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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: Flesh699

originally posted by: Hamlin
a reply to: Flesh699

Yes. You say this now. Once Q has stopped telling you what to think and Trump has lost.

For the years previous you believed Q was leading you to some sort of massive drop, or round up of the Deep State. Indictments and sealed whatevers.

The MSM hasn't changed. Other than Trump decided to ruin Fox on the way out. CNN remains the biggest news source for people worldwide.

What happened to everything else Q promised? Obama and the guns? No deals. They will pay? No-ones paid for anything.

So suddenly as things look like they are ending you've changed your tune about Q. It was now just about raising awareness about the MSM.

Q who posts solely on a pretty horrific website to surf wanted to raise awareness. Makes sense lol

Flesh is Q a whitehouse insider?

I don't give a crap about what Q promised, lizard boy. I never have paid attention to predictions. And if your eyes were right you'd notice it's mostly the "followers" that make predictions.
The only thing Q has done for me is start proving things for myself. I've got a whole a huge folder on my SSD with nothing but censored content. That's all the proof I need.

"Lizard boy" lol how nice.

I'm not really interested in the "censored content" you keep on your disks.

I do care about what Q promised. Hence why i'm in this Q thread. Why are you here? If your posts are not Q related they should be in a different thread.

So apologies for thinking you had an interest in Q or believed in Q. Clearly you don't I guess and just hang out in here for attention?

This was the last chance for Trump to confirm the legitimacy of Q for me.

Is there anyone out there who still thinks Q+++++++ was Trump posting?

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 12:19 PM
What a coward!

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
So, in case anybody was still holding out hope for Pence to do ANYTHING to fix the results of this sham, he has officially cucked out. Can't say im surprised.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Hamlin

Is this the last throw of the dice. Trump didn't seem confident about it.

Half the free world now knows the USA has fallen victim to a CIA democrat coup. The election was stolen...

You still sleep and dream whilst we usher in the mass awakening.

Hold the line peeps :-)

Do you have a source for these figures or are you just making it up?

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 12:20 PM
Patriots are currently storming the US Capitol Twitter&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
Patriots are currently storming the US Capitol Twitter&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons

Gateway pundit says "Mike Pence announced that he will not stand with POTUS?"

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 12:24 PM
I'm watching this on Newsmax and there was just some kind of loud commotion on the floor that they cut away from...anyone catch what happened?

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 12:25 PM
ppl are storming the capital holy #

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: Cameoii
I'm watching this on Newsmax and there was just some kind of loud commotion on the floor that they cut away from...anyone catch what happened?

Reportedly, patriots have overwhelmed the capitol police and are storming the building.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: Grambler

I think Flesh said it best in his last post re:Q

A year ago, I'd have 100% agreed with you I think. Anyone on here who has followed my posts will have seen a turning on my opinions, and this is because I think it has been made painfully clear just how deep the corruption is. I mean, I thought the media was corrupt, but even I've been shocked by how far.
I actually, personally (of course you are entitled to disagree) think that the Q mystery was pretty damn good at fighting the media above all else. I'm not sure whether that could have been achieved without some kind of symbol to rally behind. I might be wrong, but if someone was forming a plan to fight the deep corruption, then you have to have something to hang it on.

Like I say, I think Trump is out of the loop to a large degree. The foe is so dangerous and all pervasive, that a backchannel of information had to be established. This stuff couldn't have come through Trump or anyone in power. It had to be grass roots with a guide. I actually think it is quite brilliant.

Trump supporters, as much as they perhaps love the country wouldn't have been able to find the information or promote it with confidence on their own. The information is key, because the corruption is so deep and dark.

Anyway, honestly, I do get your position. I think I've said this to you in previous Q threads (I'd give anyone with a Bill Hicks avatar the time of day : ), but i just think that something akin to Q has been vital to tackle things that without it, wouldn't have reached enough people to solve the problem. I certainly don't blame people for following or observing it. It might seem like a negative, and perhaps has a bit too much woowoo for some (akin to Icke talking reptiles), but in my experience, the world is way more woowoo than most realise. For my taste, q doesn't go far enough. But I know that not everyone has had my experiences, and are maybe unprepared for certain realities... however true.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

That's rather funny for two reasons. One, the "lost hope" notion doesn't fit at all. Q, as an information trigger, started in 2017 and I have zero idea who had "lost hope" at that point about anything. The next problem is one cannot go backward and decide to see what's what without actually participating. I saw a documentary about Disco in the 70's the post-event reflection edumatcated scholar said it was "all about woman's rights, and empowerment." The interviewer asked, you know the actual musicians, if that was true and their response was "I was just trying to get people to dance and have a good time."

Reverse engineering to fit formulaic pre-determined notions is actually the opposite of the Great Awakening and the Q movement.

There are some people that follow "KU" that do so blindly. We can't just gloss over that fact because most people don't follow "KU" in that fashion. How many people blindly repeat the mantra of "Trust the Plan", but when asked have no idea what the plan is? Fact is does anyone know what the plan is? It seems that nobody does yet some will enforce the idea of trusting it.

I agree with your sentiment on the R-E of predictions, but at the same time it can be hard to tell if the message is a prediction that is changed to fit the narrative, or if was a prediction that was correctly understood. Again that's the problem with using puzzles to get a message out. It's why I get annoyed that the message isn't just put out there unmolested. I think that most people can handle the truth, and those that can't won't be able to no matter how nicely it's put.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 12:32 PM

Bad day to jump back in? Lots happening!

Thanks to all of those that took time out to send prayer and well wishes during the last two weeks.
Doc said I should make a full recovery over the next few months.

So...... back to the stress.

What the hell is Pence gonna do (my guess is NOTHING).

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

Twitter saying that press has been evacuated, so maybe that is why they cut away so quick.

(post by panoz77 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Anywho ......

was just checking out Blacksky

Speed changes everything for global intelligence and commercial industry. Through the BlackSky satellite constellation, unique collection of sensors, signals, and analytics, we give you an unprecedented view of your world. If situational awareness is important, your alerts can be measured in minutes.

BlackSky Awarded IARPA Contract to Develop Platform for Global Construction Monitoring Using Next Generation Artificial Intelligence

About BlackSky LLC

BlackSky is a global monitoring company. We monitor activities and facilities worldwide by harnessing the world’s emerging sensor networks and leveraging our own satellite constellation. We process millions of observations daily from space, air, environmental sensors, asset tracking sensors, Industrial IoT, and Internet-enabled narrative sources. BlackSky’s on-demand swarm of satellites can image a location multiple times throughout the day. We monitor for pattern-of-life anomalies to produce alerts and enhance situational awareness. Our monitoring service is powered by cutting-edge compute techniques including machine learning, artificial intelligence, computer vision, and natural language processing. BlackSky’s global monitoring is available via a simple subscription and requires no IT infrastructure or setup

"While attacks do occur, we are safeguarded by a 'Black Eye'." ?

From your second link:

BlackSky has been selected to aid in the development of IARPA’s Space-based Machine Automated Recognition Technique (SMART) Program. The SMART program aims to automate the quantitative analysis of space-based imagery to perform broad-area searches for natural and man-made events using time-series imagery. BlackSky will expand upon its Spectra AI platform to develop a responsive system that can automatically monitor large-scale construction of critical infrastructure such as military bases, stadiums, campuses, dams, and airports.

We process millions of observations daily from space, air, environmental sensors, asset tracking sensors, Industrial IoT, and Internet-enabled narrative sources. BlackSky’s on-demand swarm of satellites can image a location multiple times throughout the day.

Sounds ominous.

Air Force goes with BlackSky’s Spectra AI platform to track impact of COVID-19

The global monitoring services provider also used its artificial intelligence-based geospatial data analysis platform, Spectra AI, to gain insights such as the movement of ground vehicles and the number of container stacks at the port.

Wonder if some of those aerial/Sat images Q had posted were from BlackSky.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: PurpleFox
ppl are storming the capital holy #

Poke the bear... you may get mauled.

These politicians think they operate in a vacuum that is detached from 1) reality 2) the people.

The people may just make BLM & Antifa look like afterthoughts.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 12:38 PM


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  • posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 12:39 PM

    originally posted by: Hamlin

    originally posted by: Flesh699

    originally posted by: Hamlin
    a reply to: Flesh699

    Yes. You say this now. Once Q has stopped telling you what to think and Trump has lost.

    For the years previous you believed Q was leading you to some sort of massive drop, or round up of the Deep State. Indictments and sealed whatevers.

    The MSM hasn't changed. Other than Trump decided to ruin Fox on the way out. CNN remains the biggest news source for people worldwide.

    What happened to everything else Q promised? Obama and the guns? No deals. They will pay? No-ones paid for anything.

    So suddenly as things look like they are ending you've changed your tune about Q. It was now just about raising awareness about the MSM.

    Q who posts solely on a pretty horrific website to surf wanted to raise awareness. Makes sense lol

    Flesh is Q a whitehouse insider?

    I don't give a crap about what Q promised, lizard boy. I never have paid attention to predictions. And if your eyes were right you'd notice it's mostly the "followers" that make predictions.
    The only thing Q has done for me is start proving things for myself. I've got a whole a huge folder on my SSD with nothing but censored content. That's all the proof I need.

    "Lizard boy" lol how nice.

    I'm not really interested in the "censored content" you keep on your disks.

    I do care about what Q promised. Hence why i'm in this Q thread. Why are you here? If your posts are not Q related they should be in a different thread.

    So apologies for thinking you had an interest in Q or believed in Q. Clearly you don't I guess and just hang out in here for attention?

    This was the last chance for Trump to confirm the legitimacy of Q for me.

    Is there anyone out there who still thinks Q+++++++ was Trump posting?

    You never came here to believe anything Q which is obvious with the way you're acting.
    I came here for information from people with more answers than myself.

    Hundreds of thousands of people are currently learning how the political process works that didn't have a clue or cared until there was murmurs of election fraud. All eyes on Electoral Objections today.
    I'd bet money many people have read the constitution simply because of the movement.

    You're beyond help if you refuse to see what's going on here. It's akin to educating Germany BEFORE the holocaust happened so it wouldn't happen. Nothing like that can happen with an aware public.
    The public is aware about the whole poltical process of this country, the only ones whom aren't are the idiots who think Biden won.

    posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 12:40 PM

    originally posted by: Quadrivium
    HEY YA'LL!

    Bad day to jump back in? Lots happening!

    Thanks to all of those that took time out to send prayer and well wishes during the last two weeks.
    Doc said I should make a full recovery over the next few months.

    So...... back to the stress.

    What the hell is Pence gonna do (my guess is NOTHING).

    The World is Watching

    posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 12:41 PM
    So far they've evacuated 2 buildings for bomb threats. Why are people so stupid?

    posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 12:42 PM
    DOJ - failed
    FBI - failed
    FEC - failed
    CISA - failed
    SCOTUS - failed
    Senate GOP - failed
    House GOP - failed

    The People did what they were supposed to do. They came out in huge numbers to vote for Trump. The integrity of that process was known to be corrupt and yet in “not your normal 4 year election” it was left exposed to criminals.

    Now the media wants to pee on the floor when the People react to injustice?

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