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The Secret Life Of Fairies

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posted on May, 5 2021 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

It was meant as a question... It seems that memory thing only applies when a permanent transition happens.

My interactions and memories when I visit are not tampered in any way...

Have you encountered a place in fairyland where the stalactite meets the stalagmite?

posted on May, 5 2021 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: penroc3

That's really cool, did your sister "out grow" it, or still intuits odd stuff?

There is an Art Centre my family used to run. An old mulberry tree would gather a lot of attention from kids and artists. I don't think they knew why they were attracted to the tree.

I got a picture of an almond tree in my yard with a sunflower shaped distortion in it. Uploads are acting up at the moment. See if I can upload it for you tomorrow.

edit on 5-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: added

posted on May, 5 2021 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: Terpene

nope, I just have my one favorite place.

posted on May, 5 2021 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

where I live almond trees are very rare outside a pruned orchard kind and even than i have never seen an almond tree

yeah my sister 'grew out of it' if you want to call it that. She told my mom that Frida told her it was just time for her to leave and that was that, one day Frida is living in our tree the next day she's gone and no other imaginary friends after that.

my mom, sister and myself agree that our side of the family is a LITLLE psychic so i guess you never know

I don't think my sister ever drew Frida and that's to bad now
edit on 5-5-2021 by penroc3 because: spelling

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 03:51 AM
a reply to: penroc3

That is cool penroc. Frida sounds like a caring invisible friend. She is probably not far away from your sister.

where I live almond trees are very rare outside a pruned orchard kind and even than i have never seen an almond tree

Cherry trees are domesticated fruit trees, so are mulberry and almond. It would follow that the fairies that come with those trees would be friendly towards people.

yeah my sister 'grew out of it' if you want to call it that. She told my mom that Frida told her it was just time for her to leave and that was that, one day Frida is living in our tree the next day she's gone and no other imaginary friends after that.

When I said "grow out of it" that was probably wrong of me. There is a thing about phases kids go through associated with the teeth. First seven years are the milk teeth and the second seven are when the adult teeth grow. It is in the second period that kids get a bit more independent from the parents.

It stands to reason that if Frida left at about seven, she may have been stepping back to watch your sister grow up without influencing.

Frida living in a tree . . .

Here is a photo of my almond with that distortion I mentioned. I haven't actually seen fairies coming and going through the tree, but my educated guess is it may be a part of a fairy network for moving from tree to tree.

Your cherry may have had something like this.

(One of those odd photos you didn't know you had until you take a closer look.)

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

no offence taken with the growing out of thing, because i never thought of it like that(or at all really lol)

just one day she's there and the next she's gone, but i would agree that she got to old, we could call it peter pan syndrome

i see the things in the tree, i think nature used to be allot closer and open with humans until we started a wholesale destruction of the places they may be.

I'm always careful cutting trees and bushes in out yard so the bunny's and groundhogs have a place to go.

i never had an imaginary friend maybe because i was the oldest? or a male?

posted on May, 7 2021 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: penroc3

"one day she's there and the next she's gone" is an interesting thing to say. Especially if your sister took the disappearance in her stride.

Usually little kids get upset when someone important in their lives disappears. But if they are used to it, like when dad disappears (work) in the morning and reappears in the evenings, then it is accepted.

If one follows the logic it suggests the possibility of your sister having a long history with invisible friends. Instinctive knowledge of the ways of fairies?

Your intuition must be there today with the "Peter Pan syndrome" remark. I then realized all the (deceased) kids I have are still all the same age as when they died. They don't grow up. My latest acquisition is a girl of four or five years of age and she died of polio in the 1940s.

They all have a form of Peter Pan syndrome, something else for me to research. Thanks for that.

i never had an imaginary friend maybe because i was the oldest? or a male?

Dunno penroc, every now and again I wonder if girls have these friends more often than boys.

posted on May, 7 2021 @ 04:20 AM
Any advice on how I might catch one these little blighters? I have a feeling one of them keeps pulling up my lettuces.

posted on May, 7 2021 @ 04:33 AM
a reply to: DougHole64

Any advice on how I might catch one these little blighters? I have a feeling one of them keeps pulling up my lettuces.

Of course.

They like to hide in the wife's bedroom slippers. Mousetraps will work.

Just slip the trap into the wife's slippers last thing at night.

Keep it a secret or it won't work.

posted on May, 7 2021 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

do you see these people with your eyes or 'other' senses?

kids usually flock to safe people when lost, one time in cape cod i got separated from my mom and I zeroed in on a police officer and made a bee line for him because even my young brain knew he could help me.(obviously I was "lost" for like 5 mins).

I imagine people put out waves or light to the 'living dead', imagine realizing someone can finally 'see' you.

kind of sad really.

as far as my sister saying goodbye to her friend, she seemed ready and it was about the time she started school. maybe its for the best that friends bow out when their kids will be around adult authority

posted on May, 7 2021 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: penroc3

do you see these people with your eyes or 'other' senses?

Not the physical eyes or ears so much, all the other senses including taste and touch. "Hearing" is not audio exactly, more external origin thoughts that taste and feel different. Most thought and feelings are not mine, I listen and watch mostly. You learn to tell them apart. "Sight" is through the eyes of fae mostly, and the kids can show me stuff too. They show me things in visual form, especially their memories.

Sensory perception can be shared between Beings with practice.

Perception with the whole body and all the senses. On an older fae level, people are a big eye really. Actually the body is one big sensory organ if you ignore/turn off "third eye" and "spiritual sight".

Oh and those old occulty drawings of an eye in the palm of the hand, that can work wonders for knowing. Gotta train that one though. Something in the old saying that handshakes mean 'seeing eye to eye'.

Not many folks are telepathic with words. It seems a skill that has to be learned by both parties. So most of the kids are not able to speak with me. One learns to listen to their picture thoughts and pick up on the flow of their feelings. They are good at pulling faces. They get frustrated with me, got slapped by a small girl once for being "thick".

kids usually flock to safe people when lost, one time in cape cod i got separated from my mom and I zeroed in on a police officer and made a bee line for him because even my young brain knew he could help me.(obviously I was "lost" for like 5 mins).

I imagine people put out waves or light to the 'living dead', imagine realizing someone can finally 'see' you.

kind of sad really.

It is sad. That (deceased) girl on the hotel steps was waiting alone for years, decades probably. She just sat on the steps of the hotel and for the last few years has hung about a new age shop up the road. The girl says: "they never saw me". (that says something)

Probably why she was a really bubbly chatterbox in the car that day. Doesn't leave my side unless I'm in a bad mood, always touching. I can feel her really holding herself in check.

She knows a heck of a lot about new age stuff from hanging about that shop and "listening mainly".

They approach my face very closely where I can see them properly with normal eyesight. When I ask "What's up sweetie?" they light up like a xmas tree and smile. Checking if I can still see them apparently. Then off they go.

as far as my sister saying goodbye to her friend, she seemed ready and it was about the time she started school. maybe its for the best that friends bow out when their kids will be around adult authority

Yep, definitely. I think the fae have learned that they can get people into serious trouble.

Sounds like Frida is careful and caring.

edit on 7-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: added

posted on May, 7 2021 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

i personally believe the dead are that little voice that keeps you out of trouble (most of the time), and we are all echoes of each other dead or alive.

pretty sure this isn't my first time around
edit on 7-5-2021 by penroc3 because: spelling

posted on May, 7 2021 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: penroc3

The dead do that, keep you out of trouble if they can. So do the fae folk. Hotel steps girl was lucky in that a fae intervened and removed the last twenty minutes of memory. I saw the man she was waiting for bashing her to death, the fairy showed me. A very brave little fae that one, with a very kind heart.

That was a case of missing time for her. That missing time left her waiting for someone who would never turn up.

But most of the time it isn't scary at all once you work out what is going on. I think it's what we have been taught by movies and book-learning that makes us interpret events in a frightening fashion.

"Donnie Darko"? Well I would suggest "Dead like me" as closer to what it feels like.

It is a world of consequences. yet a lot of fun if you keep a sense of humor and not jump to conclusions.

edit on 7-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: added movie trailer

posted on May, 7 2021 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

I know you said you don't really see them with your eyes per say but what would you say they look like in pop culture

there are a few times I KNOW I should have died but I woke up unharmed

deep in a forest I saw a basketball sized orange ball that the inside looked like liquid fire(plasma?) that kind of checked me and my dog out for a min and than just c0ontinued on into the forest

posted on May, 8 2021 @ 01:06 AM
I am not sure if it the Fae but I am pretty damn sure that our little world is not singular…

Me. At work, in our business office, hear, from an empty office, the clear sound of Velcro opening!!

Now, I have heard things, and smelt things, but this was singular.

There are beings living in our space that are just a bit removed from our senses. Be they Fae or technology it doesn’t matter: they are there.

I am board with [the dismissive] concept! Maybe not the source, but I am a loser like that!

Thanks for this thread! I will have to slow down and re-read the thing (and some of your other posts) to put it all together!

I always loved homework!!

edit on 8-5-2021 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: Damn autocorrect keeps changing my typed text

posted on May, 8 2021 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: penroc3

I know you said you don't really see them with your eyes per say but what would you say they look like in pop culture

Picking out an image from pop culture can give a sense of things.

Here is a painting of a water-nymph called Nagi by the old Indian legends. This picture is very close to what I see with the Nagi up close. I don't recall the jewelry though. They can appear human, semi human or snake. I've seen all three. I would suggest the Nagi have spent a lot of time with humans and snakes to have that appearance.

(Arjuna and the River Nymph by 1913 - Source: wikipedia, copyright status: No known copyright restrictions.)

One can find the Nagi below the old Indian temples in the underworlds there. Patala is what the Hindu call the underworlds. I helped one out and she asked me if would I like to be immortal. I thought about it and declined.

She then said: "I will bite you, you will die, and live forever in my world."

A polite "no thanks". Then she showed me her "precious thing". An adorable little human looking girl who poked her head around from behind the Nagi.

Nagi have the most curious of smiles.

Old India and old Egypt have some really interesting things in their underworlds.

Yet one must keep in mind that behind that appearance is a Being, a fae that may actually be more like your plasma sphere. At least at that point if there is nothing beyond. The plasma concept may be a point of interface between two worlds. If so, then it follows one would have to cross a plasma boundary and meet what is there to know for sure. I am leaning towards the plasma interface concept because I think there may be another Being over the other side of the plasma interface. I do wonder if the concept has validity of a causative nature with the 411 disappearances.

Gotta figure out how to get back though first.

The women in green are also like that. They have a human shape and wear an emerald green cloak with hood. Yet when I look into their countenance, for me it is like looking into a strange light. The sense is like the mind does not know what it is looking at and tries to resolve it into something familiar.

I looked about the internet for plasma images and the one below is closest I could find. There is more complexity when I see a fae face though.

(Image Credit: Caroline J. v. Wurden and Glen A. Wurden, Los Alamos.)

there are a few times I KNOW I should have died but I woke up unharmed

deep in a forest I saw a basketball sized orange ball that the inside looked like liquid fire(plasma?) that kind of checked me and my dog out for a min and than just continued on into the forest

Maybe you have a history with the fae? Frida? Or another?

Someone's watching out for you. Trust your instincts.

edit on 8-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: added copyright and image info

posted on May, 8 2021 @ 02:03 AM

'day TEOT. nice to see you here.

What's "singular" mean?

posted on May, 8 2021 @ 02:15 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Luv ya buddy!!!

Weirdness happens. And glad that you are…. uh, not even close to being centralized.

posted on May, 8 2021 @ 02:24 AM

"centralized" - one of those things one turns around and walks away from. Wanted to see it all for myself first hand and here we are.

posted on May, 8 2021 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: penroc3

Here is another. Though the image portrays Kali, there are lots of blue guys with many arms.

I met one of them when someone lent me a Vedic brass cow dung burner. The idea is you burn cow dung in the Vedic fashion and the smoke fertilizes your garden. These little guys come with the properly used burner and do the work.

I left the burner sitting on my front veranda and basically forgot about it.

After about a week, I went outside for a cigarette and quite clearly a little blue fella with quite a few arms was sitting on the rail. He was upset and wanted to know why I had not burned the cow dung.

At the time I was trying Steiner's bio-dynamic agriculture and was reluctant to mix the two methods.

We talked and he explained how he would fertilize my garden from the smoke. He worked on the 'atomic level' if I may use the term. Looking into his eyes I can quite believe the stories of atomic warfare in the old Vedic days. These guys would know how to do it.

On a side note: Very sad, as burning cow dung diminishes in India, the less these guys manifest.

Anyway, we would talk together about his work and he was there on my veranda with his burner until I returned it.

(Kali by Raja Ravi Varma. Source wikipedia. Painting circa 1910. Image is public domain.)

edit on 8-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: added image copyright info

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