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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - They Don't Know Who We Be - -PART- -7H1R7Y sIx-

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posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 02:05 PM
LOL...wut? Clown world?

"Another 60MM J&J Doses Produced At Troubled Baltimore Plant Are Tainted, FDA Says"

"Of the ruined doses, 10MM will be sold in the US, and abroad with a special warning label that regulators can use for drugs that are in short supply. The warning will read that "regulators cannot guarantee that Emergent BioSolutions, the company that operates the plant, followed good manufacturing practices.""

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: Caled

Shocker. Same plant facility. So, now they're up to around 75 million tainted doses and how does anyone know, trust some of the tainted have not been mixed in with the 'good' vax. Warning label: Caution this vax may be tainted and cause blood-clots and other unknown adverse syptoms leading to death...YMMV. Just keeps getting better.🙄🤡🔥

Give Me One More Chance...

BONUS:: Johnson & Johnson Statement on U.S. COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturing March 31, 2021.

This is an example of the rigorous quality control applied to each batch of drug substance. The issue was identified and addressed with Emergent and shared with the United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

edit on 11-6-2021 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 02:52 PM
Just a heads up. Again I dont know how many of you are TORE Says fans, but she is on a roll and from what she say that I will post below it sounds like shes about to drop the mother of bombs. Take with a grain or however you take things like this, but I myself am going to keep an eye on it. She has probably had more hits or predictions over the last 4 years than anyone I can think of off the top of my little head.

This below is just the opener to what she had to say. I can't help the language.

Tired of the MEDIA and FBI having a treasure trove of Hunter Biden emails that PROVE they were selling our nation off and making money ... and not reporting or arresting anyone? Tired of hearing me BITCH telling you how everyone is herding you like sheep "the in crowd". # them all - I will be giving the WORLD FULL ACCESS to ALL EMAILS and DOCUMENTS. No child porn, no adult porn JUST ALL THE DOCS AND EMAILS. I am tired of the people being promised truth by the RIGHT and feeding them "news" I put out a year ago. I am tired of people being promised GANDOLF and disappointed I do not have a beard. I am tired of GATE KEEPERS. I am tired of the LOSERS posing as the news. YOU ARE 3 yrs behind me. Searchable DATABASE. EVERY NATION will see what OBAMA, HRC and BIDEN did... Brennan your emails are next. This information warfare ends MONDAY at 00:01 Operation HBD.

This is The link to The Above Post
Im sure if you are a telegram reader, you know how to take it from there

BTW the drop will occur on this site of hers: The Looking Glass

At least it wont be long before we find out one way or the other. I can only imagine the heads that are going to spin if she does have what she says she does. Personally I believe her as its not the first time she has presented something like this, though not this huge.

ETA: I forgot to mention that this drop will not require a password to read.
edit on 6/11/21 by onehuman because: added thought

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: onehuman
Monday is both flag day, and US Army birthday.
Lexington and Concord

When the delegates to the Second Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia on 10 May, they soon learned that armed men commanded by Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold had captured the British forts at Ticonderoga and Crown Point on Lake Champlain in New York. The constitutional crisis, in which Americans sought a redress of grievances from the British king and Parliament, had become open hostilities.

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 04:02 PM

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: loveguy

Less we forget it is also a beloved President by many, Trumps Birthday! Quite a historical day on many fronts it seems.


posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 04:56 PM
This goes back a bit, but is totally relevant today - not like we didn't know.

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink calls bitcoin an ‘index of money laundering’

BlackRock CEOLarry Fink took a shot at cryptocurrency bitcoin on Friday, calling it an “index of money laundering.”

“Bitcoin just shows you how much demand for money laundering there is in the world,” Fink, the head of the largest asset management firm in the world, said at an Institute of International Finance meeting. “That’s all it is.”

Fink’s comments came right after JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon called people who own the cryptocurrency “stupid.” Dimon’s comments came a day after he said during a post-earnings conference call that he’s “not going to talk about bitcoin anymore.”

Last month, Dimon called bitcoin a “fraud,” adding “it’s worse than tulip bulbs. It won’t end well.”

BTC has to go, if Humans As Currency is to go. What does it take with it? Does anything replace it? I posted a fascinating graph a bit back showing the follows the PERFECT market manipulation system used for 100+ years.

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 04:57 PM
More from Tore Says


A Patriot within our current government directed the Maryland Group to a copy of a video on Youtube. In the Zoom video they discuss how they are going to force the Vaccine on the rest of the unvaccinated citizens. They speak of lists and how they can cross reference to target us and more.


*15 minute mark Gov Hogan's Secretary Schrader begins. About 24 minute mark he states "we have lists" to know who hasn't received the vaccine, and "we will call them" and "do the hard work to ensure they...

*(DOOR TO DOOR! 34:15 mark)

*26:15 mark Schrader says they can mandate the vxx "once the EUA goes away" but even now are pushing (coercing) the staff of nursing homes to require vxx

*29:45 "What we have to do is check the zip codes, and cross that with the CRISP (database) of people and we won't stop until we get everybody"


*34:15 "at the right inflection point, we will be moving more resources into mobile vxx and DOOR TO DOOR activities"

*55:45 "why can't you require the vaxx since the AG said you can?" (Senator Rosapepe). Schrader's Answer: "because it is still experimental..once the EUA (emergency use authorization) goes away we can push it (mandate the jab)"

*57:40 "what is your employer strategy to go to them and have their employees vaccinated on site at their employment?" "tt is good. we are doing that" (GOING DOOR TO DOOR AT EMPLOYERS/BUSINESSES AND MANDATING VACCINES FOR EMPLOYEES)

Full Video


posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: NorthStreet

Interesting timing on the hack... in the last 24 hours i've had 7 calls from 3 unknown numbers and a scam email, I usually get about 1 every 3 months.

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 06:24 PM
Presidente de la RepĂşblica de El Salvador / President of the Republic of The Savior...Bitcoin incentivizes renewable energy...
(Video attached to tweet)

Have a feelin in very near future with a flick of a switch and goodbye Bitcoin ride; hello Central banksters.

Ha, shocker...

Global banking regulators call for toughest rules for cryptocurrencies

Global regulators have said cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin should come with the toughest bank capital rules to avoid putting the wider financial system at risk should their value collapse suddenly.

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, which consists of regulators from the world’s leading financial centres, is proposing a “new conservative prudential treatment” for crypto-assets that would force banks to put aside enough capital to cover 100% of potential losses.

Regulators at the European Central Bank have likened bitcoin’s meteoric rise to other financial bubbles such as “tulip mania” and the South Sea Bubble, which whipped investors into a frenzy before the bubbles burst in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Basel III was agreed upon by the members of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in November 2010, and was scheduled to be introduced from 2013 until 2015; however, implementation was extended repeatedly to March 31, 2019 and then again from January 1, 2023.

Tower of Babel published a public consultation on preliminary proposals for the Prudential treatment of cryptoasset exposures.

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: NorthStreet

Interesting timing on the hack... in the last 24 hours i've had 7 calls from 3 unknown numbers and a scam email, I usually get about 1 every 3 months.

I now look at the spam numbers. Today's rather odd number minus area code: 05533533

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 07:34 PM
This week a new installment of "some of these are memes, some are not, who can tell anymore..."

These are CCP themed, as they all have their origins in American version of Mao's cultural revolution and of course the minions they employ to enact this glorious destruction of what once was.

And finally we have doublemint style offering...

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 07:37 PM
*47th* G7 Family clowns photo:

The new Avengers outfits are really boring.

Lovely shot of Carrie Johnson and her baby on the beach with Jill Biden at G7 summit. He’s growing so fast!

Joe Biden seems to get lost at the G7 summit in England, nanny Jill comes to the

PM Boris Johnson says "G7 nations must 'build back better' in a greener, more gender-neutral, and perhaps a more feminine way."


Former UK PM Gordon Brown: "We will decide who lives and who will die."

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 08:05 PM

This is the second one this week that seems to be a direct response to another News Unlocks Map.

These are all interesting to me. What do they really mean now? Well for one thing the connects have enough solid evidence to be designed that the Black Hats scramble to see who thinks what is what. This results in using using their resources, but more then that it creates confusion.

For example. The Huma connect is a three factor connect, too many to be coincidence. So it must be examined. Is Huma done? Executed? Saved? Has she ratted on someone big? Did Huma not only copy the emails etc. to AW's laptop, but also to White Hats? Is this a signal the CF and associated scum are about to be exposed?

Why does she have 666 followers (or any at all frankly)? Does this indicate White Hats own her account = most assuredly.

What does a few of us seeing this do to the collective? Does it trigger us to shift something minor, or even profound in our experience?

MelQ has another and several more complicated connects.

edit on 11-6-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 08:15 PM
Sigh accidentally logged out on the tank.
a reply to: NorthStreet

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: gladerlo

Welcome to ATS.

BTW I recognize your avatar is from the "illuminated void" art exhibit by Chul Hyun Ahn. I've seen it a few times in Miami for Art Basel. I'm forever floating in time between two parallel mirrors, myself.

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 08:57 PM

Wendy Rogers reply to the idea of 1

You will not touch Arizona ballots or machines unless you want to spend time in an Arizona prison. Maybe you should focus on stopping terrorism. The Justice Department is one of the most corrupt institutions in the USA.

Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object and it all falls on Joe, or Jill, or Kamala.

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 09:18 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

I wonder what authority DOJ or FedGov could claim to justify interfering in activity that is delegated to the States' by the Constitution. Seems like Option 1 would setup a Constitutional crisis, and have far-reaching affects if it stood. Option 2 is basically "we can't legally do anything, so, we won't do anything." The fallacy in the wording of Option 2 is the implication that the DOJ is "allowing" anything. They have no standing to stop AZ or any other State from undertaking an audit.

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 09:44 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: FlyingFox

I was down BAD for about 36 hours after my 2nd Pfizer shot the other day. I feel great today though. Bad stuff didn't last long.

I hope you have no further reaction. My boss said the same thing. She was so proud to show me her "check in app" where she reported any side effects for a couple of weeks. She's in pretty bad shape now. You can read the current situation at the very top of page 264 in this thread, if you'd like. I wish you good health and I hope your reactions are behind you.

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 09:50 PM

originally posted by: kreinhard

originally posted by: crankyoldman

I wonder what authority DOJ or FedGov could claim to justify interfering in activity that is delegated to the States' by the Constitution. Seems like Option 1 would setup a Constitutional crisis, and have far-reaching affects if it stood. Option 2 is basically "we can't legally do anything, so, we won't do anything." The fallacy in the wording of Option 2 is the implication that the DOJ is "allowing" anything. They have no standing to stop AZ or any other State from undertaking an audit.

You are correct. DOJ needs a crime, counting ballots is not evidence of a crime.

Folks may be missing what Merrick is saying with his public statement today. The battle cry is, "this is a stupid effort for no reason, the deal is done Joe's our hero so live it." If that were true, then the recount is just a history lesson and a waste. MG thinks/knows there is a problem, otherwise there is simply nothing to say but "so what, Joe's our man, end, signed DOJ."

Key point. He was meant to be a SC justice, in theory he gets the issue where as another would not.

The Q theorist would say, "he's signaling" that NCSWC not even him, as many will draw your conclusion. Note he said this as they are about to finish the counting in AZ not a few months ago - as in PRIOR to the effort where it makes sense.

No reason for other States to visit this event either if it is just a history exercise.

This all falls on Joe. All of it. His babbling incoherent gibberish after the AZ count is published will be most epic. Probably the single greatest moment in Anon history. If the let him speak.

Possibilities. Option 1. New election is called for (other counties do snap elections all the time). Option 2. DJT is deemed President by the Supreme Court. Option 3. Military take a giant dump on the world and reveals it all, then watches to see which of the above directions happen. Option 4. Aliens.

I'm not sure how the line of succession fits here, as in theory if this pushes through AZ invalidates their entire elected body, thereby collapsing the House. The House cannot exist missing a State's reps. Pelosi is out of a job until the House is set = new election. Then again, we're under partial CCP rule and all rules, laws, history, and honor left the country long ago, which leaves us with "military is the only way."

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