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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 01:02 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

He couldn't sucker anyone to put their real name on it.

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 01:13 AM
Good to see you dashen, hope all is well. Happy to also you hear you want to keep going. My thought for a title? First thing that came to mind
Curtain Call. All Actors to the Main Stage. lol
Rel, Cranky? Ive been looking at Mr Pools page pretty hard last couple days seeing what bells it rings. The 589 seems to be a real sticking point we need or should figure out from their viewpoint.

I thought maybe month and year? May 89? Anything happen then that stands out?

This one photo that can be found HERE is bugging me also.

It looks like it may be a counter on a old reel to reel tape player, movie player? Perhaps the time stamp to footage we have probably seen hundreds of times. Say the JFK shot perhaps? Zapruder Film? For some reason I do have it in my head that a counter number for that footage was used often, but the time of it escapes me now.
This film clip has the counter from that footage, but it doesnt make it to 589. That would come after they headed towards the overpass. (Warning graphic footage)

So I go back to May 1989. Some things that happened that month from This Link
1. May 1 135 acre Disney's MGM studio theme park officially opens to public in Lake Buena Vista, Florida

2. May 1 Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins: US Supreme Court rules employers have legal burden to prove non- discriminatory reasons for not hiring or promoting

3. May 4 NASA launches Magellan mission to Venus from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida

4. May 4 US space shuttle STS-30 launched

5. May 9 Journalist petition Chinese government for freedom of press

6. May 10 General Manuel Noriega's Panama government nullifies country's elections, which the opposition had won by a 3-1 margin

7. May 11 France performs nuclear test at Mururoa atoll

8. May 11 US President George H. W. Bush orders nearly 2,000 troops to Panama

9. May 12 Retired British pilot Jack Mann is kidnapped by Islamic fundamentalists

10. May 13 Approx 2,000 students begin hunger strike in Tiananmen Square, China (This one does look like it could be some of the footage in one of the short little videos clips on Pools page. They are like negative reversed? Grey and white film)
11. May 14 Demonstration for democratic reforms in Beijing's Tiananmen square

12. May 17 Nelson Mandela receives a BA from University of South Africa

13. May 20 China declares martial law in Beijing

14. May 26 American radio broadcasters go silent for 30 seconds at 7:42 am to honor the radio industry

15. May 26 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site

16. May 29 Student pro-democracy protesters in Tiananmen Square, China construct a replica of the Statue of Liberty, naming it the Goddess of Democracy

There were a lot of other things as well, but these seemed like they could possibly be at least relatable to whats going on now.

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 01:49 AM
a reply to: onehuman

I couple of those seem off:

1. May 1 135 acre Disney's MGM studio theme park officially opens to public in Lake Buena Vista, Florida

Why there of all places? Was that ever explained?

3. May 4 NASA launches Magellan mission to Venus from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida

Was something found there that the power elites don't want anyone to know about? Let's say ruins were found there, but Mars is a known dessert planet. Could explain the big push for everyone to go to Mars, and just ignore Venus?

5. May 9 Journalist petition Chinese government for freedom of press
10. May 13 Approx 2,000 students begin hunger strike in Tiananmen Square, China (This one does look like it could be some of the footage in one of the short little videos clips on Pools page. They are like negative reversed? Grey and white film)
11. May 14 Demonstration for democratic reforms in Beijing's Tiananmen square
13. May 20 China declares martial law in Beijing
16. May 29 Student pro-democracy protesters in Tiananmen Square, China construct a replica of the Statue of Liberty, naming it the Goddess of Democracy

Could these American/Free World Ideals have forces China to declare a silent War of the free world?

14. May 26 American radio broadcasters go silent for 30 seconds at 7:42 am to honor the radio industry

Radio Silence?

As to the counter:
Is there a longer version of the Zapruder Film out there that shows footage from everything after the shooting? Maybe something was caught on film that didn't seem important until now.

Could it be a time stamp on the RFK assassination?

One thing for certain, in 589 AD the Plague of Justinian started to eat away at the population of Rome. Pope Pelagius II fell victim of this plague and died in the early part of 590 AD. By the way I don't like to pass up on reminding everyone that China is having a massive resurgence of both a rat population as well as cases of the Plague (just like during both the 6th and 14th centuries).

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 02:10 AM

originally posted by: PurpleFox

originally posted by: crappiekat

originally posted by: PurpleFox
a little birdie just told me that Biden is in the hospital...

President Biden or Hunter?

Former Vice President

There's word that a special medical team reportedly entered the White House earlier today

That rabid dog of Biden’s probably mauled someone this time. USSS May end up shooting it one day or one of their K9’s take it out.

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 02:22 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Not sure what you mean by "seem off" in this context.

As far as Disney World goes, when we were coming back from vacation somewhere, my parents and I stopped where they had a place you could go in and see a movie about what they were planing on doing. At that time it was still wide open wetlands and nothing to be seen but that in any direction you looked. Maybe that full space of property was cheaper being it was wetlands. (shrug) I dont know I was only around 10 maybe at the time.
I do know that I have noticed on the maps they show now with all the tunneling that are suspected human trafficking routes, one does come down through Fla and goes right under the Disney World Property.
It actually basically stops about 15 miles NW of my house as the crow flies. Above ground of where it stops is this old abandon Bombing range. Ive heard some crazy stories from the locals about that area as well. Possible underground labs etc. I dont have the nerve to go over there by myself after the stories, but I do have a friend that wants to go with me. We just havent gotten around to it yet.

I never even knew we launched anything to Venus. Im kind of a space buff to and this is the first I ever heard of it. Considering it was 1989 also, that seems kind of advanced doesnt it? For that point in time to take on Venus? Not something you hear any stories about thats for sure. How it turned out or what they were trying to do or accomplish? At least I dont recall any. Maybe others here do.

I know I have seen longer footage from the day in Dallas. There is footage of the car going under the overpass. Some even seem to think the shot came from there. The one that put the bullet hole in the windshield. I dont recall any of that footage having the frames counted off though. Frame 589 should fall into that time frame though.. IT was almost to 400 when it cut on the footage about.

I just thought it was interesting that those things were occurring in China and coincide with the 589 or May 89 (1989) A lot of it similar to this point in time with China. Just speculation obviously, but curious that it did fit in.

And I thought the radio silence was interesting seeing as that has been something we have been kicking around here also in last couple days.
edit on 4/6/21 by onehuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: onehuman

This image was used in many 'Reset' articles from 2017 focused on "The Great Reset" that is upon us now to Resetting your life.


589 = EHI = 22 = twin/duality.

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 02:35 AM
a reply to: onehuman

In Walt's design for EPCOT City, most of the traffic was going to be done underground, so it wouldn't surprise me if he had all of that infrastructure put in place while building Disney World.

The Soviets were the first to land a probe on Venus, and we sent a probe out to the planet back then.

I seem to remember the Zapruder film being longer too. After the car went under the over-pass the film caught some of the people still running off, but it was so long ago I'm not sure if it was the actual Zapruder film or a fake one from that JFK movie. Funny how a simple film can be used to distort reality sometimes.

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 02:39 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Thanks for bringing that up. Looks pretty intriguing given the reports content and that it's from last year.

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 03:31 AM
Well geeee, now I feel like I will Have to wear a mask to protect me from the vaxers. Geezzz Louise.

Have to link you since it goes to Bitchute. Not like it is something we haven't discussed and it I can't say as it surprises me either. Odds of it being true? Probably higher than I wish to believe. Sounds like a plan they would come up with seeing as they probably knew many of us would balk at the thought of taking the vaccine. Covers all the bases this way.
Video is only 5:33, but it gets the point across.

Dr Astrid Stuckelberger - The Vaccinated Will Spread The Real Disease
Link to VIDEO

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 03:57 AM
a reply to: onehuman

Hi Onehuman,

Hope this helps.

- stock photo used in several places / articles
- "589" or message tied to "reset"/"secret tape recordings"???
- for example: Trump Tower, AM/RR wearing a wire, Trump/JC, etc.
- unlocks missing info to shine light for all/can not be ignored/irrefutable

'It Wasn't Very Stupid.' Read Exactly What Trump Said About His Comey 'Tapes' Tweet

Same photo was also used here (after Mr Pool's posting)

Cover of new book just published on 4-2-2021

The tormented story of Roberto Calvi and Banco Ambrosiano, the attack on the pope, the Orlandi case, the advent of AIDS and the controversial theories on the virus: in this novel Leonard Guaci brings attention to the great riddles of Italy 80s. He does so through the story of Roland, a young erudite and arrogant, clumsy and caustic, who joins his family from Valona in Rome, where he dreams of meeting Berlusconi and discussing the problems of the contemporary world with him. His suitcase is exchanged at Fiumicino airport and after a few days his sister is kidnapped. On the phone, someone asks Roland to deliver a tape, but it is not in the exchanged suitcase. Thus he begins an itinerary in search of his sister that will lead him to retrace almost involuntarily the most dramatic stages of the Italian history of the 1980s.

Sean Speer: Tories need a 'reset' to call their own

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 04:01 AM
Rel, those 3 pictures you posted from Mr Pool earlier where you said there was an extra one? Mr. Pool had pulled the extra one, but I did come across it elsewhere. Looks like a guy standing on the white frog to me. That being the white rock the guy is standing on in the distance

Found it on this page of another I follow: LINK TO EXTRA PICTURE

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

Thank you Brew T, that was a lot more information than I was expecting. Now I feel even more tangled up, Thanks a lot!
Seriously though more interesting connections eh? Pheww...

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 08:32 AM
April 20 seems to be a special day of sacrifice..?. Bp deep water horizon disaster.
Tiennamen square, where no man has died before, unsure the date, but the guy poised to halt the tanks getting run over? He climbed onto the tank if memory serves right?

System of a Down put out a song called hypnotized in regards to said event....why they were there?

I fully anticipate 4/20 this year having another strange event where haliburton is contracted to clean things up...
Dick Cheney's organization.


eta big payday
edit on (4/6/2121 by loveguy because: Link#2

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 09:21 AM


posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I was thinking something way less serious, self deprecating even

I suppose “Fuh Q Haters” is off the table?

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 10:59 AM
FWIW, I'd vote not to change the title. To change just to change is pretty much rebranding.

Folks all over know where to find it, but those seeking "Q" related stuff to attack because,,, reasons, have a hard time finding it in the searches due to the uniQue, title.

While things often clunk along, for the most part every "part" is 70%+ good stuff when each puts their experience into mix.

Rolling into a new title will like assure the first 50 pages will be... well

As for proofs, I agree with Rel, that would fall on a few of us and as Rel has mentioned often, there are thousands in here. Both simple graphic connects as well as more like my showing how the Fauxci Plandemic was indeed coded into the drops, right to the NY Time debut date. I'll have to ponder that and how it could be possible.

It is VERY interesting reading the drops now, with all that has transpired, they really do take on a different feel and purpose now.

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 11:04 AM
WOW, Can we say Calm Before the Storm for this one? Its been almost 3 days now of this. I find it as interesting as I do when we get the huge spikes for a few days. I dont recall it being this calm like this for this amount of time for awhile now. Not to mention you know people have been amped up last couple days because of "Dates." I realize it doesnt exactly work like that, but you do tend to see heavy spiking when the people are edgy as well.

ETA: Im curious if you guys see numbers or letters in the green?

edit on 4/6/21 by onehuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 11:07 AM
JSTARS over Mar-a-Lago...

Lots of EW happening

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 11:11 AM

a reply to: onehuman

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: neomaximus10

Or B77 if you ignore the top halves as attention getters. I wonder if B 4 4 or B 7 7 mean anything?

Though now that I look at it again, it could be 13 4 4 or 13 7 7


Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 563afa No.1420066 📁
May 15 2018 11:28:34 (EST)
JJ JJ ID: 88457c No.1419965 📁
May 15 2018 11:22:24 (EST)
.@POTUS: “I have directed the Justice Department to do everything in its power to defend the lives of American law enforcement.”
Do you trust POTUS?
Does POTUS trust SESSIONS to protect the lives of our brave law enforcement?
Our Country?
Would SESSIONS be AG (still) if DEEP STATE?
Critical thinking dismisses fictional clickbait claims.

edit on 6-4-2021 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

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