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2 shot dead, 1 injured in Kenosha

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posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

It was the same person? The first guy he shot was already actively pursuing him.
edit on 8/26/2020 by TheLead because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: SKEPTEK

Tell me what would happen to any black fellow trooping around with an ArmaLite for kicks n hoots should an officer of the law come across them under that situation?

Could they walk back towards the police after murdering and injuring folk and remain alive?

That would be negatory.

Keep your star, if you manage to stay here for any length of time, you may realize it not about stars and flags for most of us, it's about the expression of opinions. x

You mean like NFAC? They shoot themselves.

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: TheLead

I think its the same person.

Not me that raised the query as to it being someone different. x

I know whats seen in the vids the same as you do at this point.

edit on 26-8-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: panoz77

Defection eh? LoL

Canny answer that question.

So i ask again "tell me what would happen to any black fellow trooping around with an ArmaLite for kicks n hoots should an officer of the law come across them under that situation?"

And at least be truthful.

Poor sod would have been shot a whole lot more than seven times, that's a given, not allowed to walk on unchallenged any road.

edit on 26-8-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

You can also assume the destruction/rioting that happened led up to this, not after. Large police presence death investigations, they probably took up the block after.

It was vandalized, a property he said he was there armed to protect. Obviously, if he was really there to just shoot someone for looting he had ample oppurtunity, no? He obviously retreated from his purpose of being there, possibly to not harm anyone.

He then was chased and somebody screams OMG he's got a gun at which point he turns and fires.

Speculative--He had a gun the whole time, so he very well could have assumed she wasn't talking about him

Others chased him with intent, weapons in hand, and actively tried to engage someone who showed no sign of threat to anyone not trying to harm him.
edit on 8/26/2020 by TheLead because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/26/2020 by TheLead because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/26/2020 by TheLead because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/26/2020 by TheLead because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: TheLead

Nice edit in your last post by the way.

Speculation: Crazy bastard had no god darned right whatsoever to be there other than to shoot people, hence the rife.

The destruction/rioting is happening because some dirty Police wrong'yins shot an unarmed man 7 times in the back whist he tried to enter into a vehicle containing his own children after an altercation.

Don't condone rioting but nor do i condone shooting people for what amounts to sport.

edit on 26-8-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: TheLead

he was there armed to protect.

He didn't come to protect #. He came to instigate and escalate. Which he did when he killed.

Doesn't matter what he "said." He is not LE and had no business trying to play one as a wannabe MAGA militia LE.

He killed two people because he wanted to be a "big man" playing the RP militia game replete with latex gloves.

Unfortunately, LE seemed to acquiesce, because he was white.


If it was armed black folks doing the same, and killing a white dude, ATS and the white supremacist apologists here would be up in arms. But because it's police and "white wannabe militia" protecting whites it's ok.

And you know it's true.

edit on 26-8-2020 by Liquesence because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 09:57 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Other guy had no reason to be ther but to be destructive, people have been killed from the riots. Hence to save life it has to end, it's not burning itself out.

The cops were called for a man that had a felony warrant who resisted arrest with a weapon in his possession, who was possibly reaching for another weapon as far a they were concerned. They were totally justified in their actions. Cops aren't there to jump on bombs, they eliminate threats to the public with their care and other lawful citizens in mind, that is their job. Sometimes they make mistakes this wasn't one of them.

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: Liquesence

Honestly, how many people do you think would have said it was justified if it was a black man that shot him simply from his prior statement with no other context?

The kid shouldn't have been there, I've said that, but within the situation he found himself he did nothing wrong. What he did may be illegal and he will have to pay for that.

Maybe he was there to kill, but his actions dont necessarily speak to that at all.

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 10:27 PM
Very good sir. I wanted to be sure that I was on the right side here and you have proved beyond any doute that the kid was in the right. reply to: SKEPTEK

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: LookingAtMars

Because they don't have democrat run cities.

Yet we are constantly told we have have socialists running everything?

We too have BLM and ANTIFA trying their best to set race relations back decades but it pales into insignificance compared to the crazy # that is happening over there.

If there was ever a time for people to take a step back and do some reflecting I'd suggest its now....but I hold no great hope for that happening.

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 11:46 PM
This is the best chronological compilation of the videos I've seen yet, combine that with the video with two different perspectives from the first shooting that someone posted earlier and it's a pretty good synopsis of the events that happened.


For those of you overseas this is how the BBC decided to show much of the same footage.

I wasn't much older than this kid when I went through OSUT for the US Army, but he should not have been there. That being said, he handled himself amazingly well. He didn't shoot anyone who wasn't actively attacking him. It appears he stopped shooting after whatever threat he perceived was neutralized. After watching some of the video on slow mo, it looks like he even cleared a misfire between skateboard and bicep guy.

I had to stop making this reply because I'm watching Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo on CNN. They showed the far off video of The Kid shooting skateboarder and bicep guy, and then switched to the same video that was a better vantage, but started it after the shots were was a LOL moment especially if you've seen all the available video.

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 01:50 AM
Nothing like a few rioters getting shot, to end their violent onslaught.

Kenosha has peaceful protests tonight:
edit on 8/27/2020 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 02:08 AM
17 year old wanna be.
Trump rallies and hanging with the wrong people can really mess with a child’s mind.
Normal life is over for this loser.
life Is over for the people he killed.

There are people in this thread defending him, am I reading that correctly? Sad state of affairs when you defend a killer.

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 02:13 AM
a reply to: spacedoubt
Innocent until proven guilty. FWIW, the DNC had a convicted killer/rapist speak at their convention.

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 02:33 AM

originally posted by: underwerks
Call the left fascist all you want, only one side is out here killing people in the streets for exercising their constitutional rights.

This post will probably get removed for being political, but this is a political story. This is what happens when people believe right wing lies. They want to kill other Americans because they’re being told by the people in power those people aren’t Americans.

You think so?

Indiana woman shot dead after saying ‘all lives matter'

She was white so it must not count.

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 02:40 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: machineintelligence

I can't pretend to even begin understanding what the hell is going on over there at present but I've got to say that anyone who thinks its perfectly ok for a 17 year old lad to be wandering around with any sort of armed weapon in such circumstances really needs to take a step back and question their own moral compass.

As for some of the comments in this thread; the mind truly boggles.

My heart goes out to everyone affected by this horrible violence that seems to be ripping the US apart.

I wonder if I can track down my old recruiter so you can have a talk with him. Joined at 17 with parental waver.

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 02:49 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: SonOfThor

And if he hadn't been there in the first place two people would still be alive today, one other person wouldn't have had his arm nearly shot off and a 17 year old kid wouldn't be looking at getting lifed off and being someone's joey in prison.

Why not turn that around. If the rioters didn't attack someone with a visable rifle two people would still be alive today, one other person wouldn't have had his arm nearly shot off. BTW the guy that had his arm shot was carrying a... wait for it... a GUN. Dun Dun Dun

Tore up the muscles where the guy couldn't even let it go. His a arm was all flaping around gun still held in his hand. You know there were a lot of gunshots that night caught on video and the kid only fired 7 times on them. The rest were from "peaceful protestors."

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 02:56 AM
I've seen the videos of the shootings that happened subsequently, definitely looked like a self defence argument with those.
I've not seen anything about the first one other than the shot guy being obnoxious prior.

My biggest issue is with this being a kid.

He's not old enough to buy a beer as Freeborn said, yet here he is, front and centre in what looks like a bloody combat zone.

No way in hell would my kids be in that position with my knowledge.

Parents are supposed to do the bad shiz so their kids don't have to.

What were the older militia guys doing? Why didn't a couple of them get this kid away from the aggro to somewhere safe?

Are none of them dads?

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 04:50 AM
If this situation was even 10 percent more normal I would agree with you I think. It is not. You are a good person for feeling the way that you do. I really think that this kid will be alright. a reply to: spacedoubt

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