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Fully vaccinated people 885 percent more likely to die from COVID-19 than unvaccinated

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posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
a reply to: Doctor Smith

I really wish they would stop calling the Covid Gene Therapy Medical Treatment a vaccine. It's not a vaccine, it does not prevent contracting a disease and it does not prevent transmission of a disease. The Covid Gene Therapy is no better than Nyquil, Benelin, or any other of-the-shelf "cold remedy" and it doesn't even have the utility of Aspirin or Tylenol. It does however have the potential for death from 15 minutes to 2 years after the jab, debilitating injury and adverse effects and the probability that anyone with the jab is now a GMO patented product, just cattle or crops.

But then with all the information out there, to take the jab you'd have to be cattle with a herd mentality or a vegetable.

Cheers - Dave

Complete and utter uniformed bollocks

Well done I salute your quest to be completely wrong in every respect.

I am happy for you. The way you look at things reminds of that cow walking up the ramp, blissfully ignorant of the bolt at the end of the walk. Where do you think I am incorrect?

1. It's not a vaccine by legal, medical or operational definition. (see from pre 2021)
2. It is no better than an off-the-shelf cold remedy. (you can use any medical database)
3. Aspirin and Tylenol are both anti-infalmmatory medicines of the NSAIDS family. (you can use any medical database)
4. Go look at VAERS and YellowBook for deaths and adverse effects. (self-explanatory)
5. The Supreme Court ruled in 2013 that genome modified humans were patent-able. (look up rulings)
6. Since there is a wealth of information concerning this covid junk, one would have to either live in a cave or be mentally deficient to not recognize the dangers and that they are being gamed for fun, profit and control.

Now put that big-ass 'ole brain of yours to work and show me where I am wrong, because I just stated facts, but 6 is questionable as it relies on observable empirical data concerning the psychology and behavior of citizens captured by something akin to Stockholm Syndrome.

Cheers - Dave

Just repeating bollocks doesn't make it any less bollocks.

1. With your references to 'its not a vacinne ' you don't even seem to get there are more than one type. You are wrong about all of them but this just shows how wrong.

2. It is and there are numerous studies to prove it.


4. Showing you don't understand what VAERS is.

5. Also irrelevant and wrong.

6. YOur opinion based on your complete misunderstanding of all of the above.

1. In another response I showed the differences added to make covid appear by definition to be a vaccine lol
2. Studies by the manufacturers and those with vested interest. That's conflict of interest and has no credibility.
3. irrelevant but still correct ;-)
4. VAERS is a reporting database for vaccine adverse effects and injury, I know exactly what it is and that deaths were increased by roughly 6000, yesterday.
5. Here is the US Supreme Court Decision 2013

So, you have shown nothing, proved nothing, put up no links to support your premise.... How's that stockholm syndrome working out for you? You might want to turn off your TV and develop your own opinions based on actual research rather than parroting the talking heads on glass tit ;-)

Cheers - Dave

There are multiple covid vaccines that use different methods, again you still don't seem to grasp this. They are also all vacines.

There are multiple studies on the effectiveness of the vacines complete both in the original trial phase and subsequently.

VAERS can't be used in the way you are trying, this is confirmed on the CDC website.

You arecthe one making the claims, it's up to you to provide the evidence but you can't because you atere utterly wrong.

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 04:35 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
So the dictionary has been ammended to say that an mRNA based vaccine is a vaccine then?

And your FDA calls it a vaccine right?

And the medical and scientific communities both call it a vaccine right?

And let's not forget all those other medical regulatory boards across the globe, they all call it a vaccine right?

Dude on a conspiracy forum says it's not a vaccine?

I'm going to go with the other guys if that's cool with you Dave.

a reply to: bobs_uruncle

Doctors and researchers tend to agree with the people paying their salary. It's kind of a "soft" extortion. I don't work that way, I cancelled projects and lost millions because I refused to live the lie. Actually, the NRC did that to me as well, lots of grants, had me working on a project that would be used for constructive purposes and once I designed the main boards and emitters asked me to convert it into a weapon system. I cancelled the program and destroyed the work, except for the DSP controller board which I kept for my own use. If you don't believe me, doesn't matter, CSIS has 11 national security statutes on my file and I scanned that letter they sent me, it's on the internet.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: ScepticScot

So Naught for Six then? As expected...

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

Well if COVID 19 is a two stage bioweapon, how come stage two, which presumably would be the vaccines, seem to be preventing stage one from hospitalising people and killing them?

As to my statement, if you doubt the veracity then i suggest you ask a expert in biological weapons.

I just dont see it MichiganSwampBuck, but ile give your thread a read.

I put out a couple of possibilities in that other thread. Don't get me wrong, I personally am not seeing it as a bioweapon, but there has been research on this since at least 2011. I'll give you a break and put up a couple of links from that thread that are pretty solid.

Darthmouth Edu

CTC Sentinel

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
a reply to: Doctor Smith

I really wish they would stop calling the Covid Gene Therapy Medical Treatment a vaccine. It's not a vaccine, it does not prevent contracting a disease and it does not prevent transmission of a disease. The Covid Gene Therapy is no better than Nyquil, Benelin, or any other of-the-shelf "cold remedy" and it doesn't even have the utility of Aspirin or Tylenol. It does however have the potential for death from 15 minutes to 2 years after the jab, debilitating injury and adverse effects and the probability that anyone with the jab is now a GMO patented product, just cattle or crops.

But then with all the information out there, to take the jab you'd have to be cattle with a herd mentality or a vegetable.

Cheers - Dave

Complete and utter uniformed bollocks

Well done I salute your quest to be completely wrong in every respect.

I am happy for you. The way you look at things reminds of that cow walking up the ramp, blissfully ignorant of the bolt at the end of the walk. Where do you think I am incorrect?

1. It's not a vaccine by legal, medical or operational definition. (see from pre 2021)
2. It is no better than an off-the-shelf cold remedy. (you can use any medical database)
3. Aspirin and Tylenol are both anti-infalmmatory medicines of the NSAIDS family. (you can use any medical database)
4. Go look at VAERS and YellowBook for deaths and adverse effects. (self-explanatory)
5. The Supreme Court ruled in 2013 that genome modified humans were patent-able. (look up rulings)
6. Since there is a wealth of information concerning this covid junk, one would have to either live in a cave or be mentally deficient to not recognize the dangers and that they are being gamed for fun, profit and control.

Now put that big-ass 'ole brain of yours to work and show me where I am wrong, because I just stated facts, but 6 is questionable as it relies on observable empirical data concerning the psychology and behavior of citizens captured by something akin to Stockholm Syndrome.

Cheers - Dave

Just repeating bollocks doesn't make it any less bollocks.

1. With your references to 'its not a vacinne ' you don't even seem to get there are more than one type. You are wrong about all of them but this just shows how wrong.

2. It is and there are numerous studies to prove it.


4. Showing you don't understand what VAERS is.

5. Also irrelevant and wrong.

6. YOur opinion based on your complete misunderstanding of all of the above.

1. In another response I showed the differences added to make covid appear by definition to be a vaccine lol
2. Studies by the manufacturers and those with vested interest. That's conflict of interest and has no credibility.
3. irrelevant but still correct ;-)
4. VAERS is a reporting database for vaccine adverse effects and injury, I know exactly what it is and that deaths were increased by roughly 6000, yesterday.
5. Here is the US Supreme Court Decision 2013

So, you have shown nothing, proved nothing, put up no links to support your premise.... How's that stockholm syndrome working out for you? You might want to turn off your TV and develop your own opinions based on actual research rather than parroting the talking heads on glass tit ;-)

Cheers - Dave

There are multiple covid vaccines that use different methods, again you still don't seem to grasp this. They are also all vacines.

There are multiple studies on the effectiveness of the vacines complete both in the original trial phase and subsequently.

VAERS can't be used in the way you are trying, this is confirmed on the CDC website.

You arecthe one making the claims, it's up to you to provide the evidence but you can't because you atere utterly wrong.

There are the bulk of your jabs, you were saying?

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 04:42 PM
So every doctor bar a very small number of them (mostly osteopaths faith healers and in some cases vets) are all in on the plot?

No one's pointing out something so glaringly obvious that a bunch of blokes on a conspiracy site and some dudes on bitchute have figured out all by themselves because....

They are all in the pockets of big pharma/media/government.

The left wing ones and the right wing ones. The ones in the states and the ones in the UK, the whole of the EU, Russia and China.

All those African nations not to mention India? With a population of 1.3 billion I'd imagine there's a fair few doctor's and scientists over there. They don't get paid that well either. How come not one of them is actually blowing the lid on this whole show?

It's implausible.

It's not real Dave.

a reply to: bobs_uruncle

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
If you try and look up the source THE DAILY EXPOSE you will find many fact checker sites that will pop up. Claiming it is a "tin foil hat site". But from my 1st view of the site I don't see anything outlandish. Much more believable than the Mainstream narrative we've all been suffering under.

Mark my words. More will die from the vaccine than will die from Covide-19

Fully vaccinated people 885% more likely to die from COVID-19 than unvaccinated

Holy smokes! You've gotta warn the world! This one guy in a Bitchute video says we're all gonna die!

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 04:52 PM

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
a reply to: Doctor Smith

I really wish they would stop calling the Covid Gene Therapy Medical Treatment a vaccine. It's not a vaccine, it does not prevent contracting a disease and it does not prevent transmission of a disease. The Covid Gene Therapy is no better than Nyquil, Benelin, or any other of-the-shelf "cold remedy" and it doesn't even have the utility of Aspirin or Tylenol. It does however have the potential for death from 15 minutes to 2 years after the jab, debilitating injury and adverse effects and the probability that anyone with the jab is now a GMO patented product, just cattle or crops.

But then with all the information out there, to take the jab you'd have to be cattle with a herd mentality or a vegetable.

Cheers - Dave

Complete and utter uniformed bollocks

Well done I salute your quest to be completely wrong in every respect.

I am happy for you. The way you look at things reminds of that cow walking up the ramp, blissfully ignorant of the bolt at the end of the walk. Where do you think I am incorrect?

1. It's not a vaccine by legal, medical or operational definition. (see from pre 2021)
2. It is no better than an off-the-shelf cold remedy. (you can use any medical database)
3. Aspirin and Tylenol are both anti-infalmmatory medicines of the NSAIDS family. (you can use any medical database)
4. Go look at VAERS and YellowBook for deaths and adverse effects. (self-explanatory)
5. The Supreme Court ruled in 2013 that genome modified humans were patent-able. (look up rulings)
6. Since there is a wealth of information concerning this covid junk, one would have to either live in a cave or be mentally deficient to not recognize the dangers and that they are being gamed for fun, profit and control.

Now put that big-ass 'ole brain of yours to work and show me where I am wrong, because I just stated facts, but 6 is questionable as it relies on observable empirical data concerning the psychology and behavior of citizens captured by something akin to Stockholm Syndrome.

Cheers - Dave

Just repeating bollocks doesn't make it any less bollocks.

1. With your references to 'its not a vacinne ' you don't even seem to get there are more than one type. You are wrong about all of them but this just shows how wrong.

2. It is and there are numerous studies to prove it.


4. Showing you don't understand what VAERS is.

5. Also irrelevant and wrong.

6. YOur opinion based on your complete misunderstanding of all of the above.

1. In another response I showed the differences added to make covid appear by definition to be a vaccine lol
2. Studies by the manufacturers and those with vested interest. That's conflict of interest and has no credibility.
3. irrelevant but still correct ;-)
4. VAERS is a reporting database for vaccine adverse effects and injury, I know exactly what it is and that deaths were increased by roughly 6000, yesterday.
5. Here is the US Supreme Court Decision 2013

So, you have shown nothing, proved nothing, put up no links to support your premise.... How's that stockholm syndrome working out for you? You might want to turn off your TV and develop your own opinions based on actual research rather than parroting the talking heads on glass tit ;-)

Cheers - Dave

There are multiple covid vaccines that use different methods, again you still don't seem to grasp this. They are also all vacines.

There are multiple studies on the effectiveness of the vacines complete both in the original trial phase and subsequently.

VAERS can't be used in the way you are trying, this is confirmed on the CDC website.

You arecthe one making the claims, it's up to you to provide the evidence but you can't because you atere utterly wrong.

There are the bulk of your jabs, you were saying?

Cheers - Dave

Well done you have worked out there is more than one vacine.

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 05:01 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
So every doctor bar a very small number of them (mostly osteopaths faith healers and in some cases vets) are all in on the plot?

No one's pointing out something so glaringly obvious that a bunch of blokes on a conspiracy site and some dudes on bitchute have figured out all by themselves because....

They are all in the pockets of big pharma/media/government.

The left wing ones and the right wing ones. The ones in the states and the ones in the UK, the whole of the EU, Russia and China.

All those African nations not to mention India? With a population of 1.3 billion I'd imagine there's a fair few doctor's and scientists over there. They don't get paid that well either. How come not one of them is actually blowing the lid on this whole show?

It's implausible.

It's not real Dave.

a reply to: bobs_uruncle

Have you not noticed all of the legacy lamestream media is controlled to only regurgitate the BS talking points? You not seen this? There are doctors all over the world, tens of thousands of them calling out this BS. Youtube, Twitter, FBIBook, etc won't give them airplay either. Pretty easy to control the narrative when

governments are paid off
health officials at the top of organizations are paid off
the lamestream media is paid off
big tech is paid off
extortion is king, DO THIS OR NO PAY!

My God man, do you live in a cave?

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 05:05 PM
Tens of thousands of doctors from all over the world?

Not seen tens of thousands I'll be honest. I'd have thought ATS would be full of them.

I've not seen thousands here. Or hundreds even.

The ones I've seen have mostly been osteopaths and quacks making absurd claims it's easy to refute.

There's one chap claiming that two thirds of the vaccinated will die of blood clots and his entire basis for this statement seems to be some preliminary examinations of about 900 of his patients.

I'd expect more.

A lot more.

a reply to: bobs_uruncle

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 05:36 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
Tens of thousands of doctors from all over the world?

Not seen tens of thousands I'll be honest. I'd have thought ATS would be full of them.

I've not seen thousands here. Or hundreds even.

The ones I've seen have mostly been osteopaths and quacks making absurd claims it's easy to refute.

There's one chap claiming that two thirds of the vaccinated will die of blood clots and his entire basis for this statement seems to be some preliminary examinations of about 900 of his patients.

I'd expect more.

A lot more.

a reply to: bobs_uruncle

Then you're not looking, there are so many groups of doctors speaking out against the mRNA/rDNA jabs, lockdowns, the handling of this BS, mask, etc. Just do a google/DuckDuckgo search.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Vaccinated People will see the RAPID Decay of their Natural Immune Systems , experience Seroius Health Issues as a Result , then Eventually Die . The Rockefeller Foundation is PLEASED............

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 05:54 PM
I've looked before and now I've just spent 20 minutes of my life looking again.

I'm still not finding anything other than the ones I said about before.

Do me a favour and post up some links. I'm obviously not using the right words to search as these tens of thousands are eluding me.

a reply to: bobs_uruncle

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 06:06 PM
Get vaccinated. You will own nothing, and be happy.

Don't get vaccinated. You will own nothing, and you wont be happy.

We are in this mess together, but sadly most are being led straight into the game
edit on 22-7-2021 by kangawoo because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-7-2021 by kangawoo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: kangawoo

Don't get vaccinated. You will own nothing, and you wont be happy Until those Resposible for this Crime Against Humanity are Brought to Justice and Punished Severely .

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

Small amount? Trillions. And does it ever stop. It goes throughout your body. Your brain, organs, capillaries.

The vaccine is a very small and limited amount like 1000s that have a short life of a day or two before it all breaks down and the body gets rid of it. Now if you want to talk virus, it is in massive production that can flood you body as you suggest.

The mRNA hardly lasts a day, so when that is gone that ends the production of spike protein which is inert, does nothing at all, BUT sets off your immune system to attack it.

The virus spews RNA that makes spike protein that is then the base building block for more viruses, rinse and repeat 100 million of times. lol

The mRNA producing inert spike protein is the magic here and the difference from the COVID RNA that produces active protein.

I think you are worried about the wrong one here my friend.

edit on 22-7-2021 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 06:35 PM
Impossible... people would have to be dying of COVID-19 in the first place.

Interesting how the CDC doesn't keep records on deaths from 'medical errors' as the median age of the population continues to increase.

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 06:38 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit

Vaccinated People will see the RAPID Decay of their Natural Immune Systems , experience Seroius Health Issues as a Result , then Eventually Die . The Rockefeller Foundation is PLEASED............

I'm sure when I'm 110 that # is inevitable, now you just made me sad I only got 50 more years.

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

No , I see you Passing On by 2029 . Nice Knowing you meinherr...............(

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