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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 05:59 PM
You got this - stay safe

originally posted by: 0311Warrior
My Fellow Patriots
We are in the Storm, the eye is about to finish its pass.
Stay Vigilant
Be Ready
Remember your Oaths

For God & Country

Semper Fidelis

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 06:00 PM

originally posted by: 0311Warrior
My Fellow Patriots
We are in the Storm, the eye is about to finish its pass.
Stay Vigilant
Be Ready
Remember your Oaths

For God & Country

Semper Fidelis

Ephesians 6:11
Wear it Proudly
God Bless & God Speed
Now GO

(post by blueman12 removed for a manners violation)

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 06:04 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Per FoxNews...

Twitter just announced that President Trump's account has been permanently suspended, because he is sending out dog whistles to supporters.

ChinaBoy deletes the "Man" but not the Office.

Guess there will be fewer twit links posted here. I can't even get to load.

How is this video still up! 😂

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Remember the 'Flight Book', whose said Owner was found Guilty of a Serious Crime, receives a sentence, But was alloweed to go home during the Day yet must go back at Bedtime???..........Was that Real or part of a whole new pantomime ??

(post by Creep Thumper removed for a manners violation)

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: Caled

I honestly thought I was lending my laptop to a Kenyan prince so he could put money in may bank account...


posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Vasa Croe

@codemonkeyz returned as @codemonkeyz1... latest tweet, at 22:00:11 simply says:


Acct. suspended.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 06:12 PM
They are silencing Trump not because of violence but because he can bring the entire thing down with a single sentence.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 06:13 PM
According to politiwoops, 3 @realDonaldTrump tweets have been DELETED today:

1) #1, from May 1st 06:18:13, a retweet of @saulpavsr:

@dbongino I cannot wait to vote for the greatest president ever

Date difference is 618 days = 1 year, 8 months, 7 days = 20 months, 7 days, pointing to posts:

#618 [19] would cease to exist immediately upon the harm of select individuals. Think nuclear stand-off. Clarified?
Timestamp encodes Jan 8th.

#187 CONFIRMATION: so Titanic -> Rothchild screws America by making our money worthless -> crash of 29 -> Tons new government which doesn't fix the problem Rothchild created (but a war helps) -> cia -> everyone blackmailed with sex tapes -> media consumed cia -> Country forced hard left -> population to puppets -> Causes uprising by certain Patriots like Kennedy/Reagan/Trump and while they managed to kill Kennedy and outlast Reagan enough lessons were learned that we are now finally ready to clean house and become America again? First time in about a hundred years.... wow..
Chan post number encodes Jan 8th.
187 = code for Murder.

#207 Re Musks SpaceX/Tesla/SolarCity: $4.9 billion in government subsidies. Why?
(Perhaps because his rockets and cars can be used to harm US citizens?)
Timestamp encodes Jan 8th.

NOTE Of the 68 tweets by @realDonaldTrump on May 1st 2019, 22 have now been deleted - all of which were RETWEETS of other accounts!!!
There is some method here! Maybe the tweets on May 1st are list of perps to be taken out as each tweet is deleted? Or the retweeted accounts are the operators to perform this.

2) #2, from Sep 6th at 21:01:32

It says everything about how broken the media is that after @JeffreyGoldberg helped lie this nation into the Iraq War, he wasn't run out of journalism in embarrassment, but rather given promotions to continue his shoddy "journalism" unabated. Our "elites" constantly fail upwards.

Date Difference between tweet and deletion = 123 days = 17 weeks, pointing to posts:


Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147440171 📁
Oct 31 2017 22:58:00 (EST)
Why does Obama travel in advance of POTUS to foreign locations?
Why is this relevant?
Focus on the power of POTUS as it relates to the Marines.
How can MI be applied to prosecute bad actors and avoid corrupt agencies and judges?
Biggest drop on Pol.
Above is reason why the shills are sliding. In case you didn’t know, shills log and send new info back to ASF for instruction. They use a 5 prong pre packaged injection (one post auto generates four more at random designated times). Common drive of posts they all tap into. Since they misjudged the influence of the MSM they are aggressively looking to censor throughout major platforms in exchange for CIA slush funds and WW access for expansion of said networks. Everything they do has been forecasted and prepared for.

Chan post number encodes Jan 8th.


Anonymous ID: KKIreCTB No.148289594 📁
Nov 6 2017 17:07:57 (EST)
Nothing is random.
Everything has meaning.

Bolded timestamp encodes Jan 8th.

3) #3 from Sep 8th 2020 at 07:41:18

How do we know @JeffreyGoldberg engaged in political activism & not journalism with his hoax of a story?

Simple: He excluded the open-sourced exculpatory information that contradicted his "sources," from his story.

Not an accident that the below + Bolton comments were missing.

Date difference of 2932 hours = 122 days = 17 weeks points to posts:

#17 See above


Anonymous ID: KKIreCTB No.148287529 📁
Nov 6 2017 16:52:48 (EST)
What does money buy?
How do you prevent tampering?
Why are most forms of media left-wing?
Why is H-wood left-wing?
Why is the narrative so important?
Why do liberals defer to racism w/o proof?
No proof.
Who is HRC’s mentor?
What party was he affiliated with?
What party formed the KKK?
What party formed the Confederacy?
What party abolished slavery?
Why are D’s attempting to erase history?
Is the black pop truly free today or enslaved by the D party?
Refer back to black pop crumbs.
Why is this relevant?
Why is there an attack the day after bad news is published (D)?
Do you believe in coincidences?
Paint the picture.
Crumbs will make bread.
Operations underway.
Operators active.
Snow White.
Godfather III.


Bolded timestamp encodes Jan 8th.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 84ae7e No.5477131 📁
Mar 3 2019 01:11:27 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 4719d3 No.5477029 📁
Mar 3 2019 01:06:29 (EST)
We understood.

Roger that, Anon.
Mass distribution of message creates the need to correct.


Bolded timestamp encodes Jan 8th.
I think this refers to DELETION of POTUS old retweets being the go instructions to operators to takedown specific perps.

A further 5 DELETIONs today will be detailed in next decode post.

edit on 8-1-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
And that’s exactly where the Trump family should be!!!
Not the known Colorado NORAD, nor any of the other obvious locations.... they’re all just too “obvious”.
The former naval base of Sugar Grove and the adjacent
Green Bank center are now a serious command central.
I live about 30 minutes away in Virginia. Our local scuttle is as such.


posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

17 inverted-mirrored V

This would be china's carrier

edit on 182021 by MetalThunder because: 7 7 7

Why is Nancy worried About POTUS ? No wars . Been a long stretch in our History ..... Maybe to lower our ability to defend ?
Just checked Yup it Works the Trump 2020 app
edit on 182021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 06:17 PM
It has been brought up before, IIRC quite a bit back.

Who is the Dem with the power to present the horrors during the reveal, along with the Military Folks?

Joe has zero cred, even among his handlers - that much is obvious. Sadly, Actor Joe won't be able to get through a lengthy presentation either, so i don't see him making the cut. Conceding yes, but not much more.

Harris = no.

It would have to be a fervent anti trumper, and a vocal one.

The only one I can think of is Nanchee. But she too has real problems with cred. She's made a helluva show of trump hate.

An anti-trumper full on black hat must flip in the public eye and reveal the steal and more.

Sadly, the last 6 months have reduced most to zero cred level. Plenty well spoken folks in the peripheral, but a big name is really needed here.

Comey? Gina? Wray? Barr even?

While they have Black Hat cred, I'm not sure the world would accept their version as non trumpian.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: More1ThanAny1

why didn't he before then? he has had four years, and even after all this happened he could have yesterday...

Trump has nothing more than empty words that people for whatever reason supported without facts

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 06:19 PM
Official @POTUS account just retweeted HERE

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 06:20 PM
The usurper said today that Trump is incompetent and one of the worst presidents in our history.

Uh, no, that would be you.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

LMFAO that didn’t last long. Already nuked.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: carewemust

care, I think there's a different reason for his permanent suspension.

I believe actions he takes on twitter signal operators into action, for example tweet deletions of retweets. The operators watching the retweets of specific accounts.

It'll be interesting to see if @POTUS account retweets @realDonaldTrump tweets and then deletes those... to mimic what would have been @realDonaldTrump account actions.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 06:28 PM
"We were Briefed, warned... clip

Worst. False. Flag. Ever. - in all of human history. 3 year old level stuff.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 06:30 PM
It definitely does feel like the wheels are starting to come off...

We are coming to the moment when it will be time to choose a side. The choice isn't going to be Trump vs. Biden or Repub vs. Dem or even Patriot vs. Traitor. The choice is narrowed down to fear vs. faith. We can choose to feel fearful and uncertain about an unknown future or we can choose to have faith in the in the universal laws, trust in God, trust in ourselves

Individually, we will each 'vote' to select our future timeline(s) based on our current thoughts, emotions and beliefs. General rule of thumb, always go with thoughts and actions that feels better

Let go of anything you are witnessing in this present reality that doesn't resonate with you. Don't stress about anything that feels wrong, deceptive or feels 'off'. It doesn't matter. It's all illusion. Truth will prevail

You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming. ~Pablo Neruda

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