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Breaking BAASS, Assessing AATIP and Doubting Thomas ‘DeLonge’

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posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Very good analysis that might be the case. Just Ufo old timers last hurrah.

I’m rereading Valles FS 4 and read that just a few days ago. Parenthetically, I don’t think Alexander would like to be characterized as knowing much about ufos.

There’re other parts where we have Vallee commiserating either with Kit Green or Puthoff, trying to determine where the secrets in the US government are or where the real hidden research, the “secret onion,” is or was.
All the time, they tend to claim they are shut out. Though a couple of times, Green more so that Puthoff seems to get close only to be shut up ultimately from the secret cabals work. Uh-huh...

Maybe so, that is, if all this is legit and not just a part of the overall attempt to play like they know nothing. Very convenient… since what they end up doing, for better or worse, is distancing the CIA from any possibility of having secrets about Ufos.

But that’s from the conspiracy perspective that I don’t necessarily buy, but we can never omit it as a possibility.

One thing I’d like to point out is that although Vallee, on the surface, is a nice genial person, reading his attitudes over the years, it's clear he has some ice water in his veins. He’s not all Mr. nice guy who loves his wife, mother, and dog.

Also, Vallee must have been a hell of a note-taker or an elephant's memory capacity to have recorded all those often-lengthy conversations.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: peaceinoutz

....There’re other parts where we have Vallee commiserating either with Kit Green or Puthoff, trying to determine where the secrets in the US government are or where the real hidden research, the “secret onion,” is or was. All the time, they tend to claim they are shut out. Though a couple of times, Green more so that Puthoff seems to get close only to be shut up ultimately from the secret cabals work. Uh-huh.....

Govt. agencies are wary of even their own insiders snooping around. They could be pretending to feed their hobby of 'UFO hunting' while actually spying on behalf of adversaries. Or just becoming a target if they ever got hold of certain information. Whether some secret tech is built from used UFO parts or is 100^ man made you don't want that kind of information falling into the wrong hands. It's an old ufological trope that going public with a UFO story (like Bob Lazar) makes you immune to prosecution. Gary McKinnon might have something to say about that one.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 10:00 AM
This is interesting. ongress

🤔Can't get the link to work.
edit on 15-10-2022 by Baablacksheep because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 10:27 AM
One thing we have to realize is that Zondo was amongst these TTSA big shots a regular guy. Mellon, a billionaire, TDL a millionaire; Puthoff and those others were real ( some even upper) middle-class with two or three pensions and investments, and Zondo was like us, the regular working class.

That’s why they laid him off so he could get unemployment insurance; those other TTSA people didn’t need that.

What did he say? He went to get a job at Walmart. And If memory serves, Mellon tried to get him his job back.

You see, when you mess with the rich and powerful, they may pity you and give you some scraps, but you have to fend for yourself in the end.

Stay in your lane

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: Baablacksheep

Thanks for the link.

I read Zondos, “ufology must die”

I think it’s a strange opinion, to say the least. Sure we all want a degree of seriousness and science in ufology, but his call for it in UFOlogy is too pedantic and naive---to expect such decorum in ufology. And he sounds with a tinge of a compulsory attitude.

Who is going to impose such wise sobriety on ufology?

How would one go about doing that in a free society?

Zondo needs to answer that.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: Baablacksheep

Thanks for the link. Is not working as is, but it's not difficult to reach the article. I do not share the optimistic view of the author, and I am specially worried about this sentence:

information relating to alleged secretive UAP retrieval and reverse-engineering programs has now been verified by Congress

The sentence is clearly false.

There is also an interesting article by Mr. Elizondo there, titled Why UFOlogy Must Die. In essence, he and others want to kill UFO by simply renaming it to UAP. As if you could cure cancer by giving it another name... Anyway, in that article he mentions Project Titan, a project that according to its supporters "if all goes according to plan, the European enclave of San Marino could become the “Geneva” of UFOs and host nation for a United Nations-backed World Conference dedicated to the study of unidentified aerial phenomena"

It seems San Marino wants to be to UFOs what Davos is to NWO.

But the article you link is really a mess for me. Whistleblowers in US do not need any legal protection beyond what they already have. They can always make a phone call to Debra Katz or anyone at Katz, Marshall & Banks, LLC, the civil rights law firm based in Washington, D.C. Their web states that the firm specializes in the representation of whistleblowers and that she has represented dozens of whistleblowers in the nuclear, financial, pharmaceutical and medical-device industries.

We don't need more whistleblowers coming forward. We need hard, physical evidence.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 04:23 AM
The band is back……

UFOs, a Plane Crash, and Dick Jokes: The Return of Blink-182

…..” When a fan joked on Twitter that the Earth would be losing its protector from UFOs, DeLonge replied that he planned to “save the Earth with dick jokes.”……


posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 04:37 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1
So the dick jokes will save the Earth from UFOs, but what will save the Earth from DeLonge's dick jokes?

Sometimes the "cure" is worse than the disease, especially in this case where I haven't personally had any problems with UFOs that I need saving from. I can't speak for the pentagon though, who seems to fear a batman balloon they claim they can't identify, as a possible "threat".

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

So the dick jokes will save the Earth from UFOs, but what will save the Earth from DeLonge's dick jokes? ...

If you look at his contribution with TTSA you'd have to say Tom was a dick. He was close to an asshole, and his colleagues were nuts. There's a joke in there about taking a beating too, somewhere.

I can't speak for the pentagon though, who seems to fear a batman balloon they claim they can't identify, as a possible "threat".

Yeh what happened to the podcasting police lieutenant? Who left his $90k career after not shooting a black kid for texting and driving, took a year off at a 'law firm' and then parachuted into ufology, doing a million podcast guest spots. He got hold of a report on the Lazar raid that made Corbell look like the drifting, shifting grifter he is. Plus some less than interesting stuff on Doty.

Somehow he even got hold of the BAASS report that even George Knapp couldn't find down the back of his sofa! He Irritated JG at the Black Vault. Started his own website and then that Batman balloon picture he published seemed to end his underwhelming career posing as a journalist. Now he has been re-assigned to trawling social media and tweeting about Russia's badly run military in Ukraine.

It was all part of some of the great entertainment provided during these past 5 years.

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 10:40 AM
Not much is been said re Peter Levenda these days.

There's more out there too.

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: mirageman

So, what happened to TDL and the ufo disclosure, the secret machine he was to build, and his making the military heroes in our eyes? What happened to all of that nonsense? He laid the only remaining true government guy off and made him get a job at Walmart!

That company should be investigated by the SEC.

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: Direne

We don't need more whistleblowers coming forward. We need hard, physical evidence.

Yes Direne, we do.

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 11:16 AM

originally posted by: Arbitrageur
a reply to: Ophiuchus1
I can't speak for the pentagon though, who seems to fear a batman balloon they claim they can't identify, as a possible "threat".

I find it hilarious that The Batman was hovering, presumably in place..purportedly at 35,000 ft. and the military jet’s did a single flyby, snapping one phone picture, en route elsewhere ……instead of investigating further by going into orbiting mode to snap as many pictures at different angles as possible…..the use of the phone camera would have been stopped, and the gun cameras used instead and there would be more pics.

Not doing this is practically an admittance that they knew it was a balloon….and gave it the “nothing to see here” attitude and just kept flying by.

edit on 17-10-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: Baablacksheep

Have whistleblowers ever proven to be of any help in discovering the truth behind UFOs? They have proven to be useful in unveiling non-compliances and crimes in the nuclear, aeronautics, and pharma industries. But for what concerns the UFOs, do we know of any useful information obtained through whistleblowers? And more specifically, do we know of any whistleblower who has not made money with his/her blowing the whistle?

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: Direne

The problem is that whistle-blowers have been whistling Dixie.

All we have to know is that probably the number one UFOLogist of all time, our friend Jacques Vallee knows as much about ufos as we do...Nothing.

Two things need to be concentrated on, although such things are impossible to accomplish seriously now, for we can only do them in the abstract.

That is, what are they here for, and what are they doing? Of course, one answers the other, but since we have no capacity to know, then any indulgence on these matters is pure conjecture. This is fine to do if one so desires, but scientific certainty is impossible.

There's one other thing to consider. And that is that someone or even arcane parts of the government or elite groups may know but won't, or can't tell, or if and when they have told, can't convince everyone of what they're telling!

What that tells us is that we're actually interested in common knowledge of ufos, but the intelligent source behind ufos is apathetic to that wish at this time.

All that said, one conclusion can be drawn: that is that the so-called phenomenon itself is in control of what we can know about ufos.
edit on 17-10-2022 by peaceinoutz because: forgot the c

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
a reply to: Direne

All we have to know is that probably the number one UFOLogist of all time, our friend Jacques Vallee knows as much about ufos as we do...Nothing.

Perhaps this was previously posted…..

Jacques Vallée Still Doesn’t Know What UFOs Are

Whatever is behind the UFO phenomenon, Vallée says, “it’s a lot smarter than we are, and it uses humor at another level.”

It’s also stated……”Whatever the scientific truth here is, Vallée suspects that it may be knotted up with the secret of consciousness itself. The thing that philosophers call qualia—the conscious experience each human has—seems to be more than the sum of our physical parts. There’s an unsolved x there.”….

edit on 17-10-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Jacques Vallee Still Doesn’t Know What UFOs Are

That is mind-blowing. Imagine a newbie to ufology hears the great ufologist of almost 60 years of intense research and one who has worked with the world's top ufo researchers says he doesn’t know what they are!

That would not be an encouraging call to join the search.

This phenomenon may indeed be something very deep.

Another interesting thing I thought about. Maybe TDL’s mixing entertainment with ufology (probably intended by his controllers) was a sly programming tool to make “UAP” hunters or point out that their primary interest is really entertainment, not investigations UAPs.

I’ve said for a long time it seems to be a waste of time if all these gov and super researchers can find nothing in 75 years; how are a measly bunch of YouTube podcasts and Twitter ufo warriors going to do anything but entertain us?

I put up a thread so we can look at the new ufo searchers since TTSA. It's not very encouraging haven’t gotten one post on that thread. I wonder why. Interesting. So, I won't bother with it since, obviously, no one is interested in investigating that.

But I’ve found at least 5 to 10 new ufo warrior podcasts since TTSA. I’m sure there are many more. Some of them have top ufo guests.

Here's a TTSA disciple among the many.
So we can deduce they wanted to do this.

IMO, what they will do is go in circles repeating the same memes and UFO lore among themselves and getting nowhere and reaching no conclusions, so it will amount to being entertainment.

Mind you, I'm not criticizing them just looking at the reality of it.

But as Vallee implies, what this is all about may be a more sober reality than entertainment behind it.

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 10:55 PM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
a reply to: Direne
There's one other thing to consider. And that is that someone or even arcane parts of the government or elite groups may know but won't, or can't tell, or if and when they have told, can't convince everyone of what they're telling!
What that tells us is that we're actually interested in common knowledge of ufos, but the intelligent source behind ufos is apathetic to that wish at this time.
All that said, one conclusion can be drawn: that is that the so-called phenomenon itself is in control of what we can know about ufos.

I think they have control over us and make fun of us ...
I think in the 70s and 80s they made the US government believe that there was an alien invasion but it was a fiction.
Phil Corso was convinced of this ... perahps also Reagan in 1987
Grotesque sightings, crop circles, ridiculous abductions and contactisms ... they make fun of us. For this reason the government does not know how to tell the truth, there is no control ... the phenomenon is in control.
The phenomenon keeps changing actions like a scientist would do in a laboratory ... with his guinea pigs.
No need for new evidence, new sightings, new witnesses ...
I think this is the time for conclusions, confirmations and truths
Who knows must speak, only this !!!

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 06:08 AM
a reply to: Direne

And more specifically, do we know of any whistleblower who has not made money with his/her blowing the whistle?

Good question?

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

It’s also stated……”Whatever the scientific truth here is, Vallée suspects that it may be knotted up with the secret of consciousness itself. 

Maybe, but maybe there is also a lot to learn yet. I tend to lean towards all this ufo stuff to be simply ourselves in the future.

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