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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to: Heirophant

Could be... but I'd expect it to take at least 72 hours for their stock price drop to force them into bankruptcy. Kinda hoping it's arrests as that's the kind of thing that will herald The Great Awakening and the general public coming to us for information.

Worth noting that Wednesday is the 13th = 11.3 Marker?

It's also 2 days ahead of schedule for Friday 13th when Templars were taken out by King of Spain.

I need to get 4 or 5 hours zeds now.
edit on 11-1-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 04:48 AM
a reply to: saladfingers123456

U2U 4 U

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 05:02 AM

edit on 11-1-2021 by samuelsson because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 05:25 AM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
I mentioned Blossom Goodchild earlier and coincidently, she put up a new video tonight where she mentions the 'big announcement' again. Just thought I'd share her perspective on things to come. Her premonitions may or may not come to pass but I've listened to her for quite a while and I believe she is highly intuitive. If this isn't something you're interested in listening to just disregard it...


"Trust the Plan"

Thank you for sharing that. Appreciate it.

It was a strange co-inkydink that before I logged into ATS this morning, i had just come across a yt video called Kim Clement Prophecy. I don't usually watch these kind of things to be fair but I decided to watch it because it was recorded February 22, 2014, and wondered what, if any, interesting gems he might come out with that can be linked to today's events.
I expected him saying things that are vague enough to fit just about anything but I was actually quite blown away by his accuracy.

He talks about a soon-to-be President, chosen by God, who will smash the corruption and fear that grips mankind, and that Democrats will do their utmost to put a witch in the White House, they will fail. He says God has made this President His 'David' to slay the giant. And more.
Please give it a watch please peeps, he is describing current events so accurately one cannot doubt he had direct communication with God/Spirit. How else could he have known these things in 2014 . ..

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 05:34 AM
People on here have said that articles of impeachment won't matter because Trump will be out of office. There won't be enough time to do anything with them. But what if they (Nancy, etc.) know there is a chance for Trump to still be in office after the 20th? What if Biden does concede, get arrested, or whatever and does not become president? Boom. Day one of Trump's second term, there are those pesky articles of impeachment.

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 05:39 AM
So, I was randomly sent this video this morning from some group chat that then deleted itself. It is a new? It was uploaded to Rumle of january 1st. Trump video that ought to send tingles down your spine... especially at the end. He starts of saying "Station, This is your President. Can you hear me?" And a female artificial voice responds "Station, This is Houston. Are you ready for the event?" Then it cuts to a montage of memorable moments of Trump's first term and it's playing over "My Way" by Elvis. Very well done. *Edit* TheBadCabbie pointed out that this was originally a Frank Sinatra song.

A couple of points of historical relevance....

The channel that posted this video goes by the name alcoutinho. So I looked it up and what do we have here ?

According to his wiki... Alberto Coutinho (born June 16, 1969) (also known as Albert Coutinho) is a former American Democratic Party politician, who represented the 29th Legislative District in the New Jersey General Assembly from May 1997 to January 1998 and again from January 8, 2008 until his resignation on September 11, 2013. He was eventually sentenced to probation after pleading guilty to theft and falsifying records, thus ending his career in New Jersey politics.

Upon further inspection, I found that the video was produced by Justin Belucchi who made theSilent Running video. Mike & The Mechanics crafted that

Other interests to note:

* According to Songfacts The band says the songs meaning is

Mike Rutherford, the "Mike" of Mike + The Mechanics, wrote this song with the Scottish musician B.A. Robertson, his frequent collaborator. "It was really about time travel," Rutherford said in a Songfacts interview. "The story is about the idea that this father of the family is ahead in time, so he can look back and see what's going to happen in England, and it's not good. He's trying to get a message back to his family to warn them that the impending disaster is coming. Hence the line, 'Can you hear me, can you hear me calling you?'"

Connecting dots?

This was the first Mike + The Mechanics single. Rutherford formed the group when Genesis took a break in 1984

The message in the "Silent Running" video has a clear theme of saving the children and forging ahead down the path thats less travelled but one worth fighting for. The "My Way" video has a theme of no regrets, that

"through I planned each charted course
Each careful step along the byway
Oh, and more, much more than this
I did it my way"

Edit: Sinatra originally wrote the song as TheBadCabbie pointed out. Thank you for correction. This is of course the Kings rendition. Both versions can pull on the heart strings.

Cavv: Thank you for your words of encouragement. You have had my back before in showing me "the only way forward." I actually hate Peaches, though, unless its used on a first name basis. haha I prefer to pick up a scallywags at the WaHo. Truck stop bathrooms tend to have shady characters crumpling cellophane in the stall. Tends to ruin the ambiance.
edit on 11-1-2021 by BoomGiggle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 05:43 AM

originally posted by: queenofswords
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Capitol Police say reports of officer's death are wrong

Hmmm...I, too, had heard that. But, media is still reporting it and Nancy Pelosi still thinks he's dead and she ordered flags lowered half-staff at the Capitol.

Well it looks like they're jumping to false conclusions. I wouldn't be surprised to find that it was intentional, and that they're intentionally ignoring the truth so that they can leverage this for more sensational fear mongering, as they are so wont to do.

That just gave me a thought. We need to get the True Facts guy to do some political videos on congress and the media and such, it would be comedy gold if they did it right.

a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Also interesting to note that it confirms our supposition that that tweet would meet the requirements for the message required to be published on enactment of the Insurrection Act!

originally posted by: carewemust
EXTREME FEAR breeds irrationality:

DEVELOPING: Democrats in both the House and Senate are planning to draft legislation to classify MAGA rallies as "domestic terrorist activity" and require the FBI, DOJ & DHS to take steps to prevent such "domestic terrorism." Sen. Durbin is leading effort along with Rep Schneider.

and take a deep breath you paranoid Congress idiots!

I don't believe that feigned hysteria for a minute. It's just another power grab. Why? Because they can. Because they were presented with an opportunity for it, flimsy though it might be. These people are sick!

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: BoomGiggle

I think you should mull it over while slowly eating a huge slice of peach cobbler, washed down with weak coffee served by some gum-chewing goddess at a truck stop along one of the smaller highways ...

Good to hear you're still involved.

edit on 11-1-2021 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-1-2021 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 06:02 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
House trying to force the 25th Amendment

Reportedly they will vote to give Pence a 24-hour ultimatum to either use the 25th to remove Trump or they will introduce articles of impeachment tomorrow.

Actually, I've just read that what Pelosi pulled is considered sedition. Here's the link to the article.

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 06:11 AM

originally posted by: Heirophant
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

and so by that sweep of the pen they intend to try and turn ordinary patriotic Americans - families with young children, elderly folks, ex-veterans, people of all races and creeds etc. - into the same designation as actual terrorists who occupy and burn down whole cities ?? This is not just stupid this is next level stupid - they seem to be actively trying to achieve political suicide now ...

They're still wiping the crap off their butts after last week's wakeup call. The Depends factory is working three shifts.

AOC lied to the press, telling them half of Congress almost died. How do you compete with such histrionic statements?

If it "bleeds" it leads.

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 06:11 AM

originally posted by: saladfingers123456
Can I just ask people for specifics of what they deem to be cray-cray from Lin Wood? Genuine question, and not saying it in terms of "what's wrong with you all?".

I am wondering about genuine perspectives. Is it the Pence execution thing? Is it the pedo stuff?

I just ask, because within context of everything we know, or at least think we know, it doesn't seem that wild or mad to me. In fact, in this place particularly, it would seem to be almost expected to some degree...

I mean, we had Kappy out there giving all his info, and then "died". We have Epstein and Maxwell with the Island + flight logs.
We've got Hunters laptop (which Lin posted screen shots of, essentially saying that he has access to it, and he is aware of the contents of it)... in fact, that screen cap I posted of his last parler posts before his account was killed, he said he has seen all the evidence. Can you imagine being aware of the levels of corruption and evil, and having to hold back? Only able to hint at it?

My question is what evidence has he seen re: Pence to make such extreme statements (despite the fact he saw through the certification and all that means).

So, again, what is it that make people think he has gone too far given the current state of affairs? I'm looking for genuine insight/thoughts.

Many thanks.

My opinion...nothing. He's making bold claims, drawing attention to himself. Seems like he's got some solid evidence, and is willing to act a little crazy to see it get more attention and possibly inspire some actual legal action against it.

He's making strong though wild accusations. He hasn't really gone off into lala land with it though. He's not going on and on about how the earth is flat, or bigfoot, or UFO stuff, or anything like that.

Crazy like a fox then, is my guess.

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: dashen
Aaaannndddd secret service wants to talk to Lin Wood about his quite frankly crazy pence firing squad comments.

Like, what did he think was gonna happen?

Maybe that opens the door to him showing them his evidence.

Right, seems like something like that to me.

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: BoomGiggle

Cool video, thanks for sharing. I think that's a Sinatra song though.

originally posted by: Starcrossd
a reply to: TheBadCabbie
omgosh, Thank you!! I've been looking forever lol. I didn't think it was the same speech as the rally so I missed it!

You're welcome. Was that the speech? I thought it might be. I did watch it and I thought I remembered the phrases you had mentioned as being in it.

Some good music:

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 06:18 AM

originally posted by: Blueracer
People on here have said that articles of impeachment won't matter because Trump will be out of office. There won't be enough time to do anything with them. But what if they (Nancy, etc.) know there is a chance for Trump to still be in office after the 20th? What if Biden does concede, get arrested, or whatever and does not become president? Boom. Day one of Trump's second term, there are those pesky articles of impeachment.

They need to get it done in the event Trump is going to arrest them for sedition/treason. Otherwise, they don't have the members of the votes.

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 06:25 AM
Good day, fellow ATSers, have we won yet.

Today will be interesting i think, should be some happenings. I can see the CNN rhetoric is flowing well, anybody would think they have a chance of impeachment, silly people.

Heres to a day full of revelations and arrests (hopefully).

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 06:35 AM

originally posted by: Catch_a_Fire
Good day, fellow ATSers, have we won yet.

Today will be interesting i think, should be some happenings. I can see the CNN rhetoric is flowing well, anybody would think they have a chance of impeachment, silly people.

Heres to a day full of revelations and arrests (hopefully).

I'd like to hear from the President, but I know they're silencing him. I wish he'd make a move and put an end to all the bull#.

He should start by telling the country that RICO charges will be pursued against everyone who silenced him and his supporters, emphasis on Big Tech.

Treason/sedition charges where necessary.

We need a bold move NOW, a strong move to send the message that he is on top of this.


Rel, been meaning to say this, you should be knighted for everything you've done in these threads. You've sacrificed your life to keep us informed and to save all the information related to this movement.

edit on 1/11/2021 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: Creep Thumper

I agree, moves need to be made, I was hoping they would of been by now. I'd like to see arrests on the floor today, while they are all gathered and for us all to see. We know trumps insulated so should be safe but wonder also if he is waiting to see if they try to arrest him.

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 07:01 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

It seems to have become increasingly biased in language the last twenty years or so, I don't remember it being so prior to that. There was bias and censorship in the form of selection of coverage, but not so much in the language used. At least, compared to typical reporting in the twentieth century.

The media has played various roles in American history. Currently seem to be back in Yellow Journalism mode, but with a huge dose of propaganda machine mixed in.

They've been arrogant since the Vietnam War, at least. With Watergate, they realized they could pull down a presidency. And they were so proud of the Pentagon Papers -- but that "scoop" was anything but. The "papers" were pointed out to them by the man who was the document librarian for a large aeronautics firm in California. That same librarian: SANK a Japanese carrier at the Battle of Midway as a naval aviator. He apparently had serious issues with how McNamara and the administration were fighting the war in Vietnam.


That's interesting. I know little about the Pentagon Papers, have only read of them briefly to date.

I guess I can add to our line of thought here that there are certainly examples of very raucous journalism and fanciful claims made in revolutionary era and early 19th century journalism, based on my general knowledge of it. Late 19th century probably has plenty of that stuff too.

Trying to put my finger on the present problem for the sake of conversation: the big media groups have all gone full tabloid. They're complete whores. They sell a version of 'truth' to whoever will believe it, and are paid by lots of people to make sure that those people's version of 'the truth' is part of the version of 'the truth' that they are selling. That's what I think is going on here with those guys. Oh sure, spooks and spies in there, poking and prodding and inserting their own agendas, but they're not really making all that nastiness happen, they're just also at the party adding in their own blend of it.

It's sick and it's wrong, but it's not illegal exactly and I don't think it should be. It probably makes them liable for lots and lots of damages, in fact, but I don't know that you could ever truly collect on that debt. I think what needs to happen is that people need to just take their dollars and time away from these monsters, stop believing the lies that they sell.

Maybe create competing behemoths and squish their behemoths with our behemoths, I dunno. Centralization can be a mechanism for fraud and corruption to infest a system, so I don't know that the competing behemoth tactic is viable. It might be though.

Anyhow, I don't want it, I don't need it. At all. Full stop. Packaged, agenda driven bull***t. Tell me what's going on, give it to me straight with a minimum of opinion unless I know I'm signing up for an opinion piece, or give me my time back. I want information I can use. I shouldn't have to play detective every time a major story breaks just to find out what the hell is actually happening.

I will not miss this monopoly on 'the truth' when it one day goes away, not one bit. I will be scanning the horizon for the next one though, and warning my children and grandchildren about it, lest they forget. Of course, I will make them learn history, so they'll probably know all about it.

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 07:15 AM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Not necessarily that they don't like him, he is sleezy. They said he is one of the smartest, best 1st ammendment attorneys around and talked about a few cases of his, particularly the Richard Jewell case. They also said he is SUPER religious....talks about God and whatnot a lot.

It was really more that he likely has some delusional tendencies based on religious beliefs and has in some way tied that in to politics and in particular Trump.

He is extremely well off and doesn't have to worry about his career. He won't have to worry about anything he says online and will not face any consequences from it at all.....could get sued but will win every time.

The guy has his constitutional knowledge and cases on lock....

I do not think he is any kind of insider at all....

Interesting perspective, thanks for sharing. Sleazy how? Like just annoying, or is he always going to strip clubs, or always giving sermons, or what?

He seems like a crusader type of person. I think those types of people tend to be abrasive to many in their same social circles, due to their passion and stubbornness. I am like that, and it doesn't really win me any popularity contests.

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 07:19 AM
Have military planes in the US turned off there transponders.. Thats what its saying on the Donald..

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 07:19 AM
Fakebook on the March ...

Facebook takes down Ugandan accounts ahead of election

Facebook has taken down a network in Uganda linked to the country's ministry of information for using fake and duplicate accounts to post ahead of this week's presidential election, the U.S. social media giant said on Monday. Ugandans vote on Thursday in a presidential election pitting long-time leader Yoweri Museveni against 10 candidates including opposition frontrunner Bobi Wine, a singer-turned-lawmaker whose star power has rattled the ruling party.

Anyone here still on Fakebook ? .. If so WOW lol

edit on 1112021 by MetalThunder because: 7 7 7

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