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2 shot dead, 1 injured in Kenosha

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posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

Like 17 year olds, from out of town.
Lol seriously. Get yourself a grip.
And it’s probably a good idea not to wish/suggest death on other ats members. Because you disagree with them.
You can be banned for that.
No trial, just gone.

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 12:26 AM

originally posted by: spacedoubt
a reply to: Nyiah

Like 17 year olds, from out of town.
Lol seriously. Get yourself a grip.
And it’s probably a good idea not to wish/suggest death on other ats members. Because you disagree with them.
You can be banned for that.
No trial, just gone.

Not wishing death at all, re-reading it, I did word it extremely poorly. My intended insinuation was being bitten in the ass by the very wild animals they're enabling, i.e feeling the loss of property/racial harassment. Not killed. Hence, a taste of the IQ-killing medicine. Can't taste it and learn if you're dead, man.

Mea culpa, so can we settle down?

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: yuppa

But that little lad is not a soldier, just a silly idiot, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, yet his by his own volition.

I understand that you need to stop the violence and looting, yet sending babies in with ArmaLites in tow, wont get the job done, and all it will serve to achieve to add more flames to the fire.

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: yuppa

But that little lad is not a soldier, just a silly idiot, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, yet his by his own volition.

I understand that you need to stop the violence and looting, yet sending babies in with ArmaLites in tow, wont get the job done, and all it will serve to achieve to add more flames to the fire.

What part of my post called Kyle ritten a soldier? I was not talking about him. I am talking about Soldiers like Delta,or the Airborne or those trained in City combat. Send in soldiers who are there to restore order at any cost. If they want to experience fascism educate them a bit on what that will be like.

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: yuppa

They don't send, Delta teams, Airborne, or any other special force unaccompanied into the at sort of situation.

Trained combat in an urban environment requires ether teams or the buddy system, period.

Fascism is sitting in the Whitehouse or wearing a uniform of blue.

edit on 28-8-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: yuppa

They don't send, Delta teams, Airborne, or any other special force unaccompanied into the at sort of situation.

Trained combat in an urban environment requires ether teams or the buddy system, period.

Fascism is sitting in the Whitehouse or wearing a uniform of blue.

NO,Brown shirts wearing black and hiding their faces,throwing moltovs,assaulting those who are not with them are wannabe fascist. The marines and army were called in the LA riots,so yeah no delta,or airborne.
If you support these rioters what is wrong with you?

Do not give me that tired twisted quote attributed to MLK as justification either. his own childen said they are taking it out of context.

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

" Man Shot in the Arm by Kyle Rittenhouse Says His Only Regret Was “Not Killing the Kid”

Death by Self Defense , Case Closed Your Honor.............

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

" Man Shot in the Arm by Kyle Rittenhouse Says His Only Regret Was “Not Killing the Kid”

Death by Self Defense , Case Closed Your Honor.............

The kid would have deserved it. Why do you neglect the fact that he had literally just shot someone in the effin' head? You all are so convinced that these are radically violent antifa leftists but NOT A SINGLE ONE had the ability to take the little ass#### out?

I regret it with the skateboard guy. Little #### has no business being alive.

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 03:47 PM
If I were to write a detailed post on what I think should happen to Kyle Rittenhouse, there isn't a social media platform out there that wouldn't remove the comment and ban me. ATS included.

Yet, this kid intentionally crossed the border with an illegal firearm, went out of his way to intentionally murder someone, went home quietly and went to sleep. And now half the country is treating a young, snot-nosed murderer as a damn hero and 'patriot'

The double standard is sickening. It worries me how much of the population values property over human lives. If you can sit back in comfortable ignorance when innocent lives are taken, but jump to immediate attention when insured buildings and such great small businesses as Target & Autozone are burned down... well, I'm afraid it's time you re-evaluated your priorities. Is this really where you want to be when Jesus comes back? Celebrating lives lost while condemning property damage?

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: yuppa

Whos black bagging protestors into vehicles via unmarked military and/or border patrol personnel?

How much more brown shirt, the night of the long knives, can Trump get without an inverted Swastika?

I support illusory freedom yuppa, its the only way to travel in the information age in which we exist.

Trump will bring about the end of the democracy imho, guy wants a crown and 12 more years.

edit on 28-8-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: spacedoubt

originally posted by: jefwane
Well there is some background on the people shot.

Headshot-Josheph Rosenbaum: Served time for sexual contact with a minor.

Skateboard-Anthony Hueber: Multiple violent offenses including domestic abuse, ADW, False Imprisonment, Battery, and "strangulation suffocation".

Lefty- Gaige Grosskreutz: Convicted Burgler

Saw a meme that said "From this day forth shooting a pedo, a wife beater, and a burglar in one night should be known as a Kenosha Hat Trick".

None of this matters, none of it.
You cannot defend his actions legally or ethically, just because he made what some consider good shots.
In the future this kid will be an ex felon too.
Maybe someone will shoot him?

Sorry but for a group of people who already served time to attempt to beat a kid to death on camera who was armed, obviously jail didn't teach them not to be violent rioters and arsonists, let alone that assault is wrong. 4, 5 or 10 strikes and you're out.

Is there an address I can send this kid ammo? I jest, he should'nt have been there but the state is controlled by commies so maybe he should be.


edit on 28-8-2020 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: yuppa

Whos black bagging protestors into vehicles via unmarked military and/or border patrol personnel?

How much more brown shirt, the night of the long knives, can Trump get without an inverted Swastika?

I support illusory freedom yuppa, its the only way to travel in the information age in which we exist.

Trump will bring about the end of the democracy imho, guy wants a crown and 12 more years.

There were 2200 murder in TJ last year - just across the big beautiful wall there was 35 - the long knives targeted Jews - are you comparing Jews in Germany to kids trying to burn down the courthouse in Portland? I doubt they would appreciate such belittlement.

For the record I hope Neural link makes Trump immortal - Trump 2420 - Make America Intergalactic.
edit on 28-8-2020 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: bigsnowman

Self Defense . Who was Intently Chasing Who their with the Direct Desire of Causing Bodily Harm >? Case Closed . GTFOOHM..........

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 05:56 PM

originally posted by: bigsnowman

The kid would have deserved it. Why do you neglect the fact that he had literally just shot someone in the effin' head? You all are so convinced that these are radically violent antifa leftists but NOT A SINGLE ONE had the ability to take the little ass#### out?

I regret it with the skateboard guy. Little #### has no business being alive.

Well, the guy in question was with a mob of people who were chasing him, threatening him and shooting at him. Self defense kicks in at that point.

There is no rule that being a "radically violent antifa leftists" and "incompetent soy boy" are mutually exclusive.

Yet, this kid intentionally crossed the border with an illegal firearm, went out of his way to intentionally murder someone, went home quietly and went to sleep. And now half the country is treating a young, snot-nosed murderer as a damn hero and 'patriot'

Yes he crossed state lines. It wasn't an illegal firearm last I checked, but has anyone checked the firearm that was discharged while a mob pursuing him? It's hyperbolic to say he went out of his way to 'murder' anyone when he was providing medical aid to protesters and only fired the weapon when the mob turned on him. The term 'hero' may be a little overboard, but calling him a 'murderer' is jumping the gun. Pun intended.

The double standard is sickening. It worries me how much of the population values property over human lives. If you can sit back in comfortable ignorance when innocent lives are taken, but jump to immediate attention when insured buildings and such great small businesses as Target & Autozone are burned down... well, I'm afraid it's time you re-evaluated your priorities. Is this really where you want to be when Jesus comes back? Celebrating lives lost while condemning property damage?

If the people in question were destroying property, harming people and generally breaking laws... they weren't innocent.

I'm sorry you don't understand property rights. Can we send some people over to destroy and/or steal your stuff? It's insured, right? You won't miss it. I'm sure you'll get 100% replacement value.

I don't think anyone celebrates the lives lost, but we also understand justice and self defense. And there is something to be said about a person surviving, but their life is destroyed because some soy boys with anger issues decided that someone didn't need to have a business afterall, regardless of how much time, money and effort they sank into a business that would support themselves and their family. All that matters is that some peaceful protesters (cough b#llsh@t cough) showed how angry they were at a private business that had nothing to do with a felon resisting arrest and endangering innocent civilians. Burn baby burn, amiright?

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 08:58 PM

here is a breakdown from an attorney..

ETA: this was the written bit under the video by the lawyer.

A lot of people feel some type of way about Kyle bringing an AR-15 with him to a protest/riot and I get it, why bring a rifle to a peaceful protest? Well sometimes protest turn into riots and an AR-15 is one of the most effective self-defense tools in the world. That’s why it’s the most popular rifle in the country.

I know seeing someone carrying an AR makes some people uncomfortable, but I also can’t blame someone for wanting the best means of protection when they’re going into what could turn out to be a dangerous and volatile situation. Also, let’s be clear, there were a lot of protestors and rioters with guns at this protest/riot.

However, there is the issue of legality. Kyle is 17 and In Wisconsin, any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. So, on the surface, Kyle was carrying his rifle illegally, but Wisconsin law has an exception that says that law only applies if the person has a short-barreled rifle or shotgun or the person does not have a certificate of accomplishment to obtain hunting approval. Kyle may or may not have this, I don’t know and this exception may only apply in cases of hunting, it’s not very clear, but my gut tells me, Wisconsin wasn’t trying to carve out an exception that let minors open carry during a protest/riot and the exception was more about hunting.
Then there are people saying Kyle shouldn’t have been there because there was an 8pm curfew and they’d be right, but that also means the protestors and rioters shouldn’t have been there either.

I’m not really a fan of any 17-year-old being at a protest/riot. I know 40-year- olds who don’t have the mental maturity to deal with the dynamic of a riot much less an impressionable 17-year-old, but if we send 18-year-olds to fight people in other countries, so then can I really say anything to a 17-year-old who wants to help protect business and people in his country.

There are a lot of people making a big deal about the fact that Kyle drove in from Antioch Illinois.

The drive from Antioch to Kenosha is 30 min. That’s shorter than a lot of people’s daily commute. Anthony Huber the kid with the skateboard who was shot and killed, lived in Silver Lake, that’s a 30 min drive to Kenosha. Gaige Grosskreutz, lived in West Allis and that’s a 49 min drive to Kenosha. So, it’s safe to say they all should have probably stayed home that day, but none of them did so here we are.

In Wisconsin, Deadly force can only be used if a person reasonably believes that such force is required to avoid death or great bodily harm. There is no duty to retreat unless you were the initial aggressor. If you are the initial aggressor, you can only use deadly force if you reasonably believe all means to escape great bodily injury or death has been exhausted.

I describe the events with video in great detail from a lawyer’s point of view in this video.

Yes, the people attacking Kyle think he just murdered someone, but they are attacking him. They are not defending themselves from him to prevent death or great bodily injury, so under the letter of the law, they are the aggressor at that moment. Because they have a disparity of force (ie way more people than him) and weapons or objects being used as weapons, Kyle is legally justified to use deadly force to stop them.

So as a lawyer, unless some new info comes out that shows Kyle was the initial aggressor and he had a way to retreat, legally I don’t think he will be charged with murder.

Yes, Kyle probably broke the law in that he was a minor open carrying a firearm. However, Kyle breaking that law does not mean he forfeits his right to self-defense if it is justified.

This is similar to a situation in which I’m a felon and I have a gun that I use to protect myself during a home invasion.

I’m still going to jail, but not for murder. It’ll be for me having a gun as a felon because my use of deadly force with that gun even though it was illegal for me to have, was justified.

In this case from the looks of the information up to this point, legally, he was justified.

Because of this, I think Kyle is going to plead to the lesser charge of open carrying a firearm as a minor, but I don’t see him getting convicted of murder.

edit on 28-8-2020 by Irishhaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 11:46 PM
This was floating around on Reddit. Make of it what you will.

Large collection of pics and small vids I have. and then there is this long vid that shows it was self defense.
save em and don't let people forget. this was self defense. 3 felons with mob mentality. felons can't have guns. one felon was a pedo. other strangled a woman. these are bad dudes.

posted on Aug, 29 2020 @ 01:01 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: yuppa

Whos black bagging protestors into vehicles via unmarked military and/or border patrol personnel?

How much more brown shirt, the night of the long knives, can Trump get without an inverted Swastika?

I support illusory freedom yuppa, its the only way to travel in the information age in which we exist.

Trump will bring about the end of the democracy imho, guy wants a crown and 12 more years.

YEah those people were let go after being questioned. They didnt go to a Gulag. If they were nazis they would still be locked up or dead.
And this is a republic not a democracy so he cant ruin it.

posted on Aug, 29 2020 @ 01:06 AM
Kenosha police arrest ANTIFA violence plotters who arrived from Seattle Friday.


posted on Aug, 29 2020 @ 03:50 AM
It's interesting reading what all the bar room lawyers and those with an agenda to push have to say about this.

It seems most people are absolutely incapable of looking at this with an independent and objective perspective - I'm not saying I can either but I'm not professing to.

I read somewhere that the kids mother drove him there....the mind boggles.
Surely people see just how irresponsible this was?
Illegal? I doubt it, but ffs, who would take their 17 year old kid to such an inflammable situation and drop him off with an assualt rifle as if he were going to a night at the cinema with his mates?
#ing unbelievable.
And what sort of society would deem this acceptable behaviour?

Please spare me the nonsense of comparing it to people joining the army and serving.
In the army kids are instructed how to use their weapon and at least as importantly how to react in volatile and violent situations.
They are instructed to work together in organised units where people are trained in working as a team.

This kid had none of that structed learning.
Sure, he knew how to pull a trigger.....but little else.

I genuinely feel sorry for him.
I have no doubt he thought he was doing right and trying to protect his community.
I don't think for one minute he set out with the intention of killing anyone.

But the completely #ed up situation means that two people are dead, one other persons arm is hanging off - a thoroughly horrible person according to the accounts I have read - and that kids life has been ruined.

How anyone can begin to defend any of the concerned parties is beyond me.
The poor kid has been let down by everyone.
Where were the other militia types?
Why didn't they have this kids back?
I suspect they were more interested in wandering around thinking they were Johnny Rambo and wearing their guns like some type of penis extension rather than making sure a 17 year old kid was ok.

I have absolutely no respect for any of those BLM/ANTIFA arseholes who have been burning down other peoples properties, looting and pillaging and being deliberately provocative towards law enforcement.
I have absolutely no respect for any policeman who can put 7 bullets into some guys back in front of his kids without any apparent due cause.
I have absolutely no respect for the militia wannabe's inflaming an already incendiary situation whilst pursuing a political agenda.
I have no respect for those seeking to 'defund' and disband law enforcement, who are exploiting the tragic shootings of people to further their political agenda and who have set race realtions back decades.

Its a complete # show and all the political posturing and various attempts at justifying people's actions in order to further their particular locked in political bias only serves to highlight so clearly how #ed up things are at present.

I see people supporting calls to arrest all the people rioting and 'protesting' - who gets to decide exactly what is and isn't legitimate protest?.....a dangerous road America could be going down - and to a large extent I agree with that.
But what about those roaming around with loaded weapons antagonising an already highly volatile situation?
Do they get a pass?

What about the complete failure of the police to enforce laws?

And what about the apparent complete failure of government and their abdication of responsibility?

I assure you, no-one is coming out of all this looking any good at all.

I get the impression this is ripping the USA apart and no-one - and that includes Trump....and Biden - is either willing or capable of taking the bull by the horns and putting a stop to all this.
Someone needs to step up to the plate and take charge.

Cometh the hour cometh the man.......

Just my take on things from across the pond.
edit on 29/8/20 by Freeborn because: typo's

posted on Aug, 29 2020 @ 04:17 AM

originally posted by: Rekrul
a reply to: machineintelligence

I feel sorry for the residents of that town. I have some 9mm if they need donations. "police brutality" nobody feels sorry for those people. You keep breaking the law you're going to get taken down. It's no different than sticking a tree branch in your own bike wheel.

One of the problems with police brutality is that you don't have to be breaking the law to experience it, and even if you are breaking the laws it's often disproportionate. You can get tazered or maced these days for Jaywalking, or because somebody you're with has an outstanding warrant on them and the cops just rush in and take everybody down.

In some parts of the country cops are so jumpy that they can order you to do something and if you don't respond immediately (For example, if you didn't understand what they said because you were somewhere noisy) or in the exact way that they expect, you can get tazered or maced.

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