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New Zealand reports first death linked to Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine

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posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 07:19 PM
Seen many of your posts the last year or so and ponder why you have such faith and trust in liars in NZ and abroad, especialllly government/s, though sad at first, as we are all in this soup together, i gift blessings your way and carry on, atm 113 people at least have passed due to CV19-84, both Aussie and NZ parliments are shut down ( lots behind the scenes indeed ), imo the only truth known at present for certain is intuition , hows yours lol. -deaths/?fbclid=IwAR2P4FbPNwyKeoyNs-d-93IpNEjFdEsXY61SeXwOmV_rRsMU8A11d8aS3OU

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: slatesteam
Better lock the country down…

Oh, yeah wait nvm. That’s not how this works.

New Zealand are already seeing the expected reduction in the number of daily new cases from the lockdown.

And only one city, Auckland, is currently under full level 4 lockdown.

The rest of New Zealand has been eased back to level 3, and this easing of lockdown will continue as we get on top of the situation - again.

We've got this. We've done it before.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 07:22 PM
Entirely voluntary = absolute bollocks, one may frame it in their brain that way if one desired, the pressure of losing one's job if no vaxx is not voluntary, giving children over 12 the right to choose the vaxx is not voluntary, Vaxx passports etc, c'mon use your brain please.

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: humanResistance
Scary thought when you think about it. New Zealand has mandatory vaccination for every person doesn't it?

No. It doesn't.

It is entirely voluntary in new Zealand.

The only countries that have mandatory vaccination even being discussed, are ones that think they have 'freedom' and 'liberty'. Weird inversion of reality, eh?

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 07:27 PM
Though i view your reply as dissgusting, maybe there is some logic, normal is kaput thankfulllly, as constant change will not allow it ( that be science and spiritual from memory and experience ) , so if ones now is present , then one lives in the constant = change now-won, for many being the eye of the storm these days is our normal, many people wishing comfort through no change are watching and peering into the eye aghast, still.

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Butterfinger
a reply to: chr0naut

Prepare to have many many more, its the new normal.

People have always died, for all sorts of reasons, but hardly any of them from vaccines, compared to the total numbers of deaths.

It isn't new.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: ZeussusZ

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: humanResistance
Scary thought when you think about it. New Zealand has mandatory vaccination for every person doesn't it?

No. It doesn't.

It is entirely voluntary in new Zealand.

The only countries that have mandatory vaccination even being discussed, are ones that think they have 'freedom' and 'liberty'. Weird inversion of reality, eh?

It is not entirely voluntary in nz.
A "medical officer " has "special powers" during a pandemic and can force anyone to take a vaccine.

mandatory vaccines

The linked page says nothing about mandatory vaccines, nor about any "special powers" that a medical officer may have.

There is a COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020 that has been passed in New Zealand and it also does not grant anyone authority to vaccinate someone against their wishes.

Similarly, the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021 does not grant such authority, either.

So, I'm calling BS on that.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

The Prime minister has already stated there will no mandatory vaccinations in New Zealand. She doesn't want a #storm, like those idiots in Australia. As for those few businessmen who want it for employment I don't fancy their chances. The place is a big farm with plenty of food, plenty of bush a lot of self-sufficiency. Half the people I know who want to go to Aussie or the Islands sail there in their own yachts. It's a funny place compared to Urban Britain or Australia. In the cities, you might notice very little difference but in the country, it's very different.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 08:02 PM

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: HawkEyi
After six months of supposedly covid free NZ. NZ is reporting its first covid vax death to Pfizer due to heart inflammation. Even as they reported it they are still not linking it to the vax.

Yes, they are.

Our health minister went on national TV today at one of the emergency briefings we have been having every day to track the current outbreak, and said that the death was a known rare adverse reaction to the vaccine. He specifically explained that they have been open and truthful about the risks, having already previously having published the known adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine.

Cov id-19 update - 30 August 2021 - RNZ

"The benefits outweigh the risks" how many times have we heard this before more reports of astrazeneca issues started to emerge?

New Zealand reports first death linked to Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
The NZ health minster claims that other health conditions of the person could have played a role? and what if the person was healthy before any of this started?

The health ministry said other medical issues at the same time could have influenced the outcome after vaccination.

But the vaccine's benefit outstripped risks from side effects, it added.

I really dont believe the minster here.

Of course not. You are desperately trying to misread what was plainly reported, because otherwise your 'giant conspiracy' doom-porn would look particularly foolish.


What is absolutely foolish is the ENTIRE Covid hysteria over a FLU with a survival rate of 99.4 %

Over 99% survival !!!

Thinking - you should try it sometime.

A 99,4% survival rate means 6 in 1000, dies.

How many deaths would that be in the US alone if it affected all of the population?

1,996,161 dead.

But the survival rate also isn't as high as 99.4%, anywhere in the world.

In the USA, the survival rate is currently 98.36%

If everyone in the USA caught COVID-19, that's 5,442,684 dead.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ZeussusZ

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: humanResistance
Scary thought when you think about it. New Zealand has mandatory vaccination for every person doesn't it?

No. It doesn't.

It is entirely voluntary in new Zealand.

The only countries that have mandatory vaccination even being discussed, are ones that think they have 'freedom' and 'liberty'. Weird inversion of reality, eh?

It is not entirely voluntary in nz.
A "medical officer " has "special powers" during a pandemic and can force anyone to take a vaccine.

mandatory vaccines

The linked page says nothing about mandatory vaccines, nor about any "special powers" that a medical officer may have.

There is a COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020 that has been passed in New Zealand and it also does not grant anyone authority to vaccinate someone against their wishes.

Similarly, the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021 does not grant such authority, either.

So, I'm calling BS on that.

Now you can call it true.

"Compulsory measures include:
 requirements for people to be tested and screened
 quarantining or isolating people (that is, removing symptomatic or non-symptomatic people
to a quarantine or treatment facility or prohibiting them from leaving a particular facility)
 restricting the movement of people into or out of an area
 restricting travel of people (within or out of New Zealand)
 imposing a duty to supply information (eg, future travel plans or past travel history)
 requirements on people to undergo preventive treatment
 requirements on people not to go to work or other public places or to do so only under certain
 commandeering of resources (eg, land, buildings or vehicles)."

"The power to prescribe preventive treatment allows a medical officer of health, in respect of any
person who has been isolated or quarantined, to require people to remain where they are
isolated or quarantined until they have been medically examined and found to be free from
infectious disease, and until they have undergone such preventive treatment as the medical
officer of health prescribes (section 70(1)(h) of the Health Act 1956)."

From the link go back and read.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: 13Kiwi20qYes
Entirely voluntary = absolute bollocks, one may frame it in their brain that way if one desired, the pressure of losing one's job if no vaxx is not voluntary, giving children over 12 the right to choose the vaxx is not voluntary, Vaxx passports etc, c'mon use your brain please.

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: humanResistance
Scary thought when you think about it. New Zealand has mandatory vaccination for every person doesn't it?

No. It doesn't.

It is entirely voluntary in new Zealand.

The only countries that have mandatory vaccination even being discussed, are ones that think they have 'freedom' and 'liberty'. Weird inversion of reality, eh?

We don't have any COVID-19 vaccine passports in New Zealand.

There are very few jobs where vaccination is required. They are mainly front-line, at-risk, public facing roles, in the following specific categories: WorkSafe inspectors, Aviation Security officers, Customs officers, members of the Armed Forces, and COVID-19 Enforcement Officers (Maritime Border).

COVID-19: Epidemic notice and Orders

Currently, if you are under 30, and are not in one of the noted front-line jobs, you cannot even book a vaccination.

COVID-19 vaccination bookings open for 30+

So, your post was BS.

edit on 30/8/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Actually, The PM has just said anyone over twelve can now get a jab. Is that because the uptake is so low they have plenty of spare jabs?

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: 13Kiwi20qYes
Entirely voluntary = absolute bollocks, one may frame it in their brain that way if one desired, the pressure of losing one's job if no vaxx is not voluntary, giving children over 12 the right to choose the vaxx is not voluntary, Vaxx passports etc, c'mon use your brain please.

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: humanResistance
Scary thought when you think about it. New Zealand has mandatory vaccination for every person doesn't it?

No. It doesn't.

It is entirely voluntary in new Zealand.

The only countries that have mandatory vaccination even being discussed, are ones that think they have 'freedom' and 'liberty'. Weird inversion of reality, eh?

We don't have any COVID-19 vaccine passports in New Zealand.

There are very few jobs where vaccination is required. They are mainly front-line, at-risk, public facing roles, in the following specific categories: WorkSafe inspectors, Aviation Security officers, Customs officers, members of the Armed Forces, and COVID-19 Enforcement Officers (Maritime Border).

COVID-19: Epidemic notice and Orders

Currently, if you are under 30, and are not in one of the noted front-line jobs, you cannot even book a vaccination.

COVID-19 vaccination bookings open for 30+

So, your post was BS.

Anyone 12yr and over can get a vaccine .
Remember the whole govt thing of bring your kids.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: 13Kiwi20qYes
Though i view your reply as dissgusting, maybe there is some logic, normal is kaput thankfulllly, as constant change will not allow it ( that be science and spiritual from memory and experience ) , so if ones now is present , then one lives in the constant = change now-won, for many being the eye of the storm these days is our normal, many people wishing comfort through no change are watching and peering into the eye aghast, still.

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Butterfinger
a reply to: chr0naut

Prepare to have many many more, its the new normal.

People have always died, for all sorts of reasons, but hardly any of them from vaccines, compared to the total numbers of deaths.

It isn't new.

You are suggesting that vaccination is more dangerous than non-vaccination. Which is already shown to be massively untrue, right around the world.

What you advocate will simply cause thousands of times more preventable deaths. It is outright evil.

edit on 30/8/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 08:39 PM
From what i have seen of this dear soul on ATS, is if one actualllly got an opinion or fact or even feel, through to them, they will not allow this or that to real to them, cannot, remember when you poohaaaaded elite families or corrupt officials or putrid rings etc, before the real Earth journey started, imo they are protecting themselves ( it not be nice sometimes the truth lol, especialllly some facets ) , so fair play to them, will not play with them anymore, tas they will find what allows for themselves, so blessings to all n respect ot to Chro

originally posted by: ZeussusZ

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: 13Kiwi20qYes
Entirely voluntary = absolute bollocks, one may frame it in their brain that way if one desired, the pressure of losing one's job if no vaxx is not voluntary, giving children over 12 the right to choose the vaxx is not voluntary, Vaxx passports etc, c'mon use your brain please.

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: humanResistance
Scary thought when you think about it. New Zealand has mandatory vaccination for every person doesn't it?

No. It doesn't.

It is entirely voluntary in new Zealand.

The only countries that have mandatory vaccination even being discussed, are ones that think they have 'freedom' and 'liberty'. Weird inversion of reality, eh?

We don't have any COVID-19 vaccine passports in New Zealand.

There are very few jobs where vaccination is required. They are mainly front-line, at-risk, public facing roles, in the following specific categories: WorkSafe inspectors, Aviation Security officers, Customs officers, members of the Armed Forces, and COVID-19 Enforcement Officers (Maritime Border).

COVID-19: Epidemic notice and Orders

Currently, if you are under 30, and are not in one of the noted front-line jobs, you cannot even book a vaccination.

COVID-19 vaccination bookings open for 30+

So, your post was BS.

Anyone 12yr and over can get a vaccine .
Remember the whole govt thing of bring your kids.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: chr0naut

Actually, The PM has just said anyone over twelve can now get a jab. Is that because the uptake is so low they have plenty of spare jabs?

No, the opposite. The government are trying to ensure that there are enough on hand to vaccinate everyone who wants it up until the next 'official' order of the Pfizer vaccine arrives in October.

I think it relates to approval being given for that age group by our MedSafe authority.

Also, with the infectiousness of the Delta strain, I think we need far more people vaccinated to achieve 'herd immunity' levels of reduction of spread and reduction of symptoms progressing to serious levels.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

You cannot say that of an untested vaccine, whose side effects are covered up by hospital staff and the MSM. If this was not so I would be warmer to the idea of vaccinations. But as we have it, the guy who invented it warned of using it for mass distribution, as the original Sars one had not worked out the Immune enhancement problem., On the information leaflet, it states that the injection load stays in the deltoid muscle and produces the antibodies, this is an obvious lie as it has been found to leak too many body sites, and cause the stated side effects. As stated In their leaflet, if it didn't there would be no stated side effects besides local soreness at the injection site, good luck if you have taken it, I hope you are in the lucky box.

posted on Aug, 30 2021 @ 09:58 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: chr0naut

You cannot say that of an untested vaccine, whose side effects are covered up by hospital staff and the MSM. If this was not so I would be warmer to the idea of vaccinations. But as we have it, the guy who invented it warned of using it for mass distribution, as the original Sars one had not worked out the Immune enhancement problem., On the information leaflet, it states that the injection load stays in the deltoid muscle and produces the antibodies, this is an obvious lie as it has been found to leak too many body sites, and cause the stated side effects. As stated In their leaflet, if it didn't there would be no stated side effects besides local soreness at the injection site, good luck if you have taken it, I hope you are in the lucky box.

I did a comparative risk assessment based upon US numbers in this post

This is 'actuals', not speculation.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

And your point is?

3,378,414 die every year in the USA, if the virus carries its current doubling rate it's going to take what 4 years to get everyone?

Now, how many of those would have died due to other comorbidities in the same period? Sweden currently -7% in excess mortality - UK USA +7% +12% is it all covid or drugs, violence, lack of early treatment of cancer and heart diseases?

If therapeutics and pre-infecting the vulnerable members of society are actually working then what are we worried about?

Open the borders - allow freedom of international movement BUT lock up the locals seems like a failed strategy. But here we are.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 01:04 AM

originally posted by: puzzled2
a reply to: chr0naut

And your point is?

3,378,414 die every year in the USA, if the virus carries its current doubling rate it's going to take what 4 years to get everyone?

Now, how many of those would have died due to other comorbidities in the same period? Sweden currently -7% in excess mortality - UK USA +7% +12% is it all covid or drugs, violence, lack of early treatment of cancer and heart diseases?

If therapeutics and pre-infecting the vulnerable members of society are actually working then what are we worried about?

Open the borders - allow freedom of international movement BUT lock up the locals seems like a failed strategy. But here we are.

That's a little bit like saying line-up and execute everyone now, because they were all going to die eventually, anyway.

It doesn't convince me as particularly sound reasoning. Do you want to try again?

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 03:58 AM
Imagine all the times they found out they were incorrect, what did they do ?, imagine the mind n brain energy put into holding a narrative this putrid, let alone defending n declaring and word dancing BUT but butt, tisa good way for some, to collect n gain energy, i will continue to bless and gift Kara Kia

a reply to: puzzled2

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Butterfinger
a reply to: chr0naut

Prepare to have many many more, its the new normal.

People have always died, for all sorts of reasons, but hardly any of them from vaccines, compared to the total numbers of deaths.

It isn't new.

I mean the lockdowns, I guess youre Ok with it. By any means necessary?

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: Butterfinger

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Butterfinger
a reply to: chr0naut

Prepare to have many many more, its the new normal.

People have always died, for all sorts of reasons, but hardly any of them from vaccines, compared to the total numbers of deaths.

It isn't new.

I mean the lockdowns, I guess youre Ok with it. By any means necessary?

The virus can't mutate unless there is a breeding ground of hosts for it to mutate in.

An elimination strategy, so the virus isn't in the community, and doesn't have numerous hosts, is achievable (we have done it previously. What we are dealing with now is just another outbreak), and removes the possibility of multiple new variants arising all the time, and of seasonal 'waves' of reinfection.

The USA has the largest numbers of infected in the world, and has done so for almost the entire pandemic. It is the largest reservoir from which the rest of the world will be re-infected for decades to come. There are multiple countries that have not even taken steps to control the growth of the epidemic, let alone look at an elimination strategy.

Doing nothing does nothing.

edit on 31/8/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

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