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I can't take much more

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posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 08:13 PM
You know when life kicks you in the teeth and you think wow, that hurt, but then
it comes back and stops you in the belly? That's how I feel right now.

Just found out my Mom is battling cancer... everywhere..
I am numb.

She is old, and she has been smoking, drinking and living hard for most of her life.
You know Granny on Beverly Hillbillies, that's my mom but just the Asian version.
She could make grown men cower in fear. Her personality is larger than life.

To see her suffer from cancer is one of the most gut wrenching things.
F YOU Cancer, F YOU!!!

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Unfortunately you are now a member of a rather big club.

I’ve seen way to many suffer and die from one cancer or another.
Best wishes to your mom.

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I've enjoyed reading stories about your mom on here, and I'm really, really sorry to hear this news, JAGStorm.

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 08:27 PM

originally posted by: zosimov
a reply to: JAGStorm

I've enjoyed reading stories about your mom on here, and I'm really, really sorry to hear this news, JAGStorm.

I should write a book about her. She has had quite the life.

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I'm sorry, Jag... I know how hard it is when someone you love is going through this.

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 08:34 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

You know when life kicks you in the teeth and you think wow, that hurt, but then
it comes back and stops you in the belly? That's how I feel right now.

Just found out my Mom is battling cancer... everywhere..
I am numb.

She is old, and she has been smoking, drinking and living hard for most of her life.
You know Granny on Beverly Hillbillies, that's my mom but just the Asian version.
She could make grown men cower in fear. Her personality is larger than life.

To see her suffer from cancer is one of the most gut wrenching things.
F YOU Cancer, F YOU!!!

Damn. I hate cancer. It took my son.

I want to start a push to legislate against carcinogens. Just simply remove them from the human environment.

That includes major 'accepted' carcinogens like alcohol and tobacco as well as other chemicals.

We could reduce cancer at the source rather than trying to put the ambulances at the bottom of the cliffs.

I just said a prayer for your mum. It's all I can do for now.

edit on 19/2/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 08:35 PM
I’m so very sorry that your mother is having to
Go through this.
I’m saying prayers for you and your family
This should be something that is tackled and eradicated from our world.

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I am sorry. Yes F**k you cancer x10

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

My mom passed away from cancer when I was a teenager. Watching her suffer over those years is still one of the hardest things i've done in my life.

I'm not sure what else to say sorry other than it's horrible to watch and there's not much anyone can say to make it better.

I'll echo your sentiments though...

F#ck cancer...

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

There is this part of me that doesn't even want to cry, because I know that will make it more real.

I just have this lump in the back of my throat.

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 08:40 PM
It seems that for every 2 people I've known that has died of COVID another has died of cancer since the pandemic. This past 3 weeks I've probably seen 10 people die, 3 of them of cancer. We had a good family friend die Tuesday morning after a long bought with cancer. It certainly is a plague on society.

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: zosimov
a reply to: JAGStorm

I've enjoyed reading stories about your mom on here, and I'm really, really sorry to hear this news, JAGStorm.

I should write a book about her. She has had quite the life.

That would be a beautiful testament to her life. I feel your pain and anger, but you must channel your rage and sorrow into strength. Stay strong for her sake. A positive composure can help in her battle. I believe that cancer slows down in elderly people, I have known many who lived with it for years and eventually passed peacefully to a better place from old age.

Best wishes to the both of you!

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 08:46 PM
My thoughts and warm wishes to you and your family.

Hang in there, you make this site great.

I am truly sorry for what you’re going through presently

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 08:47 PM
It’s not the years of life lived, but the life lived in the years. I hope your memories of her remind you of her memories of you. Remember. Remember.
a reply to: JAGStorm

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 08:49 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

You know when life kicks you in the teeth and you think wow, that hurt, but then
it comes back and stops you in the belly? That's how I feel right now.

Just found out my Mom is battling cancer... everywhere..
I am numb.

She is old, and she has been smoking, drinking and living hard for most of her life.
You know Granny on Beverly Hillbillies, that's my mom but just the Asian version.
She could make grown men cower in fear. Her personality is larger than life.

To see her suffer from cancer is one of the most gut wrenching things.
F YOU Cancer, F YOU!!!

No matter how hard it seems and gets, you can and will (even if you don't want too) adapt to take it all on the chin.
Is the curse of being human and I say that from watching half the people I love succumb to various ailments including cancer, suicide, alcohol, drugs and other more unexpected things.

Try, to think at the other end of the scale... you can be there for them just now so you are blessed to have a chance to guide them through it as best you can. It is not your fault or theirs even. Speak your truth if you need to for them to hear. if you can and be at peace with each other (if it is a losing battle).

We all lose in the end no matter how strong. All you can do is let them know that they are loved (which sounds obvious) and know they are remembered

Sorry if that comes across wrongly. Just trying to reach out and let them know what they mean if you have not already. Best Wishes!

Words are so horrible to convey.

I lost my mother a couple of years back and it made me numb for the past few years to say the least... only just understanding it now. I never got the chance to tell her how I felt and we had a tough relationship to say the least. Speak your heart if you need too

edit on 19-2-2021 by XXXN3O because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I'm sorry to hear that JAG... I'm in a similar boat, albeit my mom is on a medication that is working in a low impact way, for now.

It sucks.

I'm sure many here have picked up on the fact that I'm a very weird "human". My mom is maybe one of three people who understands me though, and probably the best.

But, as unfortunate the circumstances are, the time lines are predetermined, and the only effect we have on that is how quickly we navigate them.

I'm not doing it perfectly, and this last year has certainly made it a lot harder. But one thing I have done is always talked if she wants to talk. And sometimes that can be one of the hardest things given the types of topics that could (inevitably) come up.

Judging by your posting I've seen over time, you strike me as a tough gal. Which leads me to believe your mom probably is too. Be strong for her, and be there. And if you can't be there the whole time, just be emotionally available for her when she needs to talk.

edit on 19-2-2021 by CriticalStinker because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Just an FYI - This is what we will do if any of the family gets cancer. No doubt in my mind.
edit on 19-2-2021 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: JAGStorm

I'm sure many here have picked up on the fact that I'm a very weird "human". My mom is maybe one of three people who understands me though, and probably the best.

My mom and my husband are the only two people that know the real me... and like you said understand me.

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I’ve lost another member of my family to pancreatic cancer. It happened so fast we were not prepared...

For those that have gone through this, what advice do you have for me. My mind is cloudy and I know I am not thinking clearly.

What do you regret, what do you wish you would have done.?????
edit on 19-2-2021 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 09:20 PM

originally posted by: Encia22

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: zosimov
a reply to: JAGStorm

I've enjoyed reading stories about your mom on here, and I'm really, really sorry to hear this news, JAGStorm.

I should write a book about her. She has had quite the life.

That would be a beautiful testament to her life. I feel your pain and anger, but you must channel your rage and sorrow into strength. Stay strong for her sake. A positive composure can help in her battle. I believe that cancer slows down in elderly people, I have known many who lived with it for years and eventually passed peacefully to a better place from old age.

Best wishes to the both of you!

Thank you.. I feel this way too...

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