a reply to:
But I doubt covid is gonna happen. So running to get a shot
for it. I make that happen. All for something I might catch and
might kill me if I might catch it? How is that even rational?
Well thank you for answering my questions. I know your time is
valuable. I can't understand how people like Judy Mikovitz can be
ignored. And it's not even that confusing making a conclusion.
Weighing all that I've seen and heard. From a complete and so
obviously a whack job like Fauci for a top expert liar. To Gates
pouring millions into vaccine research. An absolute eugenicist.
To nurses falling out on TV. Not to mention the politics involved.
Then there's the Deagel website projecting the population of the
United States declining to 100,000,000 by 2025. And the bonified
psychopaths we have running our lives in this world. All the
undeniable lies and governors murdering patients in nursing homes.
I'm sorry I'd rather take my chances up in the mountains.
At least then it's up to me. My luck I'll just end up
face down in a ravine somewhere ganged raped to death by a
family of Sasquatch. But at least I gave myself a fighting chance.
What I see coming is sooner or later, their gonna be trying to force
it on everybody. And if I stay around for that people will die. Lots a
blood every where I don't want to do all that crap. They shut the
whole country down and I can't see why so something is up. And I'm
sorry you don't see it partner.
I wasn't brought up to just hand it all over because some pack of
psycho paths decide it's time to thin the herd. You talk about all
these new vaccines coming. And all I can think of is why? Do you
think they're making those vaccines for just in case, sitting on a
shelf stand bye? Try and convince me they don't want to make the
human race nothing more than a huge experiment? All these vaccines.
For GD what? There isn't anything out here. Nothing to warrant all of
this crap.
So that tells me someone has gone ape shjt in a candy store some
where. Total BS insanity not to be off the charts paranoid in a world
that breeds it! And the ones teaching us the fear are absolutely the
ones we you and I every one should be afraid of. Because they are
wickedly intelligent psycho MFers. Might sound crazy to you. But that's
something you'll have to deal with on your own. Thanks again you're a
good man.
edit on 4-2-2021 by Randyvine because: (no reason given)