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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - §3O§ -

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posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

FF we need more brother. I think you have shared an important possibility! Please, say it is so and you can find more on this!

posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: gps777

The infiltration by foreign countries like China into election voting equipment is emerging as a growing concern among vendors, who are actually asking for more federal regulation as they grapple with a lack of domestic suppliers producing critical technologies .

Bloomberg law

posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 06:30 AM
I agree that this is possible. Now, they are trying the "well Biden did win the vote counts" game where any cheating just couldn't amount to diddly squat when we clearly see some # coming out and lots of willing to testify under oath.

originally posted by: GATruthseeker

originally posted by: Lilroanie
a reply to: samuelsson

From what I've been reading while the states print their own ballots, there are only several vendors that supply the paper for those ballots... so take that for what you will. I can't find the place I saw it now though. It wouldn't be hard for Agents to mark the paper at it's source.

That's how I understood it too. Someone just posted it a few pages back. The paper is created by only a handful of companies then they send it to the states to print their own ballots so the paper could easily have the watermark on it. The pics. I've seen that were also posted a few pages back had paper that had little dots all over it that no one would suspect was anything special but if forensically examined would show whether it was authentic or not. This doesn't not seem to hard or unbelievable to me. Clearly Trump's people & Ku & anyone halfway paying attention that they were planning on cheating. I don't believe for a second they weren't ready for it. I guess we'll know for sure one way or another in the next few days or weeks.

posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 06:50 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: More1ThanAny1

Thanks for the trip down memory lane of coding in machine code!

The additional beauty is that you have to be an autist to understand the program because it's almost never documented.

Example - In the UK 3 of the main high street banks built their new software around the core transaction modules which were written in the '70s in machine code. They couldn't correct or update those core black box central modules because noone could understand them, so change was too risky! Result was that they had to just build newer systems around the outside of the black box rather than a total new build of the system - ergo 2000s IT systems still running 1970s software at their core. How do I know? In the 90s I chaired a software board that met once a quarter with exec board members of the 3 banks... I had convos with them at coffee breaks about it.

Got me wondering now - what new tools are there that can reverse engineer machine code into documented and understandable software? Oh wait, there's GHIDRA!

BINGO! Rel, you hit the nail on the head.

I remember there are all kinds of definitions in that software that make life easy for computing and if someone was to find a way to hack that up were no machine had it anymore we would have to go back to Basic language and maybe even the "hole punch" cards I wrote my programs on as a Freshman/Sophomore in College. I later took C++ and the basic Machine language software was discussed as something we did not want to even try to recreate. It is like the Chemical data base of information, we build off of the last thing and it becomes tedious to even go back to square one.

I would hope with the Super Computers we have now, we can build that machine language software somehow. It is out of my league, and we do use one occasionally in my office for which the US Gov let's us borrow some time on for Environmental projects modeling. Borrow I said, of course there is a fee. But to be allowed to rent it is cool. It is only for complex Acute pollution modeling for exact locations where someone could get killed if things go wrong at the plant that is emitting the pollutant. We have to get in line too since other organizations can rent time if it is for the environment.

edit on 7-11-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 06:56 AM
a reply to: More1ThanAny1

Cheers for the tools leads M1T1!

posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 07:03 AM
The election vote fraud IS the Dem October Surprise.

The party that hoaxed Trump from Day 1 with fake news and attacks went SILENT in October?? While they were plagued with multiple Oct Suprises?

- ACB replaces RBG
- Trump gets/beats CV19 in 72 hours
- Hunter laptop

The Dems never went on the attack. Stayed quiet. Why? They had THIS in the playbook. The Final Option.

Even if they don’t ultimately beat Trump, they will go into Term 2 with the narratives;

“Trump stole election from you!”
“It was TRUMP DOJ that validated votes!”
“TRUMP SCOTUS is corrupt!”

On and on and on. They’ve now concocted their next hoax.

Rule #1 still applies. Whatever the Dems are accusing you of....they are doing that same thing themselves.

posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

All of that means nothing of we don't finally get the perp walks. if the DOJ doesn't attempt to prosecute the obvious crimes it is trouble. If he does it is the next step for the D's and that is open war. I realize the importance of him being correct when he drops the hammer. Now we all have seen plenty. The ones who think cheating is cool need to go to jail. Those who think they voted for Biden or Trump were cheated. The left needs to be beat at all that they have been a cheat.

I have seen plenty to think it is a SLAM DUNK to get convictions from this Coup.

posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 07:15 AM
You need to warn people, I clicked your link and an image of a family of soulless demons popped up asking to participate in a virtual fundraiser. Other than that good find, how come it always goes back to the Clintons?

a reply to: More1ThanAny1

posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: saladfingers123456

I'm saying suggesting illegals vote because of high numbers in dems areas is a stretch.

illegals would be in those areas even if there was no voting here.
Those are the safest areas for them.

I'm saying whoever made that post you linked to is trying to connect illegals to votes with no evidence except that illegals live in those areas.

But I see that it was back in 2018 and never proven.

posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 07:30 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

All of that means nothing of we don't finally get the perp walks. if the DOJ doesn't attempt to prosecute the obvious crimes it is trouble. If he does it is the next step for the D's and that is open war. I realize the importance of him being correct when he drops the hammer. Now we all have seen plenty. The ones who think cheating is cool need to go to jail. Those who think they voted for Biden or Trump were cheated. The left needs to be beat at all that they have been a cheat.

I have seen plenty to think it is a SLAM DUNK to get convictions from this Coup.

Agree 100%.

My personal priorities remain intact;

1) get ACB confirmed
2) get POTUS 2nd term
3) hold Senate
4) flip House
5) coup justice

If Trump wins, this voter fraud may also shift the House/Senate seats more his way as well.

Once the dust settles, and if Trump wins, it HAD better be nothing short of scorched Earth. Blaming a weak AG, DOJ, FBI won’t be acceptable. Trump needs to gut FBI and rebuild it. Barr is either part of the solution or problem. Trump has to make that “no-BS” assessment in first 90 days of second term.

Boy, the Dems kept saying “after all the votes Joe will win”. Joe and his “gaffe” about fraud network. Then the Left going nuts over SCOTUS. Everyone knew she’d be confirmed after Trump won. What did they know that rest of us didn’t?

You certainly can add “knowingly election fraud” to the coup attempts. IF... the evidence shows that.

posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: scraedtosleep

The Dems argument always involves denying logic.

posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

Why are US citizens having to do the jobs that we've been paying civil servants to do for decades?

And how are the citizens able to figure this # out in just a few days, but the government can seem to do it at all?

This # where someone gets hired by the government then does nothing has to end.

posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: SuperStudChuck

originally posted by: panoz77

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
This software “glitch” may have gone rogue. Like the stock market. Once a selling run starts, the computers kick in and it amplifies the selling. They build a fail safe so that after a certain % it shuts down.

I think this “voting glitch” picked up on spiking Trump counts and the offset required big dump of Biden only votes to compensate. Problem is it didn’t have a fail safe and it didn’t do it over a period of time. Someone scrambled the reactor before it went ChyNa Syndrome. Hence the “pause”.

You don't add votes for the other guy to compensate, you subtract the glitch that was in error.

I don’t want to speak for PSM, but I believe he’s saying the software could have been programmed to increase Joe votes whenever he got X votes behind, but Trump was pulling ahead so fast that it triggered a ton of Joe votes really fast.

The story was it was a typo that was later fixed, but the numbers never went back down after fixed. It was a ~100,000 vote typo. Granted, Biden is up by 150,000 (, but 50,000 is relatively small number.

I'm not a programmer but even I can see this is the wrong way to go about doing it. If Trump got 90% of the votes cast, they'd have to give Biden his 10% plus an amount equal to Trump's 90% to overcome Trump, resulting in showing twice as many votes cast than were actually cast.

Better way would be to just pre-determine the result: Say, Biden wins 51%. Then when the polls close and someone hits the "tally" button, just rejigger the numbers. That way the number of votes cast remains the same.

posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 07:38 AM
So Dominion's voting system is named the 5:5!
How qurious.


In Texas, Dominion Voting Systems was turned down THREE TIMES for certification in state elections. It listed numerous reasons why the system had major security issues.

Dominion is now linked to voting irregularities in both MI & GA.

edit on 7-11-2020 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 07:46 AM
EVERY 90+ yr old in PA registered to vote this year.

posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
I agree that this is possible. Now, they are trying the "well Biden did win the vote counts" game where any cheating just couldn't amount to diddly squat when we clearly see some # coming out and lots of willing to testify under oath.

originally posted by: GATruthseeker

originally posted by: Lilroanie
a reply to: samuelsson

From what I've been reading while the states print their own ballots, there are only several vendors that supply the paper for those ballots... so take that for what you will. I can't find the place I saw it now though. It wouldn't be hard for Agents to mark the paper at it's source.

That's how I understood it too. Someone just posted it a few pages back. The paper is created by only a handful of companies then they send it to the states to print their own ballots so the paper could easily have the watermark on it. The pics. I've seen that were also posted a few pages back had paper that had little dots all over it that no one would suspect was anything special but if forensically examined would show whether it was authentic or not. This doesn't not seem to hard or unbelievable to me. Clearly Trump's people & Ku & anyone halfway paying attention that they were planning on cheating. I don't believe for a second they weren't ready for it. I guess we'll know for sure one way or another in the next few days or weeks.

And going forward this will be the problem:

Most election challenges are local races, individual ballots, and/or confined to one precinct ("They didn't open on time" or "The machine ate my ballot"). Rarely does a challenge result in a change because systemic fraud is (was?) next to impossible to prove. Even the PA ballot dumps were next to impossible to prove, even though we all know it was happening.

But that was using old-timey ballots.

Ordinarily elections challenges fall into one of three categories: process (did they follow the rules), tally (did they do the math correctly), or voter/ballot integrity (is the voter eligible, was the ballot properly cast and recorded). Olden times, it would be rare to make two or all three in one challenge.

Showing a system-wide corrupt software code is going to be a new type of challenge to all three factors for a valid election result: the integrity of the process, the tally, and the ballots. The corrupted computer code (integrity of the process to approve how votes are cast) also may have (from what I'm reading) resulted in corrupted ballots (e.g. the voter presses "Trump" but the ballot bar-codes it on the paper as "Biden") and effected the tally, as is being discussed here.

Last, a challenger must show that the challenge if allowed would change the result of the election.

The second problem is that challenges are usually local. So a local judge could say, "well, it only effects 200 ballots and that wouldn't change a statewide race lost by 2,000 ballots, case dismissed". Except now, with system-wide corruption of the process, tally and ballot / voter integrity, it creates new legal issues such as does a local court have statewide jurisdiction?

Good stuff.
edit on 7-11-2020 by LanceCorvette because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 07:58 AM

originally posted by: panoz77

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: Ravinski
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Thank you for explaining this! Sounds more reasonable to me now. So it’s almost impossible to fake a bulk of ballot papers? Almost...

But if the observers don't see then the counters can cheat and do whatever. Then put them near a broken water pipe to say, they lost them AFTER the count so recount is out of the question. This is about the Cabal that is running the world regaining control of the colonies in America IMHO. Speared by international Billionaires who think they are doing what is best for the unwashed masses. To hell with facts or peoples lives. They have a plan and they are paying big money to get what they want done. Some are out in the open now.

Not to mention all the Trump ballots that were crumpled up and tossed in the trash. There is a video in another thread showing an African American man crumpling up ballots and tossing them in the trash as he sorts the ballots. I hope they are saving the garbage at these poll counting locations. They are also making ballots invalid by marking them up or filling in the empty slots for dems. How can a "recount" account for all of this? It can't. The video evidence is definitive, but no telling how many poll workers were doing this in the dem counties and even if caught on tape, how can one determine how many were manipulated? It may be too late for tens or hundreds of thousands of manipulated or destroyed ballots.

edit on 7-11-2020 by Thoughtful1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: LanceCorvette

Thanks for that layman friendly explanation

posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

I’ve got a good friend who is currently serving at NSA headquarters. He said ALL they have been focusing on is election security lately.
edit on 7-11-2020 by PokeyJoe because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
I am trying to respond to Panoz and you have stumbled on something that I was thinking about. Everywhere we go these days there are security cameras and these cameras can provide direct evidence as to what has been going on such as illegal votes being brought in at night or votes being thrown out or changed. The evidence is right there and someone needs to seek a court order to seize them.
The other day I was at a small store and a man was with the owner surveilling outside video feed from the parking lot. His car had been hit and the person left the scene. They located the footage and were able to witness what happened and even see the license plate. I watched and the detail was astonishing. This is from an independent business owner and that was outside!
My point is that anything recorded on the inside would have even finer detail.
These surveillance cameras are not my favorite thing but this does go two ways.

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