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Stop doing pot/weed please!

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posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 02:26 PM
::cough, cough:: Marijuana is already illegal here in the states. What's next? Public hangings?

Put your tantrums to rest.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Pot is addictive, anything addictive is either illegal or cigarettes.

Or caffeine, or alcohol

Alcohol withdrawals can even be fatal

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Hey, how come if pot is suppose to make you calm why are all of you ready to kill me because I think something taht kills you shouldn't be allowed.... Gee, so calming now is it?

It's a debate thats all, I wouldn't hurt you.

Also, WEED/POT KILLS! Like I said, it is like cigarettes but worse. If you smoke 50packs of cigs a day, you won't die, but 10 years later when you have lung/throat cancer and die, cigs killed you. Yes, no one has OD on pot, but of course, pot heads with such messed up brains don't realize there is something beyond 10 minutes of fun.........

Hmm, you just used WEED as your initial example yet ended up using cigarettes as your proof? Fun is subjective, thats only your opinion as someone else may think different.

'___' causes dehydration, so at a club, do '___', get dehydrated, don't know, dance to death...... people have died on first time uses.

I dont think '___' is a big rave issue, MDMA is most likely what your talking about. '___' for the last time is non-toxic unless you choose to bathe in a bathtub full of '___'.

'___' is remarkably non-toxic, has no known adverse physical after-effects, other than fatigue and a lingering sensation of mind-expansion.

So for the last time lets rid '___' of this conversation as well. Your side stepping the issue.

Pot is addictive, anything addictive is either illegal or cigarettes.

Not true, alchohal is considered addictive.

Pot kills the brain, why pot heads fail school while non-pot heads usually don't.(unless they do other drugs)

True it doesn't allow the formation of short-term memory, there is no disputing that. However alot of other things kill brain cells so I dont think this arguement is entirely fair.

Also, isn't talking about doing illegal activities a no no on ATS? SO all of you "What? I smoke pot all the time, I no brain damage" are doing no no ATS rules.

So now your getting desperate I assume, so you bring the code of conduct into the argument.

Also, again, pot heads saying make pot legal is like a Pimp saying make prostitution legal, or Ted Bundy/Jeffery Lionel Dahmer/Jack the Ripper saying make murder legal.

No its not, murder is illegal because its murder. Do I need to explain murder? Prostitution being legalized is also for another debate.

[edit on 15-3-2005 by Linux]

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 04:20 PM
What about beer james? beer is addictive and quess what it's not illegal and I for one was not bashing you for your opinion I was more sticking up for your friends as you call it that you bashed because they choose something you didn't agree with.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 04:39 PM
I tend to find myself quite intelligent when I spoke some Weed, i'm not really sure why. Though, there was this time where me and my cousin talked to a cat for 2 hours.

I think it's fun once every month or two. I drink every weekend, however.

To each his own.


posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
I tend to find myself quite intelligent when I spoke some Weed, i'm not really sure why. Though, there was this time where me and my cousin talked to a cat for 2 hours.

I think it's fun once every month or two. I drink every weekend, however.

To each his own.


It can help you focus on one single thing if you tend to think of everything at the same time or think about too many things or think to fast or try to write sentences that say way too many things.

[edit on 15-3-2005 by Geneticus]

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 04:53 PM
I also happen to have ADHD, that may be a reason as to why I can concetrate more when I smoke weed.


posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 05:27 PM
I have to admit that I only read your first couple of posts before replying.
First, Why does it bother you so much if someone chooses to make a personal decision?
Second, STOP reading that D.A.R.E. brochure your teacher handed out.

As others have pointed out, there are those who use substances in moderation and other who go off the deep end. It has very little to do with the substance and very MUCH to do with the individual.

You speak of "pot heads" making "bad decisions" yet you are the one who insisted that it was fine to shoot at mice in your basement with a .22 cal. rifle. Who exactly makes the "bad" decisions here?

I don't smoke the stuff anymore but I have many friends who do and they range from Doctors to Psycologists to Lawyers to Factory workers.
Seems to me they do O.K..
I, personally, don't think that "pot" destroys minds. If anything, it opens them. As with alcohol or tobacco, moderation is the key. You need to know where that line lies for you as an individual.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 05:42 PM

Do not blame Mother Nature,
for your friends incompetence to deal with everyday life!


[edit on 15-3-2005 by Souljah]

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 05:48 PM
Souljah, hemp + bunnies = funny.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 05:55 PM
Souljah, could you send that to me in a U2U? May become a new avatar.

BTW, wtf is dare? I dare you? ???????

[edit on 15-3-2005 by James the Lesser]

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Souljah, could you send that to me in a U2U? May become a new avatar.

BTW, wtf is dare? I dare you? ???????

Hey, feel free to use it for your new avatar, I see its "your animal stylee"!

BTW, WTF did you mean with "BTW, wtf is dare? I dare you? ???????"?

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
BTW, WTF did you mean with "BTW, wtf is dare? I dare you? ???????"?

I can see our SOP getting FUBARed by a SNAFU that will lead to problems with the T&C.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by Souljah
BTW, WTF did you mean with "BTW, wtf is dare? I dare you? ???????"?

I can see our SOP getting FUBARed by a SNAFU that will lead to problems with the T&C.

OK, WTF?!?

Now I am puzzled.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 06:17 PM
Folks, DARE is a US program. James may not know about it. I don't think James is in the US, but I'm sure they have similar disinformation programs in the schools wherever he is.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 06:21 PM
Quote: "Stop doing pot/weed please!"

Hi James! To quote Rage Against the Machine: "F**K You - I won't do what you tell me"!

James you are actually agreeing with our Fascist Friend Bill O' Reilly - did you realize this!
Here is a Genius O' Reilly Quote: "Pot Bad - War Good - PRAISE JESUS" - Thank God for all of the Moralizers of the World telling me what I can & Can't do with MY OWN Body & Mind! *STOP STEREOTYPING US ALL* - not ALL people who Consume Cannabis are Dumb Retarded Idiots - Some of us are Quite Intelligent!

Quote: "only more Damaging on the Brain."

Well now can you PROVE this? Do you have any Evidence or Scientific Data?
Let me guess - NO! That is because it is all BUNK NON-SENSE! It does Not Massively Kill Brain Cells - Alcohol Kills Brain Cells by the boatload however -but isn't it funny how people aren't Criminalized for partaking of that substance! Quite the Opposite of shutting the Mind Down - Cannabis has the Potential to OPEN UP & Stimulate your Mind (especially Creatively)! Once again its that Legal Substance Alcohol that in fact turns you into an Out of Control Violent Maniac when Over Consumed - not too cool! Can’t you see the Hypocrisy here? Doesn’t that make you wonder if there is a Conspiracy going on & the True Reasons why it continues to be Illegal is in-fact not the Reasons that the Government gives to the Public!

You have been buying into Conservative Republican Governmental Propaganda, James - I certainly wasn't expecting this from you!

Sincerely S.S. - From the Land of FREEDOM & LIBERTY! If you need me - I will be Pursuing my Happiness!

[edit on 15-3-2005 by Seraphim_Serpente]

[edit on 15-3-2005 by Seraphim_Serpente]

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 06:28 PM
Congrats SS, that's an apt acronym, you stepped over the line in what was a friendly conversation.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Souljah

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by Souljah
BTW, WTF did you mean with "BTW, wtf is dare? I dare you? ???????"?

I can see our SOP getting FUBARed by a SNAFU that will lead to problems with the T&C.

OK, WTF?!?

Now I am puzzled.

Just playing with letters. I'll u2u you what this post really means if you want it. Just a joke though.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 06:35 PM
Clearly, everyone is fond of weed. Now, how about someone adresses my points? Weed is fine, weed is good...the people selling it, growing it, and profiting from it by and large are not.


posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by DeusEx
Clearly, everyone is fond of weed. Now, how about someone adresses my points? Weed is fine, weed is good...the people selling it, growing it, and profiting from it by and large are not.


I did somewhat address your comment.. but I don't think this is the thread for it..

This thread is honestly a great example of one true fact...

It doesn't matter what happens, or what's real ... Reality doesn't seem to matter to anyone ANYONE!, the people debating EITHER side..For ANY debate....

Reality doesn't matter, What people think rules our society ... We consume dead thoughts and kill the reality ... instead of killing the dead thoughts and consuming the reality.. and I'm not just talking about this debate.. any debate for that matter.. it's sad...

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