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originally posted by: TheRedneck
>> continued >>
I believe China, in cooperation with foreign operatives like Fauci, engineered this virus which is generally non-lethal, but very lethal to a small percentage of the population. They then released the virus on Wuhan, starting international worries about a pandemic, something that has been talked about by political figures for decades now. The CCP then took steps to protect their own country, while allowing a scared populace the opportunity to run for safety to other countries. They took extreme measures against the people of Wuhan, not just because the virus could be deadly to some, but also to emphasize the "deadly" part to the world at large and encourage residents to travel abroad. After all, why would a government take such drastic measures against their own people if there wasn't a major concern about an outbreak of a deadly pathogen?
Problem is, most people don't understand how China operates. China is the most populous country on Earth; people are a dime-a-dozen. A reduction in population is actually a good thing for China! It means they won't have to continue to deal with as much overpopulation for a while. And the benefit, worldwide financial superiority, is worth a lot more to the CCP than a single city. In the long run, there are so many people in China that the population hit will scarcely be noticed.
I will also pause here to emphasize that the target is not just the United States... this is a global operation. Pfizer is selling vaccines world-wide, and world-wide the public is gobbling them up like they were M&Ms for a starving chocoholic. But the United States is a special circumstance... people in the USA tend to be more skeptical, and we have this silly scrap of old paper known as the "Constitution" that ties the government's hands. In addition to that, the USA is (for the time being) the most prosperous and strongest military country on Earth... other countries do still look to us for help in times of need.
So drastic measures had to be taken with the USA in order to make sure the plan worked. The CCP already had a mole in the government: the aforementioned Anthony Fauci. As a trusted advisor to Trump, Fauci was able to bend the President's ear and evoke a strong government response to the virus, as well as removing all of the red tape that would otherwise tie the hands of anyone who wanted to import a vaccine. As a promoter of and consultant to the Wuhan lab, Fauci certainly had to know about the plan; as the country;s foremost infectious disease expert, he was in a position to carry the plan to fruition in the USA.
Not to mention, at the time, China and Trump were at odds over trade. Trump was starting to seriously hurt the Chinese economy (read: the CCP's goals to become an economic superpower) through the tariffs. He was also threatening Chinese culture directly (at least in the eyes of the CCP), by promoting peace between the Westernized nation of South Korea and North Korea (which for decades has acted as a physical buffer zone between mainland China and Western cultural influences in South Korea).
In addition to Fauci, several other high-ranking US officials have been in questionable situations concerning China... Chinese operatives working as aides, policies which seemed to benefit China to the detriment of the US, etc. Most of these were Democrats, but there is no reason to not suspect that some Republicans were also involved. This is not a partisan thing; it is an International thing.
The goal is now clear, for anyone who wants to put the pieces together: China has wanted economic superpower status for decades, with the USA standing in their way. The pharmaceuticals have been compromised by Chinese influences to assist them in return for ludicrous profit margins. Many US politicians are also assisting for massive personal financial gain. Some are likely being blackmailed as well; everyone has skeletons in their closet. The vaccines are not very effective because they were never meant to be very effective. They need continual boosters, which equates to more profit for the pharmaceuticals and more profit for China. The virus itself is only deadly to a small portion of the population, likely designed that way, but the media is under orders to spread fear to make everyone rush to get the vaccine. Mask mandates are dropped and entertainment venues are being opened as well, but only for the vaccinated.
Now vaccination mandates are occurring as well, because too many people are still resisting the vaccine.
Now, not everyone who promotes the vaccinations or face masks or even the lockdowns is "in on the game." Many, I'm sure, are just scared, buying in fully to the MSM narrative. That's the reason for spreading the fear initially, to gain public support for not only vaccinations, but extreme social measures. And it has worked, quite well in fact. Many openly demand that they along with everyone else literally be tortured and/or rendered destitute, to save them from the deadly virus.
In summary, China, with International collaboration, engineered a virus designed to kill a small percentage of the population but leave the rest alive. China then took measures to instill fear among the global population, and intentionally released the virus outside their own borders. Various countries were hit, some extremely hard (Italy?). The global media then built up the stories about the deadliness of the virus, while data became skewed as to how deadly it actually was. Treatment options were downplayed and in some cases even ridiculed and outlawed to leave the population vulnerable. Vaccines were rushed into production by companies with friendly ties to China, sans the red tape that would normally delay their introduction. Lockdowns and mask mandates were implemented to create misery to go along with the fear in the general population. Then the vaccines are released, creating a monetary conduit straight from the US and other Western countries to China, via the major pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer. Mandates are now being used to thwart any hold-outs to the vaccine, and booster shots are being rolled out as necessary with no end in sight to bolster the financial freeflow to China.
Follow the money people... it's all going to one target. And it's not us.
"we now have a complete and clear picture on China's trading connectedness, and we now know how resilent specific markets are, and how weak critical sectors are.
The pandemic was just a penetration test that we required in order to characterize the global trading network. There was no other way: trading networks and global markets connectedness cannot be observed from satellites, you know."
"What were you expecting?
A rational solution based on a unique procedure combining both backward and some elements of forward induction reasoning in which players act non-cooperatively or cooperate in a rational way?
The pre-COVID system was an equilibrium system, a system which included a family of strategy profiles and stable coalitions.
Those coalitions blew apart the moment independent players found no incentive in belonging to any coalition at all. There was a need to reset the game, and that's what we've done.
We cannot tolerate any player to deviate unilaterally. We need to be a rational and stable global civilization if we wish to increase our resilence for the coming outer threat."
"Next test will inevitably involve perturbing the food chain.
We will promote and foster the introduction and use of AI systems and neural networks in agriculture and food quality management, while in parallel we will test our cyber-weapons and train our offensive AI systems to hack those other AI systems."
originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: TheRedneck
I'll tell you a family story that may help in understanding all this a little.
First off, my parents are great people. My father is suffering dementia, but my mother is in relatively sound shape. Both democrats, both spend an inordinate amount of time watching CNN. The entire rest of the family, my sister, her family, mom's sister, her husband, all have to make a point NOT to let any discussion get political. Mention Trump, and she goes off on a 20 minute bender about "grab em by the pussy", and other taglines.
My brother in law and I would egg her on a little at first, but it always ended up getting everyone a bit angry, so we stopped it. When Joe Biden won the election, I did break from my stance of no politics, and I asked her:
"you probably don't know this, but there is a really good chance Biden is owned by China, and he will make decisions based on their best interests, not ours, if that's true, are you OK with trading that for the removal of Trump?" She gave me a resounding and firm "YES".
This is the mindset that the programming has installed. Unless you really talk to these people, it's hard to know the level of mind flucking that has taken place. It should be illegal to do that to folks, but then they willingly watch that garbage. My point is, most of us have no idea how far gone that group really is.
Hold on a tick... are you saying that the virus is real and that the vaccine isn't meant to depopulate america by making our baby girls shed all their eggs?
originally posted by: MrNewWorldOrder
originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: TheRedneck
I'll tell you a family story that may help in understanding all this a little.
First off, my parents are great people. My father is suffering dementia, but my mother is in relatively sound shape. Both democrats, both spend an inordinate amount of time watching CNN. The entire rest of the family, my sister, her family, mom's sister, her husband, all have to make a point NOT to let any discussion get political. Mention Trump, and she goes off on a 20 minute bender about "grab em by the pussy", and other taglines.
My brother in law and I would egg her on a little at first, but it always ended up getting everyone a bit angry, so we stopped it. When Joe Biden won the election, I did break from my stance of no politics, and I asked her:
"you probably don't know this, but there is a really good chance Biden is owned by China, and he will make decisions based on their best interests, not ours, if that's true, are you OK with trading that for the removal of Trump?" She gave me a resounding and firm "YES".
This is the mindset that the programming has installed. Unless you really talk to these people, it's hard to know the level of mind flucking that has taken place. It should be illegal to do that to folks, but then they willingly watch that garbage. My point is, most of us have no idea how far gone that group really is.
Poor lady, being interrogated and put under pressure by a son with a passionate agenda. Does this mean we are being subjected to subjucation by China? Glad you are on It! Mission successful.
originally posted by: BomSquad
So, I like science fiction and I like conspiracy theories. I don't believe in the truth of either, but I like the intellectual exercise of thinking about them.
Today I put on my tin foil hat and started thinking about Covid and these new vaccine mandates and my mind wandered to the Georgia Guidestones and the first "rule" written on them: "1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."
This is a "what if" argument. I don't believe what I am about to say is real, but I like to play "what if" games in my head.
This "what if" is could the Covid vaccine be the means to "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."
First you terrify everyone about the Covid virus and it's consequences. Make everyone so scared and desperate that they become willing to do almost anything to make it stop. Then come out with a vaccine and make the vaccine voluntary, so people feel safe about it. Once a few months go by and you've gotten most of the population vaccinated then introduce more fear by setting the vaccinated against the unvaccinated. Make the unvaccinated pariahs, further encouraging that population to join the vaccinated group by getting the vaccine, just to make the harassment stop.
Once that has played its course, start mandating vaccination. This group will be the most problematic as they are already predisposed not to get the vaccine and are most likely the most adamant about not wanting it, so make it a condition of employment or other necessary services. That will get the people who are still "on the fence".
Once that is done, you only have the hard core refusers. These people might need to be arrested and put into unvaccinated camps to "keep the rest of us safe". There they will be vaccinated against their will, but still kept in the camps because they are the known troublemakers, better to keep an eye on them.
So now that we have "100%" vaccination and things start returning to "the new normal" the other half of the plan comes out. You see, in this "what if" dystopian sci-fi show, the Covid vaccine was only the first part of a binary agent. In and of itself, the "vaccine" was mostly harmless, but when introduced to the second part of the binary agent, starts to kill off the population.
Only TPTB, the "power brokers", the "elite" didn't get the "vaccine". They are safe from the second part of the binary agent, but the poor serfs who got the vaccine, are not. The second part of the agent would probably be an airborne release, to prevent anyone from hiding/escaping from the second part. It could be freely released into the atmosphere as it is mostly harmless without the first part of the binary agent to act with.
I do not believe this is what is happening, but it does make one wonder. This is only a "what if" scenario, a thought exercise, a "tin foil hat" idea, nothing more.
I believe in one simple rule anytime any political figure is involved with a major issue: if their actions do not make good sense, that does not mean they don't know what they are doing. It means I am not seeing the real goal.