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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2
Bad habits excused

Yes, I saw that this morning somewhere. I'll still go with my own immune system.

Meanwhile, in Australia the Truckers are trying to bring the country to its knees, in a good way.
Here's Max Igan......
My bad habit
(it's FaceThingy)


posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 10:22 AM
VAERS data:

Soooo FDA approved the one with the highest death rate....? And lowest efficiency rate?

Makes total sense.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 10:42 AM
Democ rat Election Lawyer, Russia Hoaxer Marc Elias Leaves Perkins Coie Ahead of Durham Report

Democrat election lawyer Marc Elias, a key figure in the “Russia collusion” hoax, has parted ways with the Perkins Coie law firm, ahead of the anticipated release of Special Counsel John Durham’s report into the origins of the Russia inquiry.

Elias led Democrats’ efforts to change the voting rules in the 2020 presidential election, and also spearheaded efforts to overturn election results in close congressional races — including a New York race where he questioned voting machines.

In an announcement Sunday, Elias did not mention the Durham investigation, but said that he was leaving Perkins Coie with “eleven partners and three counsel” to form his own new election law firm, Elias Law Group LLP.

^^^ ah, okay.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 10:56 AM

originally posted by: BoomGiggle
a reply to: tallcool1

Q posts referring to Above

Interesting that two posts that have the word Above in them are these two. They are post 112 and 17.

They also refer to eradicating the shills that I treated every platform. Think an it it. The shills have always been here because this site provides a place where we can speak and exchange "alternative" narratives that are the truth. Most inconvenient at first.

I know some of you remember the whole time hing with Gabby G and all. We do not need a sequel to that.

So, you start at the bottom and work your way up to the tippy top. You just never know who any of us could be talking to at any given time... Much less lurked upon.

Take it for what you want. Don't underestimate the decoy.

Honestly, and I'm not saying anything negative about you since it may very well just be me - but I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to say here and how it has anything to do with what I said. I'm talking about all the "copycat Q's" and all the other irrelevant crap being discussed in this thread (which is supposed to be about Q and their posts) - and you point to some other non Q person and shills and...?

Obviously there are going to be people who have a different opinion than us as well as shills in this thread. They're not the one's I was referring to. I think the "shills and detractors" help keep us honest and not blindly following. I'm referring to the grifter accounts on telegram, twitter, etc. that act like they have insider knowledge and also the breakdowns of "clues" from random ads in random magazines that realistically have nothing to do with anything.

Anyone - honestly if I'm just not getting it, please explain how social media grifters, random magazine commercials and other unrelated crap are helping solve anything!

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 11:11 AM
You both raise excellent points. I’ve been watching the “grifting” with a lot of interest. I get the impression there is some underlying reason for it, and I’m not talking about money. I don’t know if it is a comms thing, or maybe an intentional act to both provide information and appear to be a shill just trying to make money to throw off the bad guys. In most of these cases I don’t think there is enough money to be made for it to be a real cash grab.

The one I find most interesting are the “Trump Official” winred texts. Either good is winning and they don’t need money, or good is losing. I’m ready either way.

originally posted by: tallcool1

originally posted by: BoomGiggle
a reply to: tallcool1

Q posts referring to Above

Interesting that two posts that have the word Above in them are these two. They are post 112 and 17.

They also refer to eradicating the shills that I treated every platform. Think an it it. The shills have always been here because this site provides a place where we can speak and exchange "alternative" narratives that are the truth. Most inconvenient at first.

I know some of you remember the whole time hing with Gabby G and all. We do not need a sequel to that.

So, you start at the bottom and work your way up to the tippy top. You just never know who any of us could be talking to at any given time... Much less lurked upon.

Take it for what you want. Don't underestimate the decoy.

Honestly, and I'm not saying anything negative about you since it may very well just be me - but I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to say here and how it has anything to do with what I said. I'm talking about all the "copycat Q's" and all the other irrelevant crap being discussed in this thread (which is supposed to be about Q and their posts) - and you point to some other non Q person and shills and...?

Obviously there are going to be people who have a different opinion than us as well as shills in this thread. They're not the one's I was referring to. I think the "shills and detractors" help keep us honest and not blindly following. I'm referring to the grifter accounts on telegram, twitter, etc. that act like they have insider knowledge and also the breakdowns of "clues" from random ads in random magazines that realistically have nothing to do with anything.

Anyone - honestly if I'm just not getting it, please explain how social media grifters, random magazine commercials and other unrelated crap are helping solve anything!

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 11:18 AM
Ildonaldo with some interesting tweets.

from Joe's Personal Twit

This tweet makes zero sense, unless "vaccinated" means switch sides to avoid the storm.

Visti all of Joe's twit for a lesson in how not to run social media post DJT Presidency and also to spend time in the most depressing social media zone on the net.

Shakespeare uses the storm in act 1, scene 3 of Julius Caesar to symbolize the gathering storm in Rome, to foreshadows the disruption to the Roman state that will be caused by Caesar's assassination, and to set the tone for the conspiracy scenes that lead to the assassination.

Some would contend that a certain person(s) wrote the plays attributed to Shakespeare and the KJ version of the bible, and probably had a hand in the Constitution itself.
edit on 23-8-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 11:45 AM
Zaki Anwari: Afghan youth national footballer was one of the victims that fell from US military aircraft, says Afghan Sports Director

A teenager on Afghanistan's youth national football team was one of the victims that fell from the US military C-17 aircraft on Monday, Afghanistan's General Directorate of Physical Education and Sports confirmed in a statement on social media Thursday morning. ays-afghan-sports-director/ar-AANvWbw?ocid=BingNewsSearch

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 11:57 AM

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 12:06 PM
Andrew Cuomo reportedly leaves his dog behind at Albany mansion

As disgraced outgoing Gov. Andrew Cuomo packed his bags and sent his belongings to his sister’s house in his last days in office, he left something very important behind — his dog. Instead, Cuomo asked staff at his Albany mansion if they want to take care of his dog, Captain, the Albany Times Union reported, citing two state police sources. The sources also told the publication an Executive Mansion worker recently took Captain home but didn’t want to take care of the canine.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy
Will that be the final straw that breaks the camel's back?
If the Pentagon have mandated it where are the 'good generals' that Trump keeps going on about? Oh, I forgot, Trump wants/encouraging everyone to get it!
Any speculation what happens now? Because I am totally confused!

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 12:33 PM
link c-3720728?fbclid=IwAR1wrTa4AwCaZLaCm_0kZFOtd639vOkO1D5_p9d0fi2pdbiwRpB5_nVq-AQ

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel
I, myself, do not understand Trump's stance on the vaccine. At all. He knows these people are sick, he knows these people are evil. He knows they are destroying our country. He knows there are lies and deception surrounding the origins of the pandemic. Yet, with all the mountains of lies and Fake News surrounding everything else, we can trust what they tell us about the vaccines? Is he not being properly briefed on the data about vaccine injury and death? Is he not informed about the massive unrest that's taking place because of this controversy? He needs to be called out publicly on this issue. If he continues on this path he is going to erode trust and lose the support of his followers. His ambiguity is going to create division and will demoralize the movement. I know my opinion won't be a popular one. I'm sorry, I call it like I see it.

edit on 23-8-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 12:46 PM
This cannot be real. It just cannot. There is no way this is real. CLIP

Why does she feel the need to wear and oversized, totally ill-fitting mask? Why does she look like a drowned rat hostage? Why is the population..... nvm, my head hurts.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

Cannot take a dog to the White House with "nipping issues" - just a rumor that started circulating.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

I totally agree, Cherokeetroy and Angelchemuel. Dang, on my Facebook feed today they even had a writeup from a Minister going on about Jesus would wear a mask to make others feel safe and comfortable. Really?! Now they are dragging religion into the debate.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

The 'Fix' is in...

FDA Approves First Oral Blood Thinning Medication for Children

For Immediate Release: June 21, 2021

Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Pradaxa (dabigatran etexilate) oral pellets to treat children 3 months to less than 12 years old with venous thromboembolism (a condition where blood clots form in the veins) directly after they have been treated with a blood thinner given by injection for at least five days. The FDA also approved Pradaxa oral pellets to prevent recurrent clots among patients 3 months to less than 12 years old who completed treatment for their first venous thromboembolism.

“With today’s approval of Pradaxa, pediatric patients have another therapeutic option to treat and prevent potentially deadly blood clots.”


Another German pharma and similar to Pfizer vax was funded by the German gov't...


The pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim was founded in 1885 by Albert Boehringer (1861-1939) in Ingelheim am Rhein. From its beginnings in 1885 when it employed just 28 people in Nieder-Ingelheim, the company has since become a global enterprise.

As part of research and development activities for innovative drugs, the company focuses primarily on the therapeutic areas of cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases, diseases of the central nervous system, metabolic diseases, virological diseases and oncology.

The corporate logo of Boehringer Ingelheim depicts a stylized rendition of the central section of the imperial palace of Charlemagne.

Ex-NSA Director Endorses Deporting ‘The MAGA Wearing Unvaxxed’ To Afghanistan

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 01:51 PM
This won't stay up for long - Nancy and wealthy Dem donors maskless and shoulder to shoulder yesterday in Napa. Notice how the lowly "help" are all wearing masks while they serve the wall-to-wall rich white people.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 02:02 PM

This Poll is from people who watch teeeveee, and not people who have seen the fake plane images, read the docs, looked at the CIA's involvement.

Evidence the eneMedia has turned on Team Fake Joe.

Didn't Joe mumble something incoherently about our allies and his leadership?

HID FROM THE AMERICAN PUBLIC: Biden Hides Plea from French President Macron Calling For Moral Responsibility

According to a bombshell new report from the Guardian, the Biden administration omitted a plea from French President Emanuel Macron calling for “moral responsibly” by helping and transporting American allies in Afghanistan after President Biden’s disastrous withdraw.

Biden has no moral responsibility and has no intention to help those who have helped the United States for many years.

The White House’s readout of a call between Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron on the crisis in Afghanistan leaves out an impassioned plea from the French president that the US and its allies have a “moral responsibility” to evacuate Afghan allies.

renOgade's crew back to transparency, now the French release the transcripts to a NATAO ally and Joe reaches for gasoline for his head.

edit on 23-8-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I still have to wonder about those 25% that think he is doing a great job.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: queenofswords

Cannot take a dog to the White House with "nipping issues" - just a rumor that started circulating.

I liked the last sentence of the article:

— now excuse us we’re preparing for a major storm.”

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