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The goal of the COVID - unveiled!

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posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: XXXN3O

So to me, the question is, who is China and is it just the CCP? I don't think it is, I think there is more to it.
Who is controlling them and what is the truth?

Who are we and who our true allies? Is there any opposition to what is happening? Where are they?

Who are they?

To answer that, one must first understand China, Chinese culture, and Chinese history. The history is all about conquest and warrior rulers. The culture therefore came to respect strength and honor, but their version of honor is different from ours in the West. They honor authority, because it was subservience to authority that protected the people in the past. So to them, honor means allegiance... to their ruler(s), to their communities, and to their family. A family without honor is considered as the lowest of the low.

One may gain honor by providing for their family, by fighting ferociously against an enemy, or by serving their ruler. How one accomplishes that does not matter! To us, espionage for gain is seen as dishonorable; to the Chinese, if that espionage benefits their family (i.e. they get away with it), they are acting honorably toward their family. If caught, they face dishonor... and merely a generation or two ago, suicide was preferable to such dishonor. I suspect that may be the case still in some areas.

When we deal with China, our typical response is to try and make a gentleman's arrangement. You do this and I'll do that and we'll both come out to the good. The problem is, we expect that trusting them will cause them to reciprocate. To the Chinese, that is a sign of weakness and they honor themselves, their families, and their country by taking advantage of that perceived weakness. We've done this "soft shoe" diplomacy for so long that we are seen as weaklings who are easily taken advantage of... and the Chinese will and do take advantage of us! For example, China does not recognize any intellectual property rights except theirs... but we recognize all intellectual property rights, even Chinese intellectual property rights. That's the big reason Apple is based in China now: if they were not, China would simply copy anything they produced and undercut them on price.

The Chinese people are easily led. Their culture tells them to be led, to swear absolute fealty to their rulers, even to death. If that means they take advantage of the weak, that, to them, is honorable. Anyone who did not swear absolute fealty to their warlords in years past would be summarily executed along with their families, so that fealty is now a part of their culture.

Things are starting to change. Japan once was similar (their roots are Chinese), but they are now becoming Westernized and no longer hold the traditional Asian ideals. It makes for an extremely interesting culture in Japan, by the way. But Japan was forced to connect with Western culture after WWII... China was not. And China has worked ceaselessly to keep Western values from diluting their culture.

That's another mistake we regularly make when trying to negotiate with China: we tend to think our way is the only way and our culture is the best culture, so we often are actually offering the Chinese government the one thing they will never accept. They do not want our capitalistic, money-first rat race society! If we promise them, for example, fast food restaurants to feed their hungry and give their unemployed jobs, we might see that as a great thing. China sees it as a threat that they will lose their culture.

(And I'm pretty sure the recent attacks by us on our own cultural heritages is not seen as a good thing by China.)

Now add ambition to that mix. China was a very poor country only a few years ago. Now they are gaining in economic power, primarily through their restrictive trade practices (they tariff everything we ship them, but cry foul when we tariff anything from China), their abuse of intellectual property rights, and their ready access to rare earth elements (required in almost all semiconductors). They want the standard of living the US has for their people; such will maintain the loyalty of the people in their minds and make them as powerful as the warlords of yesteryear. Plus, it will bring them honor, because the West which was able to dilute Japanese culture, South Korean culture, and several other SE Asian cultures, will have been defeated by them.

In short, this is and has been an economic and cultural war so far as the Chinese government sees it for decades. But we refuse to accept that China has declared such a war.

So now to actually answer your question: our enemy is the CCP, the ruling class of China. The Chinese people are not really our enemies, but they will follow those leaders until they realize better. Globally, there is an elite class running most of the Western governments who care more about their own personal finances than the people they lead. They will happily go along with the CCP because it profits them. Biden and Fauci are just two examples of low-hanging fruit; there are many officials who are also on the CCP payroll.

The next tier down would include most of the MSM. That's the people who may be on the payroll of the CCP but don't realize it. All they know is if they play ball, they get rewarded.

Then you have the zealots, the people who believe what they are told and will not ask the hard questions. There's no payroll involved, but they likely think they will get an easier life by going along with what they are told. Some simply believe the official story to the point they become unpaid, unwitting accomplices.

Finally, you have the majority of the people who simply don't care as long as their lives go on without problems.

That leaves very few left to fight this.


posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 07:45 PM

originally posted by: myselfaswellwe will be slaves.

not this citizen. i'll be much more trouble than i'm worth.

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 07:50 PM
What good is a King without a kingdom.

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: myselfaswell

Well. I disagree.

It sounds like you agree.

This is a global power and money grab. It includes Russia, Europe, Latin America, parts of Africa... everywhere. The CCP is not trying to lead the US; they are trying to lead the planet.

The US is a major player in that the US is the reigning economic superpower. We are the ones China has to surpass. We are also the leading influence for Western culture, something China refuses to accept. But that doesn't mean the goal is about the US... the goal is for China to be a global economic superpower replacing the US.


posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

This is as much externally as internally driven in that we have idiots in charge who honestly hate America.

I'm not convinced that the people in power hate America so much as they are apathetic about America. If they can profit from selling the country out, they'll do it without hesitation.

Apathy is more of a danger than hatred. Hatred can be seen, cannot be hidden, but apathy can.


posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: SeventhChapter

Jesus is a way God gave us to reconcile with God. Humans by default are sinful beings. We are also constantly attacked by the enemy. Jesus gave his life for us. What greater love is that? If we confess and try to turn from out evil ways. Then believe in Jesus, our Sins are forgiven. We will still sin, but we will strive to be better. I wish people like Biden would follow a better path, but I see no sign of it. We are about to see some of the book of Daniel unfold, then Revelations. Gog and Magog is next. The bible says it will be the most terrible war up to that point. But for now, I will not take the vaccine no matter the personal cost.

edit on 9-9-2021 by Jagman72 because: Bad typing

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: Jagman72

Yes, it is a spiritual war... but how does a physical man fight a spiritual war? He cannot; he is left to rely on spiritual forces to fight it for him. A man can fight a physical war, however, and spiritual forces can do no harm without willing physical beings to help them.

Pray for peace and trust in God; He will fight spiritually on our behalf... but keep yourself armed for the men that fight against you.


posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

It sounds like you agree.

Well, erm, actually no I don't.

One of the other drivers I haven't mentioned yet is that I personally think we are well past peak democracy. A casual look at the long term planning of the UN, WHO, WEF and many many others would certainly indicate that's the case, given that their pans seem to be panning out and none of the #ers are elected by anyone but themselves.

I've said before, we're heading towards an old feudal system, this time it's medical tyranny orchestrated by a bunch of technocratic billionaire lords.

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I agree that we have to stand up for ourselves. I also enjoy reading your posts. But God told us how to prepare for spiritual war as well:

Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: RoScoLaz5

not this citizen. i'll be much more trouble than i'm worth.

LOL, yeah, I'd put myself in the same category.

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 08:02 PM
Power. It is about power.

Money and control give you power.

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Thanks for the reply. I find most of it absolutely spot on and convincing.

However, two things still niggle in my mind that I cannot fathom. You and I are able to share this conversation and fathom just how astonishingly fast China has grown and completely see the difference between cultural approach towards diplomacy etc.

I still cannot fathom that there are not any western persons of power be it frontline or behind the scenes are not aware of this and actively resisting or doing something about it despite how it looks.

Also, lets say that the situation is really as dire as it appears and there is not anyone out there opposing it. You take over the whole planet, enslave mankind to your bidding... then what? You wipe out the human race, tamper with birth/death rates that's what will happen if animal/rodent extinction studies are anything to go by so your own bloodline will not outlast anyone else by much. You build bigger manmade pyramids? You stand in front of the whole world and go... see me, look at what I did, how great am I ain't I, like some devil? Starts going down the biblical route a bit it seems.

Something is missing, like a jig saw peace that this does not fit. Just my thoughts

edit on 9-9-2021 by XXXN3O because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

As usual you are spot on, is always and have always about population control and money, governments will no due a darn thing to find the truth because they enjoy the fascist powers given to them in the name of covid.

I believe about 48 members of congress have pharma interest and profit from the investments.

Before the virus was released China had the jab ready, but in order to get it out and profit from it, they needed deals with pharmaceutical giants in the main countries like UK and US because they knew it was not way in hell people were going to take the made in china one, soo they create American made jabs that were nothing but a lable change.

Scaremongering rendered most Americans brain dead for months.

last year I did a lot of research and yes China is one of the countries that have benefited greatly with covid beside the big pharmas.

The thing yo worry here is that if they get away with it now, they will get away with doing this same thing all over again in a few years.

We all know how deep in crap Fascist fauci is with china and the lab, but do you see anything going on? no he is even arrogant about it because just like pharma he seems to think the protections extend to him too.

Is something very nefarious when before the jabs were given the pharmas go the government to protect them.

This just the beginning, because we are just in the second phase of the whole agenda.

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 08:15 PM
China was the chosen state actor to make these events happen but I think global finance rules all and tells every country what to do. The financial system has been bilked for the world's wealth and is ready to collapse thus the need for a worldwide calamity to blame and set themselves up to "come to the rescue" with a digital financial system. A substantial reduction in population looks to be a side "benefit' to them and the digital control grid (internet of everything) can be started up. 2 things have been urgently pushed despite initial health problems; mRNA 'vaccines' and 5G. It sounds like mad conspiracy theory until you research the possibilities of remote human mind control and all the various methods they have developed to do it.

An obedient slave population, more room for them, no chance of revolt or overthrow. I think they are confident of pulling all this off. It's like a bad sci fi movie or remake of Brave New World with 1984 thrown in but it is reality in 2021. Never thought I'd live to see the day but in my soul I have felt it coming for decades. Many were the times I had to ask myself if I was getting paranoid and letting my imagination run amok yet here we are, we have arrived at the biggest turning point in human history.

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: Jagman72

Yes we are much more powerful even as third density physical beings, than we realize.
Our thoughts intentions, and beliefs have incredible power, and even more power collectively. The dark side understands this well , which is why they keep this information from us. If we all realized the power we had as beings of God consciousness they would lose control very fast. They actually use our own ability to create against us, by giving us the TV.

The armor of God is very important.

Edit to add: no I do not believe we were born with sin. That is a modification of the Bible to keep us week and subservient victims.
edit on 9-9-2021 by SeventhChapter because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-9-2021 by SeventhChapter because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-9-2021 by SeventhChapter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: XXXN3O
a reply to: TheRedneck

Thanks for the reply. I find most of it absolutely spot on and convincing.

However, two things still niggle in my mind that I cannot fathom. You and I are able to share this conversation and fathom just how astonishingly fast China has grown and completely see the difference between cultural approach towards diplomacy etc.

I still cannot fathom that there are not any western persons of power be it frontline or behind the scenes are not aware of this and actively resisting or doing something about it despite how it looks.

Also, lets say that the situation is really as dire as it appears and there is not anyone out there opposing it. You take over the whole planet, enslave mankind to your bidding... then what? You wipe out the human race, tamper with birth/death rates that's what will happen if animal/rodent extinction studies are anything to go by so your own bloodline will not outlast anyone else by much. You build bigger manmade pyramids? You stand in front of the whole world and go... see me, look at what I did, how great am I ain't I, like some devil? Starts going down the biblical route a bit it seems.

Something is missing, like a jig saw peace that this does not fit. Just my thoughts

You answered your own question there at the end. The who and the why is in the Bible. Nothing else really makes sense

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 08:25 PM
Double post
edit on 9-9-2021 by SeventhChapter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: shasta9600

originally posted by: XXXN3O
a reply to: TheRedneck

Thanks for the reply. I find most of it absolutely spot on and convincing.

However, two things still niggle in my mind that I cannot fathom. You and I are able to share this conversation and fathom just how astonishingly fast China has grown and completely see the difference between cultural approach towards diplomacy etc.

I still cannot fathom that there are not any western persons of power be it frontline or behind the scenes are not aware of this and actively resisting or doing something about it despite how it looks.

Also, lets say that the situation is really as dire as it appears and there is not anyone out there opposing it. You take over the whole planet, enslave mankind to your bidding... then what? You wipe out the human race, tamper with birth/death rates that's what will happen if animal/rodent extinction studies are anything to go by so your own bloodline will not outlast anyone else by much. You build bigger manmade pyramids? You stand in front of the whole world and go... see me, look at what I did, how great am I ain't I, like some devil? Starts going down the biblical route a bit it seems.

Something is missing, like a jig saw peace that this does not fit. Just my thoughts

You answered your own question there at the end. The who and the why is in the Bible. Nothing else really makes sense

You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink it

edit on 9-9-2021 by XXXN3O because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Great thread and well presented. I do want to ask how do you think the US debt owed to China reported years ago plays into this current environment? How does the Federal Reserve and current Biden administration fit in, are they being strong armed/ coerced ? Just some questions I have been asking myself and would like to know others take.

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

And controlling all trade, yep, China has taken advantage of the greed of Americas corporate power.

Wait when they start selling nuclear capability to the Taliban in afghanistan.

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