentionally developed in a Wuhan lab. It did not jump from a bat or a monkey or any other
animal. It is a variant of a known virus (SARS) that was purposely modified to do exactly what it is doing: killing people, but only enough people to
accomplish the goal. After all, it makes no sense that TPTB would want the bulk of the population dead... that would only decrease their power base.
No, TPTB want as many people as possible alive, and those who are alive to work for them as literal slaves.
Well put together post. I whole heartedly agree on everything you wrote about tracking the money thru the pharmaceutical companies and the politucians
they bribe or politicians with personal investments in various pharmaceutical companies.
I only disagree with one point - the origin of Covid.
Sure China kept SARS 2002-2003 in labs. And very obviously Covid evolved from that. Which means that China was messing with it in a lab.
I find it far more likely that it was mishandled in a lab and someone like a janitor came into contact with it and unknowingly brought it home and
spread it to markets and every other place he went.
To track the origin of a virus, you must look at known deaths in the early outbreak. 3-6 months tops. And during the early outbreak, Covid was
primarily killing off those with the rare "AB" blood type. Now after Covid has mutated into alpha, beta, gamma, delta, Covid kills all blood types.
But in the early days of Covid, those with the rare type AB were the ones dying.
China has the highest rate of type AB blood in the world. They would not develop a bioweapon that would specifically kill off those with AB blood type
when China has the highest rate in the world of AB blood type.
Global Blood
Type Distribution
If China wanted to turn SARS into a bioweapon, they would have engineered it to kill off those with Type O blood, since the United States has the
largest population of type O blood.
Since it was those with type AB blood dying off, then it accidentally got out of a lab and evolved in the Chinese population with their AB blood type.
People with Type O blood have the lowest death rates of Covid.
I still think SARS was mishandled in a lab. Some janitor picked it up. Spread it in his village and I think it somehow ended up in the mink
population. Then the mutations went back into humans. That's just my theory.
But there's really no way that China bioengineered SARS as a weapon because those with the highest death rate have AB blood type. It would be like
China bioengineering a virus to kill off its own population.
If it had been a Chinese intentionally made bioweapon to kill Americans, then it would be engineered to kill off type O blood.