a reply to:
My, yes, you are observant.
Yes.. I had experience 'shell ejection' maybe 6 months earlier? I also call it 'soul death'.
It REALLY twisted my noodles when that happened.
As I had ignorantly presumed at the time, that 'I was the soul'.
Only I wasn't.
We are the hardware, not the software.
People don't like hearing this.
But as they said in the US Navy when I was there (my pardon, this is very rude) "Tough Titty".
Now, yes, in a sense, we are also the 'software', but 'here' in regular old entropic reality,
'we' are the hardware. Somebody has to do the job.
And in a way, it's a POWERFUL situation to be in.
But yet, 'death' was the key.
Now, I've experienced 'death' twice so far. I suppose I should call them NDE as I did sort
of come back.
The first time I experienced 'nirvikalpha samahdi' and I noticed that I was dying/dead really.
My heart seemed to stop beating. I grew cold. The blood settled in the bottom of my body.
I lost the ability to think in words.
Now, I don't know what happened.. but I 'came back' eventually.
I couldn't move my body properly. My tongue was thick.. I could barely move my body..
it felt like I was trying to control an 'avatar' like in the movie "Avatar". It was very
clumsy. It was like I didn't even know how to walk. I had some seizures.
It came really close.
But yes, I got a good look at post death.
But that's not the death that was meaningful in terms of this discussion.
There's old stories about 'Kundalini rising up fully and then exiting out the top of the head'', presumably
transporting the 'adept' to the 'upper worlds' and outside of wheel of dharma forever.
Only.. it didn't happen that way.
Oh 'junior' did exit.. and I felt him fade in the distance.. but at a certain point, I was totally alone
and left 'feeling enormously "hollowed out"'
Yet again, I could barely function.
Being an 'empty vessel' all manner of negative 'entitites' came around and tried to set up shop in me.
it was wretched.
Not only wasn't "I" the transcendant being that flew away, "I" was the refuse left behind that was
being picked over.
It took a LONG time for me to make sense of all of this. A very long time.
But in terms of the UFO 'summoning',
a major part of what 'came back' was the part of me that I ejected.
Only it wasn't a 'glorious being of light'.
At least not anymore.
It was the carcass that I had ejected.. my 'inner self' that I had been
growing my entire life, and which had been very strengthened and
magnified via 'kundalini'.
So that's when I went through my 'we are just crops being farmed'
And.. in a way.. that's true.. but that's the most negative possible
way to put it.
I guess it's not surprising that I was able to 'recall' the fading remnant
of my own soul carcass.
But it apparently brought 'company with'.
Both a 'faerie' and possibly another or the same faerie inhabiting the
rotting corpse of me. I"m not certain frankly.
There certainly may be 'gray alien like' entitites which wear dead humans
like clothing that present as more "negative".
The 'Faerie' associated with the 'ship' was quite charming and giggly.
It's the meme of the two different types of aliens you know..
the nasty little guy and the other, more ' evolved one'.
I've rather given up on any respecting me, for talking like this.. but that's
part of my path.. to 'be the fool'.. if that helps anyone.
I hope that was helpful.