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Covid-19 Vaccine Complications Are Increasing - Would You Neutralize Your Vaccination if Possible.

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posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: glend

I have no problem with a rushed development and even a unsafe product deployment... It they state so. Medicine is not a one fit all answer. Some people highly at risk might need or request the product and forbidding them the access is also bad. It's just that right now, it's push heavily and without thinking about the risk or the consequence in the future. I would never be sure enough of any of my work to give it to 80% of the population... I don't understand how they can sleep without shaking in fear that they could have made a mistake.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: AaarghZombies
Something I wrote on another thread...

Funny isn't it how it's all the politicians and their 'scientific advisors' that have kept 'flip-flopping' with so called 'advice' over the whole debacle before the vaccines, and now they are just as 'confused' over the vaccine.
The only people, aka scientists and doctors, that have held the line, not digressed once from their academic knowledge and years, nay decades as virologists, immunologists et all, are the ones the MSM/Social Media/Govenrment etc are 'silencing' by removing them from 'platforms'. These include scientists who have Nobel Prizes for their research and Dr's who have hands on experience either in lethal viral out breaks or in Clinic/Hospital settings.
If the jab, let alone all the 'flip flopping' during the initial stages were so 'science based' and correct, then why do they censor the other scientists and not have a transparent and open debate about it if they think 'they and their team' are so right?
That tells me all I need to know personally for the decisions I make for myself.


So are you saying scientists who have developed other vaccines, scientists who have researched and found solutions to other viruses, scientists who have 'hands on experience' at dealing with previous viral outbreaks are talking s**t and nonsense and get 'censored' for their advice and knowledge are not worth at least listening to?

As to your comment about ...

If it was even half as bad as BitChute claim then the would be hundreds of thousands of deaths.

I would add "yet". All these other Dr's are saying it is just a matter of time.

There were no lists of adverse reactions to any of the vaccines BEFORE the world wide roll out. All we kept hearing was it is safe. Now we are told the "benefits outweigh the risks" as adverse reactions come to light. Where was the list of contraindications to any medications people are already on? Where was the list of underlying health issues which would be contraindicated to getting the jab? There weren't any because they had never completed the investigations/research.

A lot of what we hear about vaccine side effects or harm is flat out fake new from anti vaxxers.

Wrong, just completely wrong.

We know that lot of it is lies because it predates covid.

It's just recycle material from past anti vaxxers campaigns, or conspiracies about population control.

I can't take you seriously when you quote something you heard on BitChute by some guy with unverifiable credentials quoting almost verbatim a conspiracy that originated in Pakistan under Obama, except with a few details changed.

You do understand that a lot of this covid vaccination nonsense started out life as anti American propaganda, don't you?

Muslim clerics and African warlords claiming that anti malaria campaigns or polio shots were a conspiracy by the US to sterilise black or Muslim women as a way of forcing people to become dependant on them and not to accept Western aid. Just re imported with a few names and dates changed.

It's not just fake news, it's fake news from 1990s pakistan.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 09:08 AM
I'll wait till after the trial studies conclude then decide on getting the jab.



From Pfizer's official product Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers of its mRNA injection, as revised June 25, 2021.


The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is an unapproved vaccine. In clinical trials, approximately 23,000 individuals 12 years of age and older have received at least 1 dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.

These may not be all the possible side effects of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. Serious and unexpected side effects may occur. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is still being studied in clinical trials.


Currently, there is no approved alternative vaccine available for prevention of COVID-19. Other vaccines to prevent COVID-19 may be available under Emergency Use Authorization.

So, what happens after the national/state emergencies are lifted? If ever.

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine has not undergone the same type of review as an FDA-approved or cleared product.

"We took 2 days to design the vaccine on the computer. Why? Because we had worked on MERS, another coronavirus, with Dr. Fauci's team for 2 years...our best chances with the corona, with old technology was spike/s protein, and we just went with it."
— CEO Stéphane Bancel, ModeRNA

Here's what it is all about (imo)...mRNA technology all the way, all the time...Get ready for non-stop seasonal flu shots, Updates and endless gene therapy trials...

Moderna starts human trials of an mRNA-based flu shot

Moderna gave its mRNA-based seasonal flu vaccine to the first set of volunteers in a clinical trial, the pharmaceutical company announced today. The start of the trial marks the next stage of the company’s work on this type of vaccine technology after the overwhelming success of its COVID-19 vaccine, which was built using the same strategy.
Built using same scam.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Can you neutralize a vaccine?

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: slatesteam

originally posted by: Mantiss2021
a reply to: carewemust

Absolutely Not!

I have absolutely NO FEAR regarding the vaccine I took, and I am thankful that I took it as soon as I was able.

I have had no unexpected side effects (experienced a few hours of low-grade fever with first shot and a few hours of fatigue with second, as well as a sore arm for two days as is usual with any intramuscular injection), nor do I show any sign of side effects likely to develop.

Furthermore, I will gladly take a booster shot in the future, if it is determined that one is recommended (I had the Moderna vaccine, for which a booster shot has not yet been determined to be necessary).
Have you heard about Moderna’s new 6-inch suppository?

A suppository would be a very ineffective method for vaccine delivery since too little of the vaccine would be delivered to the blood before its protective lipid coating was broken down by the bacteria in the colon.

And 6 inches?


If that's all you got.....

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

QUESTION: If a way is discovered to "neutralize" what was injected in you to protect you against the minimally-lethal Covid-19 disease, will you opt to have that procedure...or injection?

Wait, so this "procedure" or "injection" both neutralizes the vaccine, AND protects you against COVID-19? The way you've worded the question seems to imply that neutralizing the vaccine will protect you from COVID-19, which doesn't make much sense, even in bizarro-logic.

Anyway, I am more than 2 weeks past my second pfizer injection. No side effects from either shot other than a tender arm for a day or two. I shot one of my best golf games ever 2 days after my second dose - so maybe we can claim the vaccine also lowers your golf handicap? Phil Mickelson won the PGA Champs less than a month after his second dose. If we're all just throwing around random claims, I would like to add this to the list.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: angelchemuel

It's mostly lies made up by anti vaxxers or for ad revenue.

There are minimal side effects, and most are in line with all other vaccines. An extremely small percentage of people have clotting problems but most of them survive with few lasting effects. You have more chance of being struck by lightning than being injured by a covid vaccine.

We've got a bunch of anti vaxxers, Sjw and never Trumpers making things up, plus the usual fake new doom porn people fishing for clicks.

Haven't you wonders why these stories only seem to happen in the English language media, or in places like Pakistan where they're just reposting old fake content from polio campaigns.

Why aren't Vietnamese or Taiwanese getting these side effects, or the Irish?
Can you post the link to the long-term trials’ side-effects data?

Thanks in advance.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

So. You’re considering it? Hope it works out!

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

It seems that every few weeks, a new Covid-19 health complication suddenly surfaces in previously vaccinated individuals.

Today, it's a "nerve disorder" rearing its ugly head.


Two weeks ago, "Heart Inflammation" was diagnosed as a Covid-19 Vaccine Complication.


Researchers are discovering several medical conditions that could surface later in life, for Covid-19 vaccinated individuals.

Experts believe long-term effects from the gene therapy (Covid-19 vaccine) may include prion diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cancers, kidney diseases, along with microvascular injuries to the brain, liver and heart.
The Long-Term Threats are Significant:

Undoubtedly, as the months pass, even more Covid-19 Vaccine side-effects/complications will surface in those who were injected with these still experimental drugs.

QUESTION: If a way is discovered to "neutralize" what was injected in you to protect you against the minimally-lethal Covid-19 disease, will you opt to have that procedure...or injection?


Just taking your Breitbart source for starters, it says 100 cases of GBS reported out of 12.8 million vaccinated with the J&J vaccine.

Do you even bother actually reading your sources before posting your incessant propaganda?

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2
So 100 reported GBS just for J&J, it's happening with the other jabs too, let alone all the other adverse reactions that are being reported and deaths.
Just because you haven't had an adverse reaction, could you show some compassion for those who have please? I'm sure you already know Guillaine-Barr Syndrome is life threatening and is pretty much impossible to treat?
How many people have to be injured or die as a direct result of this jab before you will show just a little compassion please?
How would you feel if it was your son or daughter, with a family, that had this adverse reaction?

In summary, you have picked up 100 cases of GBS out of 12.8 vaccinated..... that's so far. What about all the other adverse reactions that are happening to some more of those 12.8? What about all the other GBS's happening with the other vaccines too?

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 03:26 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: carewemust
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

It seems that every few weeks, a new Covid-19 health complication suddenly surfaces in previously vaccinated individuals.

Today, it's a "nerve disorder" rearing its ugly head.


Two weeks ago, "Heart Inflammation" was diagnosed as a Covid-19 Vaccine Complication.


Researchers are discovering several medical conditions that could surface later in life, for Covid-19 vaccinated individuals.

Experts believe long-term effects from the gene therapy (Covid-19 vaccine) may include prion diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cancers, kidney diseases, along with microvascular injuries to the brain, liver and heart.
The Long-Term Threats are Significant:

Undoubtedly, as the months pass, even more Covid-19 Vaccine side-effects/complications will surface in those who were injected with these still experimental drugs.

QUESTION: If a way is discovered to "neutralize" what was injected in you to protect you against the minimally-lethal Covid-19 disease, will you opt to have that procedure...or injection?


Just taking your Breitbart source for starters, it says 100 cases of GBS reported out of 12.8 million vaccinated with the J&J vaccine.

Do you even bother actually reading your sources before posting your incessant propaganda?

CDC official on Fox News just said the adverse reactions and complications are being underreported. Many medical people do not go to the system and input their information.

He said that is why alarm bells sound when you get a relatively small number of reports. The overall universe of incidents is much larger.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 03:28 PM
That's not very professional then is it?

Surely they are obligated by law?

a reply to: carewemust

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 03:32 PM
Well, bromelain destroys the spike protein, so wouldn't it also destroy the vaccine spike protein and deactivate it? If used systemically bromelain is absorbed quickly and breaks up proteins in the bloodstream that do not belong there, like viral and other microbial organisms. It could have a small effect on blood cells also, a property they say is good because it reduces inflammation.

One of many article about this in respect to pineapple enzymes, grapefruits have similar enzymes in decent quantity to do the job of crippling the virus too.

The more I study medicine, immunology, and metabolism the less fearful I am of this virus, instead I adjusted things in my diet a little to protect me from the virus.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 03:34 PM
Nope not one bit. I have seen too many folks die because of getting Covid. Now, it is very likely that I would be ok if I got it but I didn't want to find out.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: Oldcarpy2
So 100 reported GBS just for J&J, it's happening with the other jabs too, let alone all the other adverse reactions that are being reported and deaths.
Just because you haven't had an adverse reaction, could you show some compassion for those who have please? I'm sure you already know Guillaine-Barr Syndrome is life threatening and is pretty much impossible to treat?
How many people have to be injured or die as a direct result of this jab before you will show just a little compassion please?
How would you feel if it was your son or daughter, with a family, that had this adverse reaction?

In summary, you have picked up 100 cases of GBS out of 12.8 vaccinated..... that's so far. What about all the other adverse reactions that are happening to some more of those 12.8? What about all the other GBS's happening with the other vaccines too?

12.8? No, 12.8 million.

Impossible to treat?

So, no.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

I'm curious as to whether you have kept up with the VAERS data in the US and the Yellow Card data in Britain?

Not that it would change anything, as you've already been injected, happily.

For example, did you know that here in the US, the number of deaths and adverse events recorded from these shots is 20 or 30 times higher during these last 6 months than all the deaths and adverse events EVER recorded by VAERS?

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: HawkeyeNation
Nope not one bit. I have seen too many folks die because of getting Covid. Now, it is very likely that I would be ok if I got it but I didn't want to find out.

I had only known one person who died directly from covid....but I did find out that that person did not have a bad case of covid months after he died, he died of complications of pneumonia unrelated to the covid he had it was determined. He had the virus but it never was classified as covid, he had severe COPD and the virus actually was done and over by the time he got sick. Now his official dying because of covid was officially removed from his record but never taken off the CDC list of covid deaths. His wife cannot even collect the money they said people who died of covid are entitled to.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 03:45 PM
It that because there are more deaths per 100,000 vaccinations, because there are more reports?

It's too broad a statement to just use that as it is.

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: Mantiss2021

I'm curious as to whether you have kept up with the VAERS data in the US and the Yellow Card data in Britain?

Not that it would change anything, as you've already been injected, happily.

For example, did you know that here in the US, the number of deaths and adverse events recorded from these shots is 20 or 30 times higher during these last 6 months than all the deaths and adverse events EVER recorded by VAERS?

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: aTechnician
a reply to: glend

I have no problem with a rushed development and even a unsafe product deployment... It they state so. Medicine is not a one fit all answer. Some people highly at risk might need or request the product and forbidding them the access is also bad. It's just that right now, it's push heavily and without thinking about the risk or the consequence in the future. I would never be sure enough of any of my work to give it to 80% of the population... I don't understand how they can sleep without shaking in fear that they could have made a mistake.

The Governors of New York and California got it right when they declared the Covid-19 vaccines were unsafe because they were developed too quickly. Especially these vaccines, because they were developed using new science.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 09:53 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse

The more I study medicine, immunology, and metabolism the less fearful I am of this virus, instead I adjusted things in my diet a little to protect me from the virus.

I studied nutrition on my own, and eat the things that the healthiest cultures consume. Before contracting Covid-19 in February 2021 from the wife, not even a cold, dating back to 2004.

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