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The goal of the COVID - unveiled!

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posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: XXXN3O

You take over the whole planet, enslave mankind to your bidding... then what? You wipe out the human race, tamper with birth/death rates that's what will happen if animal/rodent extinction studies are anything to go by so your own bloodline will not outlast anyone else by much. You build bigger manmade pyramids? You stand in front of the whole world and go... see me, look at what I did, how great am I ain't I, like some devil? Starts going down the biblical route a bit it seems.

Well, since religion has already entered into this thread... the heart of your answer lies there.

In Genesis, when God created man, He gave man dominion over the birds of the air, the beasts of the field, the fish in the waters, plants, and even bugs. In essence, the whole planet, right? So why didn't God just say man had dominion over everything on the Earth? I mean, really, don'cha think God Himself can figure out it's easier to just say "everything"?

He didn't say everything because He didn't include everything. One thing was not included: each other. Man does not have dominion over man.

Now skip forward to the Garden of Eden. Man had everything he could want... immortality with God, fruit of all kinds for the taking, and control over the entire garden... except for the one Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. He was forbidden from eating of it. Then the serpent, the personification of the Devil, tempted Adam and he ate... and fell from grace.

The forces of evil are not very imaginative. They are still tempting man with the one thing he does not have dominion over. They still try to persuade men to take the one thing forbidden to them by God, to cause them to again fall from grace. That's why men crave power over others.

Their greater purpose? There isn't one. All they want is that control over others, that forbidden fruit, because evil has convinced them they must have it. They have chosen that path. Everything else be damned.

It's really that simple.


posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

I just said the exact same thing to my husband...they appear to be under a deadline.

Holding the line has never been more important.

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: Onlyyouknow

I do want to ask how do you think the US debt owed to China reported years ago plays into this current environment?

It's a tool.

The International Reserve Currency is the US dollar and has been for all of our lives. Because of that, and because the US held power over OPEC (why do you think we let Saudi Arabia get away with whatever they want?), the dollar-oil peg was secure and that secured our reserve currency status. Iran changed that by dealing directly with Russia using rubles, and things have broken down ever since.

While we held the International Reserve Currency and the dollar-oil peg was intact, our debt was irrelevant. We could simply demand more currency for our dollars and pay it off whenever we wanted. That would have made other countries perhaps remove that status, but it was still a get-out-of-debt-free card.

China controls the trade deficits with other countries by artificially deflating and inflating its currency. That's considered improper on the world marketplace, but they do it anyway. If the yuan falls in value compared to the dollar, then a dollar is worth a lot more yuan. That means Chinese goods cost less in the US and gives China an advantage in trade. US goods in China become more expensive at the same time.

The huge debt combined with our now fragile status on having the IRC and the destruction of the dollar-oil peg mean we can't adjust our currency in response without creating massive inflation problems at home. So even if we tried to fight fire with fire, we would now be the ones getting burnt either way. So in essence, the huge debt is not something China wants to collect, or really, that they can collect. It's not like a person owing money to a bank and the bank demanding payment. It's just a weapon to make sure we cannot do to them what they have been doing to us for many years.


posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

And inflation at a rapid rate is a good way to lose such a status. It would take losing that reserve currency status to even make the US actually challegeable. Without that we can basically change the rules to suit us if push came to shove.

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 10:08 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: XXXN3O

You take over the whole planet, enslave mankind to your bidding... then what? You wipe out the human race, tamper with birth/death rates that's what will happen if animal/rodent extinction studies are anything to go by so your own bloodline will not outlast anyone else by much. You build bigger manmade pyramids? You stand in front of the whole world and go... see me, look at what I did, how great am I ain't I, like some devil? Starts going down the biblical route a bit it seems.

Well, since religion has already entered into this thread... the heart of your answer lies there.

In Genesis, when God created man, He gave man dominion over the birds of the air, the beasts of the field, the fish in the waters, plants, and even bugs. In essence, the whole planet, right? So why didn't God just say man had dominion over everything on the Earth? I mean, really, don'cha think God Himself can figure out it's easier to just say "everything"?

He didn't say everything because He didn't include everything. One thing was not included: each other. Man does not have dominion over man.

Now skip forward to the Garden of Eden. Man had everything he could want... immortality with God, fruit of all kinds for the taking, and control over the entire garden... except for the one Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. He was forbidden from eating of it. Then the serpent, the personification of the Devil, tempted Adam and he ate... and fell from grace.

The forces of evil are not very imaginative. They are still tempting man with the one thing he does not have dominion over. They still try to persuade men to take the one thing forbidden to them by God, to cause them to again fall from grace. That's why men crave power over others.

Their greater purpose? There isn't one. All they want is that control over others, that forbidden fruit, because evil has convinced them they must have it. They have chosen that path. Everything else be damned.

It's really that simple.


That makes sense as God is within us. We hold a piece of God consciousness within our soul. Our body is just the vehicle of the soul. I don’t believe you can explain the complexity of the big picture with the only the Bible, as much of the Bible has been locked away and or modified to suit the controllers on the planet. But that’s just my own belief. To me this all some kind of game. A place of learning. Duality good vs evil is allowed here by design. The polarity may help spark the good to greater levels. I don’t know. The pendulum has swayed far to the the dark side, and now it’s about to swing back to the light. This is a great opportunity for us all, as much as it will be a great challenge to overcome. What you’re seeing on full display for us all to see, is the dark side, who was once hidden behind the curtain. We are learning who they are, and what their plan for us is. “The darkness has walked through the door into the light and we slammed the door behind him”. There is no escape now. The truth will come out. Truth brings awareness and awareness is consciousness. The consciousness is the ladder the progressive path is following. We constantly strive to gain greater consciousness.

Also you simply cannot explain this properly without including the spiritual component. Not necessarily religion, but we are all spiritual beings and this very much explains what our enemy truly wants, and no it’s not money (they already have alll that), it’s not all power and control, but surprisingly enough it’s more about their own sustainability. They have separated from God, and therefore need to consume an energy source to survive. Us. We have grown enough that we do not need them anymore. They want to quickly stop this growth...hence covid.

Just my opinion.
edit on 9-9-2021 by SeventhChapter because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-9-2021 by SeventhChapter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Thanks for the replies. Seriously, sometimes I just like to play devils advocate (ironically) when I am surrounded by people who desperately try to get me to agree with the opposition view the further down the rabbit-hole they get, and I am forced to pretend this is not a serious issue in the real world.
Hope that makes sense to you.

Thanks again and cheers

edit on 9-9-2021 by XXXN3O because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

one thing for sure , the goal of covid is not covid.

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 10:26 PM
30 years later and here we happened..happening...onward to 2030 we go...

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Thank you for a brilliant response.
China seems to be playing death by a thousand paper cuts. They are engaged globally especially with resource accumulation and dominance. I do wonder what is their long goal? Actual occupation of land?

Looking at history the Chinese are overly ambitious and have made huge miscalculations in tactics that have caused the failure of such grand plans. I am sure you know better than me. Hopefully history will repeat itself in this respect again.

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I mostly agree with your analysis, however I find it highly unlikely China would release the virus in their own country, especially right near a high level lab which works with bat coronaviruses. What I do know is that China has exploited the events since then in every way possible to gain an economic advantage on the world stage, and enforce their type of authoritarian control over the entire world.

Think back to when this all started, I remember seeing at least half a dozen videos showing people dropping like flies on the streets of China, then people in hazmat suits would come and drag them away. Oddly enough, Covid-19 didn't cause people to drop like flies anywhere else. Furthermore, China has a very tight control on their internet via the great firewall of China, so leaks out of China are very rare.

In my experience, the most mundane and logical explanation is usually the correct one. I think the release of Covid-19 was very likely an accident, but it was an accident that happened at a very convenient time for the globalists, and they didn't let it go to waste. I have seen countless scientists point out all the weird properties of Covid-19 which suggest it was a man-made virus.

It's a Frankenstein virus combining genetic material from at least 2 different viruses, most likely 3 different viruses, along with gain of function changes to help it infect human cells. The initial vaccines were only so effective in their short trials because they were targeting a lab made virus which hadn't yet had a chance to evolve in the real world, meaning early variants of Covid-19 had weaknesses we could easily target.

We failed to create any vaccine for Coronavirus until now (I believe 30-40% efficacy was the highest we ever achieved), but they claimed the Covid-19 vaccine had a 95% efficacy. That was only possible because they weren't fighting nature, they were fighting something they created. However, now the vaccines are failing to stop the spread of Delta and they don't even appear to reduce symptoms from Delta.

Any new vaccines for variants like Delta should have to go through the same trial processes, because they are now targeting a very different virus, and I highly doubt they'll be able to achieve such high efficacy numbers now that evolutionary pressure has had a chance to weed out those weaknesses. Somehow I doubt we'll see any trials or studies on the new booster shots going forward, they'll just repeat old numbers.

They tell us the vaccines are free... of course we know they used tax payer money to purchase the vaccines from corporations. Virtually every nation on Earth attempted to buy enough vaccinations to give their entire populations two doses. Back when I saw that happening I knew we were entering into very dangerous territory, because the government wont like throwing away millions of dollars if people refuse to get vaccinated.

And don't they have to keep the vaccines very cold to keep them viable? How much is it costing them each day to hold vaccines that people refuse to take? It's insane that we ever thought this was a good path to go down. We should have purchased the vaccines as they were needed, based on realistic estimations of how many people would take the vaccine, not under the assumption 100% of people would take the vaccine.

The fact they took that approach tells me they were planning all along to vaccinate nearly 100% of people regardless of how far they needed to go. That tells me there may be something more to it than just money, because that's a pretty delusional course of action, surely they know it wont end well. So maybe total economic collapse or reset is the ultimate goal, but I can't claim to have all the answers.

I do think it's highly unlikely to be a mass depopulation scheme though, because there are so many other ways they could do it without having to pressure people into their own demise. There is clear evidence the vaccine is more dangerous than pretty much any other vaccine ever before, but once again I think the most mundane answer applies, and that is simply political bias overriding human compassion.

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 11:47 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I mean, I just don't envision Putin telling his supporters that Lenin had it right, and they will once again embrace the new soviet/china unification...I'm probably naive to think Russians will not fall for it again...

It's really a weird predicament to think, wow, I can literally react a certain way and the consequences will be of a scapegoating nature...because I would be in the right to confront and terminate the obstructive restrictions not only on my freedoms but also my pursuit of happiness.... my peace is breached, has been since the 70's, and it ain't my turn to compromise...again.

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 12:58 AM
Some additions to a very good and well thought out thread would be to look at chinese colonialism and the fact that this bug diverted attention away from the issues related to Hong Kong. Also, China recently moved away from their one child model which tells me they have plans for expansion and since they are not pushing the vax into their population they will be looking towards expansion.

I also noticed that just after the 2nd Trump impeachment attempt went nowhere, the media really began pumping the fear with the bug. It felt like their next go to strategy.

I've enjoyed reading about the spiritual aspect of this dynamic as well. The dark forces which manipulate through fear and coercion, are directly tied to the manifestation of viruses. It's as if the core of its structure is a dark spell and you have the rituals that go along with that which reinforce its power over those in the vibration of fear.

Much of the solutions that have been presented such as masks, distancing, division, not talking to others and isolation are aimed at dehumanizing people and eroding their Sovereignty and subverting authority to government.

Our own power when aligned to our Soul is our greatest defense against their nefarious aspirations.

edit on 10-9-2021 by starshift because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 01:22 AM
Just Listening to Bidens recent announcement, and he says this:

Before I took office we hadn't ordered enough vaccines for every American. Just weeks in office, we did.

It seems to me, the only reason to take such an action is if they always planned to have everyone vaccinated. Otherwise they are just wasting millions of dollars knowing that many people wont take it. That's why it worries me when I ask the question what line aren't they willing to cross in order to get everyone vaccinated?
edit on 10/9/2021 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 03:43 AM
a reply to: RickyD

Too much inflation could cause us to lose the International Reserve Currency, yes, but losing the IRC would also lead to runaway inflation. It's a house of cards, poor, poor fiscal policy, but it accomplished its goal very well: it allows politicians to promise the moon and stars without the hard decisions that come with cutting budgets.

Our grasp on the IRC is tenuous at best anyway. There have been several attempts to replace the dollar with a currency "basket" so no one nation could claim IRC status. Almost all use some combination of the US dollar, the Euro, and the yuan. Thankfully for the US economy, the US dollar still reigns supreme.

The problem right now is that China has so much influence on the US economy that all they would need to do to put us into an inflationary spiral is to inflate their currency. That would raise the cost of Chinese products in the US. If US manufacturers did not lower their prices, the effect would be that inferior goods would inflate quickly. You see, inflation is not inflation is not inflation; it can affect a single sector of the economy, or it can affect an area of the economy. During the Obama Presidency, inflation was reported as being minor while people were complaining about prices rising. That's because the official inflation reports only consider specific items. These items may change over time, but they always represent specific areas of the economy. Fuel, for instance, was not considered... but almost everyone is affected by fuel prices. In many ways, fuel is the single greatest indicator of future inflation. Everything is shipped, and shipping costs follow fuel costs.

But the real problem under Obama so far as inflation was concerned was that inferior (you can read that as "generic brand") goods increased in price quite rapidly, while superior (read as "name brand") goods did not. Since only superior goods are considered in calculating the official inflation numbers, those numbers did not show high inflation. But people who are working in low-paying jobs or are living on government assistance typically depend on inferior goods and thus saw high inflation. I know at the time at least 60-70% of my food budget was store brand goods and I saw a lot of inflation pressure.

I strongly suspect that a lot of calculation and discussion is going on behind the scenes in the halls of power about this very thing. That's probably why some of the more ridiculous-sounding actions are coming out of Washington. For instance, the practice of making unemployment pay more than a job... yes, it reduces the amount of available labor and causes the economy to shrink while at the same time placing a higher burden on government finances. But it also drives wages up as the labor market shrinks. Higher wages mean more tax dollars collected, so the cost of the program is offset to some degree. Inflation is held low since a large percentage of the population is now on a fixed income. The problem is that the lack of labor also tends to interrupt supply chains, leading to the wild fluctuations in price we are seeing on various goods.


posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 04:04 AM
a reply to: Onlyyouknow

China seems to be playing death by a thousand paper cuts. They are engaged globally especially with resource accumulation and dominance. I do wonder what is their long goal? Actual occupation of land?

More land for their people? Probably, but I don't think their sights are set on the US for that purpose. China wants to be an economic superpower, again, to cement the legacy of this present set of rulers. The purpose, so far as the USA is concerned, is to simply make the USA their pawns. That way, they retain their biggest export market and still achieve their goal unchallenged.

Now, is an armed invasion possible? Yes, under the right circumstances. But it would not be to gain land... rather, it would be to destroy the means of production.

In Asia, I'm sure one purpose is to acquire land. Just look at their population.

Europe seems to have already been defeated economically. They will likely serve as another market for export. Despite the individual countries in the EU being smaller than the US, the EU itself represents a lot of purchasing power to drive the Chinese economy.

Africa has resources the Chinese want, primarily in the form of rare earths. China needs to maintain their global corner on that market as insurance against economic challenges.

The Middle East is seen as a source of oil, something China is in great need of. Russia is seen that way as well. There's a whole other set of dynamics going on there, probably much too much for one thread to hold. Suffice it to say that Russia and China are building a symbiotic relationship based on shared goals concerning oil.

I don't think China has any plans for Latin America at this time, other than as a minor marketplace.


posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 04:06 AM

originally posted by: MotherMayEye
a reply to: queenofswords

I just said the exact same thing to my husband...they appear to be under a deadline.

Holding the line has never been more important.


posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 05:08 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

There is a reason this has been called a Plandemic, it's been well thought out it has timetables, and it is designed to spread as much chaos and misery, along with the Covid to get the new world order going with the UBI . The plan is starting to look ridiculous around the seams as more and more people are working out what is going on. All we have to do is keep the peace and wait it out. If you follow what's going on it starts to become obvious that the likes of Macron and many of the PM's of the world have all been trained in the same place and spout the exact same drivel. If you want the whole story it in German with subtitles but well worth the time. You will see the plan is requiring more and more ridiculous memes, It's all to get you riled up some will .but just Zen the whole thing out.
edit on 10-9-2021 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I find it highly unlikely China would release the virus in their own country, especially right near a high level lab which works with bat coronaviruses.

It may have been an accidental release, but that would invoke a coincidence. I consider actual coincidences as about as rare as hens' teeth. The Chinese tend to think multi-generational, whereas we tend to think in terms of immediate gratification. A sacrifice so that something can come about ten, twenty, fifty, a hundred years later is just as valid as a sacrifice with instant results. A year or two ahead? That might as well be immediately.

Your thought process illustrates exactly what I have been trying to get across, and it is difficult to do so. We, as Westerners, consider the release of a virus into one's own population as horrific and a monstrous act of a madman. To us, it is something that only a movie villain would do. But the Chinese hold no such views. To them, death in the service of their rulers is an honorable thing, even if said death is horrific. If the people feel that way, is it hard to believe that their rulers will use that fact?

Consider the Disney movie Mulan. Yes, I know it's a movie and not real, but it does illustrate some real aspects of Chinese culture. For example, when the Emperor decrees that every family must send one male to fight, Mulan's father has no male children. He is also crippled from his previous service to the Emperor, to the point he cannot even hold his sword without falling. Yet, he accepts the Emperor's orders without hesitation. He is willing to march to certain death on the mere word of his Emperor, to bring honor to his family.

That part is pretty much real. That is the culture. If the wish of the Emperor is for his people to die, they die without question. Now, if the Emperor were to decree that only certain families were to send a male to fight, that would actually be seen as dishonor by those who were excluded, and would be a grave insult worse than death.

This gives the CCP power over their people that is so far beyond the power we give our leaders, the very concept is alien to us. Those who ordered the release were likely of the belief that they were doing those families a great service by allowing them to honorably serve, even if such service was unwitting and led to their own demise.

Now, knowing this, is it any wonder that TPTB in the CCP are loath to see any semblance of Western culture introduced to the people?


posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 05:44 AM
a reply to: loveguy

The relationship between Russia and China is not one based on an expectation of unification. Russia doesn't trust China and China doesn't trust Russia. But China needs oil desperately to further its economic goals, and Russia has oil. Russia needs money to develop their infrastructure, and China has money.

Take a good close look at a map of the region. China's only seaport access is along the eastern edge of the country. Any oil tankers that dock in China must travel from the Persian Gulf, through the islands between Australia and Asia (I sometimes refer to that region as Indonesia, but I'm not sure if I use that name properly), and then up to China. That is a weakness in China's oil supply; many of those island nations are allied with Western powers, and that could cut their supply lines in an armed conflict. China is not a bit afraid of an armed conflict, but they do want to be sure they have their infrastructure in place so it cannot be cut easily. The Chinese are not dumb.

I have actually been expecting for some time to hear that China had annexed Myanmar (which used to be Burma) because of this. Doing so would give China seaport access short of Indonesia, and Myanmar is not exactly a powerhouse in the region. It is pretty much undeveloped and run by warring tribes. I suppose they are simply concerned about International backlash; look at the ire Russia took over an annexation of part of Ukraine (a part, I might add, where the population considered themselves more Russian than Ukrainian).

Anyway, back to my explanation... past Myanmar lies the Himalayan mountain range. It's just not feasible to put a pipeline there, although if they could, it would give almost direct access to India/Pakistan/Iran. To the west are smaller countries that used to be part of the USSR. To the north is Russia, though, and Russia has plenty of oil themselves. The problem is that Russia is at present a very poor country. They have the oil in abundance, but the ability to pump it, refine it, and move it is another story. They need to sell oil to develop their infrastructure, and they need the infrastructure to get to their oil... a kind of Catch-22 situation. A pipeline through Mongolia would be ideal for both countries, but that would also cost Russia a lot of money. China would gladly buy the oil, but fronting the money to develop the pipeline is another story... China does not trust Russia.

For now, Russia is working with Iran and Syria to complete pipelines that will give them access to Iran's network and ports, as well as a Mediterranean seaport in Syria. That's why we are there and why we were in Iraq; we were trying to limit Iran's ability to move oil because they were the first to depeg their oil from the US dollar. There's a lot more to that part of the story, but for space reasons I'll ask you to look at some of my older threads. I lay it all out there.

If Russia can get a Mediterranean port, and if Russia can move oil into eastern Europe via pipelines, they can start to build the infrastructure they need fairly quickly, which would benefit China. China knows this, so China quietly is supporting Russia's alliance with Iran/Syria. Neither country is ready to fully embrace the other, but both are more than willing to develop an economic partnership that would revitalize Mother Russia and invigorate a Chinese super-economy.


posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: starshift

It's funny you should mention that. In the Bible, God is often referred to as "the Living God" and Satan (properly: "the enemy") as a "dead spirit." God is also presented as the Creator of Life.

But a virus is not alive. It is already dead, but still able to mimic life by hijacking living cells. When we colloquially speak of a "dead virus" we are actually indicating that the virus is destroyed and unable to harm anyone.

So if the Creator of Life is "the Living God," does it not make sense that the creator of a non-living virus would be a "dead spirit"?

Just something to think on.


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