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New Zealand reports first death linked to Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine

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posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

So, hide everyone until it dies of natural causes? Wont happen, we have to live with it and around it like the flu. Good thing its not airbourne Ebola

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: vonclod

It was about eighty cases the day before yesterday, and fiftyish yesterday. It's mainly in Auckland, about nine cases in Wellington.

Thanks for the info!

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: slatesteam
Better lock the country down…

Oh, yeah wait nvm. That’s not how this works.

New Zealand are already seeing the expected reduction in the number of daily new cases from the lockdown.

And only one city, Auckland, is currently under full level 4 lockdown.

The rest of New Zealand has been eased back to level 3, and this easing of lockdown will continue as we get on top of the situation - again.

We've got this. We've done it before.

Oh..what were those numbers?

The number of daily new cases.

Initially, it was growing quite rapidly, then it began to level off, now we have had definite reductions in the number of daily new cases.

Alongside this, we are having vaccinations increasing to 48,000 a day, with 1.16 million people fully vaccinated so far. That's not too bad for a quiet little island nation.

Daily stats for this outbreak: 562 cases nationally, 547 of which are in Auckland, which remains under level 4 lock-down. Other areas of NZ are eased to be under level 3 lock-down. New daily cases yesterday were 53. 37 people hospitalized with two in ICU.

We have just had a big storm and flooding overnight in Auckland, and some of the drive-through vaccination tents have been damaged, but the clean-up is well underway this morning and things are moving again.

Just to hand: Daily new cases for today have further reduced to 49.

Thank you for the info!

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Doing a risk assessment on debatable figures from people with vested interest cant be claimed to be a real risk assesment.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: chr0naut

Doing a risk assessment on debatable figures from people with vested interest cant be claimed to be a real risk assesment.

Would it be more credible if I put it in a video on BullChute?

I could wear a lab coat, and everything...

edit on 31/8/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 07:22 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: HawkEyi
After six months of supposedly covid free NZ. NZ is reporting its first covid vax death to Pfizer due to heart inflammation. Even as they reported it they are still not linking it to the vax.

Yes, they are.

Our health minister went on national TV today at one of the emergency briefings we have been having every day to track the current outbreak, and said that the death was a known rare adverse reaction to the vaccine. He specifically explained that they have been open and truthful about the risks, having already previously having published the known adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine.

Cov id-19 update - 30 August 2021 - RNZ

"The benefits outweigh the risks" how many times have we heard this before more reports of astrazeneca issues started to emerge?

New Zealand reports first death linked to Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
The NZ health minster claims that other health conditions of the person could have played a role? and what if the person was healthy before any of this started?

The health ministry said other medical issues at the same time could have influenced the outcome after vaccination.

But the vaccine's benefit outstripped risks from side effects, it added.

I really dont believe the minster here.

Of course not. You are desperately trying to misread what was plainly reported, because otherwise your 'giant conspiracy' doom-porn would look particularly foolish.


What is absolutely foolish is the ENTIRE Covid hysteria over a FLU with a survival rate of 99.4 %

Over 99% survival !!!

Thinking - you should try it sometime.

A 99,4% survival rate means 6 in 1000, dies.

How many deaths would that be in the US alone if it affected all of the population?

1,996,161 dead.

But the survival rate also isn't as high as 99.4%, anywhere in the world.

In the USA, the survival rate is currently 98.36%

If everyone in the USA caught COVID-19, that's 5,442,684 dead.

The "vaccines" change NONE of that.

They do not prevent infection
They do not prevent transmission
They do not prevent death

They are NOT like the Polio, Malaria, Hep A vaccines, which do EXACTLY that.

And the Covid vaccines have clot and heart issues and NO LONG TERM SAFETY PROFILE

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 07:30 PM
6 in 1000 die ?!?!?!?!

Oh no, sounds serious


posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: HawkEyi
After six months of supposedly covid free NZ. NZ is reporting its first covid vax death to Pfizer due to heart inflammation. Even as they reported it they are still not linking it to the vax.

Yes, they are.

Our health minister went on national TV today at one of the emergency briefings we have been having every day to track the current outbreak, and said that the death was a known rare adverse reaction to the vaccine. He specifically explained that they have been open and truthful about the risks, having already previously having published the known adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine.

Cov id-19 update - 30 August 2021 - RNZ

"The benefits outweigh the risks" how many times have we heard this before more reports of astrazeneca issues started to emerge?

New Zealand reports first death linked to Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
The NZ health minster claims that other health conditions of the person could have played a role? and what if the person was healthy before any of this started?

The health ministry said other medical issues at the same time could have influenced the outcome after vaccination.

But the vaccine's benefit outstripped risks from side effects, it added.

I really dont believe the minster here.

Of course not. You are desperately trying to misread what was plainly reported, because otherwise your 'giant conspiracy' doom-porn would look particularly foolish.


What is absolutely foolish is the ENTIRE Covid hysteria over a FLU with a survival rate of 99.4 %

Over 99% survival !!!

Thinking - you should try it sometime.

A 99,4% survival rate means 6 in 1000, dies.

How many deaths would that be in the US alone if it affected all of the population?

1,996,161 dead.

But the survival rate also isn't as high as 99.4%, anywhere in the world.

In the USA, the survival rate is currently 98.36%

If everyone in the USA caught COVID-19, that's 5,442,684 dead.

The "vaccines" change NONE of that.

They do not prevent infection
They do not prevent transmission
They do not prevent death

They are NOT like the Polio, Malaria, Hep A vaccines, which do EXACTLY that.

And the Covid vaccines have clot and heart issues and NO LONG TERM SAFETY PROFILE

On 11 January this year, the number of new daily cases in the US peaked at an all time high. Despite lockdowns and other mitigations.

At the same time, from early January, the roll-out of vaccines began, just as other things, like lock-downs were abandoned. Yet the numbers of new daily cases in the US plummeted. There were no other factors except the vaccine that could have been the cause of that.

In early July, the Delta strain made its appearance in the US and once again, numbers of new daily cases began to rise. At the same time, the numbers of doses of vaccine administered in the US, declined significantly.

All the graphs on the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 dashboard site shows clearly that the vaccines were working until the new strain and the drop off in new vaccinations happened. Similar is seen for many countries on the site.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

I agree there are some people who are spreading misinformation, but by the same token, there are people who are stating a fact important to them, at this stage you really have to use some common sense.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 07:50 PM

originally posted by: Breakthestreak
6 in 1000 die ?!?!?!?!

Oh no, sounds serious


No-one is suggesting that we shut the entire world.

We only need to isolate those who are likely to be infected, and then only until they have overcome the virus, or are proven to not have it.

People who test negative on two tests 24 hours apart, can be released to self-isolate for a few days (under observation and periodic retest, should they begin to show symptoms or test positive).

People who test positive, on average, need to be quarantined for at least 16 days, although in some, it can hang on for months. Again, if they have 2 negative tests, 24 hours apart, it means that people can then self-isolate for a few days, under observation).

edit on 31/8/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Getting sillier now, last week a friend got arrested in front of his children and one of his children even got tackled to the ground, will end soon one feels

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes

I hope the NZ police don't get stupid over this. On the whole, they do a great job, it all comes from the top. I hear they are getting quite a few resigning. Perhaps morale is poor as well.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 09:55 PM
Am pro police mostly, due to interacting with many closely, last 50 years, in NZ it is 50 50 known mind wise, due to scrapping people off roads etc etc, one goes within or without with little choice, imo many are future pollies, leaders, and imo that is showing at present.

a reply to: anonentity

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 01:02 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

See you completely missing the point.
Also to line everyone up and execute them 1 after the other the line would grow longer with people dying of old age in the line.

If the world was really interested in human health they would ban the chemicals, excessive sugar and environmental dangers.

But they don't they just come up with solutions that make money and create new dangers to human health.

Trust the science - Trust the science
edit on 1-9-2021 by puzzled2 because: link

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 01:06 AM
3.5 million to 1....

Not sure the point other than that looks to be a pretty damn good vaccine...

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 04:00 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

We only need to isolate those who are likely to be infected, and then only until they have overcome the virus, or are proven to not have it.

In the UK people who are fully vaxxed and people under 18, do not have to self isolate if they live or come in contact with a covid positive person.

What do you think about that?

The people that live or come into contact with a covid positive person are likely to be infected......more than likely.
I know a vaccinated person who caught it, brought it home from work, gave it to her vaxed husband and then the two vaccinated children got it.

edit on 1-9-2021 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: chr0naut

We only need to isolate those who are likely to be infected, and then only until they have overcome the virus, or are proven to not have it.

In the UK people who are fully vaxxed and people under 18, do not have to self isolate if they live or come in contact with a covid positive person.

What do you think about that?

The people that live or come into contact with a covid positive person are likely to be infected......more than likely.
I know a vaccinated person who caught it, brought it home from work, gave it to her vaxed husband and then the two vaccinated children got it.

That is treating the vaccination as if it was something magical. It doesn't work like that. It works by inducing an immune response, which will reduce the duration and severity of COVID-19 in most people, and will ultimately reduce the number of infected people at any one time. It doesn't magically make the pathogen instantly go away.

Especially with the infectiousness of the Delta strains, it is unwise to assume that vaccinated people can't catch or spread the virus, especially if they are recently infected, and before immune response kicks in.

edit on 1/9/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 02:46 PM

originally posted by: puzzled2
a reply to: chr0naut

See you completely missing the point.
Also to line everyone up and execute them 1 after the other the line would grow longer with people dying of old age in the line.

If the world was really interested in human health they would ban the chemicals, excessive sugar and environmental dangers.

Some governments, with food and chemical safety administrations, are doing precisely that.

One of the problems with sugars, is that they are actually an essential for health (just not in the excessive amounts we like), and we tend to purchase foods that we like, so a flat out ban on added sugars, would only mean we begin purchasing more foods with naturally occurring sugars.

But they don't they just come up with solutions that make money and create new dangers to human health.

Trust the science - Trust the science

I do trust some of the science. But I don't trust the marketing use of 'science' which is usually half-truth.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 07:33 PM

originally posted by: HawkEyi
a reply to: chr0naut

and said that the death was a known rare adverse reaction to the vaccine. He specifically explained that they have been open and truthful about the risks

Yes i am sure that its just a rare adverse reaction. Just like how it was rare with the AZ vaxs till more issues were reported right?

That's called deniability.

because otherwise your 'giant conspiracy' doom-porn would look particularly foolish.

My doom-porn would look particularly foolish? why are you defending a vax that only has a 39% efficiency?
42 and I know I had a bout of myocarditis from the first dose. I went for a run four days after a vaccine (Pfizer). When I returned home my heart felt elevated for days, I could feel it beating through my chest which is not normal for me. I run 5km in 25mins, nothing great, but not terrible. I felt unsafe to run for 3weeks. I went for a run yesterday, the first one since the last incident and I had to start walking about 2kms in as I felt the same off feeling as the first time. I feel sort of close to normal again and wanting to run, but nervous.

What has me even more nervous is my 2nd appointment is on 8 Sept, I don’t want to get it. I read most ppl had their adverse reaction with the 2nd dose and with me it was the first dose. I’m terrified I’m getting the next one tbh.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 07:55 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: HawkEyi
After six months of supposedly covid free NZ. NZ is reporting its first covid vax death to Pfizer due to heart inflammation. Even as they reported it they are still not linking it to the vax.

Yes, they are.

Our health minister went on national TV today at one of the emergency briefings we have been having every day to track the current outbreak, and said that the death was a known rare adverse reaction to the vaccine. He specifically explained that they have been open and truthful about the risks, having already previously having published the known adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine.

Cov id-19 update - 30 August 2021 - RNZ

"The benefits outweigh the risks" how many times have we heard this before more reports of astrazeneca issues started to emerge?

New Zealand reports first death linked to Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
The NZ health minster claims that other health conditions of the person could have played a role? and what if the person was healthy before any of this started?

The health ministry said other medical issues at the same time could have influenced the outcome after vaccination.

But the vaccine's benefit outstripped risks from side effects, it added.

I really dont believe the minster here.

Of course not. You are desperately trying to misread what was plainly reported, because otherwise your 'giant conspiracy' doom-porn would look particularly foolish.


What is absolutely foolish is the ENTIRE Covid hysteria over a FLU with a survival rate of 99.4 %

Over 99% survival !!!

Thinking - you should try it sometime.

A 99,4% survival rate means 6 in 1000, dies.

How many deaths would that be in the US alone if it affected all of the population?

1,996,161 dead.

But the survival rate also isn't as high as 99.4%, anywhere in the world.

In the USA, the survival rate is currently 98.36%

If everyone in the USA caught COVID-19, that's 5,442,684 dead.

The "vaccines" change NONE of that.

They do not prevent infection
They do not prevent transmission
They do not prevent death

They are NOT like the Polio, Malaria, Hep A vaccines, which do EXACTLY that.

And the Covid vaccines have clot and heart issues and NO LONG TERM SAFETY PROFILE

On 11 January this year, the number of new daily cases in the US peaked at an all time high. Despite lockdowns and other mitigations.

At the same time, from early January, the roll-out of vaccines began, just as other things, like lock-downs were abandoned. Yet the numbers of new daily cases in the US plummeted. There were no other factors except the vaccine that could have been the cause of that.

In early July, the Delta strain made its appearance in the US and once again, numbers of new daily cases began to rise. At the same time, the numbers of doses of vaccine administered in the US, declined significantly.

All the graphs on the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 dashboard site shows clearly that the vaccines were working until the new strain and the drop off in new vaccinations happened. Similar is seen for many countries on the site.

The number of cases in Israel is at ALL TIME HIGH despite 85% of population vaccinated !

Again - these vaccines CLEARLY do NOT stop neither the spread nor the infections.

Making the passports useless

and blaming the "unvaccinated" is thus idiotic.

Enjoy your "snake oil" patent medicine...step right up...

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