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Doctors Alliance has miracle cure for COVID-19 yet FDA and CDC does not want to approve

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posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: Caver78
Ivermectin's been around for a long time and is used routinely pretty much everywhere EXCEPT the United Sates.
Just because most people who don't have livestock don't know about it doesn't make it this dramatic or unusual. Altho other countries use it with no problem's in humans.

There HAVE been a couple of older studies done for non-covid related ailments and Ivermectin is, as far as drugs go, pretty safe. It's about time Doctors in the US got on board with it and are speaking up!

No they are murdering people in Canada to by making the drug hard or impossible to get....the attacks are aimed at developed countries and thats why these miracle drugs were by PRE-PLANNING made hard to get......3rd world countries already use anti-parasitics a lot....The evil monsters trying to rule us dont care about 3rd world people who die young anyways.....

The fact that the Monsters are targetting 1st World Countries is absolutely frightening..... and these people have to be remediated 100%.....anyone who digresses or argues with what the OPs linked video says IMHO needs to be remediated immediatly.

No more Gentlemens rules.

Am with ya man. It's just that we all may have types that we don't read so well.
For me : one of those types are boastful salesman types, which is unfortunately how that doc felt to me, from that vid.
Easy enough to understand his frustration, giving all he has to try to save lives, while dickhead politicians dirty his reputation.

Have been looking at a couple of zappers, and will probably order one within the next few weeks.
Still taking a little shot of Absinthe every day, you know : for medicinal purposes...

Swish it around my mouth when returning from work or errands, but after 10 secondes it's too much, and just swallow it down. 68% alcohol !

Thanks for your comments, and everyone else in this thread as well.
It feels like a tiny island of near-sanity, in an insane world.
Everyone is clamoring and cheering for these new vaccines.
If that was one of the goals of the psyop : it worked hella good !! LoL !!

posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 04:47 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
My Daughter in law just started a career in nursing and people have been dying in the hospital she works in from the "thing". My oldest son had to go in to work Sunday due to a co-worker dying from said "thing". We have prevention and cure yet NIH and WHO refuse to even look at it. So much for Black lives matter, eh? Hospitals have been pushed in to a financial corner with no other source of income except new "thing" patients. So we have hospitals, politicians and others in the power elite shoving this down our throat simply to destroy our lives and secure power for themselves. If any of them catch the "thing" I hope no one gives them Ivermectin. No one else would deserve such a horrible death than those pushing it on others.

Can I even tell my daughter in law about Ivermectin? They are obviously not using it as part of their treatment protocol. Would she be fired for even mentioning it? If she learns it works then is forced to treat people with things that don't cure them would she able to stand the guilt? I know her well enough to say she wouldn't be able to keep it inside. So what do I do as someone who knows? This sux big time.

Ask yourself what Ivermectin does?

When you are satisfied you have that answer.

Are yourself if there any other Pharma based drugs that will also provide the same remedial components and or impacts?

When you are satisfied with that then take your list of Pharmacutical drugs that fit your template and ask yourself this 64,000.00 Question......where do these drugs come from?

Once you define that....then ask yourself this.....are there any common ingredients amongst the list of different Drugs?

Are there any commonalities of any type ?

Finally ask yourself if there are any Plant based natural alternatives and effective delivery methods that would allow you to build your own natural plant based Remedial application?

In short...what are the 100% natural plant based alternatives to these drugs?

If we say that anti-parasitics keep popping up over and over in this discussion we are accurate and whats the parasitic connection?......of course there is one.....this is NOT A CASE OF CROSSOVER BENEFITS......killing the parasites in your gut stops covid from killing why is that?

I just realise I dont have time or space to explain what you might want to say to your Daughter-In-law...

Its a negative dissonance dynamic when you rip a top level Doctors reality apart in under 60 seconds.

If and it is a BIG can get a top notch Doctor to even entertain new ideas that run polar opposite to and that disenfranchise his own Education to its core pillars....well then you will have an extremely powerful educated mind that will be finishing sentences for you with regularity.But this is how you shortcut right to the chase or the need to baptize these Doctors with data that they can verify recognize and work within.

You could explain why Ivermectin works and way other drugs work and why some work in different areas and ways than others..... you can give her the truth....but you better give her a new career because many people simply have to change their lives when their paradigm is shattered and changed happened to me several times.

How long would you intentionally screw up your own Job just to satisfy your Bosses bassakwards wishes ??? long as the Paycheque was there?...or for 5 minutes ?....could you undermine and sell out your own sense or Professionalism ?.....thats what these Medical Doctors are being forced to do.

The stark reality is that most of these Doctors really do have no pucking clue about how many or what types of lies and subterfuge have been forced upon them since childhood and Gradeschool right thru University and Professional Vetting.So its not their fault....they are not "all in on the big conspiracy" however they are unknowing working parts of just that conspiracy.

Really any of the Diagnostic focused Medical Texts if followed accurately will lead you to causality.

Really any Grade 10 Biology Textbook will accurately lead you to causality.

You really do have to let them lie to you and then support those lies as an Individual for the silly conjob to work on all of us.....lazy distracted minds thats all.

posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: Hecate666

Whoah slow down buddy, I'm on your side. I'm the OP.

Not sure what I was responding to but was just pointing out that Ivermectin was added later and that Methylprednisolone a corticosteriod was their main line of defense against advanced Covid symptoms.

posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

If I did the math right, the dose for COVID is waaay less. It is less than 1/1000th of the dose you mentioned. (Assuming the drug has a similar density to water..)

Are you a vet?


1 ml of water = 1g or 1000 mg.

The protocol says:

"Prophylaxis for high risk individuals - 0.2 mg/kg* — one dose on day 1 and day 3, then take one dose weekly for 10 weeks, followed by one dose every 2 weeks**

Post COVID-19 exposure prophylaxis*** - 0.2 mg/kg* — one dose on day 1 and day 3 "

1kg is 2.2 pounds so 10 lbs = 4.55kg

So for 10 lbs you would use a 0.91 mg dose.

posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Well whatever you decide here are the treatment PDF's.

Why don't you just ask her to watch the video with the doctor at the senate hearing. She can make up her own mind.

She prob won't go around injecting drugs that are not prescribed but she can talk about it to others and get a conversation going. I am shocked she wouldn't even know about it.

Also the treatment includes more than Ivermectin. Ivermectin was added later. Primarily their main line of defense for people with Advanced Covid / hypoxemia is a corticosteroid Methylprednisolone.



posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: Nothin

First of all, its an alliance. Not a lone doctor. Second of all, they've used it in ICU setting as they are mostly ICU doctors. Third, I don't see any other possible ulterior motives like you are seeing with this bunch - its not like they represent any big corporate interests.

Lastly - the proof is in the pudding. The best way to prove it is simply to try it. Its not like the treatment involves and exotic drug concoction. The treatment consists of common drugs ad vitamins.

It consists of: Methylprednisolone a corticosteroid for people experiencing hypoxemia, along with vitamin C, Thiamine, Heparin, Vitamin D, and a bunch of other things incl. Ivermectin which is a relatively small dose compared to what vets give spread apart.

posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: Caver78

It also sounds like a tiny dose -

0.2 mg/kg – days 1 and 3; Repeat – days 6 and 8 if not recovered

(Thats for those who already have it.)

For Post COVID-19 exposure prophylaxis*** - 0.2 mg/kg* — one dose on day 1 and day 3

And Prophylaxis for high risk individuals - 0.2 mg/kg* — one dose on day 1 and day 3, then take one dose weekly for 10 weeks, followed by one dose every 2 weeks**

posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 07:23 PM
originally posted by: Kenzo

a. 60% effective in late treatment

For the late treatment numbers, I just wanted to emphasize that the main treatment this alliance is pushing is a corticosteroid - Methylprednisolone for those experiencing hypoxemia. They are not depending on the Ivermectin to save lives.

There is also the treatment of expelling lung fluids through Postural Drainage - you can Google for techniques.

edit on 15-12-2020 by nOraKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: Nothin

I don't think he's bragging. He is telling about his teams credentials to gain legitimacy.

posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 07:39 PM

originally posted by: one4all
The fact that the Monsters are targetting 1st World Countries is absolutely frightening..

Yeah this is really scary sh.. Getting all too real.

posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 07:54 PM
I thought the same thing. Destroying the economy and small businesses and forced vaccinations. Total control. It sounds like a playbook like a war computer finally created the perfect way to win a war without firing a shot. "Would you like to play a game?" Like we're at defcon 1. Think about it like a plan or movie. Cause a pandemic, via 5G reactivating viruses or a real virus. Everybody isolated on lockdown and forced to wear mask. Lowering oxygen and Vitamin D and killing brain cells. Society gets sicker and dumber. Only essential workers can work. Companies go on hiring spree replacing workers and preparing for the worst. Signing up more and more people for dead peasant life insurance policies. Election takeover. Fraud on massive scale to elect favorable candidate. Vaccination for essential workers first. Police, medical workers,national security units, and military troops. Will they become the next shot across the bow if it's a plan to take out the smartest most capable of society? Next civil war. UN comes in with multinational forces from around the world to secure the country and disarm the US citizens having guns. Some companies have already been discussing weather you will be allowed to work without a vaccination shot. reply to: TonyS

posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: nOraKat

Thanks for the reply with additional info, and for this thread.

Nothing wrong with some healthy skepticism, but perhaps it is just me that is put-off by my perceptions of certain personality types.

Sorry if you sensed that as bring negativity, or disparaging the doc, and his alliance.

posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: TamtammyMacx

It was definitely in the conversation in France whether to make vaccinations mandatory by law. In a discussion Macron was giving the reasons why he did not make it mandatory. It seemed there was a push from somewhere to make it mandatory by law.

As far as war being fought without bullets - everyone should be aware our enemies would not attack by conventional means. Unfortunately nobody is taught the tactics of modern warfare..

As far as enemies - for everyone Ch # ina comes to mind but I think they are in w the Globalists and enemies are everywhere, and perhaps already own the US. Its just a matter of how they will reveal themselves and the new order.

posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: Nothin

Its cool, but I think he was just trying to convince the senate using their joint qualifications and track record to convince them of their legitimacy.

Him being loud and forceful with his voice and red in the face is probably due to his frustration of the situation - seeing people die despite him having an effective treatment. And also the gov't/FDA doing nothing to even send a task force to investigate his findings or to see it in action.

posted on Dec, 16 2020 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: nOraKat

Critical Care Alliance memo:

Shall we publish in a peer reviewed journal, so our fellow scientists can carefully consider our study and test our results, or shall we publish .pdf files on our own website and release some YouTube videos?


posted on Dec, 16 2020 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: Whodathunkdatcheese

It took me less than 10 seconds to navigate their website to find the links to the studies published. But here.

Weirdly enough the journals have options to download the studies as PDF as well.

posted on Dec, 16 2020 @ 10:46 PM
DOCTORS who are actually keeping up and prescribing Ivermectin and HCQ instead of call me if things get worse...

List of trials for Ivermectin, notice how the US is not leading the way.

• Ivermectin is effective for COVID-19. 100% of studies report positive effects. The probability that an ineffective treatment generated results as positive as the 26 studies to date is estimated to be 1 in 67 million (p = 0.000000015).
• Early treatment is most successful, with an estimated reduction of 87% in the effect measured using a random effects meta-analysis, RR 0.13 [0.04-0.40].
• 100% of the 10 Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) report positive effects, with an estimated reduction of 74% in the effect measured using a random effects meta-analysis, RR 0.26 [0.12-0.56].

Articles on Ivermectin

The dose is extremely low, anyone high risk should be taking it. Anyone with symptoms would be wise to as well.

Zalenko also publishing his trial, HCQ prevents over 80% hospitalizations, how did the WHO and others miss that data point? This was an early treatment, imagine the number of deaths/jobs that would have been saved if politics didnt get involved.
edit on 16-12-2020 by 111DPKING111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2020 @ 06:17 AM

originally posted by: 111DPKING111
DOCTORS who are actually keeping up and prescribing Ivermectin and HCQ instead of call me if things get worse...

List of trials for Ivermectin, notice how the US is not leading the way.

• Ivermectin is effective for COVID-19. 100% of studies report positive effects. The probability that an ineffective treatment generated results as positive as the 26 studies to date is estimated to be 1 in 67 million (p = 0.000000015).
• Early treatment is most successful, with an estimated reduction of 87% in the effect measured using a random effects meta-analysis, RR 0.13 [0.04-0.40].
• 100% of the 10 Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) report positive effects, with an estimated reduction of 74% in the effect measured using a random effects meta-analysis, RR 0.26 [0.12-0.56].

Articles on Ivermectin

The dose is extremely low, anyone high risk should be taking it. Anyone with symptoms would be wise to as well.

Zalenko also publishing his trial, HCQ prevents over 80% hospitalizations, how did the WHO and others miss that data point? This was an early treatment, imagine the number of deaths/jobs that would have been saved if politics didnt get involved.

The USA,Canada,England........these are the Countries that are being treated like they are about to be wiped off the face of this Planet.......absolute control by the monsters trying to run Humanities do not keep People that far in the Dark unless you KNOW they will never ever cause you kickback or future stress.

Its NOT just the USA that is being run by these Monsters.

posted on Dec, 17 2020 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: Dae
a reply to: Whodathunkdatcheese

It took me less than 10 seconds to navigate their website to find the links to the studies published. But here.

Weirdly enough the journals have options to download the studies as PDF as well.

It took you less than ten seconds to find papers publiushed on their own website and external links that begin "This is a preprint, a preliminary version of a manuscript that has not completed peer review at a journal"

Which is my original point. It looks good but, at best, it's the kind of cheap and sensational stuff that some academics use when they're desperate to attract funds.

edit on 17-12-2020 by Whodathunkdatcheese because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2020 @ 02:19 PM
Dr.Marik video on Ivermectin, after the Peruvian results, he increased his use of Ivermectin and started recommending it for high risk patients as a preventative measure. This was back in late October.

18:51 - History of Ivermectin

32:32 - Clinical trials.

41:30 - History of usage, over 25 years.

42:54 - Peruvian results, real world evidence.

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