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Doctors Alliance has miracle cure for COVID-19 yet FDA and CDC does not want to approve

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posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 01:46 PM
My Daughter in law just started a career in nursing and people have been dying in the hospital she works in from the "thing". My oldest son had to go in to work Sunday due to a co-worker dying from said "thing". We have prevention and cure yet NIH and WHO refuse to even look at it. So much for Black lives matter, eh? Hospitals have been pushed in to a financial corner with no other source of income except new "thing" patients. So we have hospitals, politicians and others in the power elite shoving this down our throat simply to destroy our lives and secure power for themselves. If any of them catch the "thing" I hope no one gives them Ivermectin. No one else would deserve such a horrible death than those pushing it on others.

Can I even tell my daughter in law about Ivermectin? They are obviously not using it as part of their treatment protocol. Would she be fired for even mentioning it? If she learns it works then is forced to treat people with things that don't cure them would she able to stand the guilt? I know her well enough to say she wouldn't be able to keep it inside. So what do I do as someone who knows? This sux big time.

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals
The thing is would you NOT tell them if they got Covid. Could you live with yourself if they died and they might have lived if taken it. That's the decision that they have to make not you, and if your backs against the wall any straw is a straw. Sorry if I sound blunt and uncaring, I wish your son and daughter in law all the best.

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: maya27
a reply to: dug88

A breaking down of the membrane causing damage and death.

Essential oils do this. I am a Clinical Aromatherapist, worked in AIDS/HIV sector.

Tea tree, Geranium, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Oregano. et.c I am very busy, but there is someone else here who does post Aromatherapy info.

Just google "Essential oils for scabies and parasites".

Please always purchase good quality, (not necessarily expensive), Pure 100% Essential oils. And follow safe guidelines.

A clinical aromatherapist?


posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 03:37 PM
I have a cure that’s 99.06 effective.

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 04:30 PM
Maybe it's just me : but get a weird feeling watching, and listening to that 'doc' from the OP vid.
Anyone else ?

" Miraculous results " ; " Wonder-drug " ; " Dedicated to scientific-truth" ; " We are the most qualified group ever assembled " ...

Why the need for all of hubris, and boasting ?
Feels like he's trying to sell me a used set of snow-tires...

Are we each prepared to comb over the supposed "mountains of data", or are we being coerced to just believe him, 'cause he is presented to us as being legit ?

We are all so very skeptical of Big-Pharma™, Big-Science™, and TPTB™ . We call their followers sheeple, yet we are to just instantly believe this guy, because he's selling roses ?

Are we falling for our own confirmation biases ?

Are we sure that this isn't a part of a controlled-opposition effort ?

'Cause that might also fit into this gaslighting, massive mind-flux of a mess, no ?

edit on 14-12-2020 by Nothin because: sp

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

That conundrum brought thoughts of how blindly we go through life sometimes.

Never contemplating the possibilities. Zipping hundreds of thousands of miles in our cars on superhighways, never having the thought cross our minds that just one tug on the steering wheel could bring horrific results.

Sipping drinks in an airliner, never contemplating what would happen if the plane were to suddenly become unstable.

Before this year : how many were thinking of what they were coming in contact with while touching common surfaces ?
Like public doors, shopping carts, ATM's and data-terminals, etc...

Ignorance is bliss, no ?

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: maya27
a reply to: dug88

A breaking down of the membrane causing damage and death.

Essential oils do this. I am a Clinical Aromatherapist, worked in AIDS/HIV sector.

Tea tree, Geranium, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Oregano. et.c I am very busy, but there is someone else here who does post Aromatherapy info.

Just google "Essential oils for scabies and parasites".

Please always purchase good quality, (not necessarily expensive), Pure 100% Essential oils. And follow safe guidelines.

A clinical aromatherapist?


Yeah : and some of us are know-it-all-know-nothings on this forum as well, eh ?

Scoffing at things we know nothing about.
Find myself doing that sometimes, you ?

Also plenty of Unconscious-Enablers™, eh ?

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 06:59 PM
Ivermectin's been around for a long time and is used routinely pretty much everywhere EXCEPT the United Sates.
Just because most people who don't have livestock don't know about it doesn't make it this dramatic or unusual. Altho other countries use it with no problem's in humans.

There HAVE been a couple of older studies done for non-covid related ailments and Ivermectin is, as far as drugs go, pretty safe. It's about time Doctors in the US got on board with it and are speaking up!


posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 07:00 PM

originally posted by: Nothin
Why the need for all of hubris, and boasting ?
Feels like he's trying to sell me a used set of snow-tires...

Because he was attacked by politics. Watch this if you are really interested.

Basically a senator introduced the good doctor with slander, said he is trying to undermine mask/vax/social distancing, and its all about politics. Absolutely awful! They irony, so I hear, is that the good doctor has voted democrat all his life I believe the senator Gary Petters is a dem?

The world is insane and politicians must hang for the blood on their hands.

The study "they" like to quote for this drug, is one they used on fit, healthy young people. Who would have recovered with the same results as the placebo. Big difference in the two groups that they like to leave out is... Ivermectin reduced the symptoms whereas the placebo group did not.

I implore you all to look this stuff up. Back up this group of doctors, this is not conspiracy crap. FLCCC Alliance

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Thailand medical news pretty much says the current crazy situation in articles about ivermecting, it did not allow copy/paste so here is the screenshots:

Thailand Medical News

Thaila ndMedicalNews

The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro

BREAKTHROUGH? Single dose of common agricultural drug Ivermectin found to “essentially eliminate all viral material” of COVID-19 coronavirus within 48 hours

The game is rigged....people are not supposed to get effective treatment but to die, and the official drugs seem to be toxic also...welcome to new normal

I would encourage to tell your daughter in law about Ivermectin.

She can look up more from search engine :

doctors who use ivermectin for covid-19

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: Dae

Agreed that politicians are among the worst of humanity.

Can see why the doc is upset, but that doesn't justify the bragging.
But could understand that he may be extremely frustrated, with getting insulted, instead of being listened-to.

Did watch the vid, and glanced at the link, but kinda have Covid™ burnout these days.
Am tired of hearing about it 24/7, and how despicable 'people' are using it to their advantage.
But thanks for your post, and for suppling the info.

It just seems that if it's helpful or good for folks : it will be discredited and suppressed.
This appears to be part of their fancy ' New-Normal™ .'

posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 02:28 AM

originally posted by: nOraKat
This doctor that represents the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance has found the absolute cure for COVID and has had the cure since August yet the CDC or the FDA does not want to approve it, nor even send a task force to investigate it. He speaks in this video at a senate hearing. He and his alliance says it "absolutely" stops all transmission of the disease. The drug is a re-purposed type of Ivermectin.

This tells me the CDC and the FDA do not want a cure.. or rather they didn't want an inexpensive one, or one already proven to work way back in August.

If you Google the drug, you will find the FDA website clearly states that it is not recommended even though it works like a miracle.

So we know for sure that the FDA knows about the drug, and very likely is aware it works.

I think we need to take it back to the old days and go out with our torches and pitchforks and round these people up ..

This particular video was the Gamechanger for some critical Family Members that lead my Group..... after several decades of saturating my Group with data on Parasites and Pleomorphic Bacteria and the Great Virus Lie and the obtuse connection between covid-cancer-bad gut bacteria......this video hit home turned decades of hard work that had been forsaken into IMPACT...BOOM.....Antiparasitics are now accepted as well as Lacto-Bacterial and Mineral/Vitamin supports and Covid-Coffee after Supper is becoming a staple.....Covid-Coffee = Fresh hot Coffee with Nocino(Green Black Walnut tincture/alcohol base) and a few drops of Wormwood Bitters and a ground up clove with a dash of Evaporated milk.....I live in a city of a Million people and just bought 4 of the 6 available bottles of Nocino in my City.

Nocino is easy to make at home and Wormwood/Sweet Annie is also easy to grown and make into a tincture.

Once people dig deep online they will find these plants are the base for most pharma based cures or any rate the connection between PLANTS and medicines is realized with a little research and that alone is critical to helping people change their perspectives.
edit on 15-12-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 02:35 AM

originally posted by: Caver78
Ivermectin's been around for a long time and is used routinely pretty much everywhere EXCEPT the United Sates.
Just because most people who don't have livestock don't know about it doesn't make it this dramatic or unusual. Altho other countries use it with no problem's in humans.

There HAVE been a couple of older studies done for non-covid related ailments and Ivermectin is, as far as drugs go, pretty safe. It's about time Doctors in the US got on board with it and are speaking up!

No they are murdering people in Canada to by making the drug hard or impossible to get....the attacks are aimed at developed countries and thats why these miracle drugs were by PRE-PLANNING made hard to get......3rd world countries already use anti-parasitics a lot....The evil monsters trying to rule us dont care about 3rd world people who die young anyways.....

The fact that the Monsters are targetting 1st World Countries is absolutely frightening..... and these people have to be remediated 100%.....anyone who digresses or argues with what the OPs linked video says IMHO needs to be remediated immediatly.

No more Gentlemens rules.

posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 03:08 AM
a reply to: one4all_javascript:hyperlink()

Wormwood is one of the Artemisia plants
Back in June, researchers from Germany released data from laboratory tests showing that extracts of the Artemisia plants are active against the virus causing Covid 19.

Then In August the Scientists at the University of Kentucky confirmed the findings from the German researchers and started clinical trials on Covid patients and Sweet wormwood (Artemisia).

There is a information here Artemisia Annua Could Be Promising Treatment for COVID-19

Re-Question is the Veterinary Ivermectin the same as human Ivermectin the answer is depends
The vet version is mixed with things for the animals its designed for but the chemical compound is the same.
The human version is mixed with stuff for humans and therefore needs a different weight calculations.

Like Smallpox some one observed in separate places around the world there were few cases of covid-19 disease in people being treated with Ivermectin. France OAP care facility had a scabies outbreak no one got it.

Peru, India, Brazil and Australia ( when using the Human form ) no-one got it.
Apparently you could buy it over the counter in Brazil and the government changed it to prescription and banned it's use for covid.
So in a few small towns the doctors declared a parasite outbreak ordered everyone to get it, 1 dose the 3 days later and 1 a month after that.

For those interested the answers and studies are on
For other info and be able to get the ability to make an informed decision and get you doctor to give you Ivermectin

He has several videos on the topic.

Remember with a mRNA inject it can be programmed to do anything a cell can do. The story of mRNA:

As he listened to Rossi describe his use of modified mRNA, Langer recalled, he realized the young professor had discovered something far bigger than a novel way to create stem cells. Cloaking mRNA so it could slip into cells to produce proteins had a staggering number of applications, Langer thought, and might even save millions of lives.

“I think you can do a lot better than that,” Langer recalled telling Rossi, referring to stem cells. “I think you could make new drugs, new vaccines — everything.”

Have fun and enjoy life it might not me around much longer.
edit on 15-12-2020 by puzzled2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 03:20 AM

originally posted by: puzzled2
a reply to: one4all_javascript:hyperlink()

Wormwood is one of the Artemisia plants
Back in June, researchers from Germany released data from laboratory tests showing that extracts of the Artemisia plants are active against the virus causing Covid 19.

Then In August the Scientists at the University of Kentucky confirmed the findings from the German researchers and started clinical trials on Covid patients and Sweet wormwood (Artemisia).

There is a information here Artemisia Annua Could Be Promising Treatment for COVID-19

Re-Question is the Veterinary Ivermectin the same as human Ivermectin the answer is depends
The vet version is mixed with things for the animals its designed for but the chemical compound is the same.
The human version is mixed with stuff for humans and therefore needs a different weight calculations.

Like Smallpox some one observed in separate places around the world there were few cases in people being treated with Ivermectin. France OAP care facility had a scabies outbreak no one got it.

Peru Brazil and Australia ( when using the Human form ) got it.
Apparently you could buy it over the counter in Brazil and the changed it to prescription and banned it's use for covid.
So in a few small towns the doctors declared a parasite outbreak ordered everyone to get it, 1 dose the 3 days later and 1 a month after that.

For those interested the answers and studies are on
For other info and be able to get the ability to make an informed decision and get you doctor to give you Ivermectin

He has several videos on the topic.

Remember with a mRNA inject it can be programmed to do anything a cell can do. The story of mRNA:

As he listened to Rossi describe his use of modified mRNA, Langer recalled, he realized the young professor had discovered something far bigger than a novel way to create stem cells. Cloaking mRNA so it could slip into cells to produce proteins had a staggering number of applications, Langer thought, and might even save millions of lives.

“I think you can do a lot better than that,” Langer recalled telling Rossi, referring to stem cells. “I think you could make new drugs, new vaccines — everything.”

Have fun and enjoy life it might not me around much longer.

Thank you for your excellent references...I myself tend to go to the revealing data that many times becomes to uncomfortable for people to I get down to how the pharma drugs are made from what plants and why they are called synthetic and how they use a base molecule from the plants for their so-called synthetic drugs so they can patent and monetize them.

Im not religous but all of this data is in the doctrinal writings laid out plain and simple for everyone to see and to learn.

Where do you think the rotten plicks who have been hiding this truth learned it themselves?

Thats right from the History book they bastardized to hide truths from us.

Footnote.....yes the late respected Humanitarian Heroine Hulda Clark was right all along.

edit on 15-12-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-12-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 03:36 AM
disparately trying not to get kicked of You tube

Saying he his not recommending just repeating but is discussing everything including that government should start treatment trials.

posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 04:10 AM

originally posted by: puzzled2
disparately trying not to get kicked of You tube

Saying he his not recommending just repeating but is discussing everything including that government should start treatment trials.

Another excellent link.

Im old now ....tired and retired from trying to share this truth......Im glad people like you "get it"....I hope the implications of this information being in the Bible and other doctrinal books doesnt fly over anyones heads.....they learned of this from those books then weaponized that data against all of us....."clean and unclean animals"...the descriptions of such....relate directly to the dangerous human compatable parasites and bacteria these specific animals carry.....the books even detail correct remedial or medicinal plants and foods to use in treatment plans.

posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: one4all

I appreciate your work, yes we do need to dig in to the wonderfull World of parasites and such....

Artemisia , ivermectin, HCQ etc....

I been using this one, actually buyed bottles of it about a Year ago....well i had no serious cold/flu since


posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 08:14 AM
And a legitimate source would be one that supports the correct politics.

a reply to: nOraKat

posted on Dec, 15 2020 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

Interesting reply; thanks.

I do follow international politics a bit. From the US, its very difficult because we live behind what amounts to a digital curtain that produces a near blackout of news from abroad except for the typical Goverment Media MSM approved sites like the BBC which parrots the "Party" line promulgated by the New York Times and disseminated by CNN.

I have observed that in the UK at least where some of my friends live, that COVID seems to have encouraged a rise of something resembling Fascist totalitarianism in the UK. Same seems to have occurred in France with protests having followed on.

I don't know if ditching Merkel is a good or bad thing for Germans as a whole. Guess we will see what follows.

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