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Stop doing pot/weed please!

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posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 12:17 AM
I agree, besides as long as you're not doing it why do you care? Let others live their lives as they see fit.

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 07:24 AM
I have never seen 2 people get high and fight, or shoot one another or speed in a car (unless they were also drinking).

I have never heard of a crackhead hitting the pipe and then spending 13 dollars at taco bell on themselves. Pot heads do it all the time.

If anything, you would see a reduction in crime, because people would stay home and get high.

People do not detox from pot, they only side affect is sometimes bieng scared of reality, not the fact you are quitting. They do when they stop smoking cigarettes.

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 10:39 AM
Weed Is Good!

Ask this farmer. He also likes weed.

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 11:31 AM
I am not going to say that it is not a Drug - Obviously it is (a Natural One BTW). I am not going to say that it is not Addictive - it can be! It can also damage your Lungs - There I have list ALL of the Negatives of Cannabis that I know about!

What I resent is people equating all people who smoke pot to De-ranged Criminals! I have news for you - although people have been known to Violently Rob & Kill for their Cocaine or Heroin - you will *NEVER* see a Herb Smoker go on a Violent Rampage! Quite the Opposite - it opens up your eyes to Nature & the Value of LIFE - ALL LIFE! Many Smokers are Pacifists!

I also resent to stereotype that all Herb Smokers are Lazy & Stupid Dumb Idiots! I do not characterize my self as such! As a matter of fact I Characterize my self as Highly Motivated/Ambitious & Highly Intelligent! If a Person is Lazy & Dumb *BEFORE* Smoking – they will probably be so after Smoking as well! For all of the people that buy the Stereotype Propaganda - you have to realize that Science will eventually blow you out of the Water! Lets use Chemistry! First of all - Not all Cannabis is the same - there are MANY Different Strains & Varieties! EACH has Different Attributes & Properties. Secondly every persons Body Chemistry is slightly Different - it is not known how their Body will re-act to the Cannabis until after it is Consumed (once again the Strain & Amount Consumed also needs to be taken into account)! For some people it’s Relaxing & for some people it’s Stimulating! One thing is certain for sure - Over Dose just does NOT Happen! You will *NEVER* Instantly drop Dead from Smoking (just not Possible) - unlike Heroin or Hard Alcohol (quite Possible - Drink an Entire Bottle of any 80 Proof Alcohol all at Once & lets see what happens - Alcohol Poisoning that’s what happens)!

[edit on 17-3-2005 by Seraphim_Serpente]

[edit on 17-3-2005 by Seraphim_Serpente]

[edit on 17-3-2005 by Seraphim_Serpente]

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by DeusEx
Think of all the people killed over that damn plant. I think of all those drive bies fueled by the drug trade, the bunkers in Montreal and out west built on pot money, the people who dex and fool with the pot before it hits the street. I think of all the people in prison for profiting from the misery of others. I think of people who steal from each other to get pot and other drugs.

You can't see that people fight and die daily to buy, use, steal, and profit from it? They aren't interested in helpign anyone but themselves, and if you fool with them, they'll kill you for trying. You're not listening- I know that pot makes people happy. You people don't seem to care where your plant comes from, as long as you get it. You don't care that your money is buying guns for the gang down the street. You don't care that growing the pot is takign your tax dollars. You don't care that all those young people are getting in on the drug culture. You don't care that people see dealing as an acceptable way of life. You just want your damn pot.


Which is exactly why it should be legalized...with legalization you take the drug off the black market, thus eliminating any crime associated with it....look at what happened after the prohibition of alcohol. It went to the black market...but once it was legal again, people got what they wanted without shady business dealings. Besides, most street gangs don't focus on pot, they sell other drugs.

[edit on 17-3-2005 by Shoktek]

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by DeusEx
Think of all the people killed over that damn plant. I think of all those drive bies fueled by the drug trade, the bunkers in Montreal and out west built on pot money, the people who dex and fool with the pot before it hits the street. I think of all the people in prison for profiting from the misery of others. I think of people who steal from each other to get pot and other drugs.

Think of how all of this would end if pot were to be legalized and people were allowed to grow and roll their own.

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by DeusEx

Originally posted by intrepid
This is my point DE, society is creating a market. Who's benefiting right now? The bikers. If you legalized pot, sold it like anything else like booze or smokes, the money would go into the gov't coffers, not the gangs. Everyone wins.

Let's have an anal American view on this topic.

Jeez, this is 2005.

Who would benefit if it was legalized? the bikers. They ahve an infrastructure and supply already up. They could go legal, and reap massive products as the only major player in the game. Sure, some moeny would go into government coffers, but the majority of it would go into gang's.


Do it like the LCBO then. Have a government monopoly and government grow ops staffed by the best growers B.C. and Amsterdam has to offer and stipulate that it has to be organic to boot. THC Content should not be regulated like in Achohol. It would push the Bikers, Triad etc etc out of the Pot Business for good within a year.

[edit on 17-3-2005 by sardion2000]

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by sinatracementshoes

Originally posted by Super Strokey
Well i would like everyone to stop smoking weed too, not because of if it is bad for you but rather because of what happened here in canada recently. 4 mounties were shot at a grow operation a few days ago (all young and 1 i had met before) and in my mind that sums it all up right there. Its simply is not a victemless crime in my mind.

Don't blame that on the plant man. The guy that shot the mounties had a history of violent behavior. Grow operations raids are usualy peacefull. In the last four years in over 800 raids on grow ops only two turned into violence.

I will blame it on the plant cause if some many morons didnt smoke it those 4 Rcmp officers would still be alive. I dont care if things are usually peaceful, 4 people are dead because one wasnt and in my books thats one too many. Is your weed that you smoke everyday worth the 4 lives that died? I think not. IF it is to you then what the hell is wrong with you?

btw when i say you im not referring to anyone in particular but people as a whole, but if you are offended i dont really care cause like i said before a toke of weed is not worth anyones life, let alone 4

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 03:15 PM

I will blame it on the plant cause if some many morons didnt smoke it those 4 Rcmp officers would still be alive.

That is faulty logic at its best. If you would actually care to do research on the incident then you would know that those four officers should not have been there in the first place! Someone #ed up with intel and heads are gonna roll, this guy was a maniac who has had several run ins with authorities and was well known to RCMP. Point being it wasn't the plant that killed those officers, it was bad intel plain and simple. The SWAT team should have taken him, not 4 rookies!

Now back onto the topic of Stop doing pot/weed please!. Being reactionary never solves the root of the issue, if Weed was legalized that guy probably would have been running a meth lab or something worse.

EDIT: Did you know that his first offence was making illigal Moonshine and Bootleggin? He got into that when he was 13(or younger I forget).

[edit on 17-3-2005 by sardion2000]

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 03:22 PM
The logic used by many of you is completely flawed. Hey, some guy murdered a few people and he was high on pot! That's more than enough reason to ban pot, right?
Alcohol is the drug that hurts the most people in this country...alcohol and tobacco cause more deaths each year than illegal drugs have in the entire history of our country.

That guy over there just shot someone in the head and he was drinking kool-aid. Let's ban kool-aid too, only killers drink it.

[edit on 17-3-2005 by Shoktek]

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by sardion2000

I will blame it on the plant cause if some many morons didnt smoke it those 4 Rcmp officers would still be alive.

That is faulty logic at its best. If you would actually care to do research on the incident then you would know that those four officers should not have been there in the first place! Someone #ed up with intel and heads are gonna roll, this guy was a maniac who has had several run ins with authorities and was well known to RCMP. Point being it wasn't the plant that killed those officers, it was bad intel plain and simple. The SWAT team should have taken him, not 4 rookies!

Now back onto the topic of Stop doing pot/weed please!. Being reactionary never solves the root of the issue, if Weed was legalized that guy probably would have been running a meth lab or something worse.

EDIT: Did you know that his first offence was making illigal Moonshine and Bootleggin? He got into that when he was 13(or younger I forget).

[edit on 17-3-2005 by sardion2000]

You do have some good points, but what could have happened does not change what did. I think it more boils down to how it feels that i have some friends that are in training to be an officer and it could have just as easily been them.

Also if you see the interviews of his father he seems that he was raised... differently...

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 03:39 PM
JTL....You have a very passionate opinion on your stance against marijuana...And you are seeking to somehow influence others to see things you way - If they don't, then they must be mindless fools....

Well - I'll agree to disagree and allow you to keep your opinion, while stating the fact that I feel quite the opposite and agree with what many of the posters have mentioned in this thread that advocate for the responsible use of marijuana...

It's pretty funny in my particular case...I'm in the substance abuse prevention field and I smoke marijuana....Sheesh...I sure am some kind of hypocrite, aren't I?!

But I've drabbled on enough about this before - Feel free to do a search on this topic, and I'm sure you'll find more in-depth responses I've provided to the exact same question that's been posed here multiple times - Most of those threads are now closed to replies...Maybe this one will last a bit longer....

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 04:01 PM
If ur against mary j, dont smoke her. let the potheads do what they do best. it dont effect you. if u havent smoked it before, i recomend you give it a try.

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 05:04 PM
This is for the individual who mentioned DEXXING "weed"....

I was wondering if what you meant was Dexedrine........ or was it the "other dex"
being windex... lol

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 01:51 AM
Considering our drastic consumption of the world's forestry, a couple million pot crops would really benefit our environment.
It would help with pollution and clearing up the air a little, and might smell a little better too

Not to mention, harvesting hemp would reduce the amount of lumber we cut down(and it doesn't take 50+ years to grow either).

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 02:34 AM
Ohh! Yeah!

[edit on 18/3/2005 by ANOK]

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 02:51 AM
just got my 1/4 oz for my two week period ( I could get 3 oz a month but usally about 1/2) from the depository here in Bakersfield gotta love the name for this place "Compassinate Caregivers" damn I love my vaporizer

ya I dont get high and run mow people down like I sometime do in GTA I'm too high and enjoying the pain relief I get due to it I play games or like right now post on ats

pot is not really harmful except the tars (more true in low grade pot here in Cali we just call it (Mex) but sonce I'm on medical no need for street herb anymore

the names these caniibus club gave their herb is funny i got purple urple and my friend got bannana creme lol

[edit on 18-3-2005 by Lamagraa]

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 09:43 AM
During the last prohibition, look at what happened. Families like Molson's and Labatt's were bootleggers turned bussinessmen. They went from making millions to making billions yearly.

I don't want to see that happen with Jim Bob from the Hell's Angels. You have to crush organized crime before you can really make the trade proper. Trust me, the Angels won't like competition as to production.


posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 09:50 AM
We're creeping close to taboo territory gang. General talk of drug use I've let go for the purposes of the topic but some are getting way too specific.


16.) Discussion of illegal activities such as drug use, drug paraphernalia, hacking, etc. are strictly forbidden.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Yes, everyone at my school who does pot fails, I am sure they are just, "bad luck". I am sure that even with pot he would have been high and attacked someone for pot..... wait, that doesn't even make sense. If he wasn't addicted to pot he wouldn't have done that, if he wasn't high he would have stayed in school and maybe even got higher in the class rankings. If he didn't do drugs he would have a job, but he can't because he can't pass the tests. Ok, legalize something because the laws don't work?

Legalize prostitution, murder, rape, stealing, everything else illegal. Why? Well, according to pot heads the laws making weed illegal don't work, so they should legalize pot. Using this pot head logic, murder, rape, nuking the planet, should all be legal.

Also, unlike pizza, msg, whatever, weed/pot kills you. It is worse then cigarettes...... and that is saying something since cigarettes kill more then guns, water, and fire.......(unless it a fire started by a cigarette) Also, unlike cigarettes weed/pot kills your mind. I don't do drugs, I get good grades, people do drugs, they fail/drop out..........

Also, '___', Cocaine, all worse, all illegal. So, if we legalize pot why not coc aine? '___'? Heroin? "Well, I don't do those so keep them illegal." Right?

I think you are just pulling everyones leg here. Have you ever smoked pot. NO! Have you ever tried heroin, pills and so fourth. NO! So why attack people that don't want a life like your own little dream of everyone being like everyone else WHY???? Drugs are for evolution without drugs mankind might not exist I have no proof........but how else can you explain there being cannabinoid receptors in the human brain amongst others????

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