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Do COVID jab causes magnets to stick to arms?

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posted on May, 12 2021 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

You probably shouldn't use the bone crushing type obviously.

Ummm... it's not that simple. Which magnet I use depends on the physical size and flux intensity I need to accomplish a particular task.

I don't use magnets for making pretty sculptures or pinning things to a refrigerator door. I do research. Size, grade, composition, and orientation matter.


posted on May, 12 2021 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
I tested the magnet on someone recently vaccinated. THE MAGNET STUCK! I could feel it. The magnet would wobble around reversing fields when moved along the arm. He could wobble his arm around at a 90 degree angle without the magnet breaking loose.

So this has been proven 100% true.

How long after the vaccination did you do this?

I'm not sure. A couple days or so.

I went over there again today. They both were given Pfizer vaccines. I rechecked carefully the 1st subject and still found nothing. But he was given his second shot January 2021 which is 5 months ago.

The other subject that I found the magnet firmly magnetized to his arm was given the Pfizer vaccine within a few days of when I tested him. I have no idea how long the magnetic effect lasts. Didn't check him again today because he was all cucked out and wasn't in the mood.

posted on May, 13 2021 @ 11:50 AM
Updated video with many more examples. Some with plastic between the magnet and skin. Others with weaker normal Fridge magnets. Probably have to tests for the Vaxx within a few days of your MRNA experiment.

They even show one with a magnetic detector sounding off.

Time for the all the neigh sayer's to eat Crow. MOVE THIS THREAD BACK TO WHERE IT WAS FIRST POSTED.

Compilation of Magnets Sticking to Arm after Covid Vaccination
edit on 13-5-2021 by Doctor Smith because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-5-2021 by Doctor Smith because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2021 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
Updated video with many more examples. Some with plastic between the magnet and skin. Others with weaker normal Fridge magnets. Probably have to tests for the Vaxx within a few days of your MRNA experiment.

They even show one with a magnetic detector sounding off.

Time for the all the neigh sayer's to eat Crow. MOVE THIS THREAD BACK TO WHERE IT WAS FIRST POSTED.

Compilation of Magnets Sticking to Arm after Covid Vaccination

No its still stupid do you realize how much metal would need to be injected to effect a magnet? Its impossible through 1 infection heck its imossible through 10 problem is you would likely kill yourself. you could get for example an Iron dextran injection but a magnet wont stick to it.

All it takes is balance to keep something on a spot with no hair lean back slightly it looks like its sticking, it isnt its just not sliding.

posted on May, 13 2021 @ 08:09 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
Updated video with many more examples. Some with plastic between the magnet and skin. Others with weaker normal Fridge magnets. Probably have to tests for the Vaxx within a few days of your MRNA experiment.

They even show one with a magnetic detector sounding off.

Time for the all the neigh sayer's to eat Crow. MOVE THIS THREAD BACK TO WHERE IT WAS FIRST POSTED.

Compilation of Magnets Sticking to Arm after Covid Vaccination

No its still stupid do you realize how much metal would need to be injected to effect a magnet? Its impossible through 1 infection heck its imossible through 10 problem is you would likely kill yourself. you could get for example an Iron dextran injection but a magnet wont stick to it.

All it takes is balance to keep something on a spot with no hair lean back slightly it looks like its sticking, it isnt its just not sliding.

Obviously you don't have a clue. All those people that are posting video's on the phenomenon. You think they don't have anything better to do with their time? I have reproduced the result myself on a recently vaccinated victim. And no. It isn't the magnet sticking to the arm. It only magnetically aligns to the area that was injected. You and others on this thread are living in a fantasy land of denial.

edit on 13-5-2021 by Doctor Smith because: added

posted on May, 13 2021 @ 08:16 PM
Not saying I believe the magnet (magnetically) sticking to skin stories -- but came across this study (published in 2010) which is quite interesting. It certainly lends some credibility to the claims that the covid vaccines are in reality using gene/DNA vaccination (which I've been skeptical of):

Application of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Some excerpts from the article:

The successful magnetic microsphere delivery approach has been used in gene therapy to reduce the incidence of adverse events, particularly in the case of viral and retroviral vectors. Gene therapy is a potential therapeutic tool that requires effective gene delivery. However, the most common methods for delivering genes into cell is associated with two potential dangers: oncogenesis and inflammation. This therapeutic strategy, based on magnetic technology, is an alternative method of viral gene delivery.


A novel non-viral delivery system based on a polyethylenimine coated on the surface of bacterial magnetic nanoparticles (BMPs) has been developed with high transfection efficiency and low toxicity, which presents an attractive strategy for gene therapy and DNA vaccination (21).

edit on 13/5/21 by Navieko because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2021 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: Doctor Smith


Ferromagnetic materials form a magnet themselves when exposed to a magnetic field, thus causing the attraction to a magnetizing force. The flux involved in holding a neodymium magnet would be approximately 1/2 the strength experienced during an MRI.

Newton's Laws of Motion state that for every force there is an equal and opposite force. If a magnet is attracted to a ferromagnetic material, the ferromagnetic material is also attracted to the magnet. The force required to hold a small neodymium magnet in place would be sufficient, if applied to something as small as a vaccine, to cause extreme pain.

Now, until you can explain to me how a small neodymium magnet is capable of producing magnetic flux levels 1/2 the strength of an MRI, or how Newton was lying all these years, I believe this thread is exactly where it belongs.


edit on 5/13/2021 by TheRedneck because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2021 @ 09:30 PM

Their really needs to be an "I'm Sorry Doctor Smith". "We were wrong about your thread", forum. We talked so much BS that we brainwashed each other into believing our own denial of reality.

posted on May, 13 2021 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: Doctor Smith
Why would another unfounded bitchute vid get you that?

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 12:45 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
They're using Ferrite based RFID chips !!! 😧😮

Well how about that! You’re right

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus

Yeah, those sheets are designed to fit through a needle in a syringe real easy, too.

(All semiconductor chips are made of doped silicon (a few older ones out of doped germanium), μR = ~1. It's not possible to make them with ferromagnetic materials.)


posted on May, 14 2021 @ 02:57 AM
a reply to: Doctor Smith
A highly respected Gab employee just posted on Gab saying that he saw this with his own eyes on his neighbor's arm. His neighbor got the Pfizer vaccine, both shots. Said his neighbor is private so no video will be taken of it. But there are other videos of other people out there doing it.

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 03:06 AM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
I tested the magnet on someone recently vaccinated. THE MAGNET STUCK! I could feel it. The magnet would wobble around reversing fields when moved along the arm. He could wobble his arm around at a 90 degree angle without the magnet breaking loose.

So this has been proven 100% true.

How long after the vaccination did you do this?

I'm not sure. A couple days or so.

I went over there again today. They both were given Pfizer vaccines. I rechecked carefully the 1st subject and still found nothing. But he was given his second shot January 2021 which is 5 months ago.

The other subject that I found the magnet firmly magnetized to his arm was given the Pfizer vaccine within a few days of when I tested him. I have no idea how long the magnetic effect lasts. Didn't check him again today because he was all cucked out and wasn't in the mood.

Take a video of that guy and write "Doctor Smith" on a paper visible in the video.

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 05:16 AM
This is crazy....I was working out today by lifting weights with the side of my arm. I'm going to market a new routine because of this.

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Now, until you can explain to me how a small neodymium magnet is capable of producing magnetic flux levels 1/2 the strength of an MRI, or how Newton was lying all these years, I believe this thread is exactly where it belongs.

Are you working with nano technology? Here's a hint. They aren't using the same 1800's tech that you are using.

We have video's of this al over the net. I verified it myself. Maybe they ordered you to censor the thread?

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: 3n19m470
a reply to: Doctor Smith
A highly respected Gab employee just posted on Gab saying that he saw this with his own eyes on his neighbor's arm. His neighbor got the Pfizer vaccine, both shots. Said his neighbor is private so no video will be taken of it. But there are other videos of other people out there doing it.

So you verified it. I'm right again. This needs to be taken out of the hoax bin. And I should probably start reading more threads that were placed in the hoax bin.

As more honest people come forward it will become obvious.l Even the most dense and corrupt will eventually be forced to agree with my findings.
edit on 14-5-2021 by Doctor Smith because: added

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Newton's Laws of Motion were not suspended.

Those videos mean nothing. I saw a video clip last night about a space stationed positioned next to a wormhole and in orbit around a planet called "Bajor." They showed spaceships and everything. I guess that's true as well, right?


posted on May, 14 2021 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
Updated video with many more examples. Some with plastic between the magnet and skin. Others with weaker normal Fridge magnets. Probably have to tests for the Vaxx within a few days of your MRNA experiment.

They even show one with a magnetic detector sounding off.

Time for the all the neigh sayer's to eat Crow. MOVE THIS THREAD BACK TO WHERE IT WAS FIRST POSTED.

Compilation of Magnets Sticking to Arm after Covid Vaccination

No its still stupid do you realize how much metal would need to be injected to effect a magnet? Its impossible through 1 infection heck its imossible through 10 problem is you would likely kill yourself. you could get for example an Iron dextran injection but a magnet wont stick to it.

All it takes is balance to keep something on a spot with no hair lean back slightly it looks like its sticking, it isnt its just not sliding.

Obviously you don't have a clue. All those people that are posting video's on the phenomenon. You think they don't have anything better to do with their time? I have reproduced the result myself on a recently vaccinated victim. And no. It isn't the magnet sticking to the arm. It only magnetically aligns to the area that was injected. You and others on this thread are living in a fantasy land of denial.

I have seen people drive nails in their skulls. Ive seen people eat soap pods what people will or wont do to entertain or decieve for their 5 min of fame. The only one in denial is you for believing in something so stupid that is impossible according to physics.

You just want to throw out the past 100 years of scientific advancement and create a fantasy if you injected enough metal into someone to effect a magnet they would be dead in seconds.

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

I don't think he wants to throw out science as much as he doesn't understand it. I blame our public educational system.

Public education today does not teach "why" about anything. They only teach the "what." And, in a field like magnetics, where very few people actually understand how it actually works, it becomes some sort of magical thing that can be used for all kinds of cockamamie ideas. People convince themselves that it can do things it simply cannot do, and that means people never check to see what magnetism can do. Society loses two ways.

I came into this thread because I saw that happening and wanted to give people the benefit of some actual scientific research into magnetism. And I encountered religious beliefs, as usual. I fear the OP is simply too far gone, too immersed in the religion of magnetism, to be saved from their own ignorance.

But... maybe someone reading realized this whole idea is a load of bunk. I hope so.


posted on May, 14 2021 @ 01:20 PM
If it's a well-documented and true, then why didn't mine work? Why didn't it work on my husband he had his second shot today it didn't work on it it didn't work on it the first time. What would be the protocol for who would and who would not receive a magnet in their arm?Getting the shot is random, they dont know who is stepping up.

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
a reply to: TheRedneck

Now, until you can explain to me how a small neodymium magnet is capable of producing magnetic flux levels 1/2 the strength of an MRI, or how Newton was lying all these years, I believe this thread is exactly where it belongs.

Are you working with nano technology? Here's a hint. They aren't using the same 1800's tech that you are using.

We have video's of this al over the net. I verified it myself. Maybe they ordered you to censor the thread?

edit on 14-5-2021 by MayRenee because: (no reason given)

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