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New Zealand reports first death linked to Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine

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posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: macaronicaesar

My cousin in Aussie had the AZ I think she might be on her way home. Her blood test after three days with the worst flu-like symptoms came up as no iron. People at eighty years cant take that sort of abuse.She hasn't felt right since. She did all the right things consulted with the Doc etc.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: HawkEyi
After six months of supposedly covid free NZ. NZ is reporting its first covid vax death to Pfizer due to heart inflammation. Even as they reported it they are still not linking it to the vax.

Yes, they are.

Our health minister went on national TV today at one of the emergency briefings we have been having every day to track the current outbreak, and said that the death was a known rare adverse reaction to the vaccine. He specifically explained that they have been open and truthful about the risks, having already previously having published the known adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine.

Cov id-19 update - 30 August 2021 - RNZ

"The benefits outweigh the risks" how many times have we heard this before more reports of astrazeneca issues started to emerge?

New Zealand reports first death linked to Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
The NZ health minster claims that other health conditions of the person could have played a role? and what if the person was healthy before any of this started?

The health ministry said other medical issues at the same time could have influenced the outcome after vaccination.

But the vaccine's benefit outstripped risks from side effects, it added.

I really dont believe the minster here.

Of course not. You are desperately trying to misread what was plainly reported, because otherwise your 'giant conspiracy' doom-porn would look particularly foolish.


What is absolutely foolish is the ENTIRE Covid hysteria over a FLU with a survival rate of 99.4 %

Over 99% survival !!!

Thinking - you should try it sometime.

A 99,4% survival rate means 6 in 1000, dies.

How many deaths would that be in the US alone if it affected all of the population?

1,996,161 dead.

But the survival rate also isn't as high as 99.4%, anywhere in the world.

In the USA, the survival rate is currently 98.36%

If everyone in the USA caught COVID-19, that's 5,442,684 dead.

The "vaccines" change NONE of that.

They do not prevent infection
They do not prevent transmission
They do not prevent death

They are NOT like the Polio, Malaria, Hep A vaccines, which do EXACTLY that.

And the Covid vaccines have clot and heart issues and NO LONG TERM SAFETY PROFILE

On 11 January this year, the number of new daily cases in the US peaked at an all time high. Despite lockdowns and other mitigations.

At the same time, from early January, the roll-out of vaccines began, just as other things, like lock-downs were abandoned. Yet the numbers of new daily cases in the US plummeted. There were no other factors except the vaccine that could have been the cause of that.

In early July, the Delta strain made its appearance in the US and once again, numbers of new daily cases began to rise. At the same time, the numbers of doses of vaccine administered in the US, declined significantly.

All the graphs on the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 dashboard site shows clearly that the vaccines were working until the new strain and the drop off in new vaccinations happened. Similar is seen for many countries on the site.

The number of cases in Israel is at ALL TIME HIGH despite 85% of population vaccinated !

Again - these vaccines CLEARLY do NOT stop neither the spread nor the infections.

Making the passports useless

and blaming the "unvaccinated" is thus idiotic.

Enjoy your "snake oil" patent medicine...step right up...
Pretty much this. Everyone seems to like to pretend Israel doesn’t exist.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: macaronicaesar

My cousin in Aussie had the AZ I think she might be on her way home. Her blood test after three days with the worst flu-like symptoms came up as no iron. People at eighty years cant take that sort of abuse.She hasn't felt right since. She did all the right things consulted with the Doc etc.

I don’t know what to do, it will have implications for me professionally if I don’t get the 2nd one. I could apply for a medical exemption, but I don’t have a family doctor, so that would be difficult. I’m really not wanting to proceed with the 2nd dose, I feel like I still had some side effects from the first. I didn’t goto the dr or ER at all, my co-worker had myocarditis too and they refused to associate it with the vaccine, he never had it before, but did 5 days later.

I find it concerning how the bookkeeping is done, covid-19 then heart attack, cause of death is COVID-19. Same thing but replace covid-19 with the vaccine and they will do everything they can to avoid linking the two together. Oh it couldn’t have been the vaccine, don’t be foolish, it’s safe, I mean the human trials been ongoing for 6 months. Lol.

When people say the vaccine is safer than the virus I don’t really find any solace in that. I mean, it should be, otherwise I’m only taking on more risk for no reason. This is a silly statement. The virus for most healthy ppl poses limited risk to begin with so adding any risk without reason seems dumb to me, but despite my reaction i don’t think I’ll have any choice but to chance it or lose my livelihood.
edit on 1-9-2021 by macaronicaesar because: (typo)

edit on 1-9-2021 by macaronicaesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: macaronicaesar

I posted a vid , of all the conditions that preclude vaccination, and people are just driving up to the jab centre and getting a shot. How many of these people should have been excluded because of unknown medical causes that should have excluded them. Even if the Vax was safe which it, unfortunately, is not, are suffering the myriad of symptoms that it can cause.? I notice that we might have had the mild shot as it had emergency authorization, as many as five other patented additives have been in it at various times. The FDA now requires to know what's in it, and it can no longer deviate from this as it leaves the emergency use list. Your health is the most important asset, perhaps you could take a long holiday? find a Doctor that will squirt the second shot at the wall, and sign your card?.NZ is going for zero covid so the risk just doesn't stack up. Has the boss had it?

This is a small country and sometimes it takes a while for the penny to drop, but I would bet ER is starting to get above-average visits by now which should ring a few alarm bells.

edit on 1-9-2021 by anonentity because: spelling

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: HawkEyi
After six months of supposedly covid free NZ. NZ is reporting its first covid vax death to Pfizer due to heart inflammation. Even as they reported it they are still not linking it to the vax.

Yes, they are.

Our health minister went on national TV today at one of the emergency briefings we have been having every day to track the current outbreak, and said that the death was a known rare adverse reaction to the vaccine. He specifically explained that they have been open and truthful about the risks, having already previously having published the known adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine.

Cov id-19 update - 30 August 2021 - RNZ

"The benefits outweigh the risks" how many times have we heard this before more reports of astrazeneca issues started to emerge?

New Zealand reports first death linked to Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
The NZ health minster claims that other health conditions of the person could have played a role? and what if the person was healthy before any of this started?

The health ministry said other medical issues at the same time could have influenced the outcome after vaccination.

But the vaccine's benefit outstripped risks from side effects, it added.

I really dont believe the minster here.

Of course not. You are desperately trying to misread what was plainly reported, because otherwise your 'giant conspiracy' doom-porn would look particularly foolish.


What is absolutely foolish is the ENTIRE Covid hysteria over a FLU with a survival rate of 99.4 %

Over 99% survival !!!

Thinking - you should try it sometime.

A 99,4% survival rate means 6 in 1000, dies.

How many deaths would that be in the US alone if it affected all of the population?

1,996,161 dead.

But the survival rate also isn't as high as 99.4%, anywhere in the world.

In the USA, the survival rate is currently 98.36%

If everyone in the USA caught COVID-19, that's 5,442,684 dead.

The "vaccines" change NONE of that.

They do not prevent infection
They do not prevent transmission
They do not prevent death

They are NOT like the Polio, Malaria, Hep A vaccines, which do EXACTLY that.

And the Covid vaccines have clot and heart issues and NO LONG TERM SAFETY PROFILE

On 11 January this year, the number of new daily cases in the US peaked at an all time high. Despite lockdowns and other mitigations.

At the same time, from early January, the roll-out of vaccines began, just as other things, like lock-downs were abandoned. Yet the numbers of new daily cases in the US plummeted. There were no other factors except the vaccine that could have been the cause of that.

In early July, the Delta strain made its appearance in the US and once again, numbers of new daily cases began to rise. At the same time, the numbers of doses of vaccine administered in the US, declined significantly.

All the graphs on the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 dashboard site shows clearly that the vaccines were working until the new strain and the drop off in new vaccinations happened. Similar is seen for many countries on the site.

The number of cases in Israel is at ALL TIME HIGH despite 85% of population vaccinated !

Again - these vaccines CLEARLY do NOT stop neither the spread nor the infections.

Making the passports useless

and blaming the "unvaccinated" is thus idiotic.

Enjoy your "snake oil" patent medicine...step right up...

But the vaccine did work, especially at first. However the Delta strain caused a resurgence in cases due to its infectiousness.

What is clear from the numbers in Israel is that the vaccine alone isn't enough.

What is clear, from Queensland, Australia, and from New Zealand, is that a combination that includes lock-downs, masks, vaccines, social distancing, and sanitizing works, and that only an attempt at elimination of the virus from the community is effective. Anything that does not check the spread, and bring R down to below unity, is doomed to get worse.

edit on 2/9/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: HawkEyi
After six months of supposedly covid free NZ. NZ is reporting its first covid vax death to Pfizer due to heart inflammation. Even as they reported it they are still not linking it to the vax.

Yes, they are.

Our health minister went on national TV today at one of the emergency briefings we have been having every day to track the current outbreak, and said that the death was a known rare adverse reaction to the vaccine. He specifically explained that they have been open and truthful about the risks, having already previously having published the known adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine.

Cov id-19 update - 30 August 2021 - RNZ

"The benefits outweigh the risks" how many times have we heard this before more reports of astrazeneca issues started to emerge?

New Zealand reports first death linked to Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
The NZ health minster claims that other health conditions of the person could have played a role? and what if the person was healthy before any of this started?

The health ministry said other medical issues at the same time could have influenced the outcome after vaccination.

But the vaccine's benefit outstripped risks from side effects, it added.

I really dont believe the minster here.

Of course not. You are desperately trying to misread what was plainly reported, because otherwise your 'giant conspiracy' doom-porn would look particularly foolish.


What is absolutely foolish is the ENTIRE Covid hysteria over a FLU with a survival rate of 99.4 %

Over 99% survival !!!

Thinking - you should try it sometime.

A 99,4% survival rate means 6 in 1000, dies.

How many deaths would that be in the US alone if it affected all of the population?

1,996,161 dead.

But the survival rate also isn't as high as 99.4%, anywhere in the world.

In the USA, the survival rate is currently 98.36%

If everyone in the USA caught COVID-19, that's 5,442,684 dead.

The "vaccines" change NONE of that.

They do not prevent infection
They do not prevent transmission
They do not prevent death

They are NOT like the Polio, Malaria, Hep A vaccines, which do EXACTLY that.

And the Covid vaccines have clot and heart issues and NO LONG TERM SAFETY PROFILE

On 11 January this year, the number of new daily cases in the US peaked at an all time high. Despite lockdowns and other mitigations.

At the same time, from early January, the roll-out of vaccines began, just as other things, like lock-downs were abandoned. Yet the numbers of new daily cases in the US plummeted. There were no other factors except the vaccine that could have been the cause of that.

In early July, the Delta strain made its appearance in the US and once again, numbers of new daily cases began to rise. At the same time, the numbers of doses of vaccine administered in the US, declined significantly.

All the graphs on the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 dashboard site shows clearly that the vaccines were working until the new strain and the drop off in new vaccinations happened. Similar is seen for many countries on the site.

The number of cases in Israel is at ALL TIME HIGH despite 85% of population vaccinated !

Again - these vaccines CLEARLY do NOT stop neither the spread nor the infections.

Making the passports useless

and blaming the "unvaccinated" is thus idiotic.

Enjoy your "snake oil" patent medicine...step right up...

But the vaccine did work, especially at first. However the Delta strain caused a resurgence in cases due to its infectiousness.

What is clear from the numbers in Israel is that the vaccine alone isn't enough.

What is clear, from Queensland, Australia, and from New Zealand, is that a combination that includes lock-downs, masks, vaccines, social distancing, and sanitizing works, and that only an attempt at elimination of the virus from the community is effective. Anything that does not check the spread, and bring R down to below unity, is doomed to get worse.


You just don't understand how vaccines work. They are designed for a specific strain, and when they do work they stop the disease and the spread.
These Covid "vaccines" never did this, never stopped the spread or prevented disease: they were supposed to only "make you less sick" - supposedly. More likely, as data from millions of vaccinated people accumulated, the actual effectiveness turned out to be FAR lower than the quicky clinical trials with a few thousand people pretended.

And, giving you more shots of a vaccine designed for the original Covid strain, will NOT help you for Delta, or any other future strain. You need a new vaccine for each new strain, even assuming it works ( and it is apparent this "vaccine" does not work)

Furthermore, Sweden NEVER did any lockdowns and now has one of the lowest infection rates on Earth, likely because Sweden has achieved herd immunity, the same way medical science has known for CENTURIES

For CENTURIES, pandemics were controlled by quarantining the INFECTED, not the healthy.
Lockdowns are NOT a medical tool but a political tool first deployed by the Communist Party of China in late 2019.
edit on 2-9-2021 by M5xaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: HawkEyi
After six months of supposedly covid free NZ. NZ is reporting its first covid vax death to Pfizer due to heart inflammation. Even as they reported it they are still not linking it to the vax.

"The benefits outweigh the risks" how many times have we heard this before more reports of astrazeneca issues started to emerge?

New Zealand reports first death linked to Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
The NZ health minster claims that other health conditions of the person could have played a role? and what if the person was healthy before any of this started?

The health ministry said other medical issues at the same time could have influenced the outcome after vaccination.

But the vaccine's benefit outstripped risks from side effects, it added.

I really dont believe the minster here.

Of course not. You are desperately trying to misread what was plainly reported, because otherwise your 'giant conspiracy' doom-porn would look particularly foolish.


What is absolutely foolish is the ENTIRE Covid hysteria over a FLU with a survival rate of 99.4 %

Over 99% survival !!!

Thinking - you should try it sometime.

A 99,4% survival rate means 6 in 1000, dies.

How many deaths would that be in the US alone if it affected all of the population?

1,996,161 dead.

But the survival rate also isn't as high as 99.4%, anywhere in the world.

In the USA, the survival rate is currently 98.36%

If everyone in the USA caught COVID-19, that's 5,442,684 dead.

The "vaccines" change NONE of that.

They do not prevent infection
They do not prevent transmission
They do not prevent death

They are NOT like the Polio, Malaria, Hep A vaccines, which do EXACTLY that.

And the Covid vaccines have clot and heart issues and NO LONG TERM SAFETY PROFILE

On 11 January this year, the number of new daily cases in the US peaked at an all time high. Despite lockdowns and other mitigations.

At the same time, from early January, the roll-out of vaccines began, just as other things, like lock-downs were abandoned. Yet the numbers of new daily cases in the US plummeted. There were no other factors except the vaccine that could have been the cause of that.

In early July, the Delta strain made its appearance in the US and once again, numbers of new daily cases began to rise. At the same time, the numbers of doses of vaccine administered in the US, declined significantly.

All the graphs on the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 dashboard site shows clearly that the vaccines were working until the new strain and the drop off in new vaccinations happened. Similar is seen for many countries on the site.

The number of cases in Israel is at ALL TIME HIGH despite 85% of population vaccinated !

Again - these vaccines CLEARLY do NOT stop neither the spread nor the infections.

Making the passports useless

and blaming the "unvaccinated" is thus idiotic.

Enjoy your "snake oil" patent medicine...step right up...

But the vaccine did work, especially at first. However the Delta strain caused a resurgence in cases due to its infectiousness.

What is clear from the numbers in Israel is that the vaccine alone isn't enough.

What is clear, from Queensland, Australia, and from New Zealand, is that a combination that includes lock-downs, masks, vaccines, social distancing, and sanitizing works, and that only an attempt at elimination of the virus from the community is effective. Anything that does not check the spread, and bring R down to below unity, is doomed to get worse.


You just don't understand how vaccines work.

I do. They work by provoking an immune reaction, and thereby priming the immune system to react, without causing the actual disease.

They are designed for a specific strain,

No, even non living chemicals similar to toxins produced by pathogens have been successfully used as vaccines.

The point is to get an immune reaction to a pathogen. It isn't 'strain' dependent at all.

For instance if all strains have a spike protein that penetrates the cell wall, a vaccine that promotes an immune reaction to that spike protein will work against all strains that have the same protein.

and when they do work they stop the disease and the spread.

They promote an immune reaction that stops the disease, and hopefully the spread, by reducing the number and duration of successful host infections.

These Covid "vaccines" never did this, never stopped the spread or prevented disease: they were supposed to only "make you less sick" - supposedly.

Sometimes an immune reaction makes you feel more sick.

Part of the problem with a novel pathogen is that our bodies don't recognize it at all and we are overrun by it, before we can mount an immune response, and we don't feel sick until the damage is done.

More likely, as data from millions of vaccinated people accumulated, the actual effectiveness turned out to be FAR lower than the quicky clinical trials with a few thousand people pretended.

In Israel, they found that the effectiveness of the vaccines against the Delta strain was down from 95% for the Alpha strain, down to 93%. We have had time to analyze the numbers now.

And, giving you more shots of a vaccine designed for the original Covid strain, will NOT help you for Delta, or any other future strain. You need a new vaccine for each new strain, even assuming it works ( and it is apparent this "vaccine" does not work).

Same spike protein, similar effectiveness.

Furthermore, Sweden NEVER did any lockdowns and now has one of the lowest infection rates on Earth, likely because Sweden has achieved herd immunity, the same way medical science has known for CENTURIES

The Swedish R value is greater than 1. It crossed from below unity about the start of July and with the growth in daily new cases, will be increasing for years.

For CENTURIES, pandemics were controlled by quarantining the INFECTED, not the healthy.

Yes, but people in this thread are saying don't do anything, and are also assuming that we know all who are infected.

Lockdowns are NOT a medical tool but a political tool first deployed by the Communist Party of China in late 2019.

And, how did that go? Did it work?

Also, How did people cope with ‘lockdowns’ of the past? And were they really all so productive?

So, your point is BS.

edit on 2/9/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 05:50 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

368,408,264 So, this would mean the case-fatality ratio of the COVID-19 vaccines is 0.00189 of a percent.

201,718,587 dosed as of 8/23/21.

The CFR for COVID-19 in the US is currently 1.637%

Unless the equation includes the actual number of COVID infections, and that would have required 100% testing, we can safely assume the calculated CFR is wrong and that it is less. How much less? This is one indicator. We should leave every mic on all the time haha

And really, they're not counting any deaths occurring within 14 days of a shot, so we can't rely on any information they're putting out. CDC, FDA, CIA, all of 'em=totally compromised! That's not in question anymore. The question we're working on now, is WHY?

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

MY point is BS ??????
Check a mirror

Lockdowns were NOT developped by long standing double blind scientific medical papers but entirely sprung out of nowhere by the Chinese Communist Party

The FDA has admitted that the PCR test does not work and is withdrawing it, effective December 2021.

Quite aside from the fact that PCR tests wildly exagerated positive Covid result and cannot distinguish between simple flu and Covid, or the various Covid strains.

And, contray to your FALSE, IGNORANT statement, a new vaccine MUST be done for every new coronavirus strain: this is why the flu vaccine changes every year in response to the anticipated strain

Again, this "Covid vaccine" DOES NOT STOP INFECTION OR SPREAD OR EVEN DEATH: ISRAEL is at record high Covid infections despite >85% vaccinated
PROVING the vaccine DOES NOT WORK and making the "passports" totally, useless. Might as well have a "passport" proving you swallowed from CNN - just as effective against Covid.

Again, Sweden never did any lockdowns and is better off than most countries
What is it you do not understand ?
edit on 4-9-2021 by M5xaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 12:35 AM

One of the problems with sugars, is that they are actually an essential for health

a reply to: chr0naut

Please put a link to show sugar is an essential human nutritional element.

I do trust some of the science. But I don't trust the marketing use of 'science' which is usually half-truth.

When do you determine the "marketing of science"?

6 monthly jabs for life for something 97% of the under 45s could get naturally occurring immunity from seems like a damm good marketing scam for profits..

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 12:36 AM
a reply to: puzzled2

6 monthly jabs for life

Is this what is recommended?

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 12:38 AM
a reply to: Phage

It is in Israel.

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 12:39 AM
a reply to: HawkEyi

Show me.

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 12:57 AM
a reply to: macaronicaesar

When I've brought up the Israeli data on other sites, the sheep and Pfizer puppets have varied in responses from ad hominem attacks to assertions that the Israeli government is untrustworthy to basically claims that Israel is imaginary. They refuses to even engage with anything that contradicts the propaganda.

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to: Phage -calls-to-begin-readying-for-eventual-4th-vaccine-dose/#comments

Now why would they lie?

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: puzzled2

One of the problems with sugars, is that they are actually an essential for health

a reply to: chr0naut

Please put a link to show sugar is an essential human nutritional element.

Carbohydrate metabolism - NIH PubChem

I do trust some of the science. But I don't trust the marketing use of 'science' which is usually half-truth.

When do you determine the "marketing of science"?

6 monthly jabs for life for something 97% of the under 45s could get naturally occurring immunity from seems like a damm good marketing scam for profits..

Yes, but here in little old NZ, these jabs are free to those who want them (note that they aren't mandatory, either). Fully subsidized via our medicinal safety and approvals authority, Pharmac.

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 07:17 PM
You are lying to people outside NZ Chro, their have been police knee's on neck arrests here in Chch NZ, peer pressure is awful and pressure in many ways by usual peoples.

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: puzzled2

One of the problems with sugars, is that they are actually an essential for health

a reply to: chr0naut

Please put a link to show sugar is an essential human nutritional element.

Carbohydrate metabolism - NIH PubChem

I do trust some of the science. But I don't trust the marketing use of 'science' which is usually half-truth.

When do you determine the "marketing of science"?

6 monthly jabs for life for something 97% of the under 45s could get naturally occurring immunity from seems like a damm good marketing scam for profits..

Yes, but here in little old NZ, these jabs are free to those who want them (note that they aren't mandatory, either). Fully subsidized via our medicinal safety and approvals authority, Pharmac.

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 07:40 PM

originally posted by: 13Kiwi20qYes
You are lying to people outside NZ Chro, their have been police knee's on neck arrests here in Chch NZ, peer pressure is awful and pressure in many ways by usual peoples.

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: puzzled2

One of the problems with sugars, is that they are actually an essential for health

a reply to: chr0naut

Please put a link to show sugar is an essential human nutritional element.

Carbohydrate metabolism - NIH PubChem

I do trust some of the science. But I don't trust the marketing use of 'science' which is usually half-truth.

When do you determine the "marketing of science"?

6 monthly jabs for life for something 97% of the under 45s could get naturally occurring immunity from seems like a damm good marketing scam for profits..

Yes, but here in little old NZ, these jabs are free to those who want them (note that they aren't mandatory, either). Fully subsidized via our medicinal safety and approvals authority, Pharmac.

Those people weren't arrested for declining vaccination.

They were arrested for getting together in groups during an epidemic, and contrary to lock-down.

They were protesting against a number of things, one of them mandatory vaccinations, which we don't have here in New Zealand. But, because they have seen social media about the protests happening in the US, which does have mandatory vaccination, they have believed that it is happening here.

Similarly, they don't believe that the pandemic is real, but in its place, they do believe in some giant conspiracy, world-wide, involving millions of 'in the know' participants, that somehow will take away their freedom by making them do anything that might stop or slow the spread of an epidemic.

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 09:14 PM
Nope, arrested with his children and in front of them, knee on neck, his son ( 14 ? i think ), takled to ground by large man ( unsure but may have been off duty police ), he got off child when some bystanders started to object, no msn's will touch it even though social media viral, in your city chro ? , Chch ?, yes.

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: 13Kiwi20qYes
You are lying to people outside NZ Chro, their have been police knee's on neck arrests here in Chch NZ, peer pressure is awful and pressure in many ways by usual peoples.

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: puzzled2

One of the problems with sugars, is that they are actually an essential for health

a reply to: chr0naut

Please put a link to show sugar is an essential human nutritional element.

Carbohydrate metabolism - NIH PubChem

I do trust some of the science. But I don't trust the marketing use of 'science' which is usually half-truth.

When do you determine the "marketing of science"?

6 monthly jabs for life for something 97% of the under 45s could get naturally occurring immunity from seems like a damm good marketing scam for profits..

Yes, but here in little old NZ, these jabs are free to those who want them (note that they aren't mandatory, either). Fully subsidized via our medicinal safety and approvals authority, Pharmac.

Those people weren't arrested for declining vaccination.

They were arrested for getting together in groups during an epidemic, and contrary to lock-down.

They were protesting against a number of things, one of them mandatory vaccinations, which we don't have here in New Zealand. But, because they have seen social media about the protests happening in the US, which does have mandatory vaccination, they have believed that it is happening here.

Similarly, they don't believe that the pandemic is real, but in its place, they do believe in some giant conspiracy, world-wide, involving millions of 'in the know' participants, that somehow will take away their freedom by making them do anything that might stop or slow the spread of an epidemic.

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 09:22 PM
He is a friend and on going to get the vid and data for you, it is all off his fb acc and anywhere else, am sure one could find mr Gibson's account of this by google, likely all off social media due to legal/law things, was an article done which was well circulated but not able to find it atm, not by mainstream of course.

a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes

edit on 5-9-2021 by 13Kiwi20qYes because: (no reason given)

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