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The Secret Life Of Fairies

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posted on May, 9 2021 @ 08:46 AM
I have reqd the whole thread, very interesting but I do feel much of it is quite vague, not east to underatand. Perhaps a subjectclike this is always going to be so, but from the first few posts I was hoping for more clear guidance / methods.

Not sure what I think of letting other beings inhabit your body, seema exfremely risky ie possession.

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 09:25 AM
Feel free to ask questions, especially where folks don't quite understand. I trust that my simple explanations are working.

The Human Memory

So, some practical text-book type learning on the subject of the life records. The memories, and how they are used in practice.

We will need this to understand the relationship of the fae and humans within this thread.

It is an interesting study to compare a living human and a deceased human. The deceased are far simpler to see within and to understand esoterically how consciousness works in down to earth terms.

Living humans have a physical body that thinks using a brain according to the brain's psychological rules. The biochemical rules of hormones, and so on.

However the deceased don't have a physical brain nor the other organic processes. For instance metabolic temperature processes for bodily warmth is absent as far as I can understand. Another example is the child who died prior to puberty still has an undeveloped emotional nature. From observation, they do not grow up as living children do.

However they often become very clever over time.

From observation, chronological appearance in humans within the world of the deceased is unreliable. One needs to shift one's thinking towards seeing deceased folks according to their emotional age. That is more reliable in my experience.

If we add the chakrum and occult philosophies the whole subject gets too complicated to most folks to understand. That includes me.

However the deceased are remarkably simple in comparison. The deceased are basically a shell that contains a person. Think of the chicken's egg, a shell, a membrane, white, and yoke. The shell is the boundary of self, what is within the boundary is the self, the person. One can think also of the human embryonic sac in a womb that surrounds the unborn child. A human, living or deceased, can have quite a few of these embryonic sacs/shells/boundaries. Some are less tangible then others. yet in certain situations even the intangible can be come tangible.

These boundaries are actually membranes. The occultist would refer to them as aetheric membranes and so on.

Dead people have fewer of these boundaries than the living. When the physical body and aetheric are shed at death, so are some of these boundaries.

I can see chakrum written on the boundaries. From what I can work out the chakrum are interfaces between the layers of boundaries and also interfaces with the outside. My suspicion is the chakrum are programmable interfaces.

For the purpose here, we shall ignore the chakrum as unimportant. We don't need chakrum to be a normal dead person.

When I look into a deceased human I can see what looks like a large blue geometric form where the thymus would be in the living. This blue geometric form is the sum of a persons memories going back through their lives.

This blue geometric form looks and grows like this:

The more complex the blue geometric form the more life lived is the rule of thumb. I've seen a few three dimensional snowflakes. I don't know what changes for the two dimensional snowflake to take on the third dimension and become a spherical snowflake.

This blue snowflake is the person's records of lives lived; the memories.

One might call the blue snowflake the primary memory as it contains more than a single life.

The primary memory can create a blank memory as an excrescence from the center. The blank secondary memory is the memory we use during life.

The secondary memory can come with prior memories and other information pre-written.

Both the primary memory and the secondary memory seem to be writable simultaneously. Similar to a computer where memory is read write according to permissions.

This is basically how memory works. A primary and a secondary. The secondary is the one we are familiar with in life.

The secondary memory is a temporary living thing. As far as I can tell, the secondary memory naturally disappears at death with the physical body.

It is the secondary memory of a single life that is our interest here.

One can say that a life memory is a temporary record of the life lived.

Now what happens when someone learns how to save these records at death?

I don't know how this was achieved originally. The two days or so after death are something I have not personally observed. A similar period around birth is for me unobserved. However, I do know that there are unseen 'midwives' present at these times.

At death there is a process to preserve the secondary memories rather than allow them to disappear naturally.

To be continued . . .

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: StuKE

I have reqd the whole thread, very interesting but I do feel much of it is quite vague, not east to underatand. Perhaps a subjectclike this is always going to be so, but from the first few posts I was hoping for more clear guidance / methods.

I understand where you're coming from StuKE.

The difficulty for me is how do I present a subject that is outside of what we know as humans in this modern age.

The modern western person is orientated towards the intellectual understanding, rather than understanding through thought-feelings.

This is important.

One won't find the fae through the intellectual intelligence. The fae are to be found through the thought-feeling intelligence.

So what I have had to do is try to recreate the sense of what it is like to experience the fae and at the same time to also provide the how it was done.

A practical walk-through approach rather than an exercise in intellectual information.

Not sure what I think of letting other beings inhabit your body, seema exfremely risky ie possession.

A lot of the material here is not something most folks will feel comfortable with. We are, so far, about a third of the way through what I simply refer to as "my field notes". This is the introduction. What is to come will be challenging for most folks.

edit on 9-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: NobodySpecial268
a reply to: StuKE

I get what you are saying and thanks for replying. I will certainly be sticking with this thread.

I have reqd the whole thread, very interesting but I do feel much of it is quite vague, not east to underatand. Perhaps a subjectclike this is always going to be so, but from the first few posts I was hoping for more clear guidance / methods.

I understand where you're coming from StuKE.

The difficulty for me is how do I present a subject that is outside of what we know as humans in this modern age.

The modern western person is orientated towards the intellectual understanding, rather than understanding through thought-feelings.

This is important.

One won't find the fae through the intellectual intelligence. The fae are to be found through the thought-feeling intelligence.

So what I have had to do is try to recreate the sense of what it is like to experience the fae and at the same time to also provide the how it was done.

A practical walk-through approach rather than an exercise in intellectual information.

Not sure what I think of letting other beings inhabit your body, seema exfremely risky ie possession.

A lot of the material here is not something most folks will feel comfortable with. We are, so far, about a third of the way through what I simply refer to as "my field notes". This is the introduction. What is to come will be challenging for most folks.

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

ty for the thread.

how they engineer human consciousness,

what do you mean by this plz

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

that is an imortant part to the whole thing.

The modern western person is orientated towards the intellectual understanding, rather than understanding through thought-feelings.

not putting words into your mouth, just an important step with this approach I would like to mention...

Emotions and feelings have become the main focus in the manipulation of the human psyche, therefore the approach should be as objective as possible. Which is contradictonary but in the first steps detrimental for it to be a decentralized endeavour.

in the first phase it is important to know that most emotions are processed like an instictive phisical reaction, it is not a counscious thought process, you can only observe it after the output. but now you can analize the thought emotion process and find the psycological triggers, change them in order to get the desired output. once you have your own problems together you have to learn how to deal with others problems.

Every society has a value systems, so everyone is susceptible to this.
most emotions are placed on a value sacale, sometimes these values are not helpfull in the persuite of a deeper thought-emotion connection. this does all happen on purpouse, and everyone who hasnt howned that skill will most likely fall prey to one of the many organisations trying to centralize.

you can clearly feel emotions as a phisical thing right?
Where on your body do you feel emotions? belly...? solar plexus...?

could it just be the sensory input of an organ?

posted on May, 10 2021 @ 04:00 AM
a reply to: purplemer

'day purplemer,

"how they engineer human consciousness,"

They are very good with memories for one thing, which we're getting into the understanding of.

In a nutshell; The fae know how to work with memories and have done so for a long time.

Let's say we had access to the life memory of Alexander the Great for instance. The scholarly person will collect information about Alexander's life. The number of and names of his concubines, family and children's names, locations and lots of other facts. These facts will go into an encyclopedia.

However to a fae, the real value of Alexander's memory is in what he achieved and how he did it. One might call this knowledge.

Fairies and the fae in general are very much gardeners. They like to see their favorite things grow and become something more or new. Perhaps a fairy has a favorite human child and wants to give that child something for when they grow up. If the fairy had access to Alexander's memories, the fairy can slip into the child the knowledge of how to do what Alexander did in life. Perhaps the child will one day know what to do without knowing how he knows.

Not necessarily conquering the known world. However it may mean the child will the chance to conquer something else entirely. Perhaps an inherited fear or phobia, who knows. It would depend on what the fairy wanted for it's favorite.

There is another way I know of which we will get to eventually. A fairy can create shells (the boundaries of self) from itself and place them around a human. A fairy can also create a shell from a human for itself.

We shall get to that after we finish the memories.

I don't know for sure; I suspect that long ago it was the fairy folk who created the shells for the esoteric bodies of humans. The aetheric shell, astral shell, the mental shell, and maybe even the spiritual shell. I don't have the time to research it though. There is something about the esoteric bodies of man that reminds me of what fairies do.

edit on 10-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on May, 10 2021 @ 04:12 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Emotions and feelings have become the main focus in the manipulation of the human psyche, therefore the approach should be as objective as possible. Which is contradictonary but in the first steps detrimental for it to be a decentralized endeavour.

Do you mean "objectivity" from the scientist point of view?

posted on May, 10 2021 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

what i meant with that expression is that subjectivity is often distorted trough emotions yet once you have a harmonically working thought feelings process, you need subjectivity in order to relate to the feelings. but to hone the skill a very distanced scientific ojectiv mind is best suited.

posted on May, 10 2021 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: Terpene

what i meant with that expression is that subjectivity is often distorted trough emotions yet once you have a harmonically working thought feelings process, you need subjectivity in order to relate to the feelings. but to hone the skill a very distanced scientific ojectiv mind is best suited.

The practical problem with what you describe is it is not really suited to the study of the fairy and other fae folk.

Simply stated; they generally won't approach the scientific mind.

To turn a phrase; to be mentally dissected with the mind is the problem with the scientific approach when studying fairies.

They don't like it.

a very distanced scientific ojectiv mind is best suited.

That won't work with fairies and the other fae.

On the other hand the eastern meditative practices work well.

The practice of being the observer is what I generally use with both fae and the deceased kids. I spend most of my ordinary waking state of mind as the meditative observer.

One of the problems with modern western approaches is they are based on cultural influences such as Freudian and Jungian psychology.

Human psychology is based on the living person model. The occult and spiritual thought too in their own way.

How do you adapt that to someone who has no subconscious mind? (greys)
How do you adapt that to someone who lives in the subjective mind? (deceased kids)
How do you adapt that to someone who is an almost totally alien consciousness? (fae)

What I describe here is my own home grown way that works for me. I know no other way.

edit on 10-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness of thought

posted on May, 10 2021 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

I agree with you and this is only for the first step, sort of learning to feel the un tampered baseline.

There are lots of shenanigans going on with this sense, much more subliminal messaging than trough all other senses.
It is important to know the tool you work with first. It is about fine tuning that tool,you want your mind to be focused and objective doing that.

Once you have your own baseline worked out, I totally agree it will not work with an objective approach.

posted on May, 10 2021 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Perhaps one might say that there needs to be a whole new way of thinking grown in order to understand non human intelligence, encounters and especially abductions.

That is my hope for others in writing my field notes here in this thread on ATS.

posted on May, 10 2021 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

it is great contribution and i enjoy your input alot. It is phascinating for me to hear a more vivid description.
my experiences are very bleak, void of human concepts, mostly it presents itself in very complex geometrical form unless i let my imagination overlay its familiar patterns...

posted on May, 11 2021 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

ty for your reply and good day to you too.

May I ask in the world of the dead would i be correct in assuming the normal confiments of this world do not apply. For example as a human i need to work to get different types of energy.. ie food.. money etc so I might survive. It is also something that defines our socieity as it is a driving factor.

In the world of the dead. What do the beings do in their culture as driving factors. For example u said the fae like to garden humans. Are there other things they do and want do the other dead beings do to pass the time. So to speak

Happy days and enjoy the new moon


posted on May, 12 2021 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: purplemer

Just keep in mind I only know what I know. . .

Those things I know comes from the equivalent of sitting on a park bench in the other world for thirty years watching (after)life pass by. One sees lots of things and gets to know passerby's behavior.

I have asked the kids over there what I looked like and they generally say "a ghost" and "a warm one". So a warm ghost that haunts a park bench . . .

The homeless deceased kids know the old ghost in the park. He can talk with them and fixes their illness and worries about them.

. . . and no membership in any secret lodge, no secret knowledge, no initiation or anything else like that. Just an old (this world) fogey who looks after (other world) homeless kids.

May I ask in the world of the dead would i be correct in assuming the normal confiments of this world do not apply. For example as a human i need to work to get different types of energy.. ie food.. money etc so I might survive. It is also something that defines our socieity as it is a driving factor.

I've done a bit of research into what fairies consume and have a few suspicions on what the deceased folks consume. But I'm not a scientist nor a scholar though, just curious is all.

The photo of the almond tree a few pages ago was from when I was studying what the fae 'eat'. The mandarins suddenly became completely tasteless. So that suggests some fairy/fae folk "consume" flavors, organic esters and that sort of thing.

I don't think the (deceased) humans need to eat as we do, they don't have a physical body, no metabolism to support.

However, the more I observe, the more it seems there is a need to remember what it like to be alive. I notice that the primary memories can fade away. So my thinking is cyclically being dead and alive creates fresh memories which keeps (afterlife) folks from fading away completely.

I get the idea that folks who reach some stage of consciousness such as the Buddhist heavens, who tidy up loose ends such as being able to see through all the lies can survive without the need to be reborn. It seems to work that way in practice.

In the world of the dead. What do the beings do in their culture as driving factors. For example u said the fae like to garden humans. Are there other things they do and want do the other dead beings do to pass the time. So to speak

I don't think they are able to independently develop any real culture of their own.

I see that in the minds of my (deceased) girls, they are all children between the ages of about seven to twenty years when they died and are all developmentally the same age as when they died.

Another example.

One time I looked into an Irish estate said to have been in the family. A big mansion with extensive farm lands, gardens and a lake.

The mansion had a drawing/music/library room with French doors overlooking the gardens with the lake in the distance. A (deceased) gentleman still resided there. He was a ship's artist/painter in his time, and still painted pictures in the afterlife.

The (living) family with me at the time were all artists, so they were curious about artist ancestors.

I asked him what he did with his paintings when he finished them.

What he did was to pick up one of his paintings and place it on my aunt's easel.

That says he used his paintings as inspiration for (living) artists.

Two hundred years later he was still doing what he did in life.

I have not seen anything happen over there that suggests any real independent change. However, I do see change here in this world.

Cheers, I'm waiting for the next full moon so I can plant my broad bean seeds for the winter season here.

edit on 12-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on May, 12 2021 @ 05:08 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Cheers Turps.

I just find metaphysics and abstract thought goes right over my head, so I leave all that for the mystics.

posted on May, 12 2021 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: purplemer

Eating! I was feeding my cat and remembered another example of what is "eating" in the fae world.

I have a "fairy woman in green" whom I have a long relationship with. What she did with me was to train me to have the skills necessary to look after and protect these (deceased) kids in a hostile afterlife world.

When she was ready to step back from this world she was also ready to reproduce (parthenogenesis). What she did was to take some of me and that went into her children. They gained all my knowledge and skills as their own. More than memories in this case. Just enough to go around is what was taken. There was one little one that was not quite as strong as her siblings. Fixing that was just a matter of taking her into me and she soaked up what she needed.

A similar thing happens with all the (deceased) human kids. Those girls all gave me a small portion of themselves for me to internalize.

That achieved a few things.

From my point of view, I can keep track of every one of them. Someone hurts one and I know about it.

From their point of view, they can access everything I know, inherit skills, memories, that sort of thing.

For both of us we can communicate and know each other far easier.

- - - - - -

the down side is they can rummage through my memories like an old photo album. One day I wondered why I kept remembering all my embarrassing teenage romantic moments. I got suspicious so checked.

They were going through my memories and living them as their own from the girl's point of view.

What that means is these girls all remember as their own, holding my hand for the first time.

Basically they were all contriving their own romance with a teenage me.

The things the fae teach kids . . . .

Edit to add:

The flowers that grow in the Garden of Sorrow and Regret within the Fields of Flowers will draw out of anyone who goes there those emotions. One might say the (astral?) plants are nourished in that way.

That place is a wonder of afterlife gardening created for the purpose of soothing an ol' battle worn warrior's afterlife. few seem to go there in these modern times so I use it for treating severe traumas in the kids.

edit on 12-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: added edit to add

posted on May, 13 2021 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

It occurred to me today that what is ordinary for me is not in the least ordinary for others. So I thought I would enlarge upon my previous post quoted above. I have had a chance today to delve deeper into what is happening with the (deceased) girls and my memories.

Memories are an important subject. Missing time, past lives, implanted memories and so on are often frightening to consider. Like things that go bump in the night, turning on the light brings a less frightening perspective.

A similar thing happens with all the (deceased) human kids. Those girls all gave me a small portion of themselves for me to internalize.

That achieved a few things.

From my point of view, I can keep track of every one of them. Someone hurts one and I know about it.

From their point of view, they can access everything I know, inherit skills, memories, that sort of thing.

For both of us we can communicate and know each other far easier.

The reason why I would do such a thing is simple. I don't want them to fade away. By experiencing aspects of my life for themselves, they gain new memories of their own. Most do not want to live again, and that reluctance can be resolved in time. Until then, I want them to survive in the land of the dead.

The technique is an adaption of the Anthroposophical Dweller on the Threshold where the newly deceased relives their life in the reverse. An experience is a two sided thing. In a simple a hug, I am the hugged, the other person is the hugger. One experience with two people, two sides to the experience.

So what we have is the younger ones between seven years and twelve years living as my friends in that period of my life. Only one side of the interactive experience can they live. They cannot go home to the other person's house after school if I did not go on that day. So I understand anyway.

It is the same with the older ones who are there in my high school years doing the same thing.

One must also take into account that most of these kids lived hundreds of years ago. Some lived over a thousand years ago, with the most "ancient" having lived a little over three thousand years ago. That is a huge gulf between them and me. It is also a barrier between us.

The English language was not the same five hundred years ago as it is now. Fifteen hundred years ago, I doubt I would understand a word.

By experiencing life through my eyes and the eyes of others, they have a way of bringing themselves forward and closer to the now.

They also learn anything they want about me, good and bad.

Of course some of them are curious about what they missed out on in life and so will poke about in those memories too. The romantic is an unavoidable interest of theirs. And "yes" for a great many of them, my romances were the first thing they wanted to know about.

That said, the fact remains that they are chaperoned by fairies whom regard those girls as their favorites. Those fairies don't want their favorites to disappear. They love those girls very much. They also know what their girls need most of all.

The seriousness of the situation aside, there is room for a lot of fun and honestly I don't actually care what they see. I have not had any privacy with them around anyway. It has been this way for years. After they learned I can tell when they 'ring my memory', they learned to do it quietly so as not to annoy. Or perhaps to hide their tracks, ah, who cares. That is my past and their present. Nothing changes for me, and everything changes for them.

edit on 13-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: typos

posted on May, 13 2021 @ 09:00 PM
I could waffle on all day about this subject, so feel to ask me about how things work if you do not understand.

The analogy of sitting on a park bench in the city of the dead is actually what it is like for me.

The city-scape of the other world exists here alongside ours.

The streets of towns are not always the same. I stayed in a house in Perth, Western Australia for two weeks and every night in the early hours a noisy religious parade moved through the house from rear to front. One of the streets of the other world ran through the house.

I spent my earliest childhood in a house where the dead alcoholics walked through on their way to the Emu Brewery in Perth. Presumably to soak in the alcohol fumes.

The streets may be different between the towns of this world and the other one. Many of the building coincide.

The churches and temples, hospitals and universities, often occupy the same location. As a rule of thumb, if a hospital employs a thousand living people, double that to count two worlds.

I sit on my figurative park bench and watch all this and I have met the Mason, the Rosicrucian and many more. The Masons are polite and leave me alone. The Rosicrucians are annoying as they follow me at a distance from town to town.

Just like this world, some people are interested in the study of their equivalent of the paranormal, that study apparently includes me.

One of my (deceased) girls was doing a medical degree at a university when she died, she is the oldest. She knew that place and was welcomed there to continue her degree. I did not mind.

What I did not know is they were studying me. Apparently they are as keen to contact their "other side" as we are.

This girl is one of my favorites, she has the freedom to study my consciousness. She is very good at it and knows a great deal about communication between living and the dead. She can use my eyes and other senses as her own. There is nothing creepy in that, it is simply a skill.

A few days ago she returned in tears, her so-called "friends" at the university had betrayed her.

She discovered that they considered her a part of their research as well as me. They were going to take her memories , her knowledge, her skills as their own.

Other world University research departments have their vivisectional dark side, just like here.

Now the ol' ghost on the park bench can bite as well as bark. I was not impressed to see my girl in tears, and find out why.

The reason for the change in attitude and to take her memories away for research was simple. They found out I know and are on reasonable terms with the Beings we call greys.

It turns out people in the other world are abducted by greys as we are here. They are terrified of them. That suggests another parallel with this world: that "aliens" and "UFOs" visit there too. It would not surprise me to learn they have a DARPA and NRO of their own.

Now back to my university girl. The research department wanted her and the homeless kids too. So we had a standoff in the park.

Stupid people, they think they have the right to do whatever they want, to whomever they want, whenever they want. Just like here.

One should remember, the world of the dead is also the world of the fae.

The ol' ghost knows some tricks, but before he could bite, the research mob were swallowed by a rather large Nagi in her snake form. She is the Nagi I described a few pages ago. She is a fae, and her "precious thing" is a human girl of her own. Therefore a friend to me and mine.

I was wondering what the hell was going on. The Nagi opened her mouth and I looked down her throat and saw the research people there. She is big. Looking down her throat, her fangs are above me, and a meter (yard) apart.

There search folks had already begun to remove memories from my girl. The Nagi assisted with persuasion, and I have those memories back now. The research folks are still in there by the way, I couldn't care less what happens to them next.

There are many parallels with this world.

There are many nuances that we don't understand. That memories are the equivalent of gold is one of them.

The ol' ghost on the park bench is a paranormal anomaly in that world. Homeless children often disappear when they visit that park bench. Here in our society that may be considered to be a 411 disappearance. I am aware of that. So when (deceased) folks try to exorcise me from the park I do understand their possible reasons. To the (deceased) clergy of the western church I am a demon, and the children are abominations unto god. They are very clear on that.

However I recently discovered the reason I am disliked by the exorcists there and the clergy. It is not because they care about the disappearing kids as we would do. The real reason is because the children are not fading away over time. They want them to fade away and not be cured of their ills. To fade away and disappear is a problem solved, a "good" thing to them.

I could say a great deal on the church's stance from my own modern point of view. But to the children the reason the western church does not like them is simple.

"We are different" is what the children say.

All the old prejudices of the past are alive and well in the land of the dead. Some things never change.

edit on 13-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: typos and grammar

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 12:57 AM
The understanding of memory and how it works is important in the study of the ways of fairies and the other fae.

It is often said that perspective is everything, so I am going to talk for a while from the perspective of the fairy. As the fairy sees living things including humans.

The fairies understand memories and consciousness very well. They are gardeners of living things, including humans. As every good gardener knows, one has to feed what grows in our garden.

Experiencing being alive and the creation of memories is what nourishes us as living things; nourishes what grows in the fairy's garden.

The human perspective is the hierarchy, The pyramid structure. We see it in the power structure of government. We see it also in religious and philosophical thought. Always the pyramid.

Usually the ordinary folks are at the bottom with levels rising upwards. There is a governor of some sort that the top. A prime minister, a god, a king or a warlord. It is how humans see themselves and by extension everything else.

Fairies do not see things that way.

We can represent the human view as a figure eight.

The upper circle is the heavens and the lower circle is the earth.

Img souce: me. No copyright.

The upper circle can represent the heavens; the deceased, fairies and fae, the spiritual worlds and so on.

The lower circle can represent the earth; the world of the living. The trees, animals, humans and so on.

We have above and below. Above rules below. The human view.

Allegedly, the higher is perfect and the lower is imperfect. That is what philosophy generally says.

Now let's tip the figure eight on it's side.

Img souce: me. No copyright.

This is the fairy's view.

The circles are both on the same level now.

The circle on the right can represent the world of deceased, fairies and fae, the spiritual worlds and so on.

The circle on the left can represent the world of the living. The trees, animals, humans and so on.

Now let's take the concept further; the mobius.

Understand now why I describe the world of the deceased as I do? Understand how I can move about in it? I simply changed my perspective of how I see the worlds.

In a way the other world is a mirror of the world within which we live. Through The Looking Glass becomes a practical prospect. Have a look at my avatar. My avatar is Alice through the looking glass. That girl in the blue dress is Alice, the man is me. When one achieves bringing Alice through the looking glass, one begins to understand things very differently.

So which is the perfect world?

Well, my guess is the physical world is the perfect world. I'll give science and mathematics some rare credit; it is the physical world that runs according to mathematical laws, the laws of physics, chemistry and so on. They have proved that beyond argument really.

That makes the heavens the imperfect world.

Rather than saying imperfect, one might say the heavens are the incomplete world.

There is a lot for a fairy to do in her garden. Her flowers are yet to bloom and so, are incomplete.

This is the fairy's point of view.

edit on 15-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: replaced images with easier on the eyes images. Too bright!

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