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Scotland goes into full lockdown, England to follow

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posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: Freeborn
You asked a question. I answered it.

I've been here long enough to know you're not someone who lacks intelligence. Maybe try reading the answer again. Slowly this time.

The ability to raise money and control your own taxation and borders is the cornerstone of any independent nation. Unfortunately, Scotland is not afforded this right. We could have closed our Borders back in March As New Zealand did. Why am I repeating myself here?. Go read the answer again!.

As for your afterthought. Typical Unionist playbook. EU Control borders blah Blah Blah.

Have you any idea how much you all sound like the abusive husband in a marriage. B...b...but, You can't leave, you'll be useless without my support. You'll never survive on your own. If you leave you'll have nothing, and you never see the kids again It's pathetic.

I can't wait for the day we do win our independence and hear those last words from the desperate empire. But, I'll top myself if you go.
If Brexit is your noose, Which it will be, then let Scotland be your Pierrepoint.

The UK Had the power to keep out whoever it wished. It chose to ignore those powers and have an open border. Because it needs slave labour to keep the prices on the shelves low and remain competative.

AEven after it's left the EU it has created a special dispensation to allow the same people you all voted to kick out to remain. And bring in whomever they wish whenever they wish to pick the stock and fill the shelves again.

You all go on about taking back control of the fisheries. Newsflash, Around 5 families in the UK own rights to around 90% of these fisheries, all Multimillionaires. And guess who makes up 95% of the crew on these trawlers. Low paid Eastern Europeans, Malaysians, and anyone else they can get their hands on who'll work for next to F#@k all.

Taking back control?. You won Nothing.
Saor Alba gu Brath

edit on 10-1-2021 by Soloprotocol because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: Soloprotocol

And yet again you choose to rant about Scottish independence in a thread that has nothing to do with Scottish independence.

The ability to raise money and control your own taxation and borders is the cornerstone of any independent nation.


I remember watching the closing ceremony of the 2012 Ryder Cup at Medinah.
As Gleneagles in Scotland was hosting the next Ryder Cup Alex Salmond was present in his capacity as First Minister and he was duly interviewed by the world's media.
In typical ScotNat style he proceeded to turn the interview into a non-stop tirade about Scottish independence, it was truly cringeworthy.
You could see literally everyone present was hugely embarrassed - all the players, media, R&A and USPGA officials etc.

Salmond was incapable of discussing anything without ranting about Scottish independence.
Many - if not most, or even all - Scottish Nationalists seem to suffer from the same affliction.

You do too.

Why am I repeating myself here?. Go read the answer again!.

Because you are a broken record.

As for your afterthought. Typical Unionist playbook. EU Control borders blah Blah Blah.

But they do.
Please show otherwise?

Have you any idea how much you all sound like the abusive husband in a marriage. B...b...but, You can't leave, you'll be useless without my support. You'll never survive on your own. If you leave you'll have nothing, and you never see the kids again It's pathetic.

That's a ridiculous comparison.
I've never said anything like that and you know it.
Incredibly disingenuous of you....but not surprising.

I can't wait for the day we do win our independence and hear those last words from the desperate empire. But, I'll top myself if you go.
If Brexit is your noose, Which it will be, then let Scotland be your Pierrepoint.

More ranting about independence in a thread about something completely different.

You seem to be getting a bit hot under the collar, calm yourself down young man.....have a big fag or something.

The UK Had the power to keep out whoever it wished. It chose to ignore those powers and have an open border. Because it needs slave labour to keep the prices on the shelves low and remain competative.

Yes, I agree with you......

AEven after it's left the EU it has created a special dispensation to allow the same people you all voted to kick out to remain. And bring in whomever they wish whenever they wish to pick the stock and fill the shelves again.

First of all; Remainers seem intent on peddling the lie that all Brexit supporters are xenophobic racists and that immigration was the primary reason they voted for Brexit.
It wasn't true then and it isn't true now.....but still you insist on spreading that LIE, pretty similar to Trump.

Secondly; WTF has this got do with this thread?

You all go on about taking back control of the fisheries. Newsflash, Around 5 families in the UK own rights to around 90% of these fisheries, all Multimillionaires. And guess who makes up 95% of the crew on these trawlers. Low paid Eastern Europeans, Malaysians, and anyone else they can get their hands on who'll work for next to F#@k all.

Err ok....see what I wrote above.

Watch the blood pressure pal.

It really must be awful being this angry all the time and being so consumed with hatred and bitterness.

Taking back control?. You won Nothing.

More than you've won mate.

Saor Alba gu Brath

Start another thread on Scottish independence and I'll gladly contribute.
I'm sure the same old members will post the same old arguments and we'll go around in circles, yet again.....but that'll be far better than trying to turn anything and everything into a SNP Party Political Broadcast.

edit on 10/1/21 by Freeborn because: grammar

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 03:39 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
And yet again you choose to rant about Scottish independence in a thread that has nothing to do with Scottish independence.

As Churchill once said: "A fanatic is someone who won't change his mind and won't change the subject".

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: paraphi

Churchhill said a lot of things, loved the word "Wog" for instance.

Never mind saying a few other numerous racist explicit statements which he repeatedly came away with throughout his life.

Which have been considered to have contributed to his decisions and actions in British politics and in office.

So there's that.
edit on 11-1-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Doesn't make the quote any less true Andy.

Different times and different standards.
Lets not fall into the trap of judging the actions of yesterday using the standards and morals of today otherwise we'd be in a never ending process of recrimination.
Sure, we can learn lessons from history - in fact we should learn from our past mistakes - but at some point we have to concentrate on moving forward.

As for Churchill; sure , he had his faults - lots of them.
But he was undoubtedly a great war time leader prepared to make truly hard decisions....and amongst the bull# and bollocks he also came out with some great quotes and sayings.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:13 PM
Churchill was serving as First Lord of the Admiralty in the first world war. Have a look at this great war leader's record In the Dardanelles and Gallipoli. He ended up getting told to f#@k off as he was such a useless C#@t.

Anyway, What's this thread got to do with Churchhill?. On topic, please.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: Soloprotocol

It was an aside, in response to another post.
It wasn't an attempt to take over and derail the thread.

But point taken.

And it doesn't detract from my previous post.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

Agreed, he had his time and place, now certainly is not it through, even if the likes of Boris for instance would have us believe otherwise.

He was a successful orator, charismatic, and spoke to the people of the times.

Then again so was the other fellow.

Luckily history is recorded by the victors and not the vanquished, well so far anyroad.

edit on 12-1-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: PurpleFox

You mean apart from New Zealand actually taking it seriously, and not having to deal with a-holes trying to spread it deliberately. I can not see how you can argue with success with this exact virus.

Oh and then there is all the times the same Quarantining / Lock-down methods are used each year to stop dangerous / deadly Pathogens going global. Great example of that is the amazing success rate of keeping Ebola out of Europe.

No evidence a system developed 100 years ago, and used extensively since then, in too many cases to list ( I mean that literally ) Yes I could see how you could miss that evidence ( not )

Or how about we go back to U.S. Samoa that created the template for these actions, which managed to go the entire 1918 Pandemic not losing 1 person.

What not spectacular enough to get your interests?

As a mortician who specializes in doing highly infectious cases. And has had a passion for Pathogens and Pandemics since very young. I say your comment is based on NOT the truth at all, but a lie you must tell yourself to somehow pardon you of your behaviour. ( which I do not know what it is, but I hope it is not you trying to spread the virus somehow )

posted on Jan, 13 2021 @ 05:19 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
Churchhill said a lot of things,

It's a sad truth that while Churchill and the UK were fighting facism and Nazism, the SNP was courting Hitler and plotting to set up a puppet Nazi state. The SNPs leader in the 1960's, Arthur Donaldson, was interned in WW2 due to his activities. Shall we do some history digging?

posted on Jan, 13 2021 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: paraphi

Aye coz none of the English politicians, lords, or aristocracy, ever toyed with going along with the Nazis.

You know im not all in where the SNP are concerned paraphi but cheers for that wee titbit from history.

How many millions of brown people did Arthur Donaldson allow to starve to death in say the Bengal famine all the same?

Which was not caused by drought, but instead was a result of a complete policy failure by the then-British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

The Man was a requirement for the times in which we lived but just like any other politician he was no angel and in his instance an out right racist.
edit on 13-1-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2021 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: andy06shake
Churchhill said a lot of things,

It's a sad truth that while Churchill and the UK were fighting facism and Nazism, the SNP was courting Hitler and plotting to set up a puppet Nazi state. The SNPs leader in the 1960's, Arthur Donaldson, was interned in WW2 due to his activities. Shall we do some history digging?

How Dramatic.

Donaldson was just an average member of the public when he was detained. He was put in prison on trumped-up charges for a little over 4 weeks whilst under investigation. Turns out all charges were dropped because the story was bull#.

This fabricated lie that Donaldson was to set up a puppet government upon the invasion by Germany has grown arms and legs over the years, Mainly spread by Unionist media, lackies, and anti-Scottish Lickspittles like yourself. Congrats, You just joined the club, or at the very least been promoted up the ranks for your unquestioning knee bending obedience.

Donaldson never met Hitler, Never courted Hitler nor was he at that time a politician, never mind the Leader of any political party.

At least do a bit of homework before you regurgitate what you heard down the local doily making club.

Innocent member of the pubic and poultry farmer Arthur Donaldson was released from his illegal detention. No evidence was ever produced and as a result, no charges were ever brought.

Nice try at one-upmanship but must try harder.

posted on Jan, 13 2021 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: andy06shake
Churchhill said a lot of things,

It's a sad truth that while Churchill and the UK were fighting facism and Nazism, the SNP was courting Hitler and plotting to set up a puppet Nazi state. The SNPs leader in the 1960's, Arthur Donaldson, was interned in WW2 due to his activities. Shall we do some history digging?

Not entirely accurate.

He was interned for 6 weeks and then released without charge and no evidence to support the anonymous accusation ever produced.

posted on Jan, 13 2021 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: paraphi

You know im not all in where the SNP are concerned paraphi but cheers for that wee titbit from history.

His wee "titbit of SNP history" can safely be filed under U P : Unadulterated Pish.

posted on Jan, 13 2021 @ 08:01 AM
Oops. Touched a raw nerve I see. Sorry.

posted on Jan, 13 2021 @ 09:00 AM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: andy06shake
Churchhill said a lot of things,

It's a sad truth that while Churchill and the UK were fighting facism and Nazism, the SNP was courting Hitler and plotting to set up a puppet Nazi state. The SNPs leader in the 1960's, Arthur Donaldson, was interned in WW2 due to his activities. Shall we do some history digging?

Who mentioned SNP paraphi?

posted on Jan, 13 2021 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: paraphi

Aye coz none of the English politicians, lords, or aristocracy, ever toyed with going along with the Nazis.

And don't get us started on the Nazi history of the Royals.

posted on Jan, 13 2021 @ 11:37 AM

originally posted by: djz3ro
Who mentioned SNP paraphi?

Oh, someone far up got into a rant about Scottish nationalism / independence.

posted on Jan, 13 2021 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: djz3ro
Who mentioned SNP paraphi?

Oh, someone far up got into a rant about Scottish nationalism / independence.

That's "Whataboutery" at it's finest.

posted on Jan, 13 2021 @ 12:33 PM
Funny how these medical lockdowns have the same suppressing effect that the MSM does crowing about "right wing terrorists" and social media sites doing their current purges. Seems to me it's more about isolating people so they can't co-ordinate protests or exchange information.

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