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The Secret Life Of Fairies

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posted on May, 15 2021 @ 06:48 AM
We'll finish memory basics so we can understand what a fairy can do with a her favorite human.

It is often wondered where memories exist in the body. Some folks say memories are stored in the brain matter. Occultists say memories are stored in something called the aetheric body.

The brain can be said to be an interpretive interface. The eyes interface with the brain which interprets nerve signals. For example: With vision, the eye act as a lens and projects the image upside down on the back of the eye. The brain turns the image right side up so we don't see up as down.

Damage the brain and we loose memory. So do we damage the memory storage or are we damaging the interface to the memories?

Personally I think it is the later based upon study of the deceased and the fae folk. I shall explain.

I often refer to something called the boundary of self. The boundary is not an abstract metaphysical concept. The boundary is actually tangible under some circumstance.

How I know the boundary exists was an incident during an encounter with a fae that looks like a conventional yellow grey alien. I call them Wednesdays. I will go into these Beings in detail in the final planned section of this thread.

For the purpose here we just have to know about the incident where existence of the boundary became known to me.

I've known the Wednesdays for years and they are an interesting study. Early in our relationship one would visit when I was sitting outside with coffee and a cigarette.

One day Wednesday moved in close to my face, and when her face was perhaps eight or so inches from mine, she bumped into something and stopped. What she bumped into was the boundary, an ordinarily intangible membrane. There was an interesting visual effect. A section of my veranda and garden bent inwards like a fisheye lens effect.

Image: Circular fisheye view of Oude Kerk Amsterdam. Selection from De Wallen: Amsterdam's Red Light District by Daniel D. Teoli Jr. : Danielteolijr, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

The lens effect tells me the membrane has optical properties. My suspicion is the brain ordinarily filters out sight of the membrane in a normal informational processing way.

As far as Wednesday is concerned, I suspect she noticed my observation of the distortion as the real reason for her stopping her approach. The incident told me everything I needed to know: the boundary exists along with the boundary's properties. Wednesday probably did not want to give that clue away.

The boundary is optical.

* The boundary is a membrane that surrounds the body.
* Translucency varies from person to person.
* The surfaces have reflective properties.
* There are layers.
* The number of layers varies from person to person, and living to deceased.
* Light passes through the membrane in both directions. Important!

This is where I think the memories reside: recordings within the layers of membranes that is the boundary of self. I think the boundary is the interface between the "I", the "me" and everything else.

Interestingly at death a number of these membranes are left behind with the physical body as the person leaves. These discarded membranes contain living records of a life.

An individual membrane is a "page". A collection of pages is a "book". The "page" and "book" concepts are a human thing that has given the memories a stable form. Humans have been collecting these records for a long time.

It is self evident why humans would collect memories and store discarded life records in great libraries hidden in the land of the dead. Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Plato for instance.

These records are the equivalent of gold in the other world.

One time I had cause to visit a church with a friend who was getting unwelcome attention because he had one of these books after returning from a trip to Europe. We delivered the book. The look of greed on the (deceased) priest's face and how he clutched the book to himself as he ran for the church told me how valuable these records are.

Basically men are couriers.

Fairies collect and preserve these living records too. The original reason was to create a cultural memory that is passed down the maternal lineage from mother to daughters. The cultural memory is a backup in the event of a catastrophe such as war.

Fairies can show their favorites these records and you will experience that life, or parts thereof. The memories become your own. Personally, I always consider those experiences as someone else's memories and not necessarily my own.

The fairies are interested in the lives of women. It is humans who are interested in the lives of men.

So we can understand another important distinction between men and women. Women naturally carry within themselves the preservation of a culture. Whereas the men do not. Men have to accumulate the records for themselves in order to build a culture of their own. Fraternities and dynasties for instance, and have you ever wondered why the prophets are all male?

To read one of these records is to experience the memory. For me it is a non-linear experience. I get the strongest first, including the ending of life as well as the happiest of moments. I have watched one of my girls die horribly over and over, life after life. Reading memories can leave you with the symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder. It did me.

I think that will do it for memory basics. Ask questions if you like. I can waffle on for hours : )

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Next we will visit the life of an Anglo Saxon girl from Britannia named Margaret. We will learn how she met her fairy and what they did in the short time they had together in life.

edit on 15-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: typos

posted on May, 16 2021 @ 10:31 PM

The placement of temples and important institutions might have had a specific purpose based on correlations between worlds? Perhaps the ability to see 'beyond the veil' was much more common... and then suppressed or lost for some reason?

I wonder if the fairy-figure 8 model of our world and "the other one" has even more branches... or subdivisions? There are some myths positing 7, if memory serves... which brings up another bit.

You might have illuminated some memory issues of my own. I used to have a crystal clear set of memories and what I was told was incredible recall.

I no longer have easy access to the more vivid of my own memories. If reminded of something it can come back and I still have all the basics and even many particulars, but many specific and usually very interesting memories from my past are just... well, gone.

The usual tests were done and there doesn't seem to be anything organic, at all. It was guessed that perhaps I had PTSD from my days in the fast lane.

I wonder if something got access and "nomm'd nomm'd" them up.

Lots of wondering.

posted on May, 17 2021 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

The placement of temples and important institutions might have had a specific purpose based on correlations between worlds?

They do match up sometimes.

Western hospitals match up. They really do have two lots of workers. But there are differences. I don't spend any time in hospitals except visiting people who get sick, so not places I study. I have noticed a few things though.

I mentioned before that I haven't seen a period of a few days at birth and death. There is an interest in that time from the world of the deceased, and one I am not supposed to see. There are unseen "midwives" at birth and death. I know, they keep me away.

Nevertheless I generally keep an eye things when the old folks I know die. When certain (deceased) people turn up at the hospital I know the end is near.

So a little deductive reasoning here. In modern western medicine generally all the births and deaths takes place at the hospitals. That is a bottleneck.

Here in Australia we have government hospitals, Catholic hospitals and Masonic hospitals. Plus maybe a few others. The question is: Who controls what? and "Who do the unseen "midwives" work for?

In catholic hospitals, well, I would think the interests of Catholics would come first, and then the interests of non Catholics.

So we can understand that the Masons would sensibly choose to build their own Masonic hospitals.

There is also at least some research into communication between the living and the deceased worlds.

By the way: If one was interested in newborn twins, where would you find them? The maternity ward.

I am not a Mason, but have watched a Lodge from outside. Living and deceased people arrive at the hall and there are the Guardians to keep things understandably private. When the rituals start the Nature-fairy-folk turn up to partake/help with the ritual.

That happens a lot when rituals are preformed in a building.

The physical locations of the memory/life repositories should be kept secret though. Fairies have their "pot of gold", that is a secret worth guarding from humans. Fair is fair.

Perhaps the ability to see 'beyond the veil' was much more common... and then suppressed or lost for some reason?

I think it was more common. The interaction of the fae and humans is definitely disapproved of and suppressed. I am dealing with it now in trying to work out a future for the deceased youngsters.

I used to think in terms of the Catholics disapproving of "witchcraft" and converting a so-called "pagan" society to Christianity. But not now.

The (deceased) youngsters are all girls and girls need to keep secrets. So I leave things be and don't "delve into a lady's past". They'll tell me eventually if it is important.

However, I am getting more of the story from them now that the traumas are under control and the memory work has begun.

Why these girls, who have a certain relationship with the fairies, were killed off is looking to be more than meets the eye. Witchcraft was not that serious a crime in Britannia until the Inquisitions.

So why kill them off?

The answer to that is something they have been very careful not to tell me until last weekend. In fact they only hinted at it. I worked the rest out.

They can read other people's memories and lives.

The ability to see through lies and read memories means a world where secrets cannot be kept.

The thought of a world where secrets cannot be kept would frighten most high ranking folks.

I wonder if the fairy-figure 8 model of our world and "the other one" has even more branches... or subdivisions? There are some myths positing 7, if memory serves... which brings up another bit.

The eight on it's side is the fairy view of everything being on the same level. No authority, nothing is unreachable. That works for me, and is how the fae see things as far as I know.

With the mobius I was careful to say;

Now let's take the concept further; the mobius.

So the mobius is uncharted territory for me. I have not quite figured it out yet, and can't put it into practice. So just theoretical.

(start theory)

The only clue I have is the fae when say they are originally from "elsewhere".

Moebius, is a surface with only one side (when embedded in three-dimensional Euclidean space) and only one boundary curve. The MΓΆbius strip is the simplest non-orientable surface. --Source Wikipedia.

The ants are stuck walking round and round with no way out. The cross over is the portal between life and death. Sound familiar?

The mobius can represent a world. No branches, no where to move to. A simple walled garden where children can grow up within.

My suspicion is the fae originally came here from outside to garden. The UFOs perhaps come and go for their own reasons. Like if the children start playing with nuclear fire.

I have no idea of the physics outside the mobius. There is nothing to say physics has to be the same physics outside as inside, or any physics at all.

(end theory)

You might have illuminated some memory issues of my own. I used to have a crystal clear set of memories and what I was told was incredible recall.

I no longer have easy access to the more vivid of my own memories. If reminded of something it can come back and I still have all the basics and even many particulars, but many specific and usually very interesting memories from my past are just... well, gone.

The usual tests were done and there doesn't seem to be anything organic, at all. It was guessed that perhaps I had PTSD from my days in the fast lane.

Yeah the PTSD done my memory in too to a degree, like a fog.

Through that fog you have reminded me of something I worked on long ago for memory problems. It was when the medical folks announced (yet) another breakthrough.

It was the discovery of a "plaque" that was found in the brains of Alzheimer folks. That works with the brain as interface to memory model. Like a computer keyboard that is loaded with cat fur, dust and coffee spills. The keys stick and stop working and onlNy half the letters are printed to the computer screen.
In that case a UFO might
Someone asked me to work out a remedy for the "brain plaque". They did not get back to me so I shelved the research.

Parsley root tea was what I came up with.

Memory is a two way problem though. Memory is read write.

More research to do to make sure both memory recall, and the creation of memories works as it should.

If it is just "brain plaque", then a single ingredient remedy should work for both.

Bringing this to my mind BD got my girls excited at the thought of a herbal medicine garden. So thank you kind sir!

They know about cooking and medicine back in their day. I may take them shopping for herbs. A garden of their own design might be interesting.

- - - - -- - - - - --

Edit to add:

I wonder if something got access and "nomm'd nomm'd" them up.

Wasn't there a Steven King novel about a plane and time getting nom'd?

edit on 17-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: added edit to add

posted on May, 17 2021 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268


It was the discovery of a "plaque" that was found in the brains of Alzheimer folks. That works with the brain as interface to memory model. Like a computer keyboard that is loaded with cat fur, dust and coffee spills. The keys stick and stop working and onlNy half the letters are printed to the computer screen.
In that case a UFO might
Someone asked me to work out a remedy for the "brain plaque". They did not get back to me so I shelved the research.

Should read:

It was the discovery of a "plaque" that was found in the brains of Alzheimer folks. That works with the brain as interface to memory model. Like a computer keyboard that is loaded with cat fur, dust and coffee spills. The keys stick and stop working and only half the letters are printed to the computer screen.

Someone asked me to work out a remedy for the "brain plaque". They did not get back to me so I shelved the research.

Stupid fingers hit ctrl key at some point. (just noticed the location of the keyboard glitch ; ) synchronicity? )

posted on May, 17 2021 @ 08:31 PM
edit on Sun Dec 17 2023 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2021 @ 08:53 AM
Let's take a look at a life of a girl who lived some time ago in Britannia. Probably some time between the eleventh and seventeenth centuries AD. Her name was Margaret which genealogists say appeared in Britannia about the eleventh century.

When reading a life I get the emotionally strongest events first and therefore not in chronological order.

The graph illustrates what happens. The descending red horizontal lines are the reader. The black graph lines are the emotional spikes.

The life flashes before your eyes. Then the task to remember the events and make sense of it all. I would think there is an element of cultural interpretation on my part that may be described as looking at the past through twenty first century glasses.

One should keep in mind that an emotional event in life includes other parties that shared the event. One can get more than just one persons side of the event.

What I have done is to interpret the events of a short life as a chronological retelling.

There are a few elements of fairy behavior that modern sensibilities may find disturbing. So I'll simply reiterate from an earlier post:

'Twas the fairy folk who showed me this. . .
The fruit of a tree of life . . .
is hidden . . .
behind the veil . . .
of a maiden's skirt.
A maiden's womb is simply the fruit of a tree.
If you want to know the secrets of life young man, go home and marry your girl.

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The story is an introduction to life engineering as practiced by the fae.

We shall go into this properly verse by verse in my next few posts.
edit on Mon Dec 18 2023 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2021 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

to waffle on a tad more

Well, me n' the crowd (with the jostling elbows and smelly breath) are all here in the shadows, specifically, to read you "waffle on" and so please, keep wafflin'!

I suspect there are a quite a few non members and members eagerly watching but who would never, in real life, admit to their consideration of "Fairies."

In fact, a note to the Fae is that they could change their collective name and garner more respect... like say, "Non-human Native Intelligence" or the like?

A fairy by any other name...

posted on May, 22 2021 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

Non-human Native Intelligence

KPB came up with; non-standard intelligence.

Yeah, I am aware of the stigma of the word fairies among serious researchers in the UFO and metaphysical fields. Yet the intended audience isn't the serious researcher. The intended audience is, well, anyone and everyone.

That is why I don't use the technical jargon.

The subject matter is perhaps out of everyone's comfort zone, so much will be unfamiliar to modern thought. In that situation folks will tend to keep to themselves. I know.

We're beginning the subject of how the fairie/fae folk engineer life and consciousness on this planet, that includes us. Then the following section will be advanced bio-engineering. So only a third so far through just what I originally planned to say.

Just my field notes for posterity. There won't be any books or videos, just this thread on ATS ; I am content with just this.

posted on May, 22 2021 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Yeah... I miss KPB and liked the entity posting as him. I sincerely hope he is well and experiencing something pleasant and at least mildly interesting ... and that goes for all the wonderful entities out there!

I appreciate the lack of jargon (which my ignorant self sees as a gimmick to warrant ridiculous paychecks and/or awe and to keep the hierarchical structures intact- legislators, cpas, Masons, occultists, lawyers, physicists, etc., ... I'm looking at you).

Well, I understand your lack of enthusiasm for trawling the new age circuits for cash and crystal gazing groupies. If I could spend my days watching more magical realms, I certainly wouldn't post here... as much.

So, thanks for the efforts and pray, sir, continue.

posted on May, 23 2021 @ 12:58 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

KPB isn't far away, he logs in occasionally.

As for the watching magical realms, well it is the reason I don't read books or watch TV and movies. However, one is supposed to focus on this world, we are only here for a limited time.

Seeing stuff isn't fluffy bunny slippers and tinkerbells, it is a very dark place too. (It was KPB who coined the term; "fluffy bunny slippers and tinkerbells" by the way, I thought it wonderfully derogatory ; )

There is probably a reason for the exclusive clubs we call religion - outside is scary.

edit on 23-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: typo

posted on May, 23 2021 @ 09:26 AM
Let's add commentary to Margaret's life

The little blue fairy crossed a meadow and spied a girl sitting alone.
A curious thing for him to see.
He wanted to see what she was doing.
To his surprise, she picked him up within cupped hands.

Commentary: Margaret's memory of the time was of seeing a small blue light crossing the meadow. It looked like a star as you would see in the night sky. The blue star simply turned towards her. A blue light in her hands.

We covered how the fae procreate through parthenogenesis to create copies of themselves complete with ancestral memories. The fairy's memories allow him to recognize what it perceives, yet all the wonder of the first time is there.

I wondered why this fairy was a "boy". That was how Margaret regarded the fairy; as a boy.

- - - - - - - -

Looking into her eyes, he saw her kindness, her loneliness, her innocence.
She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
The little blue fairy fell in love with the girl behind the eyes.

Commentary: It was the kindness flooding into the fairy's awareness from the girl that stole his heart. She took him prisoner with just the kindness in her eyes and a smile.

- - - - - - - -

The little blue fairy was her only friend, a secret from her family.
A compact was made between the two.
He disappeared between her legs, and made his home within her womb.
What better place for a fairy to hide, now she could take him home.

Commentary: I am still not sure of the reasons why having a fairy was something to keep secret. I initially assumed it was the church's influence. However the girls all say; because we are different. So a deeper secret than I currently know.

A compact is an agreement. However in regards to the fae and a human, the word carries deeper connotations than we ordinarily assume as being a contract.

He disappeared between her legs, and made his home within her womb. This requires an explanation. Fairies do not perceive the human body as we do. The womb is a cavity with certain properties the fairy can make use of.

I have introduced Euclidean geometry of three dimensions. Then added two more dimensions of inside and outside to make a five dimensional world. That is the Russian doll. Motion (time) is the sixth dimension. Then to our six dimensional world we add networking making clusters of linked Russian dolls.

Now we add another mathematics; topology. The mathematics of surfaces.

In mathematics, topology is concerned with the properties of a geometric object that are preserved under continuous deformations, such as stretching, twisting, crumpling, and bending; that is, without closing holes, opening holes, tearing, gluing, or passing through itself.

Source: Wikipedia

If we look at the human body topologically we see a bead. From mouth to anus is a tube; therefore a bead. The sinuses, lungs, bladder and so on become cavities. The womb is simply a cavity. This is also so of the boundary of self membranes very close to the physical.

The fairy does not invade the girl's person. There is actually a boundary between them.

From the fairy's point of view, he is hidden from the world outside. A seer would not see him within the womb. The girl's body blocks the clairvoyant view. This is an important point; the topology of a body. Later on when the subject of remedies for health issues in the deceased is discussed we will understand just how important a basic understanding of topology actually is.

- - - - - - - -

For a small family living alone in the woods, life was very hard, food was scarce.
With the arrival of a maiden's first flush, the fairy made a choice.
He would help the family around the house.
This was his secret, the girl did not know where he was when he disappeared.

Commentary: The fairy's actions and whereabouts are unknown to the girl at this point in time. The first flush indicates a change in the girl. The fairy must make a decision at this point; to leave or stay.

- - - - - - - -

For a fairy to be bathed in a maiden's flush, turns the fairy into something more.
He taught himself to enter within the creatures of the forest.
A wild pole cat was his final choice, and he became her familiar.

Commentary: For a fairy to be bathed in a maiden's flush, turns the fairy into something more. This is very important.

This is the secret of how a fairy takes a human appearance.

In occult circles, it is said that our ego resides in the blood. Students of Rudolf Steiner would be familiar with the concept. What I refer to as ego is the sense of being me. Therefore ego is not a dirty word; the ego is our sense of self.

We must also remember that the blood carries all the bodily information within it. DNA for instance is said to be enough information to build a complete human body as a clone of the original.

At this point the fairy is just a little light, a star. It does not yet have form nor a human appearance. Nor any other form for that matter.

From the living menses, the fairy gathers all the information it needs for a human form in a way that is full of life.

The womb also creates boundaries of self in preparation for pregnancy. The embryonic sac is an example of a tangible boundary of self.

The fairy also gathers these discarded boundaries for itself to build up layers of consciousness of it's own. The fairy is building itself from discarded information and (intangible) materials. The fairy does this unseen and without invading the body.

Earlier in this thread, I referred to an older system below the chakrum. This is a part of that older system.

The fairy is gathering Existence from the menses. When I look at living people I see Existence as a red sphere located in the lower abdomen. In the deceased people, the red Existence is far larger and varies from person to person. I can't really explain the metaphysics of Existence. I just know what it is.

The fairy can do this with other mammals if it so chooses.

The use of the word familiar in the sense of a "witch's familiar" is correct. However that does not mean the girl is a witch. She just has a fairy in an animal form as an intelligent friend.

- - - - - - - -

To help his friend he ventured into the rabbit burrows chasing them into her waiting arms.
Food was scarce, he was welcome in the home.
Every night he stayed with her and licked and nibbled at her sores.

Commentary: We see here the reason for the choice of a wild pole cat. A ferret is the domesticated pole cat.

- - - - - - - -

Before the maiden turned into a woman, her parents died of their affliction.
Alone within the forest, they lived for a time.
Her sores had disappeared, the reason for their isolation.
A decision was made, they returned to her village.

Commentary: I don't know the name for the illness. Leprosy was introduced to Britannia by the Romans. I am no medical expert.

- - - - - - - -

Her eyes full of innocence at the thought of her return,
she was unprepared for what happened next.
Her disease was gone, a wild pole cat for a friend.
The village decided what had happened.

Commentary: This is where the real horror began for me. Margaret was so happy at the thought of going back to her village. Her happiness turned to fear so quickly.

edit on 23-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on May, 23 2021 @ 09:27 AM
- - - - - - - -

Her friend was taken, she was forced to watch, an iron rod driven through his heart.
The little blue fairy fled the dead pole cat, returning to his former home.
They turned upon her, hammering nails into her flesh.
Knowing nothing could be done to save his love,
he simply stayed with her, until she died.

Commentary: This perhaps goes deeper than the church' demonizing the fae as a part of the process of conversion to Christianity. This was to stop something. I don't know what they wanted stop, nor the why. I will find out eventually.

The Iron I don't know the reason for except it is generally believed in folklore that fairies are warded off by the strategic use of iron. My instincts say the people knew that iron used in certain ways would separate the girl and the fairy. That is what they achieved.

edit on 23-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on May, 24 2021 @ 05:30 AM
Let's take the time to understand what a fairy is a little deeper.

I've mentioned before that when a fairy reproduces, she will make six or so copies of herself and then step back. So let's have a look at the fairy "child".

As only the blue star; the fairy child is properly called an intrusion.

An intrusion into what exactly? Well, that would be an intrusion into our Euclidean space and time.

That is not all there is to our "fairy child".

The mother envelopes the blue star with several layers of her own boundaries of self. These are the inherited memories.

The mother also gives some of her own self to the blue star. The blue star needs this to exist here.

This is what Margaret cupped within her hands that day.

- - - - - - - -

Now let's look closer at the fairy's time with the girl.

The important time from the fairy's point of view is the change of teeth in the girl. That is from about seven years to about fourteen years of age.

Steiner had something to say on this time:

Even as man is surrounded, until the moment of birth, by the physical envelope of the mother-body, so until the time of the change of teeth β€” until about the seventh year β€” he is surrounded by an etheric envelope and by an astral envelope. It is only during the change of teeth that the etheric envelope liberates the etheric body. And an astral envelope remains until the time of puberty, when the astral or sentient body also becomes free on all sides, even as the physical body became free at physical birth and the etheric body at the change of teeth.

Source: The Education of the Child in the Light of Anthroposophy. (free from the Rudolf Steiner Archive)

It is the astral membrane discarded at about fourteen years of age that is also used by the fairy. The astral envelope, as Steiner calls it, becomes a fairy's cloak of green.

Margaret's death happened before the process was complete.

This is what was meant by: Before the maiden turned into a woman.

edit on 24-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on May, 24 2021 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Bravo!!! πŸ‘πŸ½ πŸ‘πŸ½ πŸ‘πŸ½

This is an amazing thread! Been fascinated by the topic for years.

Hard to find such comprehensive info on this topic. Thank you for taking the time to put all this here!

I will go back to the shadows. Just wanted to let you know we are here and listening. Eager minds await your continuance! 🍻

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: KKLOCO

Thanks KKLOCO, kind words are always appreciated.

Plenty of time and plenty to write about. So sit back, and I hope everyone finds the insights interesting and helpful.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 05:11 AM
Detailed explanations aside, I think there is a few important points worth noting.

The fairy is an intrusion into our Euclidean space and time.

Perhaps this is true of UFOs also. A noteworthy correspondence to my mind. Perhaps by studying the fae, one might gain an insight into the UFO.

One should also note that the fairy intrusions have been happening throughout history and continue today.

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The fairy within the human womb.

* The fairy finds a pre-menstrual human girl and the girl's womb becomes the fairy's home.

* Prior to the start of menstruation, the fairy will make a choice to either stay with the current girl, or leave and find another.

* If the fairy decides to stay, the fairy uses the (intangible) matter and information within the girl's menses to build itself a form. A clone or or one might say; a twin sister to the girl.

* As the girl develops, the twin develops. Every twenty eight days the fairy receives an update and upgrade one might say.

* The fairy's twin goes through puberty with the girl and learns about the life of the girl. The girl's feelings and how she relates to other people, her society and physical surroundings.

* The fairy also learns human reproductive biology. The fairy also has the information necessary to create within the twin the fairy equivalent of a functioning human body complete with organs. This includes the equivalent of a human womb and the creativity a womb possesses.

* There is a reciprocal aspect at play with the girl as the twin grows within the womb with the fairy. Human twins often display a psychic side to their relationship, telepathy and so on. This is important. The girl can have a psychic relationship with the fairy twin and therefore the fairy itself. These human girls have an exceptional psychic potential during this time.

* At the end of puberty, the "astral sheath" falls away from the girl and is collected by the fairy for the twin. The "astral sheath" held the girl's astral forces in check. The fairy uses this property of the sheath to hide the twin's astral forces. The fairy then moves into the twin as an inhabitable form. The fairy has become a (intangible) biological twin sister to the human girl.

* The fairy leaves the womb at this point.

* The fairy can choose to stay with the girl, or leave.

This is a brief description of the successful relationship between a fairy and a human girl. The girl may, or may not be aware of the fairy. It would depend on the fairy choosing to reveal itself.

If the girl becomes sexually active prior to the completion of puberty and the shedding of the astral sheath, the fairy will leave the womb without completing the process. The fairy will then find another girl and begin the process anew.

One can also appreciate that sex with a fairy's chosen girl before the process is complete may bring upon the guilty the wrath of a fairy. Fairies do not forget these things.

So we can understand that to a fairy, and by extension those who are aware of what is happening, a maiden and her virginity is a precious thing.

Generally fairy will find other interests when a girl becomes sexually active and child bearing. So we can understand why, in ancient times Oracles were women who would retain their virginity. One might find that the Oracle was continuing her relationship with her fairy.

We can also understand the reason why Vestal Virgins are a part of the temple decor.

I have only described the process in terms of a fairy and human relationship. The fairy can build the human twin and then build another twin of a completely different type of creature. A cat, a lion, a fox, a wolf. Twins are built from the menses.

The combinations are at the discretion of the fairy. Whatever the fairy chooses for whatever the fairy's reasons.

edit on 25-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 08:12 AM
The fairy and the girl create the dragon of red and green.
That is simply the beginning.

The menses is a layer of discarded womb.
A discarded boundary of a life that never was.

Within the womb is built a miracle of life.
An unborn human child within a universe of stars.

The same can be done upon a simple fairy.
The secret of Lilith and Eve.

But what of Adam?

Adam is a boy, he has no womb to play within.
What will a fairy do?

The fairy surrounds the boy within her own womb.
A layer of her own menses, another boundary of self.

Two layers, two worlds. This is how it is done.
That is the secret of creating Adam.

Twas all an accident with a fairy within the deep woods.

What of the future for these fairies and children?
What can they make of life?

Some fall to the wayside, victims of man's envy and greed.
Some survive to become greater things.

Gods and demons people sometimes call them, in their ignorance.

The question comes to mind,
why do the Oriental gods often ride a dragon?

Could it all simply be . . .
an accident . . .
in a forest . . .
with a fairy?

Perhaps one might simply say;
Eve created Lilith, and Lilith created Adam.

edit on 25-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on May, 29 2021 @ 01:27 AM
My last post was a little cryptic. The sentiments were for the intuition rather than the intellect. So I'll add a commentary so we may deepen our understanding of the fairy for the intellect.

This is important because I want to introduce the way fairies engineer human consciousness. As with everything a fairy does, it is remarkably simple really.

The fairy and the girl create the dragon of red and green.

Commentary: "The fairy and the girl" - The fairy is originally an intrusion into our Euclidean geometric space and time. One might say that the "intrusion" is the precursor of the fairy. The intrusion becomes the fairy when the intrusion completes the "twin" from the menses and gains the presence within our Euclidean space and time.

Building the twin gives the intrusion an inhabitable presence. The inhabitable presence is what we call a fairy.

I am familiar with the process in mammals, which includes humans. Fairies can build the twin from the menses of any mammal.

That wood nymphs are both human and dragonfly indicates that the equivalent can be done with insects. So we might say the wood nymph is a dragonfly with a degree of human sentience. The same can be said of the Nagi who are a snake with human sentience. The degree of which depends on the fairy at the time as to which aspects of sentience have dominance. We can understand this in the appearance.

So we know the fairies can work with humans, mammals, insects and reptiles. The Sumerian Underworld goddess Ereshkigal is both human and owl. So the birds too. These are just the ones that I know.

Humans are not that old within the scheme of things. So we can understand that the fairies worked with other types of animals for a long time prior to humans. That would include the reptiles of the prehistoric era.

The dragons are considered the most ancient of Beings in mythology. That is why I chose the word dragon. Here dragon refers to the product of a process far more ancient then humanity. The fairies have been doing this for a long time.

What is evolution?

In evolutionary theory we see a progressive motion of life becoming more and more complex and intelligent. The ages of fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals culminating in humanity is how science sees things. Each age has it's time.

The fairies too have their time.

Organic Beings inherit from their parents their presence in this physical world. The intrusion builds a presence from the menses and becomes a fairy.

The red is existence, the presence, the body. The green is sentience, the sense of being me, the ego. Both are inherited in the human. In the fairy they are created from the girl.

When I look at a human through the eyes of a fairy, it is an amber ovoid sphere that surrounds the red and the green. The amber ovoid sphere is the boundary of self. The red is an ovoid in the lower part of the amber boundary. The green is an ovoid sphere in the center of the amber ovoid. That is what a human essentially looks like to a fairy.

In a living human, the two ovoids are smaller than seen in the deceased, the red is in the vicinity of the base chakra. The green in the vicinity of the heart chakra.

The two are what underlays the chakrum. What are the chakrum? Through the eyes of the fairy the chakrum are to be found in the boundary of self as prismatic properties of the membrane. The unseen membranes that are the boundaries of self are prismatic interfaces between the body and the outside world. The outside world includes the spiritual. One might say that spiritual awareness is developed by creating the prismatic interfaces necessary to perceive it.

(Image is fair use. Source: wikipedia)

Very simply put; what we see in the aura is the refracted light of the two ovoids below the chakrum, the red and the green.

(Image: No copyright)

The red and the green are not the chakrum. The chakrum are embedded within the amber boundary. The boundary is an optical based prismatic interface between inner and outer.

This is so in the fairy too, the intrusion has built a duplicate, a clone of the girl from the menses.

The clone is compatible with the girl's own existence, and more importantly; compatibility with the base chakra of the girl.

That is the secret of the kundalini. A truly intimate relationship with a fairy.

Understand now why I called it: the dragon of red and green?

That is simply the beginning.

We shall continue . . .

edit on 29-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: added copyright info to image

posted on May, 29 2021 @ 03:56 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Yes sounds about right although why red and green?

Wouldn't any complementary color combination do the trick?

Lookin forward to the nitty gritty...

posted on May, 29 2021 @ 05:11 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Yes sounds about right although why red and green?

Wouldn't any complementary color combination do the trick?

That had me scratching my head too, until I realized that our perception is looking through a complex two way prism. Probably more than one prismatic layer when it comes to spiritual development too.

(image: public domain)

It was when I looked through a fairy's eyes that I realized it was simpler than I thought.

The red is simply red in all the living folks I have looked at. so too the deceased and "ascended" humans. Even the "ascended" humans have the two colors. Even those thirty three "ascended" humans in that Buddhist second heaven have them. Through the eyes of a fairy one can see those guys meditating focused upon the human astral. They look like a boundary with a red and a green ovoid within. One would probably see them as prismatic colors through the eyes of a human. I think it may be because we are not taught about what lays below the chakrum in spiritual/occult teachings. Fairies see straight through those second heaven guys.

In deceased mistreated children I sometimes see the red where the green should be. Trauma shows up as horizontal and/or vertical black bands around the two ovoids. When there is an additional black mist in the deceased kids, they are very difficult to help.

The incoming lights would bounce about one might say. Scintillation? One would be able to re-emit those incoming lights if one were of a spiritual outlook.

Keep in mind that the chakrum are not my forte, nor am I really interested in them. They are just things that exist is how I regard the chakrum.

Chakra work would be a whole lot more effective if people could see the problems below. The black bands of trauma for instance surrounding the heart (green). What does the black do to the light emitted by the person?

Re-balancing the chakrum to compensate for the traumas might help people cope. My preference is to work directly with the embedded traumas themselves. Most of the deceased kids don't have the chakrum in any real way, so it is easier to work with them. Come to think of it all my "patients" are deceased . . .

edit on 29-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: clarity

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