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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Excellent decode! You can feel something coming together today.

Thank you sir.


Democrats are livid and panicking because the Department of Justice will not investigate President Trump for inciting a riot.

To protect themselves from being exposed, want him out of that office right now, by any means possible.
edit on 1/8/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: Creep Thumper

“Whenever new knowledge of a transforming nature permeates the race, the standard of world culture rises.” ― Walter Russell, A New Concept of the Universe

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
No, but it's busy up there....

What should we be watching for?

Got any references or codes to watch for?

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: panoz77
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

The Biden inauguration has already been cancelled. They are going to have it virtual. Do you think they could actually risk the optics of 7 people showing up (to the "president" who just got the most votes in the history of the USA), with 4 of them being reporters? Get reall, they would never let that happen. It won't happen (the virtual inauguration), but historically his live feeds rarely broke 500, now that would be some funny chit.

I hope they run into technical difficulties.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 02:46 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
West Virginia State Representative Derrick Evans Charged With Illegally Entering U.S. Capitol During Riot

The ones that simply entered the capitol should not get any charges, IMO only the ones who broke windows or damaged property should get charged with vandalism but certainly not "terrorism" charges. I have no problem with people who vandalized inside the capitol being charged, some people got duped into the ANTIFA plan and did the wrong thing.
edit on 8-1-2021 by panoz77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 02:51 PM

Breaking: Articles of impeachment being introduced Monday morning (per CNN) include 1 count of “Incitement of Insurrection.” Even more interesting is that there could be a Senate trial AFTER Trump leaves office, when Blue has the majority again. But yes to impeach twice!!


posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 02:51 PM

originally posted by: panoz77

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
West Virginia State Representative Derrick Evans Charged With Illegally Entering U.S. Capitol During Riot

The ones that simply entered the capitol should not get any charges, IMO only the ones who broke windows or damaged property should get charged with vandalism but certainly not "terrorism" charges. I have no problem with people who vandalized inside the capitol being charged, some people got duped into the ANTIFA plan and did the wrong thing.

these rule violations are rarely taken to court. The terror charges should not stick. but if they do antifa will be open to being charged with them.
edit on 8-1-2021 by RsaWarhawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: panoz77

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
West Virginia State Representative Derrick Evans Charged With Illegally Entering U.S. Capitol During Riot

The ones that simply entered the capitol should not get any charges, IMO only the ones who broke windows or damaged property should get charged with vandalism but certainly not "terrorism" charges. I have no problem with people who vandalized inside the capitol being charged, some people got duped into the ANTIFA plan and did the wrong thing.

They crapped their pants because they really are cowards. When some people get scared sh!tless like that they really overreact in response, BUT I think they're going to extremes because crapping their pants taught them a brief lesson.

We won't stand for their bullsh*t and Q was right. They won't be able to walk down the street. That Lindsey Graham video was great!

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: panoz77
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

The Biden inauguration has already been cancelled. They are going to have it virtual. Do you think they could actually risk the optics of 7 people showing up (to the "president" who just got the most votes in the history of the USA), with 4 of them being reporters? Get reall, they would never let that happen. It won't happen (the virtual inauguration), but historically his live feeds rarely broke 500, now that would be some funny chit.

Has it? IF so, why are the headlines making a big deal out of Trump saying he's not attending?
I prefer it to actually happen, so the world can see how nobody shows up!

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: nerbot

You'd have to follow Code Monkey for tail numbers, I just scan for types and funny call signs.

I found this the other day....

Ghostrider is the SOCOM replacement for SPOOKY....orbiting ATL during the runoff election with RHINO90 callsign. I went and put on some popcorn.

edit on 8-1-2021 by FlyingFox because: UNLEASH THE KRAKEN!

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
These are the ones to watch, imo....

One up now. Out of Omaha I think. 62-4134


posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 03:01 PM
Not sure if anyone has seen this, Capitol Police basically letting ppl into the building...

you can hear someone say "we need numbers" at the beginning

camera passes a cop that says "i disagree with it but...."

someone yells "wheres trump" at the end Oef-tZzF_aovM0oP3IC3Pmrb8HFDHtMrgM710Q9AcnjWU
edit on 8-1-2021 by PurpleFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 03:03 PM
DECODES on POTUS(?) second tweet of the 8th, at 10:44:28

To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.

USUAL DECODES point to posts:

#10 Remember, the FBI, and MI, have an open investigation into the CF. ... Again, good people were forced into bed with this evil under personal and family threats. Could you live with yourself helping to cover up such evil despicable acts if given a safe way out? These people worship Satan _ some openly show it.
Has Jan 9th encoded in timestamp

#28 "According to one report, the Army had at least one observer at every demonstration of more than twenty people.": Well done. Picture being painted.
Has Jan 9th encoded in timestamp

#30 When Trump was elected you can’t possibly imagine the steps taken prior to losing power to ensure future safety & control. ... These keywords and questions are framed to reduce sniffer programs that continually absorb and analyze data then pushed to z terminals for eval. Think xkeysc on steroids.
Has Jan 8th and 9th encoded in timestamp

#32 The initial wave will be fast and meaningful. It will send a signal to others immediately and you’ll see the tide turn (not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents).
Has Jan 8th encoded in timestamp

#48 What is Q Clearance? What hint does that explicitly refer to? DOE? Who would have the goods on U1? Does stating 'Q' refer that person works in DOE? No. Does it refer that someone dropping such information has the highest level of security within all departments? Why is this relevant?
Has Jan 8th encoded in timestamp

#50 BIG DROP: How did NK obtain Uranium? How did Iran obtain Uranium? Why did BO send billions (in cash and wire) to Iran? Why the cash component? ... Who can be held hostage and controlled by NK having miniaturized nuclear weapons? Where is BO TODAY? Where is VJ? Alice & Wonderland.
Has Jan 8th encoded in timestamp

#57 Senator McCain and others roundly criticized Rep. Michele Bachmann in 2012 when she and four members of the House Permanent Select Committee Intelligence and the House Judiciary Committee cited Ms. Abedin in letters sent to the Inspectors General of the Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, warning about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the United States government. Why is this relevant? Who took an undisclosed trip to SA? What was the purpose of a f2f v phone call? Alice & Wonderland.
Has Jan 8th encoded in timestamp


Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No.148023976 📁
Nov 5 2017 00:31:00 (EST)
Ten days.
Scare tactics (MSM).
D's falling.
R's walk-away/removed.
SA --> US --> Asia --> EU

Disinformation is real.
Distractions are necessary.
Focus was US today while real happening in SA under same context (military control, martial law, missile strike (rogue) etc).
POTUS' Twitter attack (see above).
Why is this relevant?
What was the last Tweet by POTUS prior to SA?
Why is this relevant?
SA (1), US (2), Asia (3), EU (4).
Where is POTUS?
Why is this relevant?
Military operations.
Operators in US.
Snow White
The Great Awakening
Godfather III

Has Jan 8th encoded in timestamp

Has Jan 8th encoded in timestamp

#1044 Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire. One of many. Net shut down: Fake pic push by MSM. Videos / backup. Google kill. YouTube kill. FB kill. Twitter kill. Yahoo kill. Bing kill. Instagram kill. Net will be paused. HAMMER. On the clock.
Has Jan 8th encoded in timestamp

#1544 Money NOT security (nuke dev prevention). Owned politicians. Returning to the news.
Has Jan 8th encoded in timestamp

#2244 POTUS provided you w/ a VERY special greeting. Did you catch it?
Has Jan 8th encoded in timestamp


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 7d110c No.5214701 📁
Feb 16 2019 21:46:28 (EST)
“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one." - 2 Thessalonians 3:3
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." - Psalm 46:1
“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." - Matthew 6:13

Has Jan 8th encoded in timestamp

#3416 CONFIRMATION post re WAR ROOM should not be removed from breads
Has Jan 8th encoded in timestamp

#4034 Tweet re: tensions-flare-senate-floor-over-gop-senator-s-muslim-brotherhood-remarks

#4410 Operators are standing by.
Has Jan 8th encoded in timestamp

#4428📁 Attempt [another] to remove WH protection. Ask yourself, why? Enemy of the People.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff
I’ve been looking for those Q marquis movie posters that were posted from time to time here.

Does anyone have them handy? “Panic in DC” etc.

ETA found them!

Here's a few...

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: panoz77

except it wasn't an Antifa plan, these patriots were organizing on Social Media

accept the fact that these Individuals did this and move on

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 03:06 PM

originally posted by: PurpleFox
Not sure if anyone has seen this, Capitol Police basically letting ppl into the building...

you can hear someone say "we need numbers" at the beginning

camera passes a cop that says "i disagree with it but...."

someone yells "wheres trump" at the end Oef-tZzF_aovM0oP3IC3Pmrb8HFDHtMrgM710Q9AcnjWU

No doubt about it...eyes don't lie...they were just being ushered in by Capitol Police.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

You seem to do most of the decoding, is there a place where *Q* told you how the decodes work? or confirmed that people are decoding correctly or coming to the correct conclusions?

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Considering Off-Duty Police and Military were part of the people that broke in... yeah, I can see why these police might feel the same and want to help

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 03:11 PM
This is a really long read, but I highly recommend it. I feel like there may be a lot of truth in it. There is a lot that ties to the big social media companies and maybe why children are a big deal as we continue this awakening. I wanted to read the whole thing before I made this recommendation.

originally posted by: Flesh699

edit on 1/8/2021 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: Darth_Prime
a reply to: IAMTAT

Considering Off-Duty Police and Military were part of the people that broke in... yeah, I can see why these police might feel the same and want to help

Eh+ for Ehffort.
Keep denying the obvious...they were welcomed and ushered in.
Likely, on Pelosi's orders.

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