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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 34 -

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posted on Jan, 22 2021 @ 10:28 PM

originally posted by: CAPT PROTON
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

We should just keep the flag, but replace the 50 stars with 50 bananas.

Good enough!🤪

25,000 troops were brought 2 baskets of cookies from the White House today.

"Clap for that you stupid bastards." -Joe Biden

You'll never see Biden do this! 👇

posted on Jan, 22 2021 @ 10:29 PM
Wait, wut? Instead of defying the laws of the physical universe, how about Kamla simply dressed as....Lisa Simpson?
edit on 22-1-2021 by FlyingFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2021 @ 10:41 PM

originally posted by: Caled
I stopped by half expecting some doom and gloom, but all I see is optimism and understanding that this is the way. This is an exciting time. I have a good feeling we are going to love the ending of this movie.

Thanks, even if you are wrong I like your optimism. We have to focus on the positive outcome. It is not ever going to happen in the time frame I want it since I think yesterday isn't soon enough.

edit on 22-1-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2021 @ 10:55 PM

originally posted by: Brassmonkey
Happy Friday ATS!!
So I have been reading this thread and some peeps
Have been posting the Hollyweird Castle Rock studio of the Oval Office and also talking about jump cuts during the inauguration. I find this absolutely fascinating. I have a little bit of experience in Broadcasting it was my major in college.

Point to remember:

Remember there is about a 5 minute delay from live to your TV during any live broadcast. This is so the director can edit or censor out cussing, streakers or any Non FCC compliant shenanigans.

It doesn’t , however, explain the women who disappear during the broadcast. They would look pretty dumb going to the bathroom. Or maybe that’s what happened. If u had a mean case of the #s I don’t give a F where I am I am heading to the toilet!

Ok I do have some questions though I hope someone else can answer. Let’s assume it was pre recorded and not live. What benefit would that be to do that for the campaign?
Also., how would anyone benefit by having a fake Oval Office? What’s the point? How would that help legitimize the new president when he has the real thing now?

I think girls are Naomi in white and Finnegan, the granddaughters and the constant, companions of Joe.

The issues revealed here are his inability to control certain bodily functions and his inability to focus for more then a few seconds might require him to do several takes, or live edits to remove problems. It appears they had precut pieces "just in case" moments.

If the Military has taken over, fake this or that would not be unreasonable. They of the system view things like taking possession a thing. Meaning, if X take the ship, it is theirs, and the old crew doesn't get to be captain anymore or they don't let the old captain hang until the figure things out. Usurpers can take possession - unless the Corporation has been disovled then he hold the office of nothing of substance.

If the military stepped in on 1-6 then they game theory, future view all possible moves to decide what is needed for peace.

Example. Assuming it is a usurper or actor - both, then arresting him is fine for many but they'd need a full blown presentation to explain. They can't just cart them all off, they need to define what will happen first, set that in stone, then remove the coup plotters very last. Then provide an airtight explanation with exhibits.

posted on Jan, 22 2021 @ 11:15 PM

originally posted by: CanadianMason
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Could be a full pardon for the Biden family.

Interesting....could be a "give up one of your own" and the rest are kept secret too, I guess.

posted on Jan, 22 2021 @ 11:28 PM
John Paul Mac Isaac Pt.2

posted on Jan, 22 2021 @ 11:30 PM
There you have it...Any Questions?

Not sure if that video clip is authentic.

posted on Jan, 22 2021 @ 11:48 PM
Marine Corps books all 966 rooms at Hyatt Regency in downtown Jacksonville, sources say

On Tuesday, recruits could be seen being dropped off with backpacks and being escorted into the 966-room hotel, where News4Jax has learned they will stay for at least 14 days.


Something else to add on the troops thing. Granted I don't watch teeeveee and have really stopped following the situation in the White House. The troops seems to be something that the Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Admin has handled in the most catastrophic way possible. If he needs protection from the scary White Supremacists then why are they not talking this up to death? Why are the treating the troops so bad if he is the Commander In Chief and must be protected from Qanon cultists? Sure, do the opposite of DJT, but...

Which leads me to my metaphysical point. Folks seem to have a blank in their mind with regard to razor wire and 25+ troops in DC. All things DJT were met with "explanation" in the form of abuse, but this draws a blank with a tepid response about safety but no real awareness at all - I'd guess not since the civil war has this happened.

It seems to me the first 48 hours have been the worst ever. They've done everything wrong, galvanized the 74 million voters and those who didn't vote but support, and probably turned many of real JRB voters off for good. Seriously, back to war, jabs for money, no path on jabs, killed jobs, gave trans athletes free reign but nothing on troops outside but Jill doing a photo op? Impeachment????

8 Qdrops with You Must Show Them

Oct 21 2020 13:41:31 (EST)


13 days from the 20th Swearing In = 31 mirror = the amount of time folks must be shown?

Will the press turn? Petty gripe by NYpravda on JRB's watch is a start?

posted on Jan, 22 2021 @ 11:49 PM

originally posted by: texasgirl

originally posted by: underpass61
The inauguration ceremony - 10k likes 48k dislikes. Scroll thru the comments before they get disabled - they're priceless!

f*&king sham president - how much longer can they keep this up?

Did you watch the video? While Biden is taking the oath, the two girls, one in pink and one in white, DISAPPEAR. There's no break in the audio, either. And they never come back, wth???

originally posted by: pteridine

originally posted by: panoz77

originally posted by: texasgirl

originally posted by: underpass61
The inauguration ceremony - 10k likes 48k dislikes. Scroll thru the comments before they get disabled - they're priceless!

f*&king sham president - how much longer can they keep this up?

Did you watch the video? While Biden is taking the oath, the two girls, one in pink and one in white, DISAPPEAR. There's no break in the audio, either. And they never come back, wth???

Holy crap, and there was an edit just before they disappear. This was pre-recorded for sure.

Texas girl got it. at 7:45 we see the woman in white, one in pink, and the Korean SS agent
at 7:50 the Korean SS agent is blocked from view by the woman in pink
at 8:01 the camera shifts and they all are gone
at 8:23 the woman in pink and the Korean SS agent are back and what looks like a piece of the woman in white is behind Joe
at 8:29 they are gone again

My opinion is that they had to do multiple takes because of Joe's dementia and then spliced them together. Maybe they assumed that the TV audience would be focused on Joe and not on the background. Was this done on purpose for us to see or did they underestimate the deplorables, again?
I wonder if anyone has the continuous video.

originally posted by: Brassmonkey
a reply to: texasgirl

I just watched it again and looked for the white wall. I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard in my entire life. Their video editing skills are amateur at best. They could have easily asked any Hollywood director to do this for free and make the trickery 100% foolproof. Those sychophants would have done it for free.

I don’t know it it’s Friday, long work week or I am tired I just let out the biggest craziest laugh about how so in your face this is! LOL

It is an outtake, isn't it? Looks like they probably filmed it beforehand, to allow delay time in case there were outtakes. Like you said Brassmonkey, if he pooped his pants or swooned, they would want to clean it all up and get everything right again and re-shoot it for public consumption.

They have to get it right, it's not like a football game where they can just call it as it happens. 'Ohhhh, he's pooped his pants, ladies and gentlemen! That's right, President of the US, pooped his pants(crowd oohing and ahhing in the background)! We'll get back to the ceremony as soon as everybody gets cleaned up, looks like coaches are moving in, lets go to Jean for a replay. Thanks Bob looks like that was an explosive bout...'

They might have discretion as to whether it's on a delay or not, I'd guess not. I wouldn't be surprised to find that Trump or others actually had the ceremony earlier in the day, at like ten o clock, for just this reason. It looks like they had to use it this time for some reason.

He might have flubbed the wording. He does have a speech impediment, and I'm sure getting sworn in as the President of the US would get your juices flowing a little. He might've just gotten nervous and stumbled on the recitation a little.

posted on Jan, 22 2021 @ 11:59 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Apologies if pointed out earlier...

VIDEO: White House Unlists Video After Man Caught On Hot Mic Discussing 'Plea Agreement' While Biden Is Talking

It actually does sound like Hunter....but I am not sure why he would be mic'd......maybe an official next to him? Anyone have a pic of the room from Joe's view?

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Apologies if pointed out earlier...

VIDEO: White House Unlists Video After Man Caught On Hot Mic Discussing 'Plea Agreement' While Biden Is Talking

It actually does sound like Hunter....but I am not sure why he would be mic'd......maybe an official next to him? Anyone have a pic of the room from Joe's view?

“So just so you know my life, after waiting to do this, I just agreed to a plea sentence for [unintelligible] guy…” eal/

Hunter does call his dad "[The Big] Guy".

I caught that too in the original, I think somebody effed with them. Hacked it in there somehow. It's probably an audio clip from some other source, of Hunter, that whoever is doing the effing spliced in to mess with them. It just seems so improbable that there would have been a legitimate production error that would lead to this audio in that video.

Somebody was messing with them. It's gotta be that. Bravo, I say! Good one, ninja hackers!

posted on Jan, 23 2021 @ 12:05 AM
Additional footage from tonight’s rocket attack against The Green Zone, Baghdad, Iraq. Multiple waves/bursts of CRAM shown with the sound of rocket explosion impacts in the background. Several vid clips.

posted on Jan, 23 2021 @ 12:05 AM
Just going to place this mini-epiphany here - for the DECODERS:

In MAP posts MARKERS with post content are blatant:
[0] - Action in Progress
[1] - Action incoming
[5] - Recent past (24hrs to a week)
[10] - Medium past (since 27/10/17)
[15] - Far past (before 27/10/17)

In POTUS tweets MARKERS are in out of place punctuation/Typos:
[0] = period
[1] = comma
[5] = S
[10] = ;
[15] = 's

Both Posts and Tweets also point MARKERS in their minute DELTAs from previous.

posted on Jan, 23 2021 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

- Will have a walk-through/dress rehearsal (like a wedding)
- Pre-tape key part(s) & seamlessly insert into show delay LIVE feed
- BIDEN speech = super important & helps explain no major slip ups

- Ellen show productions last year taped without a studio audience
- Studios spliced audience footage with laugh tracks to create illusion
- Actors laughing & interacting with no one behind the camera

- Trump unexpectedly delayed his speech 1 hour, while NP on a plane
(NP pre-taped rebuttal mistakenly ran before Trump spoke)
- Politicians reading pre-prepared statements to create drama
(AS = "mafia shakedown" call works, until real transcript released
- Trump always ask Rally cameras to turn around = we see real crowd
(knowing the other side would never do this = kills their illusion)
- SpaceX mouse in space (simulation footage mixed with real launch?)

- Explains why election is dragged out over 9-12 months
($$$ donations > parties > huge spends for commercials/MSM)
- MSM hypes "PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES" in picking candidates
- Fav candidates slipped questions/moderator control pace/ tone
- Auditioning on camera for the ultimate public role?

edit on 23-1-2021 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2021 @ 12:16 AM

originally posted by: Darth_Prime
a reply to: combatmaster

Nope, not at all, I prefer a no-government world... as my ancestors lived before colonialism

I thought it is interesting to note that this is actually a patch of common ground that probably most of us share. We mostly want less government in the world and in our day to day lives, if not quite so far in that direction as you yourself are. We mostly probably tend to align pretty closely on this particular viewpoint.

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Justoneman

How did you feel about 12/21/12?

I have only had a can of Hopium the whole time. I wanted things corrected where liars get away with major ones to the public. You will notice I always said what I think things appear and how I hoped evil cabal members would get their come to Justice/Jesus moment. I want it done legally.

I am hoping the evil gets a short sheet real soon.

Yes, a moving date was bad news IMO but I am not in charge of any thing but my self. I can still hope and that is why I can wait. What is a few more weeks to decide that hope for that event needed to stop this evil, was missed. We have nothing to lose. I have done the best I can to share and maybe people heard it.

Hopium's the best, man! I'm getting a nice warm fuzzy just typing about it!

Seriously though, nothing wrong with hoping for a beneficial future outcome in world events, as long as you don't hang too many of your hopes on it. Movements happen in such ways, when people hoping for a positive change in the world become a part of that change that they want to see.

posted on Jan, 23 2021 @ 12:27 AM

originally posted by: Brassmonkey
Happy Friday ATS!!
So I have been reading this thread and some peeps
Have been posting the Hollyweird Castle Rock studio of the Oval Office and also talking about jump cuts during the inauguration. I find this absolutely fascinating. I have a little bit of experience in Broadcasting it was my major in college.

Point to remember:

Remember there is about a 5 minute delay from live to your TV during any live broadcast. This is so the director can edit or censor out cussing, streakers or any Non FCC compliant shenanigans.

It doesn’t , however, explain the women who disappear during the broadcast. They would look pretty dumb going to the bathroom. Or maybe that’s what happened. If u had a mean case of the #s I don’t give a F where I am I am heading to the toilet!

Ok I do have some questions though I hope someone else can answer. Let’s assume it was pre recorded and not live. What benefit would that be to do that for the campaign?
Also., how would anyone benefit by having a fake Oval Office? What’s the point? How would that help legitimize the new president when he has the real thing now?

On the Oval Office thing, I don't get it either. If they are, why? Security? I dunno.

I don't think there's much point to trying to ferret out whether it is or not though. Like, who cares if it's the actual room or a sound stage down the hall or in the bunker? I don't, not really. Plus I feel like I could chase my tail looking at photos for inconsistencies for a few hours, and it could wind up just being an illusion of the lighting or angle that I was caught up on. I did see some in some photos a few pages back, but meh.

posted on Jan, 23 2021 @ 12:37 AM
Sure is a load of challenge coinS ... Q uite a collection... DJT....

18 Pictures That Show The Differences Between Biden’s And Trump’s Oval Office

edit on 1232021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2021 @ 12:44 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: Brassmonkey
Happy Friday ATS!!
So I have been reading this thread and some peeps
Have been posting the Hollyweird Castle Rock studio of the Oval Office and also talking about jump cuts during the inauguration. I find this absolutely fascinating. I have a little bit of experience in Broadcasting it was my major in college.

Point to remember:

Remember there is about a 5 minute delay from live to your TV during any live broadcast. This is so the director can edit or censor out cussing, streakers or any Non FCC compliant shenanigans.

It doesn’t , however, explain the women who disappear during the broadcast. They would look pretty dumb going to the bathroom. Or maybe that’s what happened. If u had a mean case of the #s I don’t give a F where I am I am heading to the toilet!

Ok I do have some questions though I hope someone else can answer. Let’s assume it was pre recorded and not live. What benefit would that be to do that for the campaign?
Also., how would anyone benefit by having a fake Oval Office? What’s the point? How would that help legitimize the new president when he has the real thing now?

I think girls are Naomi in white and Finnegan, the granddaughters and the constant, companions of Joe.

The issues revealed here are his inability to control certain bodily functions and his inability to focus for more then a few seconds might require him to do several takes, or live edits to remove problems. It appears they had precut pieces "just in case" moments.

If the Military has taken over, fake this or that would not be unreasonable. They of the system view things like taking possession a thing. Meaning, if X take the ship, it is theirs, and the old crew doesn't get to be captain anymore or they don't let the old captain hang until the figure things out. Usurpers can take possession - unless the Corporation has been disovled then he hold the office of nothing of substance.

If the military stepped in on 1-6 then they game theory, future view all possible moves to decide what is needed for peace.

Example. Assuming it is a usurper or actor - both, then arresting him is fine for many but they'd need a full blown presentation to explain. They can't just cart them all off, they need to define what will happen first, set that in stone, then remove the coup plotters very last. Then provide an airtight explanation with exhibits.

I wanted to reply to echo your sentiments here from my own perspective. Q or not, plan or not, Biden is likely subject to certain military protocols. Let me explain.

Let's assume for the sake of argument that there is no 'plan' a la Q, Q is just a kid in a basement, the Corp of the US thing isn't true at all, and Trump wasn't on any sort of military aided or personal crusade. Even if these were all true, Biden is still going to fall under whatever military protocols apply to a compromised president.

The military has specific protocols for how to deal with a president who is compromised. He will be allowed to govern, and certain orders will be refused and command decisions restricted from his capabilities. At least, that's how it's supposed to work. If the military itself or the command structure are also compromised, that could all go out the window.

I thought I should bring this up because, regardless of plan or q or any of that, this is fact. Biden will most likely not have full control, if he is as compromised as he appears to be, even if the presidency is accepted by the military.

posted on Jan, 23 2021 @ 12:46 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

I guess the idea is to pound the crap out of Biden until he submits.

What happens when discovery and depositions hit the fan? When the fraudulent election becomes UNDENIABLE?

That does seem to be the point of it, hopefully we'll finally start to get a little action on that score. It's a damn shame that so little of it has been addressed.

posted on Jan, 23 2021 @ 12:57 AM
Cops arrest 16 suspected pedophiles in online child abuse raids including a nurse and a Disney World worker who operated the Millennium Falcon ride

Daily Mail article

This bust in Polk Co. Florida has some disturbing details regarding the poor little innocent victims to succumb to these monsters wicked ways. I warn you, what is contained in that link is quite mortifying and it doesn't dive that deep into graphic details.
I just can't process that kind of evil.

1,409 felonies were filed in this sweep with more arrests to come. I feel this is part of the desensitization process to help prepare the masses for when their Holly weird icons that they worshipped get exposed for participating in the same egregious acts of literally hurting babies. It really does start to make a lot of since to let these atrocities come out under Bidens administration so as to aid in the implosion of a failed bloated corrupt diseased temple of dog. Who knew how prophetic that song "Hunger Strike" was going to turn out by Temple of Dog.

Lyrics for Hunger Strike

"I don't mind stealin' bread from the mouths of decadents
But I can't feed on the powerless when my cup's already overfilled, uh huh
But it's on the table, the fire's cookin'
And they're farmin' babies, while the slaves are all workin'
And it's on the table, their mouths are chokin'
But I'm goin' hungry (goin' hungry)"

Chris Cornell performing this song with Chester Bennington of Linkin Park before their untimely deaths in 2017.

edit on 23-1-2021 by BoomGiggle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2021 @ 12:58 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: texasgirl

Possible Deep FaQe video set up in a studio !!! 😎

So maybe the "Inauguration" was "virtual" afterall 😎

I think they did the ceremony we saw when the capitol was evacuated for that fire that was reported.

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