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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 04:34 PM
Gov. Abbott announces expansion of Operation Lone Star to address human trafficking along border

Operation Lone Star was launched in early March to help secure the Texas-Mexico border and combat the illegal smuggling of people and drugs in Texas. There are currently 1,000 Department of Public Safety (DPS) troopers, agents, and Texas Rangers actively engaged in the operation. The new anti-human trafficking efforts will be supported by the governor's Child Sex Trafficking Team and other organizations and agencies.

Future protesters ? For sure voters
...chaos for sure....

Up to 3,000 minors will be brought to Dallas; 2,300 of them are boys between 15 and 17 years old.

"President Biden’s reckless open border policies have created a humanitarian crisis that is enriching the cartels, smugglers, and human traffickers who often prey on and abuse unaccompanied minors,” Abbott said. “Americans deserve to know what the Biden Administration is doing to investigate the surge of unaccompanied minors crossing the border and to protect those who are victims of human trafficking. That is why we are expanding Operation Lone Star to include anti-human trafficking efforts.”

edit on 3172021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

I wonder where the victims and the criminals are sent? Texas is bursting at the seams with overcrowding of shelters and prisons.

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 05:02 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: MetalThunder

I wonder where the victims and the criminals are sent? Texas is bursting at the seams with overcrowding of shelters and prisons.

Since the "illegals" were not much of a factor in the rigged election, why bother with running the misdirection about them as built in voters anymore? 2020 proved they simply are not needed, unless to destroy the US from within.

Clip of two different Joe's speaking which explains this I guess...

Biden 2021: “I never said they should surge the border!”

Biden 2019: “Immediately surge the border!”

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 05:26 PM
Jesuit order pledges $100 million in reparations to descendants of slaves

The announcement by leaders [on the Ides of March] of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States is one of the largest initiatives of its kind by any institution, and the largest thus far by the church, the New York Times reported on Monday.

The order has committed to raising the full sum in three to five years, with $15 million deposited in a trust already, reported the Guardian.

The Rev. Timothy P. Kesicki, president of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States, told the Times that this is the beginning of “a very serious process of truth and reconciliation.”

Kesicki called the history of Jesuit slaveholdings “shameful,” adding that it’s “been taken off the dusty shelf, and it can never be put back.”

For more than a century, Jesuits used and sold slave labor to finance the construction and day-to-day operations of churches and schools, notably including Georgetown University — where two Jesuit priests, who presided over the university in 1838, sold 272 enslaved men, women and children to Louisiana plantation owners in order to keep the school afloat.

ScreenCap credit to Mr. Gematria

WTF?! So much irony of Jesuitry deception. What or who is next? Screw it, All roads lead to Rome so I'm going after the Vatican bank & gov't of Italy followed by the British Empire.

"Boston College and Georgetown, remember?"
"Yeah, well, us Jesuit products run the world-we're just humble about it. They don't teach 'humble' at Harvard."
― Jack Ryan, the fictional character of the Tom Clancy series.

Anyone got receipts?

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Jesuit order pledges $100 million in reparations to descendants of slaves

The announcement by leaders [on the Ides of March] of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States is one of the largest initiatives of its kind by any institution, and the largest thus far by the church, the New York Times reported on Monday.

The order has committed to raising the full sum in three to five years, with $15 million deposited in a trust already, reported the Guardian.

The Rev. Timothy P. Kesicki, president of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States, told the Times that this is the beginning of “a very serious process of truth and reconciliation.”

Kesicki called the history of Jesuit slaveholdings “shameful,” adding that it’s “been taken off the dusty shelf, and it can never be put back.”

For more than a century, Jesuits used and sold slave labor to finance the construction and day-to-day operations of churches and schools, notably including Georgetown University — where two Jesuit priests, who presided over the university in 1838, sold 272 enslaved men, women and children to Louisiana plantation owners in order to keep the school afloat.

ScreenCap credit to Mr. Gematria

WTF?! So much irony of Jesuitry deception. What or who is next? Screw it, All roads lead to Rome so I'm going after the Vatican bank & gov't of Italy followed by the British Empire.

"Boston College and Georgetown, remember?"
"Yeah, well, us Jesuit products run the world-we're just humble about it. They don't teach 'humble' at Harvard."
― Jack Ryan, the fictional character of the Tom Clancy series.

Anyone got receipts?

Wow is that shortsighted. Canada's damage to the native population is legendary, still goes on, their history with "slaves" tied to BLM money distribution networks is probably more in alignment.

Then again, could be like Miss Markle going to run for president. Hire a PR flack, brainstorm hot topics, create a logline, tweet out drivel, smile with pride - nothing ever happens. Trans Travel Rights group sends money to AOC - uh huh.

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 07:05 PM
If you think Biden was doped up and mic’d up for his debates, wait until a full presser on the 25th. He may show up in a VR helmet.

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder
Ok, I DO see what you mean in these videos. His hand def does go in front if the dark microphone. WTH is actually going on anymore!?
I wish this awful movie would end

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 07:43 PM
American Airlines "Looking Into It" After John Kerry Busted Flying Without Mask

As 'elites' such as Gavin Newsom, Anthony Fauci and President Biden continue to make a mockery of their own pandemic guidelines, Americans are getting arrested at banks, tossed from restaurants and ejected from Costco for not wearing masks. Most recently, 'Climate Envoy' and former Secretary of State John Kerry was busted maskless on an American Airlines flight in violation of airline policy and a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) mandate requiring them on flights.

Now do a search to see how many people have been kicked off flights or arrested for not wearing masks or not wearing it properly. Including a 4 year old boy with Autism

John Kerry doesn't seem too concerned about spreading or contracting covid...
edit on 17-3-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 07:47 PM
Round up your mates! Suddenly this satire takes on whole new meaning...

From now until whenever, we're just...

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Ok, I watched that video. I think the mics are CGI’d into the shot. That’s definitely something being manipulated.

The question is why? Dry run for the 3/25 event?

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 08:02 PM
Great clip of circle back Jen trying to avoid answering an important question.

She's not human, same quality as the internet troll. She's there to confuse. Let's see how she does it.

First you'll notice the fake interest in her body language. She copying someone who is actually interested, but notice how she is focusing her eyes - she's altering the mind of the clone-bot reporter but she doesn't want folks to notice.

He asks his question, but already his question is a bit meandering. She starts with the hands, the hair touch, the eyes all over. The hands gestures are meant to be engaging, "hey, good question, I like you..." but they are misplaced, poorly timed and distracting. In short, she's totally sh#$ the process of controlling through standard body language because these movements are foreign to her.

He asks a follow up question, but notice how the rest of the room goes silent - never with Sarah or Savage Angel. Jen obfuscates again - all flacks do, just throws garbage out, but watch her eyes. She's had enough. She is so bad at her job she reveals when the clone-bots have overstepped.

The last question is a mess. The reporter seems to lose the train of thought - IT IS KIDS COMING TO THE BORDER, the questions are not hard, but he struggles, and she's taken control and he loses this battle - he was never going to win. She finishes with absolute nonsense - total gibberish.

End. Everyone eats a bowl of feces and likes it. Out front PR flacks are rarely human, never seen one that was, it is a job where folks go to get a feeding - Jen gets a feeding like the internet trolls, and folks get fed off of either in person or at a distance.

It is interesting to watch the video and notice the feelings that arise - not the brain, but the frustration, the anger, the "why doesn't she answer the question..." stuff. That is the sign of a feeding. When that is present, the scene is a lie, all of it top to bottom and should be avoided in my book.

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

The whole administration is an eminence front. We see all the “out in the open” stuff they’ve been up to. I’m nervous about what’s happening in the shadows and back rooms.

Q wasn’t kidding about it not being a normal 4 year election.

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
a reply to: crankyoldman

Ok, I watched that video. I think the mics are CGI’d into the shot. That’s definitely something being manipulated.

The question is why? Dry run for the 3/25 event?

I can think of a couple of reasons, but I'll stick to the more basic. Joe is a mess, or at least what they are saying is Joe. It can't be trusted to walk alone to the copter, but they figure he can't just walk past everyone - they've seen all the speculation and know folks know Joe ain't right. So, you have him stop, talk to himself, then walk on. Fill in the clip remotely in a rush. He's behind a mask, good god this helps them.

The whole thing is faked, it is some other guy walking. Notice how the only cut in the AP clip comes when the rest of them arrive? Why cut then? It means they did in fact edit it, but why, what happened, it is not like costs money let it run two seconds longer.

It can be for those with eyes to see, a wink and a nod that something is coming and they're going to leave more clues. Subconscious conditioning. We all pick up on that stuff, then talk ourselves out of it. Could be we're getting more awakening clues.

Folks here have posted several pics of the DJT stand in the last week or two. Both sides are doing it.

EsoteriQly speaking, glitch in the larger matrix?

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 08:27 PM
Why Does DNA Spontaneously Mutate? Quantum Physics Might Explain

In a recent study, published Jan. 29 in the journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, researchers explore another explanation, showing that a quantum phenomenon called proton tunneling can cause point mutations by allowing positively charged protons in DNA to leap from place-to-place. This, in turn, can subtly change the hydrogen bridges that bind the two sides of DNA’s double helix, which can lead to errors when it’s time for DNA to make copies of itself. 

Proton tunneling relies on the quantum principle of uncertainty, which does not apply to the larger world. For example, in the world of big things, one can be certain of both the location of a train and the speed it’s traveling, and using that information, one can predict when that train should arrive at the next station. 

What that means is that particles can pass through barriers that they seemingly shouldn’t be able to, sometimes even letting them leap through walls, Live Science previously reported.

So “just before the splitting process, you then have a moment of vulnerability, where this quantum effect, which normally wouldn’t matter at all, is now non-trivial,” Slocombe said. 

scientific American

DNA is quantum. Humans are quantum, the entire universe is quantum

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Very cool read.

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Most of the "-Q-uestions" are part of the whole scam too 😎

Just the right questions make for just the oh-so perfect deflection answers 😎

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 08:48 PM
I went to have another look at the fakeroooo Biden Clip

I noticed the frame rate was a garbage 360p.

Amazing, someone else noticed: "Why is the AP the only uploader of the "full" biden noclip video but it is in 360p when the bloomberg only uses a quick 10 second clip but they have it in 720p? Was the greenscreen too obvious at higher resolutions?" on the darpatube.

What is HILARIOUS are the darpatube comments. The darpatube comments tend to be a mix of brain dead and AI with the IQ of both combined to reach single digits.

Folks are blowing up the fakeroooo and the tube seems to be leaving it alone.

Ratio'd to death.

Great Awakening.

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 09:00 PM
Sidney Powell says Kelly Loeffler’s staffer who died in car crash was murdered

Back in December, Harrison Deal, a young staffer who worked for former Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler, died in what the mainstream media described as “a car crash.” According to attorney Sidney Powell, though, Deal was actually murdered.

During a recent appearance on “The Right Side” with Doug Billings, Powell explained that the alleged crash “was no car accident” at all, but rather a planned assassination.

“He was vaporized by whatever the explosion was,” Powell told Billings and viewers. “Some people who know more about it than I do tell me it had to have been thermite to have triggered a fireball such as happened in that car.”

Thermite? Seriously?

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 09:02 PM

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Sounds like Powell is getting bad info.
No one is going to use thermite in a "car accident" to ensure death.

Something that burns really hot and clean would be preferable, like acetone or nitromethane.

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