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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 31 -

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posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 03:30 PM

originally posted by: OG1KenObi
a reply to: Guiltyguitarist

Could be something to it. In KU drop #416 it says Soros take orders from P. “P” could possibly stand for Pindar.

House of Pamphili family aka Doria-Pamphili-Landi family line.

[P] = Pepe or [P] = Ptolemaic dynasty

[P] also stands for the Papal bloodlines.
These families believe that they are descendents of the Fallen Ones.

The Papal Bloodlines the Black Nobility.

The Aldobrandini, Lucifer And Its Servants.

The House of Pallavicini, their Coat of Arms , their Symbolism connects to the Holy Roman Empire & is connected to the Freemasons. The so-called Black Nobility in Rome. Princess Elvina Pallavicini, sometimes was referred to as the “black queen” or the “first lady” of Roman nobility.

Ptolemaic Papal bloodlines:

- Orsini (The Fearless Ones)
- Breakspear
- Aldobrandini (Black Nobility)
- Farnese
- Somaglia

Supposedly all controlled through the Jesuit Order and their Knights of Malta & Teutonic Knights all based in protected Borgo Santo Spirito in Rome.

When David Rene de Rothschild married Olimpia Anna Aldobrandini, he married into the Papal & Vatican Bloodline.

Pepe Orsini – Italy of Roman Papal Bloodline. The Orsini also known as Orso and the ancient Maximus family aka the Grey Pope.

Henry Breakspear – Macau, China

All sourced from Covert Geopolitics and a few dozen posts within these threads. You'll have to dig deeper for details...extremely deep rabbit hole, more like an abyss.

posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: Aallanon

Anyone else feeling like they are walking the tightrope right now?

Twitter's what it sounds like when you skate on thin ice. I am a personal witness who can vouch for the sound it makes, like firing Star Wars laser beam shots....

edit on 22-11-2020 by CanadianMason because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Sun Worshippers - Sun Order - All Roads Lead to Rome.

And Egypt?

In Greek mythology, Cronus / Saturn ate his children as soon as they were born because he knew that his destiny was to be ousted by one of them. This interest in their own and others’ children, and their sacrifice, will be taken up again in other cults with the figure of Saturn. The desire to obtain the sacrifice of children from human beings is present in the same Bible, where the biblical god asks for the sacrifice of his firstborn son, or does it himself if we want to believe what is written in the verses of chapter 13 of Exodus, in which he exterminates all the firstborn only to punish Pharaoh.

Eating first born son?

In the mystery traditions of every age, the cube is the symbol of matter, opposite to the sphere, which represents the spirit.

Here’s what NASA insiders think:
“It’s a very strange feature and is in a precise geometric shape, with 6 sides almost perfectly equal,” said Kevin Baines, an expert on atmosphere and a member of the Cassini team, related to the spectometer he makes infrared mapping at NASA’s Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.
“We have never seen anything like this on this or any other planets. In fact, the dense atmosphere of Saturn, where circular shaped waves and convective cells dominate, is perhaps the last place where you would expect to see such a six-sided thing … but there is! “

In the 70s Alan Parsons, London composer and rocker, collaborated with Pink Floyd in the drafting of the two albums Atom Heart Mother and The Dark Side of the Moon. Parsons’ production is imbued with occult and esoteric symbolism. In his songs he is inspired by the works of EA Poe, ancient Egypt and – in 1982 – he composes a piece entitled Eye in the Sky .
Here is the text of the refrain:

Starts at 2:06

It was unlike ANYTHING they had ever seen before - This is getting REALLY weird!


My "modified-Philolaos" model (1979) remains viable today: Earth once orbited Saturn, always keeping the same face toward Saturn, which thus appeared stationary. Other so-called "Saturn theories" sometimes suffer from "northernism", from an overcrowding of divinities, from too much myth, and from the lack of any descriptive name (how about "god-kebob"?).


edit on 0b16America/ChicagoSun, 22 Nov 2020 15:59:16 -0600vAmerica/ChicagoSun, 22 Nov 2020 15:59:16 -06001 by 0bserver1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 03:59 PM
I am firmly believing at this point in time, that something much much deeper is occurring in the world... that what is happening with Trump, the meaning of (or purpose) of Q, corona, spiritual awakening, "climate change", everything of significance all lead to a singular realisation... or an ignorance.

All of this is about the future and humanity as a whole. Our balance with the world. The rebalancing of the masculine and feminine energy. Our personal sovereignty against authority. Our connection to spirit, or lack of. The final battle where we submit to other mortal beings, or we restore our own authority and correct our path and look deeper.

Why does everything hang in the air? Everyone is waiting for others to do something... others. What do you want?

Are you a force for good? soft, flexible, caring, truthful?, or do you hold on to ideas that are dark... hard... rigid... material? Why do you want Trump to win? What do you get out of it? Do you need leading? And no, it is obvious that Biden and those demons connected to world governance are not the way.
I'm not trying to cause a wobble here... everyone is already wobbling. But it is the deeper questions that we ask of ourselves that are vital. Internal, not external.

I believe that we are on the cusp of justifying our very existence. The world we have created... disconnection from one another... connected through digital 1s and 0s. There is a polorisation at the very heart of the true question that is being asked of everyone. Do we reach to a higher ideal, or jump from the cliff into the abyss? The precipice. (Sound familiar?)

If you unplugged all of your TVs, your computers, your phones... how much would you care? Living through these "things" that are defining your reality. Your continued enslavement to them, contributing to it.
Would leaving the unanswered question, unanswered be ok? Has it hooked you so much that it is all you have become? the only thing that matters?

But knowing where your soul is at is all that remains. Would you still cling to the past, or would you creatively think about how you want to be? How you relate to others in the absence of the control mechanisms that swamp your mind. If you are reading these words, I might suggest that when we talk about the swamp, you are actually looking at it's representative... no... not me you derp... the screen. The storyteller of the swamp, that keeps you from focusing your mind on self reflection and betterment. If you never worked out or researched the origin of the television... of the computer and the internet, and all the symbolism surrounding them, then I'll make it simple... nazis... and the 6 6 6. It is written on everything they do. They have us right where they want us... consumed in their affairs... taking all of your energy.

We have drifted away from the land, with our connection to the world, and thus, the world is dying. Taking from it, not adding to it, or tending to it. Steiner spoke of the 8th sphere... an imperceptible layer of reality connected to the darkness (Ahriman). Fake reality. Our digital life. Concerns about things that have been fabricated to consume our thoughts.

But here is the thing... are you tethered to it? Does the idea of just switching it off seem impossible? You MUST KNOW the outcome. To turn it off now, too difficult to comprehend. The claws buried so deeply, that it will not let you go.


force or oblige (someone) to do something.
"a sense of duty compelled Harry to answer her questions"

Why is everything so ominously suspended in the air? Suspended animation... keeping you spinning, exhausting your energy. And yet, the great conjunction approaches, and it is about you. A fork in the river... which way do you flow? Only you can answer that.
But the choice is positive or negative. The discernment comes with working out what is positive, and what is negative.
It requires deep reflection.

So, I'll just finish by saying that what you think matters might not matter at all, and that reality as presented might be serving an entirely different purpose to the way it is presented. You don't need to confess to anyone, or renounce anything, you simply need to work out what you are about and be it. What the rest of the world wants to do, may not matter. We are watching the movements of a hidden spiritual battle reflected into our reality, but the determining factor is you.

I'm sorry if this isn't about specific world events or whatever Q is saying, but I am moving into a broader understanding, and I feel time is running short. I feel I have been brought into this conversation for another reason. If you are bound to the material world, and that ancient stories and understandings are just myth and nonsense to you, then all of the above will frustrate and anger you. It is to those people that I appeal the most.

When I say, much love to you all, I sincerely mean it. If you feel all this raises questions, then don't ask me or anyone else for answers... ask yourself. Disconnect, and look within. You're not alone, and you never were.

Finally, when I say that Q might not be what you think it is, (bearing in mind what I have written above) the notion of thinking for yourself is raised, consider that this is precisely what was meant... and maybe, the most important part.
When nothing can stop what is coming, it might not be the victory of Trump that is the meaning... it is the choice. One way, or the other. Light.. or Dark. One goes up, and the other goes down. Deeper into rigidity... harder... or becoming lighter, and things becoming free, flowing, softer.

Forgive yourself your mistakes. Let the past go... a product of the machinations of dark others. No one to be blamed for the monstrosities they tried to make of us. No blame for what it did to us as individuals. We have all been subjected to it.
Embrace what you'd like to become, and we'll all find each other on the other side. Keep the faith in something greater.

Much love to you all.
edit on 22-11-2020 by saladfingers123456 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Flesh699

So much info in that Smartmatic FB page CLOCK picture, Flesh699.

Much has been posted on it but here's one that stood out to me and is a good example of "not seeing the wood for the trees":

There is an ORANGE line running from 1 to 7 - meaning POTUS/Q

("Orange man bad")

You guys are J & K I'm the guy at the end:

posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: imthegoat

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: crankyoldman


Why does the Trump Tweet date to Nov 23, 2020?

Wouldn't that be dependent on where the person is located who took the screenshot?

Anyone in the Trump team traveling waaaay overseas today?

I think it is dependent on the time zone of where the Tweet originated.

That specific Trump tweet has a 11/22/2020 @ 4:11am for me. Did he travel for the virtual G20?

Just arrived at Virtual G20. Was here yesterday also (early), but some of the Fake News Media failed to report it accurately - as usual. My speech is available (they said I didn’t make a speech).

From this Tweet (bolding mine, obv) which shows a later time of 5:13am on 11/22.

posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
Being Welsh I find your bit about the University of Wales interesting.
Did you know that the first 'University' in the world was located on Anglesey in Mona.?
Did you know it was the last stronghold of the Druids against the Romans, and Anglesey Druids had a few things to say to the Vikings too. (not these neo-druid peeps, they know nothing).
Did you know the first WI (Women's Institute) was set up on Anglesey?
Being a native of Anglesey, being sensitive to 'energies', Anglesey like a few other places in the world have a specific relevance historically.


posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: imthegoat

President Trump is an unwavering patriot who always keeps Americans first!

Listen to what he said during today's G20 virtual Summit.

posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: carewemust

I love this man! He knows what's what. Stable genius doesn't even begin to describe him.

posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

A littlegraphic to add to EMN's current [target]. Some interesting names or faces...

Nice! Thanks for the notable graphic addon. Polly has been digging deep on this Globalist overlord club. Not sure what to make of one-eye-Jack Crenshaw in this but the other faces don't surprise me.

On the front page of their site is the "Druid Collective"??
"Discover how science and technology are being brought together to help those affected by paralysis walk." | @druidcollective

From the Oxford dictionary:
Druid - noun
- a priest, magician, or soothsayer in the ancient Celtic religion.
- a member of a present-day group claiming to represent or be derived from this religion.

Alexander Cornelius Polyhistor referred to the druids as philosophers and called their doctrine of the immortality of the soul and reincarnation or metempsychosis "Pythagorean":

The Pythagorean doctrine prevails among the Gauls' teaching that the souls of men are immortal, and that after a fixed number of years they will enter into another body


A druid was a member of the high-ranking class in ancient Celtic cultures. The word ‘Druid’ was one given to experts in magical and religious practice by the peoples speaking Celtic languages who inhabited northwestern Europe around 2,000 years ago.

We're Under the Spell of the Druids. This powerful ancient esoteric magick stuff is endless. Maybe this is some of what JFK was referring to... "This is another type of war, new in its intensity, ancient in its origins—war by guerrillas, subversives, insurgents, assassins; war by ambush instead of by combat; by infiltration, instead of aggression, seeking victory by eroding and exhausting the enemy instead of engaging him...It requires in those situations where we must encounter it...a whole new kind of strategy, a wholly different kind of force, and therefore a new and wholly different kind of military training..." in his speech at West Point on June 6, 1962. 17 min JFK audio clip.

posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 04:25 PM
Did we catch it folks? The Matic (Smart) and the Manchester United cyber attack? Serbian player. I mentioned beforehand just minutes in fact.

Did we catch the last line of my tweet Nov 20th to POTUS? "The world is watching" 24 hours ago POTUS tweet last line "THE WORLD IS WATCHING!!!"

Still sleeping are we? You counted the letters in my username? With the number it mirrors to 311. Coincidoinkys.

Shall I send him another one to prove my point?

Back to Q although the above is related to Q.
10 days of darkness.....many here thought it was from Nov 3rd, I didn't and I stated that here . So much truth in crazy huh.

Next 7 days will be interesting. He caught them all. First and last post of the day, wouldn't want to hurt feels now would I.


posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: carewemust

If POTUS/Q don’t pull the rabbit out of the hat I fear it was the last shot of reeling the deep state in. I don’t see a non Swamp outsider on the horizon to try it all again.

Not a normal 4 year election indeed.

I will say this, if Trump had won bigly on Nov 3, would he/we be in any better position starting in 2024? Probably not. If the election fraud is proven and Trump did win, it sends shockwaves for sure.

Any politician resisting voter ID and abolition of unsolicited mail in ballots will be crushed.

If the rabbit stays in the hat, voter fraud going forward will be super sized. As will be the weaponizing of FBI/DOJ/CIA/NSA for political gain.

Pretty significantly different paths for the Nation riding on Sidney/Lin/Rudy, et al.

posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
a reply to: carewemust

I love this man! He knows what's what. Stable genius doesn't even begin to describe him.

That is why there is so much passion and hope behind what the Trump Administration will unload on Democrats in the next few weeks. If Donald Trump was just an average president, most Americans and Republicans would be urging him to concede right now.

There is a CNN panel discussing and scratching their heads over why there is not much pressure coming from Republicans.

posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: Staffordshire1

A7r7e y6o6u a5b5l5e t4o4 r3e3a3d t2h2i2s?

posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 04:38 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
a reply to: carewemust

If POTUS/Q don’t pull the rabbit out of the hat I fear it was the last shot of reeling the deep state in. I don’t see a non Swamp outsider on the horizon to try it all again.

Not a normal 4 year election indeed.

I will say this, if Trump had won bigly on Nov 3, would he/we be in any better position starting in 2024? Probably not. If the election fraud is proven and Trump did win, it sends shockwaves for sure.

Any politician resisting voter ID and abolition of unsolicited mail in ballots will be crushed.

If the rabbit stays in the hat, voter fraud going forward will be super sized. As will be the weaponizing of FBI/DOJ/CIA/NSA for political gain.

Pretty significantly different paths for the Nation riding on Sidney/Lin/Rudy, et al.

Only you can walk your path regardless of what happens with any voter fraud or Potus or anything. Damn, I think I posted 23 mins early

posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: Staffordshire1

Oh, I’m good. My kids are good. Grandkids? They’re likely screwed.

posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 04:42 PM

Sid is NOT part of Team Trump. She’s rogue. Oh boy.

- Team Trump saw her evidence and was not impressed.

- This makes it easier to make her part of Term #2 Cabinet by not being his “personal” or “campaign” attorney. Think AG...FBI??

Plus, can she represent Trump & Flynn at same time?

Interesting point to be making.

edit on 22-11-2020 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-11-2020 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-11-2020 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-11-2020 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: Guiltyguitarist
a reply to: Staffordshire1

A7r7e y6o6u a5b5l5e t4o4 r3e3a3d t2h2i2s?

Of course, anybody with functioning eyes can read that.I was thinking about guitars today, how we are all just like one, same strings but tuned differently. Back to lurk before I upset the almighty.

posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan

Sid is NOT part of Team Trump. She’s rogue. Oh boy.

- Team Trump saw her evidence and was not impressed.

- This makes it easier to make her part of Term #2 Cabinet by not being his “personal” or “campaign” attorney. Think AG...FBI??

Plus, can she represent Trump & Flynn at same time?

Interesting point to be making.

Likely legal semantics. She's not getting paid nor signed a contract, nor met with DJT to make a connection. If Barr is feeding her information, she's not in conflict.

posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 04:57 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
a reply to: Staffordshire1

Oh, I’m good. My kids are good. Grandkids? They’re likely screwed.

Glad you are good and your kids too. Your Grandkids will be fine.

My own Grandfather used to talk with me about the future and he worried, not just for me but for all of us, that was over 40 years ago. Look at what we have learned whether it Q or our life journey, we figured so much of it out, our Grandkids will figure it out if they have to. My aim, just as everyone is for there to be a better world so our Grandkids don't have to fight as we have.

I've used this Quote so many times....everything is exactly how it is supposed to be. I never argued with my Grandmother.


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