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Stop doing pot/weed please!

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posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 01:24 AM

It seems harmless at first but will screw you up pretty badly.

Man, nothing's worse than some person blaming weed for their own addictive nature.

Give it up, bro: You trashed those years of your life, not herb. Pick a new crusade. Christ it's like a fat person blaming cheesecake or something.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by SonofSpy
Some dealers would break up crack rocks and sprinkle it on their weed to make sure you came back.

Hmmmm if you had ever smoked crack you would know how that would work one time only. I mean, wouldn't you notice the white # on ya buds?
Not too mention the taste...LOL

And crack is more expensive per pound than pot and easier to sell, so why waste crack to sell pot?

Sry dude, ya gotta pull a little harder....

[edit on 21/3/2005 by ANOK]

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by ANOK
So why waste crack to sell pot?

My guess would be to keep people coming back, but if I saw a bunch of small white crystalised powder in my weed, I wouldn't smoke it, and I'd never call the dude again...

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by ghostsoldier

Originally posted by ANOK
So why waste crack to sell pot?

My guess would be to keep people coming back, but if I saw a bunch of small white crystalised powder in my weed, I wouldn't smoke it, and I'd never call the dude again...

Yeah but there are plenty of ppl to just sell the crack to....LOL
And THEY will definitely come back. I've known ppl spend hundreds of $ a night on crack. Who do you know spends that much a night on weed?
Who do you know who can smoke hundreds of $ of weed in a night?
It's fairly easy to get through a few hundred $ of crack in an evening, especially if it's not that good.

Putting crack on weed to sell more would be like putting Beluga on fish cakes to sell more of them. It don't make any sense...LOL

I agree pot can be psychologically addicting. But after smoking it everyday for yrs it only takes a couple of days to get used to not having it.
It's just like anything you make a habit of, when you are denied your habit you'll suffer some ooh! uncomfortable unfamiliarity, that soon goes away.

Originally posted by SonofSpy
I had hellish withdraw from pot (sic)

Ppl who say they had physical withdrawals from smoking weed are full of #.
Unlike nicotine THC is NOT physically addicting.
For ppl who are so against pot, you don't know much about it other than the predictable myths.

[edit on 21/3/2005 by ANOK]

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 07:44 AM
What a load of ignorant garbage! lemme guess, next thing is you want to lock em all up, perhaps even execute all potheads.

Mind you own godamned business - go back to lillywhite USA, or wherever the hell you came from.

I'm amazed you can type.


posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 08:50 AM
LOL! Dealers "sprinkle crack rocks" on your weed?? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. There would be absolutely no reason for dealers to do that. First of all, there are enough crack addicts out there to sell to like Amuk said, so why would they waste crack on weed? Second, crack is MUCH more expensive than weed, so if you are still paying normal prices for the weed, then the dealers are basically giving you free crack...and there's no way this would happen because they would be losing too much money. Nice try, but this doesn't happen. The only thing weed could be laced with, MAYBE, is PCP, but I've never known of that happening myself.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 09:05 AM
Yeah no crack, but i have known someone that got PCP in his.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by Shoktek
LOL! Dealers "sprinkle crack rocks" on your weed?? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. There would be absolutely no reason for dealers to do that. First of all, there are enough crack addicts out there to sell to like Amuk said, so why would they waste crack on weed? Second, crack is MUCH more expensive than weed, so if you are still paying normal prices for the weed, then the dealers are basically giving you free crack...and there's no way this would happen because they would be losing too much money. Nice try, but this doesn't happen. The only thing weed could be laced with, MAYBE, is PCP, but I've never known of that happening myself.

Putting crack in pot has been happening for awhile, its called a moe.

I guess people do it for a diffrent high. I have been scared of crack, brother kiiled himself over it.

[edit on 21-3-2005 by SpittinCobra]

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by Delirious
Yeah no crack, but i have known someone that got PCP in his.

It happens sure, but it's not some conspiracy to sell bud. It's what some people do as their personal choice to get high. Some people dip their cigarettes in pcp also, that doesn't mean you have to get paranoid about smoking butts (more so than usual), just don't share a joint with anybody you don't know, and if you have a bad experience, don't buy from that person again, it's simple really.

Remember for a while somebody was putting cyanide in tylenol? Do you still reach for tylenol when you get a headache?

Remember the story your parents told you about razor blades in apples on halloween? It NEVER happened, honestly, I read several accounts of the investigation into that particular urban legend. There were two incidents where parents put dangerous objects in their OWN children's candied apples, and tried to blame others, but the investigation brought out the truth. Don't give in to scare tactics, educate yourself. Eat candy.

People who demonize weed have no idea what it's about, they have no grasp on the pharmacological effects, or the psychotropic effects, they're just parroting reefer madness and federally funded info-mercials.

Marijuana is a sacred plant, it should be revered and appreciated, not abused and made cheap by continual, repetetive, habitual use.

Try making some holy oil using the ancient recipe, have your own conversation with God.

[edit on 21-3-2005 by WyrdeOne]

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 09:21 AM
Skunk is genetically modified marijuana, made in a lab in Amsterdam, very bad for your mind and motivation, it won't kill you but won't make you stronger either. I smoked it every day for the best part of seven years, started when i was 13, it has had a very negative impact on my life, i stopped 9 months ago, wish i had stopped earlier. Costs a lot aswell. Too much of anything will hurt you. Except brocollli!
Maybe too much brocolli is bad for you actually. Love then, you can never have too much love.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 09:26 AM
I agree with James. I smoked pot for years and I know from experience that it saps your will to do anything. It leaves you with no ambition at all. I quit after years of smoking and watched my life and productivity grow tremendously. I'm sure that all of the still smoking, potheads out there will rant and rave to rationalize the use of marijuana. But I am proof that it is a detriment to your mental and emotional health and that damage can be reversed by stopping. IMHO

[edit on 21-3-2005 by freddieb]

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by freddieb
I aggre with James, I smoked pot for years and I know from experience that it saps your will to do anything. It leaves you with no ambition at all. I quit after years of smoking and watched my life and productivity grow tremendously. I'm sure that all of the still smoking, potheads out there will rant and rave to rationalize the use of marijuana. But I am proof that it is a detriment to your mental and emotional health. IMHO

I have to dissagree, I play football, basketball, lift weights and all kinds of other kinds of active things when im high.

Each persons body is slightly diffrent, and your mental will power has tons to do with it. I am 28 I have smoked almost eveyday for 10 years.

It is fact anything you can do, you can do while high, and to the same abilty, you just have to have practice at it while you are high.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 09:31 AM
Skunk is just a slang term for any marijuana that has a powerful odor. There are various brands of marijuana that are produced and marketed by grow rooms (one of them is Skunk, another is Atomic Haze, etc., etc., but that's not the only meaning of the word. It gets used all the time in the states to denote weed that is smelly, very pungent.

Sure it kills your motivation, if you allow it to. It's all about personal will power. I've been productive while stoned, most of the time I'd rather just sit around and entertain those curious things called thoughts that most people live without.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 09:36 AM
I don't know how many threads there have been on the gov't monitoring this site, sure hope the DEA isn't.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by intrepid
I don't know how many threads there have been on the gov't monitoring this site, sure hope the DEA isn't.

You can use, you just cant buy, grow, or have any on you.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 09:42 AM
Why do you say that Intrepid? It's not as though we're planning a coup, or discussing how to hide shipments of dope for rectal smuggling.

Seriously, this stuff is in the past for many members. We're trying to give a little bit of knowledge on a subject that is sorely misrepresented in the mainstream media.

Didja ever see the South Park episode "My Future Self and Me", it was all about parents trying to motivate their kids by lying to them. It's not fair to the kids in the end, because not only does it leave the unprepared for the realities of life, but it makes them distrustful of authority figures once they find out the truth.

It would be better if parents told their kids, "Smoking pot is dangerous because it can lead to a lack of motivation, and it makes you feel okay with being bored and lazy." Instead of telling all the lies they do. There are good reasons to smoke pot, and there are good reasons to abstain, parents need to be more honest with their kids to help them make the right decisions.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 10:30 AM
Even if someone laced weed with crack, or as I have heard it called a "woobanger," it wouldn't support the view to keep weed illegal. If it were legal, people wouldn't have to worry about this laced weed from dirty, lying dealers. I don't understand what the argument is, really.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 10:43 AM
What ever happened to that golden rule where if the thread author, JTL, doesn't reply after a certain number of posts/pages, the thread is closed....

This really isn't going much of anywhere.....

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 12:34 PM
Quote: "And Buds are from the Female Plant"

- Hey you got something Correct - Congratulations!

Quote: "and so they contain a kind of Estrogen".

Dude - that has got to be one of the Stupidest things that I ever Heard! Are you a Scientist? Ever Personally Done a Chemical Analysis of "Female" Marijuana Flowers? Of-course not - a Real Scientist would never say anything that Stupid! By that Logic I guess Eating Other Herbs like Basil turns Men into Women too!

I would not judge my Experience with Nature if I were you!!

Well Now YOU MUST be a Government Agent if you think that your fellow Americans Citizens are RETARDED Enough not to be able to tell if a Flower has been sprinkled with "*Crack Rocks*"! Yes good Bud has a Glaze to it - That is the *Natural Resin* that the Plant produces! Would it be Conceivable that a Criminal Drug Dealer would Lace or Spray it with something to Fool people who *didn't know what they were doing* into Buying Their CRAP - yes it's Conceivable - But if it were LEGALIZED & REGULATED by the Government itself & not the Criminal Mafia Gangs - all of these problems would DISAPEAR! "Scare Tactics" is exactly what you are up to - Now go take your Propaganda elsewhere!

I wonder what would happen it the Government started to actually EDUCATE people about the REAL EFFECTS of Various Types of Drugs instead of declaring a "WAR" on it (seems to be the Proposed Solution to all problems these days) & Criminalizing Citizens (Many of which are Non-Violent & Peaceful) & Throwing them in JAIL/PRISON & Ruining their Lives! Just who does the Government work for anyhow - oh I know - they WORK FOR US! We Pay their Salaries with our Tax Dollars - don't you think that it’s time for them to Actually Listen to what we have to say?

[edit on 21-3-2005 by Seraphim_Serpente]

[edit on 21-3-2005 by Seraphim_Serpente]

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:05 PM
Well there is stuff called water that is pot laced with PCP or dipped in formaldehyde. You have to be an idiot to not tell the difference because of the smell and certainly there are dealers who pass the stuff off as strong weed when its just been dipped, but this isn't because the plant is a problem.

If it were legal and the common person could lawfully grow it, there would not be a problem AND the illegal drug markey would be crippled.

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