posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 07:11 PM
So first and foremost, I'm very very sorry for the horrible news. I've had several family members and close friends succumb to the same disease. I
hate bringing in such a cynical attitude but I highly distrust our mainstream medical establishment. If anyone ever gets a free moment to try, and are
curious, go to google and enter "The real cure for cancer," or some variation. Then open or go to DuckDuckGo, enter the exact same phrase and compare
the differences. Now obviously they are going to be different given that they're different browsers, but they are COMPLETELY different. The results
Google return on the first page are pretty much what you would expect, Mayo clinic, Web MD etc etc. If you look at your DDG results its mostly from
small websites, trying to provide real information. I have always and still do believe that there exist a cheap, natural and effective treatment/cure
for most diseases which plague our society. However, once big pharma gets involved with big tech, you have essentially a black out of any pertinent or
non corporate approved information.
I wish you and your entire family the best, I pray for whomever treats your mother, for their hands to be guided by a higher power, who ever that may
be. God Bless.