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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - They Don't Know Who We Be - -PART- -7H1R7Y sIx-

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posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 10:47 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: Justoneman

Hair strands and nails only contain DNA fragments... not enough to get complete DNA of a person.
DNA in Keratinous Tissue

They have ID'd people with hair strands. Not each DNA molecule is totally destroyed and the DNA fragments do tend to move to the same spot in the test media. I would think it is a poor sample. However, that verses no sample or totally altered DNA sample will be the go to if such things as Medbeds are not some pipe dream in the end. There just wont be anything else and the poor quality of sample will have to be researched to get the base strand of DNA.

It occurs to me that organs may still be unaffected by the situation since they have such specific duties complete with enzymes and acids of their own making. I hope this is all doom porn in the end. We will get to laugh about it one day, I hope.

posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: cimmerius

We've been having "difficulty" getting little rats in the DOJ and MSM exposed. Rather than try to show how many Covid-19 criminal tentacles there are, let's just get proof that it's an intentionally released bio-weapon. If we can't get and expose that one truth, none of the international intertwining co-conspirator theories matter.

If this was a bio-weapon, and I'm basing it on reports that the HIV virus is in its DNA sequencing.....then those of us who have had C19 are screwed. Something I said last year when the Italian team of virologists first announced it, then it all went quiet, and now the HIV part is cropping up in reports again.



posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

They have ID'd people with hair strands.

As I understand it, they need a root of a hair strand (just one root is enough) to get enough DNA for a positive DNA match. The strand of hair is useless for evidence unless it has the root attached, because the root actually contains full DNA, not fragments.

posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 10:57 AM
How to convince people that the virus really was a bio weapon is a tough issue right now. For those under the mind control of the enemedia it continues to be a virus from a bat and then we have the other side who have right from the get go been suspicious of the Wuhan lab and its' close proximity to the wet market.
Only one way and that is to have the Chinese tell us directly that this is a manufactured bioweapon. The enemedia now present Dang Jingwei, a high level defector from China who all the media agree, to the exact wording, has been in U.S. protective custody after his and his daughter's defection via escape through Hong Kong.
They created this mess and now full scale damage control and the fun game of Toss The Hot Potato and Round and Round We Go and Where It Stops No One Knows.

posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Time will tell


posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 11:26 AM
So we are now in a situation where we do not know what information is real or what information is a complete fabrication and even if the government has been keeping this defector safe, which is a challenge considering how much corruption and ties to the Chynese we have seen within the government and the various agencies, how will this even be feasible.
Biden, the acting president, and Hunter have so many kuestionable ties to Chyna that how can any information coming from the government, sadly our own government, be trustworthy.
This is a rumor and if we consider the possibility of this defection being true how can we trust any of the information provided. As I scan through all of the world wide news articles they all repeat the same talking points. Who exactly has released this sanctioned information?
Meanwhile on June 18, 2021 the South China Morning Post had Dong Jingwei holding a meeting warning about agents colluding with foreign forces. Once again we have a problem because we have the technology to create images of people who look like the real person on tv.
Thinking out loud here I can only come to the conclusion that we, the U.S. taxpayers funded the gain of function research and contributed to the weaponizing of this virus, in the Wuhan lab. This was done without our knowledge or approval!
The CCP capitalized on this and either through an accidental leak or deliberate leak unleashed this on the world.
Our own NIH scientists Fauci et all colluded and benefitted and the various agencies that were set up to protect such as the WHO, through greed, sold out to the highest bidder, Chyna.
We have seen our major tech companies also sell out to the highest bidder, Chyna, and have colluded to sensor, distort and create their own versions of reality.
Then there are the politicians that have also sold themselves and their votes to the highest bidder, Chyna.
Then we have the problems with the elite who view themselves as global citizens and demonstrated their complete contempt of the average citizen. Many holding the opinion that the world population needs to be culled and why not make a profit while the culling takes place.

This is a complete mess.

posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

Reminds me of my mine detonation adventures in the Persian Gulf.

Shock testing the first-in-class Ford, rather than second-in-class John F. Kennedy (CVN-79), was driven in Congress by the late Sen. John McCain. He insisted on the trials to prove the reliability of the new carrier class before its first deployment.

Wonder if the 'Test' had anything to do with AUTEC Andros Island, Bahamas and AUTEC West Palm Beach, Florida.?

Navy Awards $430 Million Contract for Operation of Undersea Test Range (Aug 2020)

The Naval Undersea Warfare Center Newport Division awarded the contract to Amentum Services Inc. of Germantown, Maryland, to operate and maintain the Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC), the Defense Department announced in an Aug. 12 release.

Under the contract, Amentum is expected to run AUTEC through August 2025. With all options exercised, work would continue through August 2030.

AUTEC, the Underwater Area 51. On November 23, 2020, Amentum acquired DynCorp International.

Amentum is the DoD’s largest test and training range contractor providing mission critical operations and maintenance support for MRTFBs including the Nevada Test & Training Range (NTTR), Utah Test & Training Range (UTTR), China Lake, 13 Navy Combined Tactical & Training Ranges (CTTR), Eglin AFB, and the recently awarded Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC). We service the world’s largest, most diverse, and complex surface, subsurface, and open-air test and training range environments covering over 25,000 mi2 testing the latest and most advanced weapons systems.


posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 12:30 PM
New Academic Study Confirms: Mass Testing of Asymptomatics Was a ‘Scam’

The Journal of Infection has published a new study that confirms what many have already come to conclude: Mass testing of asymptomatic members of the general population was unnecessary and only served to exaggerate the number of COVID “cases.”

Was it a scam or was mass testing a an intentional scheme with a specific purpose?

Here is a very long article detailing China's genomic surveillance:

Inside China’s DNA dragnet

The Chinese Government is building the world’s largest police-run DNA database in close cooperation with key industry partners across the globe. Yet, unlike the managers of other forensic databases, Chinese authorities are deliberately enrolling tens of millions of people who have no history of serious criminal activity. Those individuals (including preschool-age children) have no control over how their samples are collected, stored and used. Nor do they have a clear understanding of the potential implications of DNA collection for them and their extended families.

U.S. DNA firm Thermo Fisher reportedly still helping China tamp unrest, crime

Critics of the regime maintain that the mounting national database is being used for persecution and intimidation on an unprecedented scale. Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., the bioinformation firm in question, has been the target of a campaign to choke off biometrics innovation flowing into China.

The company has at least one insider at a Chinese startup involved in the nation’s mass biometric surveillance infrastructure. Zheng Weiguo, a former executive of a Thermo Fisher affiliate, is the founder of the Chinese firm AGCU Scientech Inc., which makes Y-STR analysis kits used in the male-DNA campaign.

Thermo Fisher employees were part of a forensic-science conference in China in November 2017. That was one week before the nation began an ongoing effort, effectively, to trace every boy and man inside its borders — 700 million people — by collecting and analyzing their DNA. fwZyZriu7RN7LGNYxhHarc9xV4

Some connections to Thermo Fisher:

George Church:

George Church has new 43 million dollar startup Editas Medicine to commercialize precise CRISPR/Cas gene therapy

Jeffrey Epstein-Funded Geneticist Is Building a Dating App That Only a Eugenicist Could Love

Renowned Harvard Medical School geneticist George Church has focused his work on reversing the effects of aging, helping humans become immune to viruses, and eradicating genetic diseases. He’s hoping to come closer to accomplishing at least one of those goals with a disturbing dating app that swipes right on eugenics.

Boris Nikolic:

Editas Medicine adds Boris Nikolic to its Board after raising $120m in Series B private financing

Who is Boris Nikolic? Epstein-named executor is former Bill Gates adviser

Epstein, the financier and convicted sex offender, signed a will detailing nearly $600 million in assets just two days before he killed himself in a Manhattan jail cell. In the will, he named biotech venture capitalist Boris Nikolic as “successor executor,” the person who would take control of the estate if the two named executors are unable or unwilling to.

James C. Mullen:

Editas Medicine Announces Appointment Of James C. Mullen As Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Mullen has served as chairman of the Board of Directors of Editas Medicine since March 2018. Mr. Mullen previously served as Chief Executive Officer and a director of Patheon N.V., a pharmaceutical contract development and manufacturing organization, until its acquisition by Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., in August 2017. Prior to joining Patheon, Mr. Mullen served as the president and Chief Executive Officer of Biogen, Inc., one of the world's largest biotechnology companies. Mr. Mullen held various operating positions at Biogen prior to becoming Chief Executive Officer, including Chief Operating Officer, Vice President, International, and Vice President, Operations. Mr. Mullen serves on the board of directors of Thermo Fisher Scientific.

Former Biogen CEO Takes the Helm at Editas Medicine

Former Biogen Chief Executive Officer James C. Mullen has leapt from his leadership role at Patheon N.V., a pharmaceutical contract development and manufacturing organization, to take the helm at genome editing company Editas Medicine.

First patient receives controversial Biogen Alzheimer's drug

A U.S. hospital on Wednesday gave the first infusion of an expensive, controversial new Alzheimer's drug from Biogen Inc before Medicare had even said what it will pay for - and with some doctors upset by its approval last week.

I made a post about Biogen here:
edit on 21-6-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit
a reply to: tanstaafl
You do understand that the words you quoted were an effort by Lincoln to convince democrats in congress to begin acting on slavery, right?

So, you're saying he is a typical lying sleezebag politician then?

posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 01:07 PM
Interesting to note that the FF wanted to address the slavery question, but didn't want to bite off more than they could chew. So they freed the country and left the slavery question for future generations to solve.

I'm glad they chose to free the country first. It was the wise thing to do. Addressing slavery would have killed our fledgling country before it ever began.

posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: FlyingFox

FF, catching up after a Fathers' day off... I noticed black smoke/debris coming out of the see from that 40,000 pounder!

Could the "test" have been cover for destroying a Submarine TUNNEL or D.U.M.B off Florida?

Something that has nagged me for a while:

D.U.M.B. stands for deep underground military base.

I’m focusing on the word “military.”

Are we not looking to the military for help? Military is the only way, right?

If the military is largely genuine patriots, how can ALL of these bases be evil and need to be destroyed? None have legitimate uses in defending the country? If they are being blown, either they have been evacuated or their occupants are being killed. If evacuated, the bases can not be repurposed? If not evacuated, who are we killing?

Or have we just gotten sloppy in using the D.U.M.B. acronym to refer to any underground structures run by anyone?

We have heard that the armed forces are being trained to fight underground. Who are they fighting? Must be someone not subject to the normal military chain of command. Who owns and operates these bases?

posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 01:29 PM
This guy does a PERFECT impression of a “Trump GPS” 🤣🤣

Front page of NY Post today...

posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: cimmerius

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: FlyingFox

FF, catching up after a Fathers' day off... I noticed black smoke/debris coming out of the see from that 40,000 pounder!

Could the "test" have been cover for destroying a Submarine TUNNEL or D.U.M.B off Florida?

Something that has nagged me for a while:

D.U.M.B. stands for deep underground military base.

I’m focusing on the word “military.”

Are we not looking to the military for help? Military is the only way, right?

If the military is largely genuine patriots, how can ALL of these bases be evil and need to be destroyed? None have legitimate uses in defending the country? If they are being blown, either they have been evacuated or their occupants are being killed. If evacuated, the bases can not be repurposed? If not evacuated, who are we killing?

Or have we just gotten sloppy in using the D.U.M.B. acronym to refer to any underground structures run by anyone?

We have heard that the armed forces are being trained to fight underground. Who are they fighting? Must be someone not subject to the normal military chain of command. Who owns and operates these bases?

Q blowing the Military was a huge turn off

The cucks in cyber have been slinging Child Porn for the Government for decades

....and now they're supposed to be our savior?

Hard Pass

posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit
a reply to: tanstaafl
You do understand that the words you quoted were an effort by Lincoln to convince democrats in congress to begin acting on slavery, right?

So, you're saying he is a typical lying sleezebag politician then?

The word is pragmatic.

He was starting where he thought changes would be easier.

Then democrats started civil war because they didn't want to give up their slaves.

posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 02:13 PM
About that magnetic meat thing and magnetic properties...

Current and future prospects for nanotechnology in animal production

Nanoparticles have been used as diagnostic and therapeutic agents in the human medical field for quite some time, though their application in veterinary medicine and animal production is still relatively new. Recently, production demands on the livestock industry have been centered around the use of antibiotics as growth promoters due to growing concern over microbial antibiotic resistance. With many countries reporting increased incidences of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, laws and regulations are being updated to end in-feed antibiotic use in the animal production industry. This sets the need for suitable alternatives to be established for inclusion in feed.

Additionally, influences on meat, egg, and milk quality will be reviewed.

Natural and nanostructured nanoparticles share many advantages and can serve as the sole functioning unit or carriers for functional groups, such as drugs and nutrients, via encapsulation or superficial adhesion. While nature-derived nanomaterials may seem a safer choice, these particles could elicit toxic or immunogenic responses if not carefully engineered or appropriately distributed in a biological system. Despite these potential limitations, the advantages of employing nanotechnology are far greater.

Nanotechnology can also help to ensure that the quality of milk is safe for human consumption through novel foodborne pathogen detection techniques. Sung et al. [57] developed nanocomposites containing anti-S. aureus antibodies, gold nanoparticles, and magnetic nanoparticles to provide a 40 min colorimetric test for the presence of S. aureus in milk.

Thus, the composition of quantum dots should be further optimized for biocompatibility as many of the current ones include heavy metals, such as cadmium and lead, which may be cytotoxic at high levels [73]. However, if quantum dot concentrations and surface chemistries are carefully selected, cytotoxicity may be decreased or eliminated [74].

Nanopurification of semen can be used to separate damaged sperm from undamaged, healthy sperm. One method is to coat magnetic nanoparticles with antibodies against ubiquitin, a surface marker of defective sperm, for a protein-based removal strategy [75].

I wonder if one of the connections may be related to those who die from a cytokine storm in the immune system adding stress to the heart due to elevated levels of certain nanoparticles from the vax and/or ingested from various food.

posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
How to convince people that the virus really was a bio weapon is a tough issue right now. For those under the mind control of the enemedia it continues to be a virus from a bat and then we have the other side who have right from the get go been suspicious of the Wuhan lab and its' close proximity to the wet market.
Only one way and that is to have the Chinese tell us directly that this is a manufactured bioweapon. The enemedia now present Dang Jingwei, a high level defector from China who all the media agree, to the exact wording, has been in U.S. protective custody after his and his daughter's defection via escape through Hong Kong.
They created this mess and now full scale damage control and the fun game of Toss The Hot Potato and Round and Round We Go and Where It Stops No One Knows.

How to convince people that the virus really was a bio weapon is a tough issue right now.

T1, this is a huge mistake in thinking.

No one can convince anyone of anything = ever.

It is NOT our job, or anyone else's job, to convince anyone of anything. Share our POV, sure, but mind control another, not so much.

I never bought into this fakedemic for one second. I never lived in fear of it, I never needed "data" to prove to me X, I knew and that knowing cannot be transferred to another. I never needed to be talked out of the jab, never considered it a part of my life. I could/can only share my POV, which, from my POV, none of this is a surprise or an issue. The problem here folks want their "knowing" to be rooted in data so they can PROVE x to another. This is an exercise in madness, as there will never been enough data in a polarity reality to convince anyone of anything = never, not ever.

This fakedemic is VERY complex. It isn't linear in nature, never was. Was it a bioweapon? It was SUPPOSED to be and it all played out as if it was. But the "data," as rigged as it is, proved the whole thing a hoax. Did people die? Well, yes and no as dying "with" a positive Rona test isn't cause and effect unless you want it to be = CDC dead rigging.

BUT, from the White Hat POV one can take a page from the playbook and never let a crises go to waste. So while they played out their playbook to perfection, it can now be turned on them. So a fakedemic becomes a real bioweapon when the need to expose the CCP etc. comes to the front.

My point is, you nor anyone will ever convince anyone of anything regarding this. There are too many conflicting narratives to make sense of. This is not now nor has it ever been the purpose of this effort. Teaching a pig to sing only pisses off the pig. Trying to "convince" the pig it can sing really really pisses off the pig.

One must find the awareness within. This, in the end, is all about us as individuals and not data or press conferences or smoking guns = there are hundreds already. It is not the goal to turn into a preacher on a soapbox for truth, because the truth from the pig's point of view is invalid - it cannot sing, and the preaching the polar opposite only irritates the pig.

Nothing will ever convince anyone of anything. End. I've said this a million times, there is no authority on earth with enough authority to convince all people of anything - not even the color of the sky. Willingness to grow comes from within, it is not forced on another, especially when their lives are in total chaos. Anons were created to being a safe harbor to those lost in the mind control sea.

posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I'm not even sure if convincing people it's a bioweapon is a good idea even if it is. People have already let the fear of COVID lead them to do some incredibly dumb # like give up their freedom of movement, their ability to work or run their business, to be corralled and lined up like sheep.

All that's going to happen if people believe it's a bioweapon is they're just going to become even more fearful and more complacent. They'll agree to whatever the hell Biden wants or whatever they're told because they're being saved from the scary Chinese bioweapon.

They'll be justified in telling you to wear a mask or get the vaccine or another round of lockdowns.

'Oh we better do what we're told. Obey the government. China's attacking us, they're just trying to protect us.'

posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: cimmerius

We have heard that the armed forces are being trained to fight underground. Who are they fighting? Must be someone not subject to the normal military chain of command. Who owns and operates these bases?

Maybe black-ops run by three letter agencies? NSA and CIA come to mind right away or in typical Gov't fashion an agency the public is not aware of. AT this point in time can we even rule out contractor"s ? Money does buy silence for a time.

posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 02:53 PM

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