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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: onehuman
Did you notice his follower count jumped from a few hundred to over 3,000 literally overnight? That's crazy

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan
This is what someone said about those videos:

Technique called "Rotoscoping", search a tutorial on Youtube. I work on CGI: When I would deliver something like that bad, I would get definitely troubles with my boss.… (Don't believe everything what's in TV. Only because it's there, it must not be real)



It was in the 30s and windy today in the Dc area. No way he would be outside dressed like that either.

edit on 17-3-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Curtis argues that since the 1970s, governments, cartel financiers, and technological utopians have given up on the complex "real world" and built a simple "fake world" that is run by corporations and kept stable by politicians.

Never heard it from quite that perspective before but that actually makes a lot of sense. Would explain why media and everything in general seems so dumbed down like it's targetted towards toddlers or something.

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: onehuman

Nice catch onehuman... i wonder if they've been edited to give different timestamps?

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder
Do whatever you want, it isn't going to change anything.

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 12:22 PM

"Looks like meats back on the menu boys!"😂

I wonder how the left would defend the Orcs... even though the Orcs would literally eat them.

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 12:25 PM
Keep up the faith Patriots! Things are getting quite dicey. A snakes eyes are blinded by love. Luck Wood have it. Stand by for the Storm is upon us.

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 12:26 PM

BREAKING: MIKE LINDELL TO SUE DOMINION. Lindell preparing two counter-lawsuits claiming (1) Dominion violated 1st amendment rights of all Trump Supporters'; and (2) Dominion engaged in racketeering, breaking RICO laws. Lindell confirmed Alan Dershowitz has joined his legal team.

UPDATE: LINDELL URGED DOMINION to "please" sue him, claiming he wanted the opportunity for 'discovery' to collect evidence against Dominion so he can prove their role in election fraud. Dominion did in fact sue Mr. Lindell for defamation... and Lindell got his wish. Godspeed.


posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: Justoneman
"You decide his hand goes thru the mic"

Santa surfing has found some evidence that suggests AI of Biden answering Questions.

Definitely looks like it went through.

Well others see what we see Iamtat.

Kaleigh retweeted this out

Oddly, Posobo did as well, but with a contextual twist to hide it a bit.

I find it really interesting, Joe is either boxed in by Harris and or Jill - handler or minder, or some how looking lost and alone in most of the clips produced. The energy level is beyond abysmal, it is along the line of "...mostly dead all day."

In the history of leadership and energy, I'd say he fits with those leaders who couldn't rouse a cat from an afternoon nap.

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

watch the video and keep an eye on this ninja.

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy

BREAKING: MIKE LINDELL TO SUE DOMINION. Lindell preparing two counter-lawsuits claiming (1) Dominion violated 1st amendment rights of all Trump Supporters'; and (2) Dominion engaged in racketeering, breaking RICO laws. Lindell confirmed Alan Dershowitz has joined his legal team.

UPDATE: LINDELL URGED DOMINION to "please" sue him, claiming he wanted the opportunity for 'discovery' to collect evidence against Dominion so he can prove their role in election fraud. Dominion did in fact sue Mr. Lindell for defamation... and Lindell got his wish. Godspeed.


Huge! Thank you.

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 01:00 PM

Compare the quality of the image...

Full video. I was looking for a similar DJT comp video. Since ATS only embeds darpatube I searched for Trump and marine one. SOOOOOOOOOO subtle. The returned results for the first few pages were either "Trumps goes to Walter Reed" or "Trump Leaves WH for the last time"

Since most people, including me occasionally, will often quit after two pages of garbage results, the average mind will absorb that information and log it.

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: cherokeetroy

BREAKING: MIKE LINDELL TO SUE DOMINION. Lindell preparing two counter-lawsuits claiming (1) Dominion violated 1st amendment rights of all Trump Supporters'; and (2) Dominion engaged in racketeering, breaking RICO laws. Lindell confirmed Alan Dershowitz has joined his legal team.

UPDATE: LINDELL URGED DOMINION to "please" sue him, claiming he wanted the opportunity for 'discovery' to collect evidence against Dominion so he can prove their role in election fraud. Dominion did in fact sue Mr. Lindell for defamation... and Lindell got his wish. Godspeed.


Huge! Thank you.

Adding dersh was strategic. Dominion is going to argue all of their discovery is protected and cannot be released - it is civil so it should be. Dersh is there to argue it isn't and get it into the public as it arrives.

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 01:06 PM

WINDERMERE, Fla. – A Windermere home owned by former U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson was destroyed Tuesday morning in a fire.

Flashback...Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan from 2009: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 01:10 PM

The military regime has seized control of the bank accounts of billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundation (OSF) in Myanmar and announced that it will take legal action against the foundation, which is accused of violating restrictions on the activities of such organizations.

Warning labels on shopping carts

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: onehuman

Hi OneHuman / Rel,

[BRACKET] = came across this old post today
CAP LETTERS = values in simple gematria

Could this tie into 3 brackets in Storm Post #1?

THOUGHT 1: 3 letter brackets in post
[DS] = 4 + 19 = 23
[PANIC] = 16+1+14+9+3 = 33
[We see all] = only count ALL CAP letters = [W] = 23

23 33 23 = "pain" "cabal" "pain"

Continue reducing 23 33 23 to single digits = POST 565

Storm Post #3 spelling error = "advice" instead of "advise" = CS

THOUGHT 2 : [We see all] = count all letters in bracket / not just CAP = 82
Reduce 23-33-82 = POST 561
MSM = Fake News
- GA tape revealed this week/WaPo retracts story
- Anonymous source / no evidence story broke 3 days after Jan 6 event
- GA judge now rules they will allow ballots to be opened & checked

THOUGHT 3 :single [W] may tie back to 2 POST = 144 - 4951
- at least 270 posts with single letter brackets (list updated)

Still a work in progress.

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 01:17 PM
The left constellation actually maps to the lower left on the NASA logo. The NASA one just has an extra star on the far right. Which is interesting.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi

ETA - Consider also SPACE FORCE and NASA logos as COMPASSES!

Notice that SPACE FORCE has changed direction 90 degrees counter clockwise from NASA

edit on 3/17/2021 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: Caled
Also, not much of a compass if the images don't move together. The lower right constellation is in the same spot.

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 01:27 PM
The "Useless Eaters" groups appear to be the target. Recall that Ted Turner said we needed to get rid of the "Useless Eaters"?

Minorities, the invalid care recipients and the elderly appear to be the hardest hit.

The children were abandoned to roaming the streets and some states children still are not going to classes.

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
I’ll know in 12 months, but I’m thinking this vax is designed to finish off the elderly that didn’t get taken out in Phase I of this plan.

Not exactly sure why they targeted the elderly and/or unhealthy. Maybe a drain on future healthcare costs? Not sure.

If it was a bio-weapon it failed miserably since it didn’t impact the military age group.

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 01:29 PM
Personally I find the Black Microphone more interesting than the fuzzy one.

This link is to the ORIGINAL CLIP

Watch the video closely between the :02 and :03 mark. It has already started going haywire at that point

ETA: The :10 - :11 mark on the video you see the slice through real clearly

Link to 2nd video
edit on 3/17/21 by onehuman because: (no reason given)

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