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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 31 -

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posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

They don’t care. That’s why they are Socialists.

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
a reply to: IAMTAT

They don’t care. That’s why they are Socialists.

'By any means necessary'.

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: PurpleFox

SOOOOooo real that nothing has hit mainstream and Q has to say each year that arrests are imminent and coming soon.

I'll believe it when I see it. Q is the boy who cried wolf.

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 07:27 PM
Bidet in the WH means we are on our way to becoming a 3rd World country.

I don't think people understand the scale of the disaster before us.

Bread & Circuses.

We are going to pay with our country for ignoring the sedition preached in our educational system.

edit on 11/23/2020 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 07:30 PM
Possible the separation from Sidney was timed to come before the gsa announcement?
Would Biden get daily briefings of Trumps legal case against the election and be able to counteract, so Sidney et al are removed from those briefings to do their own thing on the criminal side more covertly?
Lol, drinking the koolaid tonight so may be reaching

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 07:33 PM
Unleash the Monolith....?

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 07:38 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
a reply to: More1ThanAny1

Contingent Election. It’s coming.

Thanks for reminding me to look that up!

Edit to add: This document was updated recently... On October 6th!

No Coincidences:

edit on 11/23/2020 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 07:49 PM
Back on pg 308 so dont know if this has shown up yet.

“Sidney Powell is registered as a MILITARY LAWYER and is the only one who can prosecute TREASON at a TRIBUNAL!”

2 Snippets:

These are strong and vividly colorful words from a serious, well seasoned Military Attorney who just won’t roll over and allow the media to drag her reputation through the mud. She is chomping at the bit to get on with the real justice and that is the days in court. Be it the Supreme Court or before the Military Tribunal.

“When Trump begins his second term a tidal wave of punishment will be coming their way, the likes of which has never been seen before in this country.” In a news report by Hal Turner, his sources state that Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp and the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger both allegedly took money from Communist China, perhaps to intentionally STEAL the November 3rd Election for Joe Biden


posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 07:52 PM
The Biden cabinet are all also-rans and hacks. This is shaping up to be Stalag 13 and Joe is Col Klink, lol

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 07:57 PM

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 08:00 PM
Many choose the path of least resistance.
For many you cannot tell them the truth.
You must show them.
Only at the PRECIPICE will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].

Important to understand.

Sometimes you cannot tell people the truth.
You must show them.
Only then, at the PRECIPICE, will people find the will to change [to participate].
We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time.

MSDNC CON: the Country is divided and dementia Joe [currently taking early-stage dementia medication?] is leading across-the-board.
MSDNC controls what you see [digital echo].
Twitter - FB - GOOG control what you see and what trends [digital echo].
Hollywood ['stars'] swarm to enforce ['trend' echo].
Blue checkmarks swarm to enforce [digital echo].
ANTIFA swarm to enforce [non_digital echo].
Rage and emotion follow by those indoctrinated [echo controlled].
Define 'indoctrinate'.
to often repeat an idea or belief to someone in order to persuade them to accept it
Next: grab 'rage & emotion' [organized platform(s)] by indoctrinated and project as 'majority' [zoom and enhance _narrow focus as mainstream].
System of control.
Many choose the path of least resistance.
For many you cannot tell them the truth.
You must show them.
Only at the PRECIPICE will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].

Who is free? Who is controlled?
To wake up everyone, you really need to shake them hard.
Humanity is in a deep slumber.
This isn't just another 4 year election.
Recognise the deeper themes.

Dark to light.

What really needs to change to free the world of the systems of control?
Think mirror.
Where we go one.
Only at the precipice.
Dark to light. We go all.
We, the People.

For many you cannot tell them the truth.
You must show them.

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 08:14 PM
Blah, blah, blah. I'm done drinking the Kool-Aid.


posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: saladfingers123456

edit on fMondayAmerica/Chicago4508699 by Flesh699 because: Fixed

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: Creep Thumper
Please keep visiting, even if you don't post. Zero Hour isn't until 1/20/2021.

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Yes ... not too unlike my own thought.

I've been saying the only way we end up with a second Trump term is if God wills it to be so for His own purposes because there is more work He needs to have done.

Biden ends it all and it falls ruin. That's going to happen eventually, so we know this period will end. It's just a matter of whether we get a 4 year or 8 year reprieve.

This is exactly what I have always meant by my chosen catch phrase -Scenic Route.

We’ve taken the scenic route- or the “Trump route”- not necessarily because we will change our destin(y)ation- but because we have been given the chance to “see what’s coming” (and what’s already here!) and make of it what each of us will.

Knowing all that we have discovered through “Q” eyes (or woke eyes; or through the happenings of the Trump admin; or give it whatever name you like)- what changes , not for the world, the USA, the whole of reality itself, but within each of us individually, on both a spiritual and physical perspective?

To be made in the image of our creator , means we have the ability to take what is “meant for evil”- and flip it, re-route it, change the perception and understanding of the experience itself into something we use for growth, for betterment of our spiritual connections to one another and to manifest the only thing that really matters throughout and at the end of the journey- LOVE, which is ultimately connection and unity (that many so often speak of, here)

does that mean I don’t believe in manifestation or the power we have that’s been hidden from us both individually and collectively? No.. I believe we (conspiracy minded/truth seeking people and the movements that have manifested through our efforts to spread our perception of reality) have manifested our divergence to the ‘scenic route’.

- Can we change the fate of the world? Not without changing our perception of the reality that actually unfolds within our own personal experiences.

The difference in the power that we hold, and that ‘they’ hold, is that they have to literally try to rewrite the story.... to change the ending and ultimately reality (which seems as much to interfere with our perceptions of it all than with actually altering “it all”) to work in their favor. In the interest of evil intentions devoid of Love.

Our power is that despite all that they might do to seemingly be on the path to succeeding at that goal, we can hold on to the faith that in the end, goodness and love always win and find a way to manifest through even the most awful intentions, situations, tribulations and devastating effects of the absence of love, but that things always work out - if we’re patient enough to see them through until the end- exactly the way they are supposed to be...

when we accept that we cannot change the world or where it’s headed we are given, through the pain of initial hopelessness of that realization, the gift of understanding that we’re here to transform ourselves...

and though others might look out at the world and insist it is the same hopeless prison planet it’s always been, only when we have made changes in our perception of own life, our own purpose and role here, our story within the story, can we shine our “light” into the places of darkness that remain.

We have been given the never ending saga of deep state illuminati treasonous lizard people controlling the world through all means possible to reveal that to us.

Simply put: the realization that something else is out so desperately to control you, makes you stop and realize how little effort you have been putting in to controlling yourself...and now your efforts to make the most of your own experience (if you’ll get past your anger.. and choose to focus here will intensify and negate a lot of the mind controlling factors that have been veiled across your eyes for so long.

On comes the light. Shine on, friends. And remember, light can only be seen in the darkness. Which means what? That’s exactly where it belongs. Where it was meant to be.

Oh, and Q. The story of Q. What to make of all this? Trust the plan, Future proves past, Learn the comms, Alice in wonderland, it’s going to be Biblical madness;

I’ll leave you with my favorite quote from a favorite writer —

“All good stories are alike, in that they are truer than if they had actually happened”- Hemingway.

I’m almost caught up. On the thread, not sleep. 😜

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 08:22 PM
Keep in mind the Trump supporters delivered a record number of legal votes for a sitting President.

The voters did their part.

I have to believe POTUS, who has been aware of the computer ballot cheating, did his part and protected the process.

We shall see.

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 08:24 PM
I see a lot of folks griping about the shills and trolls out in force today in all online arenas. Odd since ByeDone has won - according to the posts, but something has them populating the arena's with garbage.

Let's take them out to the woodshed for beatdown.

First, keep this in mind, all orders come from this guy. As does the methodology, the terms and the money.

So the main anti Q theme always returns to "this is a larp" and "you are wasting your time with all this." (remember the guy above).

The problem with that logic is the guy above wants Humans to do nothing BUT waste time and energy. So....

The next problem, besides the shills and trolls being too stupid to get arrested at a BLM/Antifa rally - they couldn't find it, is their lives are the same as ours. So let's look at a few time wasters the shills and trolls foolishly bothered with in their lives

"stop building with blocks kid, there are not jobs that use building kids blocks"

"stop doing math, it's not like you''ll do anything with it."

"stop trying to get a date, you'll only get divorced in the end."

"get a job? Idiot, you'll just spend all the money anyway."

Yet.... "spend time on twitter, youtube, boards etc. shilling for the guy above because it's a good use of time."

You get the point, life it what it is. Life is just a series of event strung together designed to increase an understanding of one's self. So one day this will end, we'll forget about it in the same way we forget about our first date, or our drive in a car or our first job. We'll just add all that to the cumulative knowledge.

(remember the guy above...)

The irony is the shills and trolls will have spent the EQUAL AMOUNT OF TIME on Q and Q boards/twit etc. just in the polarity point.

I'll say that again, the shills and trolls are too stupid to realize they are spending energy in EXACTLY the same location as Anons at the request of that guy above. The core difference is the Anons are going to take what they have learned and grow, while the shills and trolls will be so far behind that an arrest at a BLM/Antifa rally will be a step up.

In the end the shills and trolls won't be "proven" wrong, they will have proved to themselves they were/are irrelevant.

These waves arrive when that guy above gets irritated, angry or frustrated, which is kind of funny because he/they are always in some state of the above.

edit on 23-11-2020 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 08:32 PM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
Blah, blah, blah. I'm done drinking the Kool-Aid.


Better late than never to realize that you've been scammed and lied to this entire time. Some of us did try to point to the truth along the way.

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: onehuman

Sidney needs to start with a Republican first, indicted, getting the masses to open up to the idea of election fraud, believing and wanting justice and blood. Separated from Trump

Then tie it into a Democrat. Show it’s bipartisan. Flush out the bad guys, chants in the streets
Then another one, and another and let it unfold
I’d buy popcorn for that movie 🍿

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 08:42 PM

originally posted by: poolboy
a reply to: onehuman

Sidney needs to start with a Republican first, indicted, getting the masses to open up to the idea of election fraud, believing and wanting justice and blood. Separated from Trump

Then tie it into a Democrat. Show it’s bipartisan. Flush out the bad guys, chants in the streets
Then another one, and another and let it unfold
I’d buy popcorn for that movie 🍿

Good point actually.

It is not odd that there are zero Dems seeking to preserve THEIR democracy by saying "let's get it right." But it is odd that there are very very very few Repubs saying that, much less doing anything about it. Everyone benefitted from rigged elections.

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