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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: PillarOfFire
(note: Repent means to Change your mind),

Almost, but not quite...

It actually means 'to change your way of thinking'. Changing your mind can be limited to a single idea or belief. To change your way of thinking is much more profound and fundamental.

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 04:16 PM
Don't know who is following the fuse to riots and more that is the Chauvin trial, but jeeebus, this is so bad it had to be set up from day one.

Poso's Twit keeps up.

George's drug dealer refused to testify under the 5th, because George's Fenty problem led to his death, ergo, dealer can be liable, which, in our book, makes dealer liable for billions in damages to the country.

Seems also the famous knee was actually on his shoulder, not his neck, per policy.

And, he pleadings for his momma, wasn't for his mother, but his girlfriend who has the very odd nickname of momma.

But who cares, golden casket, pillar of society, 3 state funerals, the facts are the facts.

Fuse lit, burning cartoon fast, we're headed for an acquittal riot of epic proportions to be used the moment Fake Joe falls into some serious trouble.

Fake Joe Doing Fake Joe

Now, I, like many millions, am off to read the Hunter Book, as there is simply no other required spring reading.

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 04:28 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: Justoneman

You were talking about public places I believe.

No, I'm talking about shops. Grocery, hardware, convenient, etc.

We do not collectively own those. No shirt, no shoes, no mask, no service is their right.

Public places. You can't have it both ways. Either they serve the public or they don't. Private businesses have private clientele. I bet you 100 US$ that a a black man can go in without any of those and not get kicked out. It would be racist.

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 04:38 PM
Rel the speaker doubles as a mic. That is one step taken care of for us. Transmitters are what you need and you modulate your signal. I don't think there are any radio wave output transmitters in a standard radio. There was something we bought in the 60's and 70's that had all the possible frequencies and was usually not of real good sound, but if you played with the tuner you could get stuff from thousands of miles away. It was great for catching the TV commentators of sports games while at the game.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Guyfriday

Noice catch! Now... Now, I wonder if it's possible to reverse engineer my bedside radio to transmit as well as receive...

edit on 6-4-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Modified RNA has a direct effect on DNA

Following a new collaboration between UiO and research groups in Nottingham and Oxford, it has now been revealed that RNA has a direct effect on DNA stability, according to Professor Klungland's research.

In areas of DNA where RNA binds to one of the DNA threads in such a way that the complementary DNA thread becomes the sole thread (R-loop structures), the DNA stability will change if RNA is chemically modified by m6A.

"Several research groups are now working together to study what effect this can have on the DNA molecule. We already know that R-loop areas are associated with sequences of DNA containing active genes and that this can lead to chromosomal breakage and the loss of genetic information," explains Klungland.


COVID-19 vaccine: What’s RNA research got to do with it?

The vaccine made history not only because it reported a 95 percent efficacy rate at preventing COVID-19 in clinical trials, but because it is the first vaccine ever approved by the FDA for human use that is based on RNA technology.


This is the first gene based vaccine used on humans. It's experimental so the experts can't claim to know what the long-term effects will be

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Do you live in one of these Dark Water cities/towns?

- Potentially toxic PFAS "forever chemicals" at troubling levels in 35% of samples
- Arsenic in 8%
- Detectable lead in 118/120 samples.

Research by @ConsumerReports
Source: We sampled tap water across the US – and found arsenic, lead and toxic chemicals

Chart source: Consu mer Reports (April 2021)

One year ago The Guardian linked 'Dark Waters' with...

The toxic chemicals in our homes could increase Covid-19 threat

Michigan adopted the US EPA health advisory level of 70 parts per trillion for PFOS and PFOA.
PFOA: Perfluorooctanoic acid
PFOS: Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid


Forever Chemicals Are Widespread in U.S. Drinking Water


This PPM unit is a misrepresentation of the type of unit this data is compared to by EPA rules to provide safe drinking water. EPA uses a volume based analysis and PPB is parts per billion (lead of what volume? a billion molecules of water?) and some of that data is being reported as smaller than that Parts per Trillion if 1.0 is PPB 0.1 is PPT.

Micro Grams/liter is the units ug/l. That is the about same as ug/m3 that air samplers are measuring of particles that contain metals. So PPB is hard to correlate into the real data and is deceiving to the non Chemist/Physicist types reading the reports.
edit on Tue Apr 6 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: quote trimmed Trim Those Quotes

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 05:12 PM
Three pictures from Mr Pool today, all at 10:10 seem to depict a sun-related cycle of:


The pictures are posted on his telegram account but seem to have been deleted from his Twitter account!

#1 = Growing


#2 = Maturing for harvest

(Note the TIMBER decking at bottom)

#3 = New Green Shoots: Re-birth

The seedling rows remind me of Lines of Longitude on the globe.

Now here's #1010

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 72997f No.894401 📁
Apr 4 2018 15:24:51 (EST)
People are simply in the way.
UK/GER [5 days].
Choice is yours.

The last line is the GO command from #452 (April 5th, 2 days?)

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 2d673c No.158439 📁
Dec 23 2017 15:58:14 (EST)
_CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)_
Good Hunting!

edit on 6-4-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 05:18 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: tanstaafl

Modified RNA has a direct effect on DNA

I am not a geneticist, and cannot argue the details, but...

I'm pretty sure that mRNA does not equate to RNA.

These vaccines are mRNA vaccines, not RNA vaccines.

So - what am I missing?

ETA: oh - and in case it wasn't clear, I do believe that messing with the mRNA is just as bad as messing directly with the DNA.
edit on 6-4-2021 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi

#1 = Growing

For some reason when I see this picture, it reminds me of Kensington Minnesota near the farm where the Kensington Runestone was found. It might just be me when I see these rows of trees standing over a farmers field. I'm sure other people will see things and places that they are familure with.

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 05:33 PM
Explained in a nutshell (10 min) - Moderna boss: mRNA jabs are "rewriting the Genetic Code" we call it "information therapy" (Ted 2017)

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: dashen

Without changing the name or reason for 'Forum', you / we, - wish it was easy to explain all Found - are still following that which begins with letter 'Q'. Will indeed be allowed to do so for a year or two. Then the problems will start to arise. Free speech was precious before such became a joke.

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

So since this is a different thought I thought it needs a separate post.
A lot of the stuff we're seeing seems to have stemmed from Gnostic Christianity. For example, these photos being laid out in this pattern gives me an idea of well here...

“The word is like a grain of wheat. When someone sowed it, he had faith in it, and when it sprouted, he loved it, because he saw many grains instead of just one. And after he worked, he was saved because he prepared it as food and he still kept some out to sow.

In a way the passages of "KU" worked like this.

A message was sent out that wasn't fully known (The word is like a grain of wheat. When someone sowed it)

Then we and others acted like the Earth by feeding the message with our understanding of the incomplete message ( he had faith in it, and when it sprouted)

We would debate and feed the the message before spreading it to others outside of own ATS circle ( he prepared it as food and he still kept some out to sow)

I've gone off about that Lovecraftian Cult before in the past, I even have a thread about it, but one thing about Lovecraft that gets overlooked a lot is that Gnostic teachings and Lovecraft's stories have many overlaps in core principles. SO do we take posts like these trees in the meadow as a trigger message for Runic symbols, viewing statements from a Gnostic Philosophy, decode the image in regards to that Lovecraftian Cult, or do we just take it at face value and move past it?

The full passage that the above Gnostic quote came from is located in the link provided, but the section I'll post below:

Then I asked him, “Master, can we prophesy to those who ask us to prophesy to them? There are many who bring a request to us and look to us to hear our pronouncement.”

The master answered and said, “Do you not know that the head of prophecy was cut off with John?”

But I said, “Master, is it not impossible to remove the head of prophecy?”

The master said to me, “When you realize what ‘head’ means, and that prophecy comes from the head, then understand the meaning of ‘its head was removed.’

“First I spoke with you in parables, and you did not understand. Now I am speaking with you openly, and you do not grasp it. Nevertheless, you were for me a parable among parables and a disclosure among things revealed.

“Be eager to be saved without being urged. Rather, be fervent on your own and, if possible, outdo even me, for this is how the father will love you.

“Come to hate hypocrisy and evil intention. Intention produces hypocrisy, and hypocrisy is far from truth.

“Do not let the kingdom of heaven wither away. It is like a palm shoot whose dates dropped around it. It produced buds, and after they grew, its productivity dried up. This is also what happened with fruit that came from this single root. After it was harvested, fruit was obtained by many. It certainly was good. Is it not possible to produce the new growth now, and for you to find it?

“Since I was glorified like this once before, why do you hold me back when I am eager to go? After my labor you have made me stay with you another eighteen days because of the parables. For some people it was enough to listen to the teaching and understand ‘The Shepherds,’ ‘The Seed,’ ‘The Building,’ ‘The Lamps of the Young Women,’ ‘The Wage of the Workers,’ and ‘The Silver Coins and the Woman.’

“Be eager for the word. The first aspect of the word is faith, the second is love, the third is works, and from these comes life.

“The word is like a grain of wheat. When someone sowed it, he had faith in it, and when it sprouted, he loved it, because he saw many grains instead of just one. And after he worked, he was saved because he prepared it as food and he still kept some out to sow.

“This is also how you can acquire the kingdom of heaven for yourselves. Unless you acquire it through knowledge, you will not be able to find it.”

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

I'm not a geneticist either, from my understanding there are different types of RNA. The article I quoted states RNA modification alters DNA. What's important is that this finding is new. The research was published in 2020. If they didn't have this knowledge about RNA prior to 2020 then what can they state with absolute certainty about mRNA? That's why these vaccines are experimental.

In my search, I also found this blog:

MIT & Harvard Study Suggests mRNA Vaccine Might Permanently Alter DNA After All

the RNA in the vaccine is a different animal than the RNA produced by the virus.The RNA in the vaccine is artificially engineered. First, it is engineered to stay around in your cells for a much longer time than usual (RNA is naturally unstable and degrades quickly in the cell). Second, it is engineered such that it is efficient at being translated into protein (they accomplish this by codon optimization). Increasing the stability of the RNA increases the probability that it will become integrated into your DNA; and, increasing the translation efficiency increases the amount of protein translated from the RNA if it does happen to become incorporated into your DNA in a transcriptionally active region of your genome. Theoretically, this means that whatever negative effects are associated with the natural process of viral RNA/DNA integration, these negative effects could be more frequent and more pronounced with the vaccine when compared to the natural virus.


posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 05:54 PM
Just for comparison, we know the White Rabbit double meaning here.

Cringy Joe Clip saying thank you to no one.

Leader in a mask when unnecessary is confounding to me.

When have been FORCED to wear the compliance slave gag I feel nothing but shame, humiliation and disgust. I'd feel less awful about running down the street naked with a LGBTQSWKI#$%159 banner.

How can folks do this as if it is natural? Are folks really without common sense.

I saw this woman walk alone down the street with a mask (bioweapon I guess) to a coffee shop. In with the mask, then out and sat down next to the door and took off the mask. Same street (bioweapon) same coffee shop, same door. Unsafe on the walk up, unsafe in the shop, safe in between???

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 05:58 PM
Excellent adds... lots to try to digest there.

Thanks very much...

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: tanstaafl

I'm not a geneticist either, from my understanding there are different types of RNA. The article I quoted states RNA modification alters DNA. What's important is that this finding is new. The research was published in 2020. If they didn't have this knowledge about RNA prior to 2020 then what can they state with absolute certainty about mRNA? That's why these vaccines are experimental.

In my search, I also found this blog:

MIT & Harvard Study Suggests mRNA Vaccine Might Permanently Alter DNA After All

the RNA in the vaccine is a different animal than the RNA produced by the virus.The RNA in the vaccine is artificially engineered. First, it is engineered to stay around in your cells for a much longer time than usual (RNA is naturally unstable and degrades quickly in the cell). Second, it is engineered such that it is efficient at being translated into protein (they accomplish this by codon optimization). Increasing the stability of the RNA increases the probability that it will become integrated into your DNA; and, increasing the translation efficiency increases the amount of protein translated from the RNA if it does happen to become incorporated into your DNA in a transcriptionally active region of your genome. Theoretically, this means that whatever negative effects are associated with the natural process of viral RNA/DNA integration, these negative effects could be more frequent and more pronounced with the vaccine when compared to the natural virus.


posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl
Maybe check out what the study is actually about.

It is about SARS-CoV-2 rna not the mrna from vaccines, so if it happens, the alteration is going to happen anyway.

Probably been happening throughout human history.

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 07:21 PM

..bizarre article about a lawsuit in Jerusalem brought by a local Rabbi, Daniel Asor, against the municipality for allegedly allowing the Vatican to dig a tunnel to recover the remains of King David, which - the Rabbi alleges - will by used by the Vatican to clone him and thus create the Messiah in what appears to be an alleged case of "if you don't first succeed, try again":

Rabbi Asor adds that it’s all part of the Vatican’s plan to collect DNA from the body of King David and use his DNA to “recreate” the Messiah in an effort to fool the world into believing that the Messiah has arrived.

We live in stranger times. Yes, we need this 'recreation' to save us from the alien invasion coming in 2024.🤪

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 07:50 PM
Everybody say it with me "Fake Joe Biden is not now nor has ever been President Of The Corporation Known as The United States Of America."

Fit for a President! Kamala Harris gets her own 'Resolute' desk built by the Navy with reclaimed wood from the USS Constitution and a piece of metal from the USS Arizona that sank in Pearl Harbor

Has she still not moved into the VP residence? I see no reason why she should.

Now, consider the origins of this, USS Arizona is the battleship that sank during the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. She has a blood desk, a desk from horror, and according to a great many, a major False Flag event resulting a sequence of international horrors. That's what she got. Also Arizona = McCain.

The symbols are everywhere, left, right, up, down. They are trying sooooooooooooooo hard to let people know without crossing the interference line. How much more obvious can it get?

*** Strange facts I did not know on Resolute Desk: "British Arctic exploration ship HMS Resolute, which was abandoned in the Arctic in 1854 and found by an American whaling ship a year later. The 1,300-pound desk was created by William Evenden."

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

the aliens are coming sooner than that...expect some major s**t by june.....

posted on Apr, 6 2021 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: Sabrechucker

The reality is that Q has made their last "official" drop

Sorry if this has already been said (catching up on today's posts), but I strongly disagree here. Q isn't finished yet.

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