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Nobel Laureate Says “No Chance of Survival” For Vaccine Takers

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posted on May, 26 2021 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: ARM1968

You really didn't just say that did you? As Joe would say come on man.

131,880 deaths from lung cancer last year but I'm sure lung cancer isn't that serious right?
About 42,170 women will die from breast cancer. You must be a bit thick to think 3.5 million isn't deadly.

and of course, 35,000 people have died from car accidents EVERY YEAR! But it's our imagination that cant possibly kill you.

Come on man seriously??????

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: Randyvine
a reply to: Doctor Smith

You keep up the excellent work Doc! You are making a difference.

He makes NO Sense let alone any Difference.
He cant even tell the truth!
edit on Wed, 26 May 2021 17:50:27 -0500505America/ChicagoWednesday4 by rigel4 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 05:57 PM
So I am curious:

There seems to be a large percentage of people on here who now want to believe this vaccine is part of some nefarious depopulation agenda plot. The thinking goes that TPTB want to depopulate us great unwashed. However, they don't just want to leave themselves. They will need a certain number of slaves around to do the jobs the power elite won't do.

So what kind of person do you honestly think they want?

Do they want the not-too-bright person who accepts unquestioningly and does as they are told by their "betters" (TPTB) and lives docilely and tamely? Or do they want people who stubbornly cling to suspicion and refuse to do anything TPTB tell them too?

If you believe the former, then using the vaccine to actively attempt to kill everyone off makes zero sense. Those people who automatically do as they are told by their betters will obviously be the first and most enthusiastic adopters. They're exactly the seed stock TPTB will be wanting in their new slave force.

And while it makes you feel smarter to think you've outwitted TPTB by resisting their efforts and avoiding their vaccine, the truth is that they wouldn't want you in their future world as a serf anyhow. You'd be too stubbornly resistant.

Now none of that means the vaccine might or might not have side effects and issues because it is what it is - brand-spanking new and untried as a method of vaccination, but it also doesn't mean it's intended to kill anyone.

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: rigel4

Thing is you can wake up now or you can wake up later
But don't dis the early risers K?

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I was wondering the same thing.

Hi, YEARS I have been wanting to access this site and today is the day.
I was thinking that if they are going to take out the vaccinated, that is a large mess to clean up.
It is do able, if you put your mind to it anything is possible. They have the means and the monetary system to exploit.

Now once the vaccinated start dropping, what of the unvaccinated? There are intelligent and not so intelligent on both sides.
Not everyone who is not vaccinated are the pinnacle of intelligence and neither is the vaccinated. That being said if it is a de-population event after the vaccinated drop what will the do with the rest? Round them all up and give them some sort of standardized testing to see if they are useful? So more depopulation of the defiant? Again, that is not going to be a fun life, rather taxing and stressing. It will not be "well we will now have a utopia with the remaining population". WAIT did you not see everyone just die? That would not throw huge red flags in the air as to TPTB and what comes next? I would rather go in the first wave then the mass extermination afterwards.

Time is the deciding factor in everything so we hurry up and wait.

Nice to meet you all finally, unfortunately at a time where we may not have much left.
edit on 26-5-2021 by kevsbacon because: Spacing

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: kevsbacon

Yes, apparently I am a ticking time bomb of infectious mysterious vaccine particles just waiting to kill my own family and on a timer myself now because I got the shots for various reasons connected to work and wanting to get the damn mask off my face and not being terribly afraid of COVID, the vaccine, or death.

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 07:23 PM
Well, lets consider the conspiracy facts.... the Georgia guide stones have long proclaimed how the global elites want to free the world of 93% of its population.

Second we have people like the French advisor from the 80’s saying in 2020 a virus/vaccine would be used to reduce population of the earth.

So let’s look at the vaccine.... here is what’s fishy to me...

Anyone old enough to remember the swine flu vaccine from the 70’s will remember how few were injured compared to the numerous people injured from these covid vaccines and yet the swine flu vaccine was pulled immediately!!! Covid vaccines have been paused, but put back into use immediately!!!

And lastly, a look at blood samples of the vaccinated show IT DOES CHANGE/damage your red blood cells.... and it looks like it’s permanent!!!

The elites know they can’t kill off everyone all at once, they need 100’s of millions to take the jab before the real deaths take off.... and from the damage it looks like these do to your red blood cells, an early death is in the future for all the vaccinated.

Don’t worry, for those who skip the vaccine, the elites aren’t done, they have much more planned to get to that 93% reduction.... look over that video where rand Paul is grilling Fauci again....
what does rand Paul say was created back in 2015 under fauci’s watch?!!!! They took sars which has a 15% mortality and added the function of infecting through the air/lungs to it(North Carolina facility worked with China to do this)... THEY HAVE THIS VIRUS ALREADY sitting on the back burner !!!!!

Remember that creepy bill and Melinda gates video where bill states the “next pandemic” will get our attention??!!

I would guess the vaccine deaths from this covid vaccine will only be the first wave of depopulation deaths.... eventually they will realease this super covid/sars virus and start a second wave.

And don’t buy the bill and Melinda gates divorce... if anyone is paying attention.... all the billionaires are getting divorced. This lets them divide up their stock portfolios and the court “orders” them to sell off the stock they normally couldn’t sell off without getting nailed for securities fraud when the stock market tanks(this happened to one of the Enron executives who worked with a stripper and his wife so he could sell off his stocks and not go to jail... he is the only one to get away from jail time)
Anyway. The Fed is buying up stock now(something new it’s doing since the covid crisis ) and I would bet they are buying up the stock these billionaires are selling off. They know something is coming... mass deaths and the great reset are around the corner.

edit on 26-5-2021 by teddyvetter because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
So I am curious:

There seems to be a large percentage of people on here who now want to believe this vaccine is part of some nefarious depopulation agenda plot. The thinking goes that TPTB want to depopulate us great unwashed. However, they don't just want to leave themselves. They will need a certain number of slaves around to do the jobs the power elite won't do.

So what kind of person do you honestly think they want?

Do they want the not-too-bright person who accepts unquestioningly and does as they are told by their "betters" (TPTB) and lives docilely and tamely? Or do they want people who stubbornly cling to suspicion and refuse to do anything TPTB tell them too?

If you believe the former, then using the vaccine to actively attempt to kill everyone off makes zero sense. Those people who automatically do as they are told by their betters will obviously be the first and most enthusiastic adopters. They're exactly the seed stock TPTB will be wanting in their new slave force.

And while it makes you feel smarter to think you've outwitted TPTB by resisting their efforts and avoiding their vaccine, the truth is that they wouldn't want you in their future world as a serf anyhow. You'd be too stubbornly resistant.

Now none of that means the vaccine might or might not have side effects and issues because it is what it is - brand-spanking new and untried as a method of vaccination, but it also doesn't mean it's intended to kill anyone.

They dont want old, sick, generally ones wich are concerned as weakness. Why is that you may ask. Because they are not supervillains of James Bond movies but instead just doing what has to be done, erase part and leave another. They are even openly admit it.

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: AcerM

They do, but in general, they view us as cattle. They are eugenicists.

The slave owners of old used to breed their slaves for desirable traits, and TPTB aren't any different. So they'd start early by culling the stubborn and resistant out if they could. This would be one way to do it.

The current university model is one way to ensure a certain amount of intellect without too much independence of thought.

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Thats the most probably scenario if it was about script in the Hollywood movie. But this is not good vs bad or master vs slave scenario. If you were in charge and you had to choose you would do exactly same thing, erase weak and keep strong cattle.

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: AcerM

In which case, there would be no vaccine at all.

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I see your point perfectly my lady and well done. But there's
a fatal flaw in your reasoning. If you assume they might be
finicky over whom they may want to keep around for
convenience. When there are 7 billion people on the planet.
I'm sure their priority would absolutely be on total reduction

I don't believe the owners of this world truly see Hitler,
Stalin. Mao and Pol Pot as mad men. No no no I believe they
are actually the norm. And in truth they're all capable of
slaughtering millions of us.

Only one war has actually been going on for thousands of
years. Large populations have been needed up till now.
Keeping in mind they are not normal people will help you
understand them.
edit on 26-5-2021 by Randyvine because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: Randyvine

They have in this the perfect way to start separating out those who will comply from those who will not without having to panic or subjugate anyone on any completely threatening and alarming way, and you think they won't take it?

What's the point in wasting the mechanism?

That's like saying I eventually want 1,000 of the best red cattle I can have, and right now I have 10 billion cattle of which an unknown number are red. I need to start culling that number, so I'll just indiscriminately kill off an unknown number of them when I have it in my hands to start selecting for red cattle as a higher percentage of the group I have left alive.

edit on 26-5-2021 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 09:19 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: AcerM

In which case, there would be no vaccine at all.

You think there is vaccine I dont

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

They have in this the perfect way to start separating out those who will comply from those who will not without having to panic or subjugate anyone on any completely threatening and alarming way, and you think they won't take it?

Maybe they will but I don't think that would be the number one
priority early on. And we don't even know for sure they
need any of us. We can't even trust that we know how far they've
come with AI and cyborgs and robots. What we do know is pretty
damn scary. We can't trust them! And that's the only thing of which
I can be sure. I liked reading you're not afraid though. It certainly
won't help. It's really not that hard to believe is it. The elite seeing
the population of earth as a threat to the future? It might as well
be their future right? I mean come on now. Is it not a hundred
percent typical after all we've seen from them for centuries?

Some members are saying this is all to much like pinky and the
brain? Or something like that well guess what?


edit on 26-5-2021 by Randyvine because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

That's like saying I eventually want 1,000 of the best red cattle I can have, and right now I have 10 billion cattle of which an unknown number are red. I need to start culling that number, so I'll just indiscriminately kill off an unknown number of them when I have it in my hands to start selecting for red cattle as a higher percentage of the group I have left alive.

Are you forgetting that cattle in this context is a metaphor.
They are dealing with billions of human beings. Stands to
reason they would use a bit more caution.

If I'm not making sense then....IDK

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: Randyvine

Also why is everybody assuming depopulation is a product of some kind of evil master plan, it may aswell be result of something based on simulation, necessary outcome going to happen way or another.

Controlled depopulation vs chaotic, not saying its cool but there is probably more than just being elite and dickhead
edit on 26-5-2021 by AcerM because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 11:41 PM
Citing CNN:

As for April 16th 2021 there are 5,800 "break through" cases.

396 got very sick. 74 died. I'd say that is pretty close to what unvaxed people end up like.

However, Luc Montagnier's prediction is not a near term prediction. What he's saying is that the virus is going to adapt to this vax. And since the Vax wipes out your "general purpose" resistance, the first strain that evolves to be immune to the immunity will also be facing a zeroed out overall immune response.

Since I believe the virus was engineered to begin with (by which I mean a real bat virus was modified.) I wouldn't be surprised if they have also already engineered a strain that can do what Montagnier is predicting.

Of course it will all be an "unfortunate mistake".

originally posted by: ketsuko
So I am curious:

There seems to be a large percentage of people on here who now want to believe this vaccine is part of some nefarious depopulation agenda plot. The thinking goes that TPTB want to depopulate us great unwashed. However, they don't just want to leave themselves. They will need a certain number of slaves around to do the jobs the power elite won't do.

They probably don't want "menial work" slaves.

They want a few militant thugs who can point guns at the heads of the engineers.

When you live in the age of automation slaves are pointless.

So what kind of person do you honestly think they want?

Do they want the not-too-bright person who accepts unquestioningly and does as they are told by their "betters" (TPTB) and lives docilely and tamely? Or do they want people who stubbornly cling to suspicion and refuse to do anything TPTB tell them too?

They naively believe that smart people will willingly serve them.

In my experience most of the people who demonstrate real fear about Covid are poor. Either on welfare, or working a low end job that doesn't offer any kind of sick leave, nor pay high enough so they could afford to take 2 weeks off.

People they have already failed to integrate into their society in a sensible manner. (And probably don't plan to try to integrate except with empty promises of impossible amounts of welfare.)

posted on May, 26 2021 @ 11:56 PM

originally posted by: AcerM
a reply to: Randyvine

Also why is everybody assuming depopulation is a product of some kind of evil master plan, it may aswell be result of something based on simulation, necessary outcome going to happen way or another.

Controlled depopulation vs chaotic, not saying its cool but there is probably more than just being elite and dickhead

Please tell me I don't have to type out answer to this?

If you insist I will but I need confirmation?

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 01:23 AM
> Nah I don't think mass people will die from the jab, too many questions would have to arise.

The cleverest thing about it is that it DOES NOT KILL you. Instead, it sets you up to be far more vulnerable to opportunistic accidents and infections further down the track by making your immune system hypersensitive to certain pathogens. A very few will die soon after the "jab", and these will be dismissed as either coincidence or the "luck of the game": an accepted low mortality from the "jab". More will die some months later from chance opportunistic infections.

We're now in the northern summer, so people are getting "jabbed" in preparation for the winter. That's when the REAL fun will start, and death rates will start to soar. Some will be attributed to the new "variants" of COVID that will "appear" during winter. Many more will die from causes apparently unrelated either to the new "variants", or to the "jabs" past and present.

But THERE WILL BE NO WAY OF KNOWING, except by comparing death rates amongst the "jabbed" and the "unjabbed". And you can be VERY certain that these will NOT be publicly released; such figures as will be available will be inaccurate, doctored, invented, disputed, and entirely meaningless. But you can be confident that many more of the "unjabbed" will survive.

> I might not be able to go to the grocery store or a lot of other things if already 50% drop dead. Think of the infrastructure problems.

THIS is what the cognoscenti need to start preparing for IMMEDIATELY. Virtually ALL of those in essential jobs will have been forced to get "jabbed", so existing social structures will rapidly become unworked and unworkable. FAR better to be able to drive down the road to a local market garden and buy or pick some produce than to be driving around between city stores hoping to find edibles amongst the broken glass and battered shelves.

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