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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Mar, 22 2021 @ 02:29 PM
Something suspicious is happening with John F. Kennedy Jr Telegram account posts!

Today this one talks of celebration CHECKS:


Queen Diana ordered to prepare ÂŁ2750 checks for the celebration day for British people.

I KNOW there were similar posts about President Trump and then VP JFK Jr. ordering similar checks... but those posts have now disappeared from the account.

I think each post used a different order of the numbers 7, 2, 5, 0 for example President Trumps said $7250!

It looks to me like a NASA launch style of checking for GO status, with Pres Trump, VP JFK Jr, Queen Diana so far... so I would expect one about Gen Flynn next...

P.s. A lot of other previous JFK Jr posts seem to be being scrubbed from the account - leaving only the pictures?

posted on Mar, 22 2021 @ 02:41 PM
The Fuhrer has spoken...remain in your pods Untermenchen...

East Germany's lockdown lasted from 1961-1989.
April 19 - May 1 is blood & fire sacrifice to the beast.

posted on Mar, 22 2021 @ 03:23 PM

The Pentagon boys already trashed and shot him down.

posted on Mar, 22 2021 @ 03:27 PM
I don't know...maybe I'm wrong...there are some subtle differences between the two pictures. Could that guy really be so disciplined that in two of three pictures that I could find he is in almost exactly the same position, but not quite? And I'm not understanding why the uniform keeps changing.

originally posted by: Caled
Photoshop. We're watching a movie.

Photoshopped of "SECDEF":


Original pic (at least partial) of Pompeo in 2018:


Overlay of the two pics showing the same guy in both pics:


Bonus pic of Mattis in the same area, same angle, same trees in the background as Pompeo in 2018:


originally posted by: crankyoldman

Breaking News.
Our new SecDef made a surprise visit to Afghanistan

The surprise was that he must have teleported, since the trees behind him were the Japanese Flowering Cherries, beginning to bloom.

Afghanistan has none of these trees.
And, who were the soldiers with SecDef?

Interesting Thread seems uniforms are off too?

posted on Mar, 22 2021 @ 03:48 PM
I am curious about the belief of some of us in here that JFK, Jr. is still alive and is going to be Trump's VP...?
Is this something that some of us literally believe? I mean, I know Q said that "disinformation is necessary" and all - but didn't Q say point blank that JFK, Jr. is dead?

I really am trying to hang on and stay hopeful, but some of the people that we are now looking into and doing "decodes" on are contradicting what Q has posted. It feels like we've changed direction and are now following paths that are the opposite of where Q was leading us. VP JFK, Jr., First Lady Diana Spencer, etc... what the actual hell?

I have faith in myself, many of you and much of humanity, but I am almost out of hopium on this whole Q business.

edit on 22-3-2021 by tallcool1 because: fix link

posted on Mar, 22 2021 @ 04:03 PM
New Storm Rider:

QFinancial System, Q Voting System, Q Healing, Q Physics
Everything is going Q)uantum
Q Internet. Internet is Rebooted. No more Microsoft. Everything wiped The current internet is Op. Mockingbird [DS] /
DJT New platform lights a fuse
edit on 22-3-2021 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2021 @ 04:08 PM
Link to circle back Jen obfuscating and misdirecting with her left arm which she seems to have zero control over. What is also funny is she fails to realize the reporter she is talking to is not the only one listening. She is epically bad.

What is interesting is her attempt to deflect had her admitting something interesting. Cuomo has a situation in NY with the nursing home deaths and they know it.

Harris awfulness on the border situation.

So we can see the long game in play here. DJT made a HUGE thing about the border, the wall, the troops at the border, the deal with Mexico, the trafficking of drugs and humans through it. 5+ years of it to be exact. In fact, DJT final impromptu was at the border.

In eight weeks Joe's team is doing the "undo everything DJT" on that, and now it cannot be contained: Hotel rooms, kids on the floor with no blankets, free money, drugs, cartels, etc. is all flooding out this week and all on Joe - who cannot speak to the press or the country because he's super super busy.

posted on Mar, 22 2021 @ 04:15 PM

originally posted by: tallcool1
I am curious about the belief of some of us in here that JFK, Jr. is still alive and is going to be Trump's VP...?
Is this something that some of us literally believe? I mean, I know Q said that "disinformation is necessary" and all - but didn't Q say point blank that JFK, Jr. is dead?

I really am trying to hang on and stay hopeful, but some of the people that we are now looking into and doing "decodes" on are contradicting what Q has posted. It feels like we've changed direction and are now following paths that are the opposite of where Q was leading us. VP JFK, Jr., First Lady Diana Spencer, etc... what the actual hell?

I have faith in myself, many of you and much of humanity, but I am almost out of hopium on this whole Q business.

Ignore it TC. The JFK jr thing is irksome. I've been over it a thousand times, it isn't important, and he wasn't important enough when he died to matter now.

EsoteriQally the problem may be merging timelines, all things exist, so there are timelines when none of these folks are dead, or died.

It is distraction, it is a need to fill space, it is also well meaning people confused and saying what they think or believe in public instead of private.

It is a hodgepodge really. Take what works, ignore the rest. I spend no energy on any of the dead not dead stuff, as there is no one who would make a difference to me. In fact, seeing an aged Elvis or JFKjr would only lead most to say "nah, ain't him" because the memory of the younger one is in place. If Jesus came back today the hard core believers would kill him because he could not be Jesus, they know what he looks like of course. Same for Diana.

Sort of Alien Invasion Blue Beam for dead celebs. Ignore it.

posted on Mar, 22 2021 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: tallcool1

I get where you're coming from tallcool1.

Do we have any difficulty believing that bad people, over the last 50 years, have faked their own deaths to escape bad situations - why can't good people have also done that?

I'm interested in what specifically you think has been contradicted from KU posts?

posted on Mar, 22 2021 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

You only live twice: The man who catches people who fake their own death

The Philippines is a popular destination for people to carry out the crime because fraudulent documents are easy to acquire there.

Tailor-made death kits can be bought on the black market, containing the likes of a birth certificate, death certificate and identity documents.

"Sometimes a criminal will be facing arrest and a long prison sentence, so they will impulsively fake their death as part of a desperate escape strategy.

"They're always caught, sooner or later."

Mr Rambam runs the Pallorium Inc investigations agency which operates from Brooklyn, New York, but also has offices and affiliates all over the world.

The nature of Mr Rambam's work means he is unable to share certain details about his cases, such as the names of the people he has traced or the precise locations they were found.

edit on 3222021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2021 @ 04:42 PM

This is stunning. Leon Black leaving Apollo entirely. Just two months ago, this plan was to remain as chairman. Now that job goes to Jay Clayton. Don't think there has ever been a bigger private equity "retirement."


Leon Black is In Talks With Board Members to Step Down as Chairman of the MoMA

Convicted sex offender, pedophile and high society impressario Jeffrey Epstein died in jail in 2019, but the reverberations emanating from questions about how deeply his peers were involved in his nefarious activities are still being felt. In February, Leon D. Black, the chairman of the Museum of Modern Arts, stepped down from his role as chief executive of the powerful global equity firm Apollo Global Management after it was revealed that Black had once paid $158 million to Epstein. Now, the New York Post is reporting that trustees of the MoMA have been having ongoing conversations with Black about his future at the museum.


Second MoMA Trustee, Glenn Dubin, to be Subpoenaed by Virgin Islands for Jeffrey Epstein Ties

The Attorney General of the Virgin Islands intends to serve subpoenas to Dubin and his wife, Eva Andersson-Dubin (who is also Epstein’s ex-girlfriend).

After subpoenaing Leon Black, chairman of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, concerning his business dealings with Jeffrey Epstein, the Virgin Islands’s attorney general is now eyeing another MoMA trustee with past ties with the sex offender, hedge fund billionaire Glenn Dubin.


Last month, this image was published. The little girl was confirmed to be Glenn Dublin's daughter and those are her parents in the background on the plane

Jeffrey Epstein wanted to marry ex-girlfriend’s teenage daughter who called him ‘Uncle Jeff’

The late pedophile openly declared his plans to wed Celina Dubin, the daughter of former Miss Sweden Eva Andersson Dubin, who had dated Epstein for 11 years until the early ’90s, sources told Business Insider.

The pair had developed an “especially close relationship” when Celina was just 12, with “Uncle Jeff” at times having “substituted” for her dad, the Palm Beach Post has previously reported, citing a profile made by Epstein’s lawyers.


Jeffrey Epstein prosecutors seek docs related to billionaire Glenn Dubin’s kids

US Virgin Islands prosecutors are demanding billionaire MoMA benefactor and board member Glenn Dubin turn over all communications that his friend Jeffrey Epstein had with Dubin’s three children.


Les & Abigail Wexner stepping down from L Brands board

L Brands announced Thursday that Les Wexner and his wife Abigail will not seek reelection to the company's board at the May shareholders meeting and are stepping down.The move to leave the board follows Les Wexner's decision to step down as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of L Brands last year.


posted on Mar, 22 2021 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

DECODES on latest (Q) The Storm Rider tweet; Mar 22 2021 15:58:36, delta = 00 22:15:34

QFinancial System, Q Voting System, Q Healing, Q Physics
Everything is going Q)uantum
Q Internet. Internet is Rebooted. No more Microsoft. Everything wiped The current internet is Op. Mockingbird [DS] /
DJT New platform lights a fuse

1) Chaldean gematria:
CAPS = 213
ALL = 882

#213 The world cannot swallow the truth.


2) Usual decode methods link to posts:

34, 36, 87, 296, 802, 1534, 1558, 2215,

#34 Q Clearance Patriot My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light.

#36 Military Intelligence. No media. No leaks. How many MI generals have been in/out of WH in the past 30 days? Focus on Flynn. Background and potential role. What is the common denominator in terms of military backgrounds close to POTUS? ... There is simply no other way than to use the military. It’s that corrupt and dirty. Please be safe and pray for those in harms way as they continually protect and serve our great country.

#87 My signatures all reference upcoming events about to drop if this hasn't been caught on. Snow White Godfather III

#296 Pictures of HRC with; Rothschilds, NoName, Soros

#802 FLAG picture [2].png, and definition of Patriot

#1534 For a LARP we sure do get a lot of coverage. Must be all the original pics. [7] Delta today. Word for word.
+7 POTUS How many days in a week? Enjoy the show.

#1558 Free Iran!!! Fight Fight Fight Regime change. People have the power. We stand with you.


posted on Mar, 22 2021 @ 04:50 PM
I wasn't aware til now that JFK Jr.s sister, Caroline Kennedy was the subject of a failed assassination attempt!


In 1970, Jacqueline wrote her brother-in-law Ted Kennedy a letter stating that Caroline had been without a godfather since Robert Kennedy's death and would like Ted to assume the role. Ted began making regular trips from Washington to New York to see Caroline, where she was in school.[19] In 1971, Caroline returned to the White House for the first time since her father's assassination when she was invited by President Richard Nixon to view the official portrait of her father.[20]

Onassis died in March 1975, and Caroline returned to Skorpios for his funeral. A few days later she and her mother and brother attended the presentation by French president ValĂŠry Giscard d'Estaing of the Legion of Honor award to her aunt, Eunice Kennedy Shriver.[21] Later that year, Caroline was visiting London to complete a year-long art course at the Sotheby's auction house, when an IRA car bomb placed under the car of her hosts, Conservative MP Sir Hugh Fraser and his wife, Antonia, exploded shortly before she and the Frasers were due to leave for their daily drive to Sotheby's. Caroline had not yet left the house, but a neighbor, oncologist Professor Gordon Hamilton Fairley, was passing by when he was walking his dog and was killed by the explosion.

posted on Mar, 22 2021 @ 05:28 PM
Four more Storm Rider tweets; 2nd to 5th of the day...
DECODE of #2; Mar 22 2021 16:27:57, delta = 00 00:29:21

Patriots/ANONS fighting among them selves
Name calling, threats, cyberbullying. Curses, hate, jealousy, self Glory, false self idolization
You have no idea what Q)UANTUM really is & effects your reality/health /state
_There is only one Q
Q mentions GOD for a Reason

1) Chaldean gematria:
CAPS = 93
ALL = 808

#93 Correction: HRC was a puppet but her strings were recently cut. She's now on her own and fighting for her life.

#808 Did you count the spaces in the tweet and cross ref against spaces left here to match meaning?

2) Usual decodes link to posts: 57, 110, 272, 345, 1627, 2757, 2921

#57 Michele Bachmann warning about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the United States government. Who took an undisclosed trip to SA? What was the purpose of a f2f v phone call? Alice & Wonderland.

#110 MSM. CIA counter-ops. Will all fall down.

#272 List of politicians not seeking re-election: Normal? Coincidence? Draining the swamp?

#345 Anderson Cooper picture: Image at top: boy, boy/girl. Enhance. What else do you see? Archive - watchers will now erase from web.

#1627 Low IQ Maxine should be blamed! They know exactly what they are doing.

#2757 Swap 'we' for 'you'. On the move.

#2921 Pictures of 2 posts on FVEY/SPY OP

posted on Mar, 22 2021 @ 05:37 PM
Suddenly there are mass shootings again?

posted on Mar, 22 2021 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Well Pteri, i think pulling 7 was what happened. They announced on BBC before it was pulled then it was pulled down. Never before or since has a building of that type collapsed during intense fires that that building had very little of that from every video I saw back then. The OS is a lie.

Lets say for the sake of argument that the fire captain didn't mean that he was pulling his men out of an unstable building, hit by debris, on fire and unstable as per a transit sighted on a corner.
If the captain meant 'Pull the building down," how did they do that? Did you see any cables or chains to pull anything down? How many cables or chains and what sizes? Where would they be attached and how? What machinery would they have to "pull" the building down? A fleet of Caterpillar D-9's suddenly delivered to the other side of the building so they could pull out of sight of the cameras and sneak away, unnoticed? Is there a winch in the basement for building pulling in case of fire? Is there a long history of building pulling other than garden sheds?
I have asked these same questions in the past and no one could answer because there aren't any answers. The response I got was "they pulled the building" and "BBC said it before it happened, so that was proof" as though a bunch of pea brained journalists were clued in on the secret plan.

Could the BBC have heard that the building was going to collapse and assumed that it had already done so? We all know that breathless journalists are the most honest people around and would never try to scoop the opposition.

posted on Mar, 22 2021 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Four more Storm Rider tweets; 2nd to 5th of the day...
DECODE of #3; Mar 22 2021 16:33:37, delta = 00 00:05:40

@Fionnan53388540 @WorthyMovie
Snowden was Obamas Boy
Who do you think help [DS] attack the election(cyber attack)
Snowden was a false flag/he was instructed to go to Russia to help the deep state ops there// the whole snowden chase across the world was a show/

1) Chaldean gematria:
CAPS = 48
ALL = 820

#48 What is Q Clearance?


2) Usual decodes link to posts: 37, 58, 161, 260, 540, 1633, 3337


They are the true Patriots. We will never forget. Let these coming days be remembered in our history as the time we fought to recapture the republic from those evil bad actors who for so long have sacrificed the good people of this land for their own personal gain.
Fight the good fight.

#58 Rep. Michele Bachmann in 2012 warning about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the United States government. Why is this relevant? Who took an undisclosed trip to SA? What was the purpose of a f2f v phone call? Alice & Wonderland.

#161 All posts are connected. Graphic is key.

#260 Who knows where the bodies are buried? FLYNN is safe. We protect our Patriots.


Are you following the news today?
These people are REALLY stupid.
This will be the END of the D party.
This will be the path forward (w/ public outrage) to JAIL many so-called 'untouchables'.
You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER.

#1633 Coincidence? Everything stated has meaning. Find paper articles re: Freemasons. Controlled.

#3337 Important to remember. Page is public. Remainder are still classified. +Cruz

posted on Mar, 22 2021 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: PurpleFox
Suddenly there are mass shootings again?

16 at a Chicago gathering last week.

posted on Mar, 22 2021 @ 05:53 PM
Has anyone brought up this for watch the water? World Water Day The irony is that it's an online event! Hmm Watch the water anyone?

posted on Mar, 22 2021 @ 05:54 PM
Financial Revolution Could Save America From A Conservative Genocide

According to austere scholar Dr. Gregory H. Stanton, the president and founder of Genocide Watch, an international organization, we are at stage 5.

I feel Stanton is out of touch with our current political landscape. In September of 2020, he wrote an article on the dangers of QAnon. He stated in the article, “The world has seen QAnon before. It was called Nazism. In QAnon, Nazism wants a comeback” essentially summarizing all the talking points of the left.

His hit piece article comparing to Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Genocide against minority population = evil

Genocide against majority population = anti-racism

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