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Stop doing pot/weed please!

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posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by intrepid
We're creeping close to taboo territory gang. General talk of drug use I've let go for the purposes of the topic but some are getting way too specific.


16.) Discussion of illegal activities such as drug use, drug paraphernalia, hacking, etc. are strictly forbidden.

its not a drug my friend, its a plant of power, the medicinal qualities of which have been known to many races and civilizations on this planet before us.

Please do not confuse it with valium, TV, shopping, gambling......

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by nukunuku
its not a drug my friend, its a plant of power, the medicinal qualities of which have been known to many races and civilizations on this planet before us.

Please do not confuse it with valium, TV, shopping, gambling......

Dude, in my life I've been biten by everything but the needle. So please let's not play with semantics. I know what I'm talking about. M'kay?

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 10:24 AM
Unfortunately, there's a difference between personal definitions of the word and board policies.....

Around here, if you wish to continue this conversation, you follow board policy....

I'm not a mod, but I can promise you that's what Intrepid, or any other mod here will tell you - He has nothing against your right to an opnion, but he does have a job to do here.....

There's no need to be cheeky....

Edit: See?

[edit on 3/18/2005 by EnronOutrunHomerun]

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 11:35 AM
tobacco is also a sacred herb when smoked in its most natural form, unlike the processed, pesticide and perfume ridden commercial cigarrettes....but it is scientifically proven that nicotine is the most active substance known to man...more addictive than any natural or synthetic opiate. And it is also a very potent poison...unlike THC which in no way is physically addictive.

Although the activity of smoking pot can become pyschologically addictive, but so can picking your nose or even picking your butt for some people...should we criminalize these behaviours also? After all, how many fatal accidents occur in the US every year because of people picking their noses or scratching their butts? We could reduce these numbers by putting the offenders in prison, correct?

Not everyone can handle being stoned all of the time though...some people are just prone to going crazy whether they use the herb, alchohol or pills...

But in this researcher's opinion the world would be a much better place if responsible adults could smoke peacefully in the privacy of their homes...
...not everyone turns into a stupid moron when they smoke...some people actually experience a rush of creativity and increased reflexiivity and sensory acumen....these are gifts from JAH RASTAFARI....

Legalization could also benefit the economy by increasing revenues for the resturant industry, especially take-out chinese and pizza delivery.....

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by abdul
...not everyone turns into a stupid moron when they smoke...some people actually experience a rush of creativity and increased reflexiivity and sensory acumen....

irie, irie. praise jah!
this is a FACT. i know because i "experienced" it repeatedly.
james the lesser, your friend is responsible for his own loserness. it's not the weed. slackers are a result of information overload, and lightspeed society. some people just give up. the weed is not the cause, but an effect.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 01:32 PM

You have voted billybob for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

This is for you:

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 02:02 PM
almost all beer is made with HOPS... which is a cousin or whatever to the cannabis plant .. .so without that family of plants you wouldn't have the beer you have today either..

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by cryptorsa1001

You have voted billybob for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

This is for you:

got milk?
thanks alot, eh.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 02:16 PM
Wow....I was totally unaware of that fact dnero....

Here's an interesting diagram I found when I googled “hops” that kind of ties the two together....No wonder a freshly opened Heineken smells and tastes like some killer skunk bud….hehe – Although I hear that has more to do with the green glass….

As to billybob and abdul's posts regarding marijuana's ability to enhance creativity and enlighten your mind....I cannot agree more....

Some of my most creative moments and enlightened thoughts have occurred after smoking....The best part is holding a conversation with someone with that same ability....I use the word "ability" b/c I know many people who cannot quite harness this positive aspect of smoking....

Nothing is more annoying than being around a bunch of stoners who use it to evade their lives - Your high is wasted on being the watch dog for a retarded group of Darwin Award candidates.....
....They're always good for a few laughs though

It's a shame that there's people out there who cannot distinguish nor believe that there is a difference between users and with everything else in life, there are levels and purposes for the use of all substances, legal or illegal.....

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 02:40 PM

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 02:51 PM
you sound like a christian, and a call potheads

why dodn't you go an hide under a bed somewhere....ack the potheads are why our world is so messed up "sarcaizm"

Give me weed or give me death

The indians of North America lived and thrived for thousands of years with weed...and chewing coca....

many view life with a college degree and some management job...generally bein anal and living a successful REStRICED happy....yuck


posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 02:53 PM
all behold the glory of the Bong... woe betide ye who would make any effort to thwart Its power!

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 02:55 PM
I toked nearly every day for a decade and ended up a zombie. Its been nearly two years now. I regret it more than anything. Sure youve got people who manage to do it only a couple times a month but I dont think theres to many of people like that. Most potheads are regular smokers as I was. I was a complete addict to the stuff.


I now work out 5 times a week and am working towards a science degree. This would have never have happened had I never given it up. It was the biggest waste of time and money. It cost me very dearly and I was always too stoned to care. I will say that there is no excuse for alchohol to be legal and weed not legal. One thing that is tue is that Alchohol is ten times worse for you than pot. Many people think because alchohol is so much worse for you than pots okay.


Pot is not okay. It will screw up your mind more than your body but you will have many negative effects if you are a regular smoker. Youll just be too stoned to notice. Having had way too much experience with it I must tell anyone who reads this who may just smoke pot lightly or may be thinking of trying it, do not smoke pot. It is very bad stuff. It seems harmless at first but will screw you up pretty badly.


One physical side effect of smoking pot that nobody ever thinks about is that marijuana has an estrogen like effect on a male. Its almost like giving yourself an estrogen shot every time you smoke. If your a chick, fine. Young males hormones are trashed by regular pot use. I learned my lesson the hard way and know better now. Ill be happy to answer any questions about pot use. Dont smoke pot. Not even just a couple times a month cause it never just stays just a couple times a month. Its expensive too. Dont waste your money. And yes you can become addicted to pot just as one can become addicted to ciggarettes. Bad bad stuff. Please dont do it.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 02:55 PM
Don't you just love how the government so easily tricks people into believing that one thing is good (legal) for them when another is bad (illegal to 'protect' us). The only group that it is really good or bad for (profit wise) is the government itself.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 05:36 PM
Quote: "may be thinking of trying it, do not Smoke Pot."

Ah, America - Land of Freedom & Liberty - it's Funny but the Above Message is what you usually get from Americans 40 & Older - Quite a Paradox!

Quote: "Bad, Bad stuff. Please don’t do it."

OR ELSE - just a Friendly Message from your Governmental Overlords! You Must Do What we Tell you – You Must Believe what we Tell You - Don't Find out for Yourself - OR ELSE (You might Experience Enlightenment - Can't be having any of that amongst the Peasant Class)! Yes you are Free Indeed my fellow Americans!

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by SonofSpy
One physical side effect of smoking pot that nobody ever thinks about is that marijuana has an estrogen like effect on a male. Its almost like giving yourself an estrogen shot every time you smoke. If your a chick, fine. Young males hormones are trashed by regular pot use.

This is BS, and a complete myth...there have been numerous studies done that show little significance in hormones after using pot. There is however a phenomena where chronic smokers have a lowered sperm count...but it will not affect hormone levels, whereas drinking severely lowers testosterone.

Oh yea, and I'm one of those guys who can manage to do it a couple times a's not that hard. It's your fault, not the pot's fault if you can't use it responsibly...and that's something you have to figure out for yourself. I also seriously workout 5+ days a week and would not smoke every once in a while if it affected my doesn't. As long as you wait until the end of the day and just use it to relaxe you, it really doesn't matter. Of course being stoned all day every day will make it hard to function. But occasional use is the best way to go, and a nice break from everyday stresses. I would actually seriously recommend that everyone smoke pot once a month...the world would be a much more peaceful place.

[edit on 19-3-2005 by Shoktek]

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by Shoktek
I would actually seriously recommend that everyone smoke pot once a month...the world would be a much more peaceful place.

Good advice... Pot isn't as bad as people say it is, especially to those who know how to use it correctly, getting FUC*ED off your face everyday all-day is just plain stupid... Especially considering that Marajuana these days is alot different to the Marajuana 30 or 40 years ago...

However people who pop pills, jab themselves with needles or snort exotic substances should step back and realise how stupid they are being...

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 09:55 PM
Terrence McKenna said it best about Weed legalization:

'For humans to ban a plant, mother earth is highly arrogant of us'

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 11:42 PM
Seraphim...look dude. Pot is addictive. And buds are from the female and so they contain a kind of estrogen and have an estrogenic effect on the body when smoked. Im 30 by the way. And Im honored that you consider me a Government Overlord. I myself have been terribly addicted to pot. I have witnessed first hand dozens and dozens of heads that would do anything for another bag. Mentally addicting or physically addicting its addicting nonetheless. Ever read High Times? Even they do experiments where this is proven.


It also sounds like you dont have much experience with it yourself. Its so friggin sad that so many people think pot isnt bad for you in any way. I had hellish withdraw from pot. Living where I do I used to buy bags in Southeast DC. Sometimes Id buy bags in viewing distance of the back steps of the capitol. Not very safe. Some dealers would break up crack rocks and sprinkle it on their weed to make sure you came back.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by SonofSpy
I myself have been terribly addicted to pot. I have witnessed first hand dozens and dozens of heads that would do anything for another bag. Mentally addicting or physically addicting its addicting nonetheless.

Normal Marjuana; that is to say weed that is not laced; is not physically addictive, it is mentally addictive - if you let it be... If you become addicted to the sensation of being high, you are do better then a crack-addict that scratches himself until he bleeds due to withdrawel...

If you have a good pressence of mind, before you start smoking dope, then when the high wears off, you go back to your normality... Its when being high is your normality that problems arrise... Its when being high becomes your reality, and when you are not high it feels alien to you...

When done correctly, and with the proper mindset - its harmless - even beneficial...

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