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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 31 -

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posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

I think the whole world is mostly gray hats.

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 08:48 PM
23 second clip of Melania Trump dragging an Evergreen at 17 seconds at the White House.

edit on 23-11-2020 by gps777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: saladfingers123456


The problem is, I don't think, even at this late stage, that we are at the precipice. Or if we are, 70% of people are facing the wrong direction, a yawning abyss right behind them.

I'm beginning to worry that Act III might be a four year ordeal, and that we may only be in Act II, ATM.

Still, this does not stir in me hopelessness, but instead inspires in me, hope.

So, what inspires the will to change?

Wide road, or narrow path?

Easy street, or the perilous mountain pass?

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: onehuman

Hopefully she will be the new AG! Fingers crossed

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 08:57 PM
I recommend people watch "Rubicon". It's available on Prime. The AMC+ channel has a free 7-day trial.

It only ran one season, 13 episodes. It's about a think tank really involved in intelligence work.

You'll get an idea of what we're dealing with here.


posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 09:16 PM
Jan 21, I will either have the best birthday ever or the worst birthday ever. Counting down to zero hour.

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: gps777

The same as last year when we found loads of image clues in the video of the White house Christmas tree, this 23 second video of FLOTUS managing the dragging down of the Evergreen tree into the White house is worth some closer investigation:

1) The 2 Horses each have 5 green triangles on their manes, with a Q inside the pyramid and a sword (?) within the Q... 5by5:

Do the 2 "horns" on their necks also symbolise trumpets?

2) Focussed shot of 1 white lantern (unlit):

3) FLOTUS wearing chessboard colored cape:

1 man, 3 women in the shot symbolises 13?

edit on 23-11-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 09:23 PM
Anyone have an idea how accurate these predicted actions on 11/23 thru 11/27 are?

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 09:31 PM

originally posted by: kasalt

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
Blah, blah, blah. I'm done drinking the Kool-Aid.


Better late than never to realize that you've been scammed and lied to this entire time. Some of us did try to point to the truth along the way.

Oh kasalt. I've been writing in this forum for months now, and it wasn't really for the people who are here already, it was really for you. Look at you. I have a great pity for your motivations. Look at the sadness in your heart, desperate to see others fall. For optimism and hope to die. What a black heart you have. Your diamond, plastered with sh*t.
You're thinking this is about Trump... or Biden... or who knows what you really think.

In reality, it's about you. But I've not given up on you.

What do you want for humanity? Don't avoid the question... answer it. Speak up so all can hear. Or are you afraid?

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 09:34 PM

originally posted by: gps777
23 second clip of Melania Trump dragging an Evergreen at 17 seconds at the White House.


The evergreen. The pine. The awakening!

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 09:34 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Anyone have an idea how accurate these predicted actions on 11/23 thru 11/27 are?

I’ll let you know on 28th.

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: kasalt

Do you realise that you are being scammed and lied to by the media every day?

Think about this: if you can see that the media is lying about something, why should they be believed about *anything*? If they can propagate a false narrative about, say, WMDs in Iraq, to create support for political actions why should they be believed about other political matters, such as election integrity? If they can completely ignore stories about one side of politics, how can they be believed when they present stories about the other? The simple answer is, dishonesty breeds dishonesty and the media should not be trusted. Any media.

Most of the people in these threads now understand this well, along with tens of millions of Americans, and look deeper than just the word of the media. That's powerful, and that toothpaste won't go back into the tube.

Not a bad LARP, huh...

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 09:43 PM

originally posted by: onthedownlow
a reply to: onehuman

Hopefully she will be the new AG! Fingers crossed

There might be an argument to be she's a deputy AG.

She speaks as one who has seen, not one who has heard about key information. The information she's talked about could only have come from one of two sources: AG Barr or Military Officials. Either way, the only way is if she has been deputized in some way. To date she is the ONLY one who has put forth a number of things, Anons have mostly confirmed, that outed Dominion+++ and caused them to fold up shop.

NOT working "for" DJT via a retainer makes this possible under the technical nature. But has zero impact on her efforts and still allows for her to garner attention, get press and scare the right people and inspire the right people.

I'd say not AG, but some SC to oversee executions of those arrested for this attempted coup would appropriate.

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 09:50 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Can you tell me specifically what confirmation has been provided to show messages have been successfully decoded?

It's never been proven to me that codes and comms even exists.
So it would be impossible to do what you ask.
Can't decoded something that isn't a code.
You can make yourself believe that you have though.

Then you should have read the HRC email dump because at least one person flat out admits in an email to podesta and someone else that there is code used. The email is about the sender going to a concert with Soros and says it’s not code so don’t bother looking it up, he’s really talking about a really concert. It’s the same email where he talks about fixing machines with Soros so they’re “humming in November”

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 09:50 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: gps777

The same as last year when we found loads of image clues in the video of the White house Christmas tree, this 23 second video of FLOTUS managing the dragging down of the Evergreen tree into the White house is worth some closer investigation:

1) The 2 Horses each have 5 green triangles on their manes, with a Q inside the pyramid and a sword (?) within the Q... 5by5:

Do the 2 "horns" on their necks also symbolise trumpets?

2) Focussed shot of 1 white lantern (unlit):

3) FLOTUS wearing chessboard colored cape:

1 man, 3 women in the shot symbolises 13?


23 second clip on 11-23-2020 @ 17:04

As GPS said, "dragging" the bagged tree.

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 09:53 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan

originally posted by: carewemust
Anyone have an idea how accurate these predicted actions on 11/23 thru 11/27 are?

I’ll let you know on 28th.

Thanks! Add this to your November 28th feedback too please.

Trump won, according to the Scytl server:
edit on 11/23/2020 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 09:55 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Anyone have an idea how accurate these predicted actions on 11/23 thru 11/27 are?

Sounds promising!

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 09:57 PM

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posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: carewemust

There are no fewer than a dozen promised “booms” yet to be delivered. It may be a storm.
edit on 23-11-2020 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: scraedtosleep
I agree. I'm a pretty even mix. I shine bright when I want to but my dark side can be extremely vicious

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