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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - §3O§ -

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posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: Flesh699

take a look at the symbol

Yikes, that whole logo reeks.
Leading children under ground, Goat signifying sacrifice and a Pedo symbol.

edit on 5-11-2020 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 08:26 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: that1lurker

Please share how you would hack a blockchain based election.

Dead voters, man in the middle, undue influence. The only part that blockchain can resist is brute force.

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: cimmerius

originally posted by: cimmerius
Just had an interesting thought.

Not sure how realistic it is.

Suppose the Presidential election goes to the Supreme Court.

And suppose Trump Team argues that the outcome showing Biden as winner is void because it is the result of an organized coup.

They then set out ALL the evidence. EVERYTHING. Not just for the election cheating, but for the coup. Going all the way back to Spygate, and everything afterwards. All the things we’ve been talking about. All the intercepts showing how it is connected. No working those cases individually up through the court system. Everything is shoveled together under the heading of COUP, and the whole thing is hashed out all at once in the highest court in the land while everyone is watching on the edge of their seat.

Now that would be a BOOM.

Just to elaborate, because I think this is important.

The above quoted possibility is actually quite the elegant solution. It may have been the plan from the beginning.

It prevents individual cases from dragging on through the courts forever.

It allows the contrast between honesty and dishonesty that Cranky has described.

It explains why the election cheating was allowed to occur. In fact Biden, the worst candidate ever, has to “win” for this to work.

It explains why “nothing has been done” about obvious crimes so far.

It explains the unaddressed sealed indictments.

It explains why the Supreme Court is key.

It guarantees MSM coverage, no matter how much they want to censor.

It gets everything out at once with a central organizing focus on the coup instead of a dozen separate confusing stories. And everyone will be intent on understanding.

It accounts for why the Qlue drops have prepared an army of informed Anons
ready to explain things to the Qlueless.

In essence it puts the deep state on trial, instead of attempting a death of a thousand cuts.

It provokes whatever riots will occur to happen while national emergency protocols will be in place.

It creates a singular event that will be a turning point in history.

It will finally get things DONE so we can move on while the cleanup takes place.

It’s actually quite brilliant. At least that’s my take. Maybe now I’ll be able to sleep tonight.

I'm told--Only way to keep it together, one court-one umbrella is RICO. You need to declare a group as a criminal organization, usually meaning they need a conviction on one and tie everyone to the RICO crimes after

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 08:39 PM
Can we just be logical here for a second. As much as I hate what's happening I don't see any way out. I think we all might have to get out of fantasy land here. If they had anything big, anything that could prove it, they wouldn't be spending energy trying to get access to monitor counts, they wouldn't be trying to file suits that get dismissed, and Trump wouldn't be having press conferences simply talking about legal and illegal ballots. Most importantly, they wouldn't be waiting and letting the media's narrative take hold the way it is.

Again, I know we all only know what we are around but I can tell you that other than 1 person I work with and my Father, every single other person I know in my life believes the absentee votes for Biden, they believe Biden already won, they think Trump is trying to steal it from him, and now they are all talking about how he is going to refuse to leave. If they could prove any of this, waiting is the worst political move to make, and yet that's what they are doing. I get holding on to hope but come on. This is Trump we are talking about here, if he had it, he would literally call a press conference and say it. He would come out and say look, we got you, either you stop this right now or everyone is going to know everything you have done. He would plaster all the pictures, videos, tweets, and evidence all of us here have seen right on a big TV behind him. (he should be doing that anyway)

Can't win the election after the election is over and the votes are finalized, and you can't drain the swamp when you're not in office anymore. Simply put, he is wasting time with things he wouldn't be if he had a better option. It's disgusting what has happened, and it's disgusting what they have planned for us. But, he wouldn't still be trying to pull out a tiny margin victory in these battleground states if he could prove the fraud we all know has occurred in them.

And by the way, while all this is going on and we are worried about trying to win a fixed election instead of proving the fix, states are starting to talk about now being code red with Covid. The lockdowns we have seen overseas and heard about are coming, and they are coming soon. Letting that happen doesn't seem to smart either.

I will now go back to sawing off the left side of my body as I am ready and willing to give it up to be wrong about this.
edit on 5-11-2020 by awhispersecho because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-11-2020 by awhispersecho because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 08:40 PM
Election 2020 is a replay of 1824, and ironically 1824 is the election that split the Dems and Reps in the first place.💥

Andrew Jackson ran for president in 1824, winning a plurality of the popular and electoral vote. As no candidate won an electoral majority, the House of Representatives elected John Quincy Adams in a contingent election. In reaction to the alleged "corrupt bargain" between Adams and Henry Clay and the ambitious agenda of President Adams, Jackson's supporters founded the Democratic Party.

A Pennsylvania convention nominated Jackson for president a month later, stating that the irregular caucus ignored the "voice of the people" in the "vain hope that the American people might be thus deceived into a belief that he [Crawford] was the regular democratic candidate."

Trump has a portrait painting of Andrew Jackson in the oval office. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser wants the Andrew Jackson statue removed.

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Yeah, you're probably right. Cheers. There was something going on with that parking lot though.


Sounds optimistic.

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: saladfingers123456

What it means to me is these f***ers are ruthless in addition to being corrupt.

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: awhispersecho

Again, I know we all only know what we are around but I can tell you that other than 1 person I work with and my Father, every single other person I know in my life believes the absentee votes for Biden, they believe Biden already won, they think Trump is trying to steal it from him, and now they are all talking about how he is going to refuse to leave. If they could prove any of this, waiting is the worst political move to make, and yet that's what they are doing.

trump is the president till january 20th if wishes to drag it out for a month then so be it

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: awhispersecho

You are absolutely right.

I am on the same side as Q followers.

But their unwavering faith has helped lead to this outcome. Onstead of pushing for stragies that could have made a difference, they trusted the plan, and now we all lose.

Nothing is ever over though. The fight between the just and the corrupt is never ending.

We could start over, come together, put faith in we the people instead of mythical figures like q, and start fighting this corruption. It will take years, maybve even decades, and there are no guarentees we will live to see the corrupt face justice. But that's our best shot

Instead many people will continue to tell us Biden winning is a crucial part of "the plan" and we should all be celebrating because what we are seeing is actually evidence q is winning.

Its funny but sad all at the same time.

I feel bad for many of the q people. They will hang on to this fantasy no matter what. And its a shame because so many are great smart people.
edit on 5-11-2020 by Grambler because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: awhispersecho

Stop pissing in my Wheaties. The idea behind this movement is massive change, no surrender, fight.

Trump isn't quitting. Neither should we.

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: awhispersecho
Can we just be logical here for a second. As much as I hate what's happening I don't see any way out. I think we all might have to get out of fantasy land here. If they had anything big, anything that could prove it, they wouldn't be spending energy trying to get access to monitor counts, they wouldn't be trying to file suits that get dismissed, and Trump wouldn't be having press conferences simply talking about legal and illegal ballots. Most importantly, they wouldn't be waiting and letting the media's narrative take hold the way it is.

Again, I know we all only know what we are around but I can tell you that other than 1 person I work with and my Father, every single other person I know in my life believes the absentee votes for Biden, they believe Biden already won, they think Trump is trying to steal it from him, and now they are all talking about how he is going to refuse to leave. If they could prove any of this, waiting is the worst political move to make, and yet that's what they are doing. I get holding on to hope but come on. This is Trump we are talking about here, if he had it, he would literally call a press conference and say it. He would come out and say look, we got you, either you stop this right now or everyone is going to know everything you have done. He would plaster all the pictures, videos, tweets, and evidence all of us here have seen right on a big TV behind him. (he should be doing that anyway)

Can't win the election after the election is over and the votes are finalized, and you can't drain the swamp when you're not in office anymore. Simply put, he is wasting time with things he wouldn't be if he had a better option. It's disgusting what has happened, and it's disgusting what they have planned for us. But, he wouldn't still be trying to pull out a tiny margin victory in these battleground states if he could prove the fraud we all know has occurred in them.

And by the way, while all this is going on and we are worried about trying to win a fixed election instead of proving the fix, states are starting to talk about now being code red with Covid. The lockdowns we have seen overseas and heard about are coming, and they are coming soon. Letting that happen doesn't seem to smart either.

He certainly made those strong claims of fraud in his remarks earlier this evening...

I'm not so sure as you that running out and screaming about every piece of evidence his team might have from the highest rooftop RIGHT NOW is the wisest strategy. I am content to wait and see. He's certainly still in the race. Also, if substantial fraud can be and is proven, that would change the results significantly, wouldn't you say? That might not actually happen, but it certainly can happen. I guess we'll see what happens.

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 08:52 PM
Weird synchronicity here...reading through another forum homepage and the thread titled "Are conservatives too interested in playing defense?" was there. That is simple enough in itself, but then I recalled hearing a conversation on the radio yesterday about how championship winning college football coach Nick Saban was recently quoted as saying that "defense doesn't win championships" anymore. So here we are talking about how things are changing etc. Then I read a post above about how Trump was the first to court putting Biden on the defense. Could this whole election drama really be a rouse to expose all the corruption?

Anyway, just thinking out loud here and maybe giving some posters a reason not to throw in the towel just yet...

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: Creep Thumper

I like your grit.

As long as the president is fighting, we should fight along side him. If this goes all the way to the Supreme Court, the DSDemocratCorruptionMachine will be wheeled out for the whole world to see.

edit on 5-11-2020 by queenofswords because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 08:58 PM
originally posted by: awhispersecho

Let's take this point by point, as many feel this way.

Can we just be logical here for a second. As much as I hate what's happening I don't see any way out. I think we all might have to get out of fantasy land here. If they had anything big, anything that could prove it, they wouldn't be spending energy trying to get access to monitor counts, they wouldn't be trying to file suits that get dismissed, and Trump wouldn't be having press conferences simply talking about legal and illegal ballots. Most importantly, they wouldn't be waiting and letting the media's narrative take hold the way it is.

This is incorrect. Something needs to be an issue to go the court. I said from day one, they are doing this by the book. So the fraud must take place, then the path to the court must be established, then the process must proceed and the fraud exposed. There is no "hey, look we got fraud batman, kick joe out." The path was created 4 years ago and they are following it, the funneled all the rats the corner rather then find them in the entire city.

Again, I know we all only know what we are around but I can tell you that other than 1 person I work with and my Father, every single other person I know in my life believes the absentee votes for Biden, they believe Biden already won, they think Trump is trying to steal it from him, and now they are all talking about how he is going to refuse to leave. If they could prove any of this, waiting is the worst political move to make, and yet that's what they are doing.

Where did they get their information from? That matters. Belief is irrelevant, I don't see that in either the facts or the documents. The teeeveee, I have no opinion as I don't watch it. Read the facts, look at the numbers. The process required the dems to pull the trigger on fraud, and they did so because the numbers were so bad they could not win. They lost FL because the fraud was disposed of after it was exposed in 2018 despite spending a fortune. The dems spent big to win - lost. The fraud was not removed in the PA or MI.

Can't win the election after the election is over and the votes are finalized, and you can't drain the swamp when you're not in office anymore. Simply put, he is wasting time with things he wouldn't be if he had a better option.

This is wrong and sounds like a talking point. Go back and review the entire timeline of Bush Gore. This demonstrates factually your assertion to be incorrect, as the it took over month to resolve.

The democrats (CCP) new the math, as did we. The math on these things is so precise they can tell what's what years in advance. Why? Because the voting isn't about democracy but about mathematically talking people into a pattern. The pattern breaks now, but breaking that pattern is going to be really, really, really ugly. It won't look normal because it isn't normal.

Fun fact. Notice how so many politicos have moved to the back of the room on this? Guess who is stuck between the rock and hard place? If Joe stays in, the Fraud gets exposed and with it Repubs, Dems, and indies too. If Joe drops out, the fraud might lie in the dark, but then comes the P@IN. The Veritas expose' showed that JUDGES are in the ballot fraud game, JUDGES! They've moved to the back of the room too. DJT has declared war on fraud. It's war.

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: surfinguru

A defensive touchdown is demoralising to the opposing team.

This could be an Interception returned for a touchdown for team trump.

(Insert pic of trump spiking Football.)

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 09:01 PM
I’m surprised so many people are throwing in the towel even before it is called for Biden.

I can see why people would be disheartened then. But... Trump can still win this straight up.

Watch. Pray. Dig. Dark to light. Watch the water.

I still encourage self-care for some of you. Turn off all media— including ATS— for 24-48 hours. Revive. Heal. Refocus.

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: Grambler

I feel bad for many of the q people. They will hang on to this fantasy no matter what. And its a shame because so many are great smart people.

I detest statements like this.

What fantasy? Every single one that has followed the bread crumbs are better for it. The education and information we have gleaned from this entire adventure is priceless.

Again, respectfully:

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 09:02 PM
And here I thought this whole time Qanon was racist?


Use proxy to make twitter accounts. Drop bombs on these #ing assholes!

America will not fall to these clowns!

Engage your grandmas! They are Facebook granny bombs! Together we win!
edit on fThursdayAmerica/Chicago0709699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
Yeah, that’s a TON of ballots for Biden with no other races being selected. If your pressed for time (after midnight on Election night) and must generate a crap load of fraud ballots... do you take the time to complete all of the races?

Well...they never had to manufacture convincing ballots before, just "good enough".

I actually think it's dumbness involved. Nobody done did tell dem to fill out the complete ballot, just to "make more fake Biden ones".

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
a reply to: awhispersecho

Stop pissing in my Wheaties. The idea behind this movement is massive change, no surrender, fight.

Trump isn't quitting. Neither should we.

Well said. I’m in this for the long haul. Trump did this to fight for us, as it wasn’t him they were after. It was us. He was just standing in the way.

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