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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -7W3N7Y S3V3N-

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posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: CanadianMason

Trump came along and turned that around. He won the silent majority over in 2016 by expressing publicly what they had always wanted.

only 60 million voted repub. How can you say that most of them were silent? And that just 1/4 of the voting population is the majority? It's not even the majority of people that vote . It's only half.

In 2012 the same amount of republicans voted for romney, 60 million. So who are these new republican voters? Why didn't that number grow? Did a bunch of republicans jump ship to be replaced by an equal number of what you called deplorables?

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 11:40 AM
'NYMPHOMANIAC' Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell ‘filmed powerful people having sex with underage girls’

Ghislaine Maxwell filmed US politicians with underage girls, former pal claims


Of the countless politicians who are possibly featured in this blind, who among them is confident the images are not them?

Who among them who partook can wake up everyday and say "nope, it's not me...?"

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman
Alan Dershowitz says he hopes there are tapes.

Shouldn't Dershowitz know by now?


FYI: GOYA Food Sales Skyrocketing.

Economic war now joining the info war of, Patriots vs Traitors?
edit on 7/12/2020 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Yes Cavv, Homeland Security would make sense if there is a [US][risk][th][ i][s][W][e][e][k], per linked posts in decode.

Ooops... just noticed... there is another TYPO in the last of the 11 tweet mini-storm!.
edit on 12-7-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 11:57 AM

This clip is about masks being bull. Every cranky rant on this topic includes the points contained. But there is a really huge reveal in here.

You'll note the charts he uses. You'll note that masks were introduced at relatively the same point in the examples. You'll note that masks, despite not one drop of experience in life as being needed, were introduced MONTHS after this hoax started but at the same point in the "curve." Remarkable.


Why did the all come at the same point, and who told these leaders to do it?

The who is what folks need to figure out - btw, those folks don't wear masks and make grunting noises at the sheep that do.

But why introduce the mask after the "curve has flattened?" TO GIVE THE ILLUSION IT IS WORKING!!!!!! If they introduced the masks on day one, they could not inflate the numbers, therefore the Hoax doesn't play, but introducing after, then forcing the sheep to follow along, they give the illusion of effectiveness while at the same time saying things like "well not effective, but it shows you care about others."

Fauxci never advocated for masks until after the curve flattened. Gee, really? At this point it is too hard to keep track of it all. Which leads me to the Original Narrative Problem.

What's happening in this video? He is trying to debunk a lie - the Original Narrative, using another angle. Many are wasting time, energy, their lives debunking the functional equivalent of "the moon is made of cheese."

It is not that parts of this are a lie, it is ALL A LIE. All, not one drop of truth. No one ever died from The Rona. EVER!!!

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 12:06 PM
Trump hasn’t lost voters, he’s only gained them. The turnout isn’t about “total” popular votes but electoral turnout. Trump smoked Killary.

In your heart of hearts do you think the electoral gap will be tighter or wider versus Biden?

Go on record. Let’s see who has the pulse of the political climate from their computer or mobile device.

Trump was what, +77 vs Killary?

I’ll go on record and say it will be Trump by 80.

I’ll keep a spreadsheet of the predictions. You are able to update and change your prediction up thru Nov 2, midnight Eastern.

Who will win? By what electoral margin?

Reminder... 538 total and 270 to win.

Trump 304 +77
Killary 227
(7 rogue)

Choices are..

#A) Trump win by 77 or more
#B) Trump win by less than 77
#C) Biden win by 77 or more
#D) Biden win by less than 77

edit on 12-7-2020 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2020 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2020 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan
Since this thread is almost full, I'll keep my response compact.
Larger Electoral College WIN in 2020:

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 12:12 PM
POTUS 2nd TYPO at end of 11 tweet mini-storm, early this morning, in this tweet at 07:30:36:

No, Radical Left anarchists, agitators, looters or protesters will not be knocking down or harming the Washington Monument, the Lincoln or Jefferson Memorials, or just about any other Federal Monumrnt or Statue. If they even try, an automatic 10 years in prison. Sorry!

1) TYPO - Monumrnt should be Monument - giving RE or ER,
a) ER = Queen Elizabeth II

b) Can't see any other typos in it - so shout if you do!

2) Usual decodes link to:
Q80 We need to get organized. Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen. Let's start w/ Alice & Wonderland. Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland. Snow White. Wizards & Warlocks.

Q81 When big news drops please re-read entire graphic. This is so critical and why information is provided in a certain order and why some topics are continually emphasized more than others as those will be the recent happenings. This is the purpose of this new thread (re-organize). Snow White Wizards & Warlocks.

Q181 Sniffer progs would kill the site. Everything has to be carefully crafted and tooled prior to release. Godspeed, Patriot.

Q182 What does the "Owl" represent to certain cults?

Q269 Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info) Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act on info Key+Stone=

Q730 Truth to Power & John Perry Barlow Markers: What if Snowden was still a Clown?
Why would it be important he was in Russia? LEARN!!!!


Q1230 Anons Doing a Good Job with Comms/Markers: We came here for a reason.

Q1930 Attorney General Jeff Sessions Hints to Trust the Plan

Q2306 The Swamp Using Dr. Ford to Frame Justice Kavanaugh: Refused to hand over therapy notes to FBI. Think WHY. Justice K NEVER named. [Mr X logged in book along w/ physical description during 'eyes closed' session = / = Justice K]. FBI no subpoena power [no GJ] to demand. Justice K NEVER named / asked during Polygraph. Something did happen to Dr. Ford in her past. Use of that 'something' to 'frame' Justice K. Dr. Ford's family has strong ties to SWAMP. FBI has expanded investigation into other suspicious acts w/ support of ABC agency as AUTH BY POTUS. [RR] nvolved?

Q2430 Eyes On Cali Patriots!: Eyes On, Patriots! History books.

Q3036 Trust POTUS Appointed AG William Barr: Re_read drop:
>>[MUELLER] sealed indictments installed [DC] prior to [RR] loss of >>power?
>>Sealed indictments [DC][blockade last resort] installed post >>SESSIONS departure & WHITAKER assumption?
>>Sealed indictment count [DC] post_SESSIONS departure?
>>Sealed indictment count [DC] pre_WHITAKER assumption?
>>Power of BARR?
>>Can a sealed indictment be pulled post filing?
Did POTUS just install a rogue AG who allows for the indictment of his children based on false pretenses?
BARR Senate vote?
Do UNICORNS exist?

edit on 12-7-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: butcherguy

I remember this making the rounds. Must have been in the timeframe between Epstein's arrest until shortly after he didn't kill himself. I have a vague memory that it was supposed to have taken place at Zorro Ranch but I could be wrong.

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 12:18 PM
thread drift
edit on 12-7-2020 by scraedtosleep because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan
Since this thread is almost full, I'll keep my response compact.
Larger Electoral College WIN in 2020:

Maybe that’s the better way;

4 choices.

#A) Trump win by 77 or more
#B) Trump win by less than 77
#C) Biden win by 77 or more
#D) Biden win by less than 77

care going with A. Got it.
edit on 12-7-2020 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2020 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 12:20 PM
This will be fun to watch. I hope its televised. Bob Mueller is going to testify in front of Senator Lindsey Graham's committee. Yesterday, Mueller mumbled something about Roger Stone being arrested for good reasons.

As the article says, DEMOCRATS have been demanding that Graham subpoena Mueller. (Like they didn't get enough of him last time, LOL.)

edit on 7/12/2020 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
This will be fun to watch. I hope its televised. Bob Mueller is going to testify in front of Senator Lindsey Graham's committee. Yesterday, Mueller mumbled something about Roger Stone being arrested for good reasons.

Mueller & Biden doing public speaking is like watching a 3 legged giraffe fall down.

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

ATS thread on Randonauting.


Cool, thanks for the share.


originally posted by: CanadianMason
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

He was seen wearing it for how many seconds in that clip?

Yes, I caught that too!


originally posted by: CanadianMason
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Explore theory: G-Max mossad. Deep undercover agent. Trapper/hunter.

HOUSE OF MAXWELL, starting with patriarch Robert Maxwell, moving on to the Maxwell twins, Christine and Isabel, and ending with the notorious Ghislaine. Good summary, less than 15 minutes.

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: butcherguy

It's from a BDSM site. It was posted on 8kun last night.

If you dare...

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 12:52 PM

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 01:03 PM


Can't embed for some reason.

The woman's clip has 34k darpagoog views. Pretty damn good.

Needless to say masks off = cranky patronage.

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

China mafia darling Newsome ordered a billion dollars worth of ineffective toxic masks form Chaayna. Thankfully it was CCP payoff so none will actually show up and wind up in the ocean.

Funny part. At least in Los Angeles, you can no longer bring you own bag to shop, so we're back to that.

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

City of the Angels seems bedeviled.


posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 01:39 PM

Q patriot and nice antique police car.

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